Ash Civilization

Chapter 159 Taking stock of the warehouse. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange immediately raised their guns, but just when they were about to pull the trigger, they had already clearly seen the situation of the figure in front of them.

That is a lifelike specimen!

She looks like a teenage girl, wearing a JK uniform, white stockings, and glossy black boots. The corners of her mouth are slightly raised. Her eyes seem to be made of glass, shining in the shadow of the light, and her hands and forearms are raised. , at this moment, there is a white coat coat on it... This is a clothes hanger!

Behind her, there was a boy of about the same age standing, wearing a basketball jersey, black pants, and running shoes. He had a big smile on his face and looked sunny. He had one arm bent at his waist, holding a A brand-name basketball, the other hand is spread forward with the palm facing up, with a bunch of keys on it... His purpose is a small tray for miscellaneous items!

Zhou Zhen's eyes fell on the inconspicuous skin suture at the collar of the boy's basketball shirt, and he suddenly understood the purpose of the corpses whose organs had been removed in the cold storage next door.

Beautiful teenagers can be played with, tortured, blood taken, and organs removed when they are alive... After death, the corpses will be turned into specimens to satisfy some people's perverted hobbies!

Tao Nange looked at this scene calmly. She had performed many tasks in the ghost team and was no stranger to high-risk cities. Such a situation was not surprising. This was why she was not familiar with the people here after entering the high-risk city. Because of false rhetoric.

Kill all the people who have lived here for a long time, whether they are compatible or ordinary people, there may be some who are unjust.

If you kill every other one, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net!

Zhou Zhen breathed out and said: All these corpses must be moved out.

Tao Nange nodded slightly and reminded: You can handle the body alone. The most important thing now is to repair the door first.

The two of us will divide the work. I'll repair the entrance gate. You can move all the bodies out first, and then clean up the garbage.

As for the inventory of supplies, we can leave it at the end.

Zhou Zhen said: Okay!

If the door really can't be repaired, just close it temporarily.

Tao Nange nodded, turned around and walked towards the door.

Zhou Zhen took a deep look at the room. It was a lounge. Except for these two specimens, there was no one inside and there were no corpses. The furniture was in bright colors, and all kinds of torture tools were hung on the walls. On the light-colored floor there were The heavy stains seemed to come from blood.

He didn't stay too long and walked out quickly.

After spending some time, Zhou Zhen walked around the entire isolation point and roughly understood the layout of the place and the condition of the corpses.

Next, he went in and out many times, moving all the corpses to the entrance of the warehouse building, and stacked them with the previous corpses.

After confirming that there were no corpses left behind, Zhou Zhen took out an incendiary grenade, pulled off the fuse, and threw it directly towards the pile of corpses.


The grenade exploded, blazing with fire, and quickly ignited the fabric on the body, burning wantonly.

The unique smell of meat being grilled quickly spread from the fire.

After standing there and observing for a while, Zhou Zhen determined that an incendiary grenade was enough to cremate these corpses. Zhou Zhen did not stay here too long and returned to the isolation point.

The isolation point where the corpses were taken away is still dirty and messy, and the smell of fermented garbage, mixed with the smell of blood, urine and other body fluids, is billowing in the basement.

Tao Nange dug out a set of tools from somewhere and was banging on the door to repair it. The dull knocking sound echoed in the underground space, and there was something strange in the empty space.

Zhou Zhen found a small cart in a shop at the isolation point, put on his gloves, and began to transport the garbage out one by one.

Since there were only two of them, there was a lot of garbage that needed to be disposed of. Zhou Zhen did not throw the garbage too far away, but piled it up at the vent below the pile of corpses, planning to throw an incendiary grenade when the time came.

It is not easy to repair the civil air defense gate at the isolation point. Zhou Zhen went in and out repeatedly and saw Tao Nange dismantling the door's winch, exposing the complex transmission hinges and other components inside. Many parts had been severely deformed or broken. On the ground Covered with metal debris, Tao Nange was still disassembling some smaller parts.

She was busy but methodical. Zhou Zhen observed for a while and found that there was nothing he could do to help here. So, he returned to the isolation point, found a water pipe, and installed a high-pressure water nozzle head. Start flushing the ground at the isolation point.

The moisture quickly dilutes the odor.

There was a gurgling sound in the underground ditch, and the cold wind blew up, which greatly weakened the smell here.

After Zhou Zhen probably finished cleaning up the place, he went to see Tao Nange again. Tao Nange was sitting cross-legged on the ground, continuing to repair parts.

He thought for a while, and according to the arrangement Tao Nange had just given him, he entered the warehouse at the isolation point and began to count the supplies.

There are two warehouses in this isolation point, one larger and one smaller.

Both Bao Hui, the leader of the Yulan isolation point, and his men were in a hurry when they escaped just now, so they didn't have time to take away most of the supplies.

These two warehouses are basically intact, without any trace of movement. In the guard room outside, there are even complete records of entry and exit, as well as warehouse account books.

Zhou Zhen first walked into the relatively large warehouse. Judging from the markings on the outside, it was a public warehouse at the Yulan isolation point.

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps echoed lonely in the spacious and tall space. According to the overhead view seen in the guard room before entering the warehouse, the warehouse is divided into several areas. Entering from the door, they are living area, weapons area, transportation area, technology area, etc. area and organ area.

Zhou Zhen walked in slowly.

The one closest to the warehouse door is neatly stacked food and water. There is also a row of refrigerated cabinets against the wall, which contain fruits that are rare in high-risk cities. Further inside, there are various guns and ammunition. He probably After flipping through it, it was determined that the quality was mixed; inside, there was a three-dimensional garage filled with various vehicles.

The models of these vehicles are relatively old and do not have any flying cars. They are all means of transportation suitable for high-risk cities and have all been modified.

Zhou Zhen held the record book he found in the office outside the warehouse and randomly checked the numbers against the records inside, and found that they were basically consistent.

He continued walking inside, and behind the three-dimensional garage were more advanced equipment, including exoskeleton equipment, prosthetic limbs, smart bracelets... and even a few mechas.

However, these items all look old and appear to be second-hand from other places.

Passing through here is the last part of the warehouse.

Organ area.

The air conditioning here is obviously cooler than the areas outside. Rows of shelves are labeled according to different types: heart, kidney, eyeball, cornea, liver... Each organ is stored in a transparent glass vessel. , soaked in special potions, and in addition to glassware, there are special equipment to maintain their life, ensuring that they remain active even if they leave their owners.

Under the glassware, there are sheets of plastic-wrapped information.

Zhou Zhen took a casual glance and saw a few paragraphs of text description: Donor No. 2112112310, 15 years old, male, blood type A, healthy, naturally conceived and born, no disease, no genetic defects, no history of exposure to tobacco, alcohol, contraband, etc. ...cardiac assessment level S...

Donor No. 2101021815, 26 years old, female, Rh-negative blood, healthy, naturally conceived, no disease, no genetic defects, no history of exposure to tobacco, alcohol, contraband, etc... Kidney evaluation is A-level...

Donor No. 2120081402, 7 years old, male, MNSSU blood type, in good health, born through artificial insemination, no disease, no genetic defects, no history of exposure to tobacco, alcohol, contraband, etc...

The oldest source of these organs is no more than 28 years old, and many of them are children who have not yet reached adulthood.

The more Zhou Zhen looked, the more wrong his expression became.

Soon, he walked to a silver-white shelf that was different in color from the other shelves. There were also various organs on this shelf, but the number was not large, and the organs in glass vessels were larger than those on other shelves. The organs seem more energetic.

The heart in front of Zhou Zhen is beating slowly in the liquid. It beats not very fast, but every time it beats, it is very powerful, causing the seemingly slightly viscous liquid to splash out layers of ripples through the glass. You can hear a slight beating sound from the utensils.

Just by looking at it, you can imagine how powerful the pumping force will be when it is in the human chest.

On it, life force seemed to condense into substance.

Outside the glassware, the plastic-sealed information is in bold red font, which is very eye-catching: Donor No. 2106081201, male compatible, first step, blood type A, born through natural conception, in good health, no disease, no genetic defects , has a history of exposure to tobacco and alcohol, and has no history of drug addiction...cardiac evaluation (concurrently) Level A...

It is the organ of a compatible person!

Zhou Zhen immediately remembered what Tao Nange said before: Whether it is to become a digital compatibility or to move up the digital ladder, the simplest and safest way is to transplant the organs of a compatible person!

The heart in front of me should have been extracted after killing a compatible person at this isolation point.

Not only this compatible person, but all the organs here are like this!

Zhou Zhen continued to walk inside. Next, he saw more organs of compatible people. The organs of first-tier compatible people were not only extraordinarily energetic, but also indistinguishable from ordinary people.

But for a handful of second step compatible people, their organs have undergone great changes.

Whether it is the heart, the kidneys, or the eyeballs, there are some traces of digitalization. From time to time, a line of numbers, formulas, theorems flashes...

The things that hold them are no longer ordinary glassware, but replaced by a special sealed metal cabinet. The organs inside cannot be seen from the outside. You can only watch the images captured by the camera through the display screen above the cabinet.

There are no organs from Third Step compatible people here. The shelf with the Second Step compatible people's organs is at the end of this warehouse.

However, there is an inconspicuous secret door on the wall here.

This door looks very thick and solid, like the kind of door used in a bank vault. The entire door is like a heavy steel plate embedded in the wall, with no keyhole visible.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and quickly tallied up all the information in his mind. Then, he glanced at the door, and a black-red cube instantly condensed in his hand.

Digital domain, [Fusion Cube]!

next moment……

boom! ! !

A powerful energy wave roared out, sending smoke and dust everywhere, blasting a big hole out of the seemingly indestructible metal door!

Zhou Zhen strode forward and kicked the heavily damaged door.

Maybe it was because he was holding a breath in his heart, but this kick was so powerful that the whole door was immediately kicked out and hit the wall inside with a loud and dull sound.

After Zhou Zhen walked in, he saw a metal arm sealed in a huge test tube.

Both ends of the test tube were made of pure white metal, and there seemed to be other parts inside that made a subtle buzzing sound from time to time.

Similar test tubes abound, all of which contain some weird limbs, including plastic eyeballs, wooden legs, glass tentacles... Each limb is still moving slightly, and it is obvious that it has not completely lost its activity.

Walking through these test tubes, Zhou Zhen saw that there were spaces divided into small rooms. Behind the floor-to-ceiling transparent glass, he could clearly see that inside these small rooms, there were strange-shaped animals. animal.

They are completely unrecognizable from their previous species, and can only be judged from their size that they are not human.

Infected! ?

Zhou Zhen frowned again. He didn't expect that an isolation point in the outer suburbs would dare to collect so many infected body parts and infected animals!

Without high-level compatibility, if something happens to the limbs of these infected people, all living people in the isolation point will become new infected people!

Just as he was thinking about it, the entire warehouse suddenly shook slightly.

He immediately realized that there was a huge infected person approaching the isolation point!

Not caring about continuing to count the supplies here, Zhou Zhen immediately turned around and ran outside.

Soon, he came to the civil air defense gate. The winch that had been disassembled behind the door was still open. Various tools and parts were scattered on the ground. The door had not been repaired yet, but Tao Nange was no longer here.

Zhou Zhen rushed out of the door and walked quickly up the stairs. He immediately saw Tao Nan squatting on the edge of the ventilated window of the warehouse building, holding a sniper rifle and aiming in the northwest direction.

Obviously, Tao Nange also discovered that an infected person was approaching!

Zhou Zhen immediately walked to the door of the warehouse building and said in a deep voice: Sister Nan, the defense of the isolation point is more important. You continue to repair the door, and I will lead the infected away!

Tao Nange raised his head and glanced at Zhou Zhen. Seeing his firm expression, he nodded slightly: Okay!

The infected are coming soon, be careful!

With that said, she put away her sniper rifle, jumped down from the window sill, and walked quickly towards the basement.

Just as Tao Nange left, the shaking on the ground became more and more obvious. A huge infected person was on all fours on the ground, running as fast as an animal, galloping from a distance.

It looks like an enlarged black bear, with its body and limbs completely deformed. Only its face has some traces of human beings, and its eyes are black and have a matte metallic color.

In addition to thick hair, there is also a layer of fine scales all over the body, covering the entire torso like chainmail.

While running, the infected person opened his mouth slightly, revealing a mouth full of sinister canine teeth.

In order to prevent himself from being affected by other side effects, Zhou Zhen did not use [Energy Observation], but just looking at the opponent's size and running momentum, he knew that the energy intensity of this infected person was definitely not low!

The starting point should be the type of infected people with higher energy in the [Progression Stage], or they may be the infected people who have just entered the [Growth Stage]!

Zhou Zhen immediately rushed to the pickup truck, opened the door, quickly started the engine and put it into gear.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the pickup truck ran over the sparse vegetation, leaving a deep arc wheel mark in the mud, and jumped onto the road.

Zhou Zhen parked the car in the middle of the road, honked the horn several times at the infected person, and the high-pitched and sharp sound echoed through the wilderness, then stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly into the distance.

However, after the pickup truck drove a certain distance, he discovered that the black bear-like infected person had no intention of chasing him. Instead, he continued to walk towards the isolation point without looking back. It was moving very fast. In the blink of an eye, he appeared not far from the warehouse building.

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate, holding the steering wheel with his right hand, and immediately stretched out the window with his left hand, aiming at the infected person, and three black and red cubes quickly gathered in his hand.

The three cubes instantly turned into majestic energy waves, shooting towards the infected.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the infected man's huge body was knocked back a few steps. Three large holes suddenly appeared on his shoulders and lower abdomen. However, there was no blood flowing from the wound, but a dark and viscous liquid dripping slowly.

Wherever the liquid dripped, a plume of smoke immediately appeared.

Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised. The power of the digital domain of [Fusion Cube] was higher than he imagined!


The next moment, the infected person looked up to the sky and roared, emitting a sharp and harsh high-frequency sound wave!

The sound waves were extremely penetrating, and Zhou Zhen suddenly felt his ears buzzing, his head dizzy, and his hands and feet felt numb and spasmodic.

After finally regaining control of his muscles, Zhou Zhen immediately saw in the rearview mirror that the infected person was chasing him from behind. He jumped up and down and appeared not far behind the pickup truck.

Zhou Zhen didn't dare to delay, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove at full speed away from the isolation point!

However, the infected person was extremely fast. In just a few seconds, before Zhou Zhen's speed could be fully increased, the opponent had already caught up with him behind the pickup truck.

Zhou Zhen quickly turned his head to look at the infected person. A large number of memories that he desperately wanted to peek and photograph were immediately forcefully instilled in him.

Digital domain, [overfrequency interference]!

The figure of the infected person, who was pursuing with all his strength, suddenly staggered. It seemed that his body's instructions were wrong and he didn't know what to do next.

Zhou Zhen immediately accelerated and opened the distance between the two sides.

At the same time, he stretched out the window with his left hand again, aiming at the infected person behind him, and a black-red cube once again condensed in his palm.

Huge energy waves roared towards the infected.

boom! ! !

The infected person was affected by [Overfrequency Interference] this time. He was unprepared and was directly knocked out. He fell heavily to the ground, and dust and sand suddenly rose everywhere.

Zhou Zhen was slightly startled. His purpose this time was to lure the infected away from the isolation point, but in this situation... he seemed to be able to kill the infected directly!

The infected in the [Progression Stage] are not as strong as he imagined!


Zhou Zhen applied the brakes and stopped the pickup truck.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the car door and strode towards the infected person.

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