Ash Civilization

Chapter 157 Escape. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Seeing that the big fat pig that he was about to catch suddenly ran away from the bowl, Zhou Zhen was furious and was about to chase after him when a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears...

Zhou Zhen!

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he saw Tao Nange, who was supposed to be waiting for him in the pickup truck outside, but he didn't know when he was already standing next to him.

What are you doing? Tao Nange stared into his eyes and asked.

Zhou Zhen replied subconsciously: Kill a pig...

As he said that, he looked up and looked around, and saw that inside the broken civil defense gate, the corridor floor was covered with bullet casings of various calibers, as if there was a carpet made of bullet casings.

Behind these bullet casings stood a dozen guards who were fully armed and fearful with firearms in hand.

Outside the civil defense gate, the Liu family's convoy, Bao Hui... all maintained a running posture, with fear written on everyone's face. The eyes of some ordinary people running at the back were filled with despair.

Those fat pigs with big heads and ears just now all disappeared.

The atmosphere in the spacious basement was stagnant, and everyone around looked at Zhou Zhen with eyes full of heartfelt horror.

Step, step, step...

At this time, Bao Hui, who was running wildly on the spot, suddenly advanced a long distance, and his speed advantage came into play like never before. He rushed out of the basement like a puff of smoke without looking back, and the sound of footsteps quickly faded away.

Immediately afterwards, the people in the Liu family's motorcade also began to move forward. Liu Qibai, Liu Qisong and other compatible people were the first to escape from the basement, and other ordinary people followed.

The chaotic footsteps immediately rushed to the first floor and disappeared from the basement.

Inside the civil defense gate, the dozen or so guards looked at each other with guns in hand. Because Bao Hui was participating in the battle, they all stopped firing in order to prevent the leader from being accidentally injured.

Now that I saw Bao Hui suddenly running away, I was confused for a moment and froze in place.

Beep beep beep beep... beep... beep!

The alarm sound of the virus detection equipment suddenly stopped after a long blast, and the automatic aiming machine gun equipment also stopped firing.

There was dead silence all around.

At this time, Tao Nange said very seriously: You are not in the right state!

There are no pigs here, it's all people!

You go look after the car now, and I'll collect the supplies.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen shook his head and immediately thought of the promise he made with classmate Pang Shaobin in the spiritual world...

This should be a side effect of Pang Shaobin's personality!

Realizing this, Zhou Zhen frowned, then nodded slightly: Okay!

After he finished speaking, he ignored the guards who were still pointing guns at him, turned around and walked upstairs.

At this time, the guards finally came to their senses and saw Zhou Zhen suddenly turning his back to them. One of the guards with yellow hair was about to open fire, but the next moment, his companion held his gun down. !

What are you doing?!

What am I doing? Are you stupid? He is chasing Master Bao. Are you shooting now to attract this monster?

Keep your voices down... He hasn't gone far yet. If he comes back now, we will all die!

The civil air defense gate is broken. This isolation point has been targeted by the infected. When this monster goes away, we will run away too!

While they were talking, they saw Zhou Zhen walking up the stairs. His footsteps quickly reached the upper floor, and then left through the doorless doorframe.

Listening carefully, they confirmed that Zhou Zhen had left the building. The guards did not hesitate. They did not even dare to waste time getting the supplies they left in the isolation point and immediately fled outside.

Soon, they rushed up the stairs to the warehouse on the first floor. As soon as they ran out of the door, they saw a 30% new pickup truck parked outside.

Zhou Zhen was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at them expressionlessly.

The guards suddenly felt numb with fear, and they all seemed to freeze, standing motionless.

But seeing that Zhou Zhen had no intention of taking action, the blood all over his body began to flow, and there were bursts of burning pain on his cheeks. He hurriedly moved his legs and continued to escape.

They ran up the roadbed and ran along the road for a long distance. They were relieved that Zhou Zhen was not chasing them.

Soon, one of the guards in his thirties quickly took out a special walkie-talkie, adjusted the channel, and said quickly to the other end: Cousin! The gate of the isolation point has been breached by the infected. The infected have left temporarily. I don’t know when I might go back, if you can escape, escape now!”

Don't delay, lives matter!

Also, the infected person may be sitting in a 30% new pickup truck at the entrance of the warehouse.

When you come out, don't yell or do anything that will attract its attention... try to stay away from it!

I am now in the southwest of the isolation point. When you come out, come to me immediately!

At the same time, other guards also took out their walkie-talkies to notify relatives, friends, and colleagues in the isolation point.

Not long after, a heavy buzzing sound came from the basement below the warehouse, and soon, a large number of people rushed out in panic...


Outside the Yulan isolation point, a 30% new pickup truck is parked alone on the grass.

Next to the pickup truck, the sparse grass left traces of the wheels of several other vehicles, which were vehicles belonging to the Liu family's team.

The wheel marks of these vehicles were very calm when they came in, but when they left, they were full of panic and violence. The dark tire marks were imprinted in the grass, as if to tell the panic of the drivers at that time.

Zhou Zhen was sitting in the passenger seat, his hands resting on the hand rests on both sides, and he lay down on the back of the seat with a very ugly look on his face.

It was so dangerous just now!

He almost killed the guards at this isolation point and the people in Liu Qibai's convoy as fat pigs!


Killing people like pigs is not the scariest thing!

In that situation, if Tao Nange hadn't come to interrupt him, he might have eaten pork after killing the pig!

This immediately reminded him of the former Luo Yuchen...

Zhou Zhen took out his mobile phone, opened the VV chat software, and then clicked on the chat dialog box with Luo Yuchen.

The chat history in the dialog box was still the same as before. He turned to the record on June 14. Luo Yuchen sent a message that day: I haven't eaten meat for a long time. I slaughtered a pig and had a good meal. It's really good. I haven’t eaten such fresh meat for a long time... [Note]

Then, Zhou Zhen looked down at the message record sent by Luo Yuchen on June 15: Yesterday, I killed someone...

These two chat records, individually, do not seem to have any problems.

But when combined, Luo Yuchen actually killed a living person as a pig, and also ate the other person as pork!

This is very similar to what he was in just now!

Has his current state become the same as Luo Yuchen at that time?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen quickly shook his head, it was Pang Shaobin!

His state just now was not because of a mental problem, but because he failed to fulfill the promise he made to Pang Shaobin, and Pang Shaobin wanted to force his way out just now!

When he enters the spiritual world next time, he should have a good communication with Pang Shaobin and take him to the amusement park to have fun, and then he should be able to solve the problem.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen looked at the chat history on the phone screen, sighed slightly, and sent Luo Yuchen a picture with a rest in peace expression.

Then he exited the VV chat software and returned to the main interface. Just as he was about to lock the screen of his phone, the phone suddenly shook slightly.

At the same time, a VV chat message from Luo Yuchen popped up in the message bar above the phone: What are you doing?

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and immediately clicked on the other party's message.

Looking at this latest chat message, he thought for a while and sent another reply to the other party: Are you still in Jiwei Cinema now?

Luo Yuchen's message came back quickly: Yes! The movie will start soon.

I'm watching a movie that's very popular recently called Zombies.

I'm telling you, this movie is absolutely a masterpiece, it's simply wonderful...

Horror Zombies...

Zhou Zhen shook his head. He was so familiar with Luo Yuchen's words!

The last time he went to Jiwei Cinema, the other party said similar things to him.

So Zhou Zhen sent a third message: I will come find you when I have time in the future.

Luo Yuchen immediately replied: Okay, let's watch Horror Zombies together then!

After the chat ended, Zhou Zhen put away his phone. When he left Jiwei Cinema last time, Luo Yuchen had turned into a zombie in Horror Zombies.

But in the chat just now, the other party returned to normal.

Not surprisingly, the Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema should be playing the movie Horror Zombies repeatedly.

Every time the movie starts, Luo Yuchen will return to normal.

But after the movie plot officially begins, Luo Yuchen will become one of the zombies.

When your digital ladder is high, you can go to Jiwei Cinema again to see if you can rescue Luo Yuchen from it...

After all, in the world of digital viruses, there is no death.

All changes in the world are just conversions between digits and digits.

Luo Yuchen can still be saved...

At this time, Zhou Zhen heard very messy and heavy sounds coming from the warehouse building in front of him.

He looked up and looked out of the car, and saw the dozen guards who had just shot at him running out of it in a panic. When they saw Zhou Zhen, they were shocked and stood there blankly. , seemed to have suddenly lost the courage and strength to move.

But soon, after realizing that Zhou Zhen had not made any move, he ran away as if he had received an amnesty, and quickly left the warehouse building.

Zhou Zhen withdrew his gaze and continued to think about Luo Yuchen and other things.

After a while, there were chaotic sounds again inside the warehouse building.

This time, dozens of people rushed out. Most of these people were young and strong, both male and female. Like the guards, they carried basically nothing except their sidearms. They carried at most a small bag and moved quickly.

After they rushed out of the gate, when they saw the pickup truck, they all circled around in a big circle as if avoiding snakes and scorpions, and then scattered in all directions.

Zhou Zhen frowned, ignored it, leaned back on the backrest, closed his eyes slightly, and began to close his eyes to rest.

But soon, there was another loud noise in the warehouse building that was more violent than the previous two, and the entire warehouse building even trembled slightly.

Zhou Zhen immediately opened his eyes and looked towards the door of the warehouse. This time, hundreds of people swarmed out, as if they were fleeing, running away in a hurry, carrying backpacks, bags, and suitcases.

Almost all of these people are men in their prime. There are no old people or children. A few women are either dressed in a very masculine style and have a particularly strong temperament; I don't know whether it was tears or sweat, but he looked like a big-faced man, running away numbly among the crowd.

Some people were not even fully clothed. They were bare-chested and barefoot, buttoning their shirts as they ran, and their faces were pale.

Due to the large number of people, the originally spacious entrance of the warehouse seemed cramped.

Soon, someone fell down in the crowd and screamed in fear.

Brother! Brother! Pull me up... The fallen man immediately grabbed the trousers of his companion next to him. Just as he begged, the feet that stepped on his body one after another made him speechless.

The expression of the companion whose trousers were pulled changed, and he gave him a heavy kick in the chest without hesitation: Get out! You will die by yourself, don't drag me with you!

At the same time, more and more shouts rang out from the crowd: Fuck you! Don't block the road! Let me get out!

Damn you! If you bitch hadn't been too slow to pack things up, how could I have been blocked here?!

Hurry up, hurry up! Damn it! Is there death in front of you? Why is it so slow!

Fuck, fuck, fuck! You won't let me go out, right? Then we'll die together! The infected people over there, look over here!!!

I***, kill this grandson first!

Amid the noise, there were sounds of punches and kicks, as well as increasingly fainter screams, and the fresh smell of blood began to permeate the air.

Looking at this chaotic scene, Zhou Zhen immediately sat up straight and wanted to get out of the car to help.

But as soon as he opened the door, the crowd seemed to be going crazy. They were too scared to care about anything. Everyone was rolling around and talking incoherently as far away from him as possible.

Infected! The infected are out!!!

Master Bao! Why doesn't Master Bao come out?!

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!

woo woo woo woo……

Screams, cries, hysterical murmurs, cries for help... and even incontinence sounds were mixed together, and the already chaotic scene suddenly became overwhelming.

The screams of collapse and despair, the warm liquid gurgling down the trouser legs, the shivering figures hugging each other, the rapidly spreading breath of excretion... Huge fear surged, like an invisible shadow, covering the entire area.

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, did not dare to move forward, and immediately sat back in the car.

The next moment, the fleeing crowd regained a little bit of their sanity. Amidst the cries, they trampled on each other, cursed angrily, and fled in all directions at a faster speed.

Curses, curses, stumbling, pushing... the crowd dispersed in spite and chaos.

Zhou Zhen leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath. His eyes were filled with confusion for a moment. After the confusion, there was a bottomless void...

[Note] Chapter 9 of Volume 1.

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