Ash Civilization

Chapter 142 New Experimental Subject. (First update! Please subscribe!)

The black-gray land spreads lifelessly, there is abundant water vapor in the air, there are ponds and ditches all around, but the vegetation is unusually sparse.

Several dim-colored bushes stood in the wilderness, and a black off-road vehicle sped past. The strong wind immediately stirred up the branches and leaves, and they fell rustling all over the ground.

While the off-road vehicle was galloping, Zhou Zhen was holding the steering wheel with one hand. He had just put away his cell phone when the ringtone of his phone rang again.

He glanced down and saw that the caller ID showed another unknown number.

In order not to disturb Tao Nange's sleep, Zhou Zhen hung up immediately, added the unknown number to the blacklist, and then set his phone to silent mode.

However, not long after, another strange phone call came.

Zhou Zhen continued to hang up and block him. Needless to say, these calls were all from online loan apps.

He can't pay back the money now, and answering the phone means getting scolded, so he can only block them all.

After hanging up on seven or eight unfamiliar numbers in a row, no calls finally came in.

It seems that the loyal online loan APP has finally given up asking him for debts...

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. He still had to find a way to solve the debt issue. After Tao Nange woke up, he asked Tao Nange how much savings he had. It would be best if he could lend him 20,000 yuan and pay off the online loan first.

Off-road vehicles buzzed along the lonely road.

It can be seen that this section of road is still under intermittent maintenance and is not completely deserted. However, the road is full of potholes and is filled with roadbeds destroyed by infected people when they passed by, as well as various fallen bullet casings, traces of bullet holes, and the like.

Some potholes were filled with water, and some wilting weeds even grew.

The color of the water has a colorful greasy feel. I don't know if it's a problem with the rain here, or if there are bad ingredients soaked into the land.

Zhou Zhen focused his attention on the front, and the off-road vehicle roared past.

On both sides of the road ahead, a rare forest appeared.

These trees are now dead. The withered trunks have shriveled up, and the species is hard to see. However, they retain the gnarled outlines of the past, and the entire forest still stands quietly under the gray sky.

There is a small house in the woods. It looks like a maintenance room like a substation. It has a small door facing the road and a small window on the side wall.

The house is generally intact, but the originally white walls are now covered with crisscross traces of dirt and some cracks.

The roof was covered with leaves and dust, and in front of the door were a few irregular stones for stepping on. The whole scene looked like an oil painting with a sad theme.

Zhou Zhen carefully observed the small house and made sure that there was no danger. Then he turned the steering wheel, carefully avoiding the many potholes on the road, and tried to drive the car towards the woods as smoothly as possible.

At this moment, another unknown number called.

Zhou Zhen ignored it at first, but he persisted in calling the number. He shook his head and answered the phone again: Hello...

A deep male voice immediately came over the phone, with a strange accent. He didn't seem to be from China: Is this Mr. Zhou Zhenzhou?

This voice is very unfamiliar. It is obviously not the same person as Zhang Gang, the business manager of the good loyalty online loan APP.

But the beginning of the conversation is the same!

Zhou Zhen thought about it for a moment and immediately understood.

This should be a collection call from another online loan platform!

Chu Jingyan used his identity to borrow online loans from more than one company!

Moreover, none of them are formal platforms!

Not only is the interest rate high, but the interest is compounding, and the interest rate is cut off...

For example, the Haoyiqi online loan APP just now lent him 8,550 yuan on the surface, but after excluding the beheading interest, he actually received just over 5,000 yuan, and the interest was calculated based on 8,550 yuan.

Because he entered the Fudi Amusement Park, he has been in arrears for two months, and the interest may have exceeded the principal!

Generally, only three types of people will borrow this kind of ultra-usury: one is people who have credit problems and cannot borrow money from formal lending organizations; the other is people who think they can repay it quickly; There is a type of person who has no intention of paying back the money at all!

Obviously, Chu Jingyan fell into the last category, and the other party directly used the online loan platform as a free cash machine.

Of course, Zhou Zhen is now ready to pay back the money, and he only plans to pay back the part he received.

He won't pay even a penny of the extra beheading interest and other miscellaneous interest!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately replied calmly: It's me, who are you?

The voice on the phone was silent for a while, and then asked quickly: Mr. Zhou, where are you now?

Zhou Zhen did not waste time with the other party and said straightforwardly: Tongfu City!

The voice on the other end of the phone immediately replied: Okay, Mr. Zhou, we will meet soon.

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned. He dared to come to Tongfu City to ask for debts from him. Which online loan platform is this?

Just as he was thinking about it, Tao Nange suddenly moved his body and then sat up directly.

At this moment, Zhou Zhen felt that his thinking suddenly began to slow down!

Chu Jingyan!

Chu Jingyan came out of Tao Nange's body again!

Realizing this, Zhou Zhen frowned. Now that Chu Jingyan has come out, he doesn't have to worry about meeting infected people or the Twelve Sages coming to trouble him. It's just that Chu Jingyan is a Unstable factors, who knows what tricks they will play again!

At this time, Tao Nange turned around in the passenger seat very neatly, crawled on the back of the folded seat, and climbed towards the back seat.

The back seat was filled with all kinds of materials that could not be stored in the [two-dimensional space]. Tao Nange opened some miscellaneous things on the top with a clear purpose, and soon found the aircraft under a pile of water. High-power ultra-clear telescope.

Along with her movements, Zhou Zhen's thinking became slower and slower. At first, he could still understand what Chu Jingyan was doing. Gradually, apart from driving, it was difficult for him to think anymore...


The dark and empty hall.

Steel trestles criss-crossed the sky, and on one of the small platforms stood a tall figure wearing a gray-black striped suit and a royal blue plaid tie.

Okay, Mr. Zhou, we will meet soon. After saying this in Chinese with a strange accent, the figure turned around, and the searchlight on the roof slid over, illuminating his face.

This is a face with obvious traces of mixed Asian and European descent. The hair is thick and shows signs of careful maintenance. It is elegant and shiny. Every strand of hair hanging down has been taken care of by professionals.

His temperament is very elegant. Even though the corners of his eyes and eyebrows have traces of time, he is still full of the charm of a mature man.

At this moment, the hand holding the mobile phone was wearing a gold ring on his little finger. The surface of the ring was a scale with the heart and eyes occupying one end respectively, with a vague hollow cross pattern underneath.

Judgment at Twilight, Mike Nguyen.

Laura Hawke gave him a number last time, which was the successful product of the Ash Order experiment, and also gave him the approximate identity information of the successful product...

His real name is Zhou Zhen, and he once entered the Hongshan Group under the pseudonym Shen Sheng.

Currently working in an official organization, the digital ladder is unclear. It usually seems to be only the first ladder, but in actual combat, the digital energy will reach an astonishing intensity!

Thinking of this, Mike Ruan smiled disdainfully. He still held the same view as before. In China's history, China's long-term achievements in the region have fostered this country's habit of being very successful.

But when the development of science and technology has promoted global exchanges, China has obviously fallen behind!

However, the long-term sense of psychological superiority is unacceptable to the people of this country, so they turned to those old records and racked their brains to prove the superiority of their nation from all aspects.

The more they do this, the more it proves their weakness, cowardice and inferiority!

True strength does not require any means at all!

The so-called successful product is probably another bluff promotion.

Of course, no matter how flawed a mere experimental subject is, he cannot cause trouble for the other party on his own.

Thinking of this, Mike Ruan turned around and looked down the platform.

Below the platform is a large hall. The lights are turned off in most places, and no specific situation can be seen. There are only three rooms lined up directly below the platform, which are brightly lit and extremely bright.

These three rooms are placed alone in the middle of the hall like containers with their lids removed. Each room is surrounded by dense machines. At this moment, these machines are emitting weak current sounds one after another, constantly transmitting various data into Master control room.

The top of the room is a piece of one-way glass. From the outside, you can clearly see what's going on inside, but when people in the room raise their heads, they can't see anything.

The area and decoration of each room are exactly the same, with white walls, original wooden floors, simple furniture...Only the outside of the rooms has their numbers marked in large characters, from left to right, they are: Experimental Cabin No. 1; Experimental cabin No. 2; Experimental cabin No. 3.

At this time, in Experimental Cabin No. 1, a middle-aged man with blond hair and brown eyes was sitting cross-legged on the floor, his eyes focused on the TV on the wall. He held a handle in his hand and kept operating it. On the TV screen A game character with flashing equipment is killing everyone;

In Experimental Cabin No. 2, there is a boy who looks to be only fourteen or fifteen years old. His skin is dark, and the outline of his facial features is full of traces of mixed races. His hair is curled, and he looks very silent. He is kneeling on the floor. Playing with a bunch of colorful building blocks. He didn't know how long he had been building it, but most of the huge garden castle was already completed.

In Experimental Cabin No. 3, Xie Qiongning was sitting at the dining table, with a pot of brightly colored fruits on the table.

She looked calm and stared at the fruits in front of her, as if she was particularly interested in them.

Suddenly, Xie Qiongning picked up the fruit knife next to him, pointed at an orange, and stabbed it directly!

After stabbing the orange with a knife, she immediately showed a relieved expression. It seemed that after doing so, she felt much better.

Next, Xie Qiongning grabbed the fruit knife, stabbed holes in all the fruits in the basin, and then threw them to the ground casually.

At this time, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, looking very happy.

But not long after, Xie Qiongning looked at the dining table in front of him again.

The dining table is black, simple in style, polished smoothly, without any pattern.

She doesn’t know why, but she feels very displeased when she looks at this intact table!

So, Xie Qiongning slashed his knife towards the dining table...

Swipe, swipe, swipe... The sound of the sharp blade contacting the blunt surface was sharp and harsh, constantly resounding in the experimental cabin.

After a while, the dining table, chairs, floor, bed... everything in the room, including the walls, showed signs of damage everywhere.

The entire interior of the experimental cabin has been changed beyond recognition.

Xie Qiongning held a curled fruit knife and stood in the middle of the room panting slightly. The smile on his face was extremely pure, as if he was extremely happy.


Steel platform.

Mike Ruan looked at the three experimental subjects in turn, showing a smile.

The results of this experiment were very good!

A total of three successful products were produced!

The data collected by observers played a crucial role.

In addition, because the last semi-finished product Ji Yuantao's experiment failed, the three successful products this time were specially placed in the experimental cabin for observation for an extra month.

So far, these three successful products have not shown any abnormalities.

At this time, the crisp sound of high heels hitting the steel structure trestle came from behind him.

Laura Hawke wore a bright red glossy tight-fitting dress and a pair of bright red stilettos of the same color. Her long golden curly hair spread over her shoulders. On one earlobe, she wore a scale-shaped earring as she walked swayingly. Beside him, the light blue eyes lowered slightly, also looking towards the experimental cabin below.

Mike Ruan glanced at Laura Hawke and said immediately: I have found the location of the 'Ash Order' experimental subject.

Laura Hawke looked calm and asked briefly: Which experimental subject do you want to bring over?

Mike Ruan said with a smile: I plan to take the three of them over together to test the combat data of this successful product.

However, I know observers would disagree.

Laura Hawke nodded, turned around, folded her arms across her chest, leaned slightly on the railing beside her, looked at Mike Ruan, and said calmly: The observer said that these three experimental subjects need to be released. To three different cities.”

“A successful product in the laboratory may not necessarily be a real success.”

“Only when it passes the test of the natural environment can it be truly qualified.”

Now, you can only choose one of them.

Mike Ruan nodded. Without any surprise, he looked at the three experimental cabins below again. His eyes looked back and forth on the three experimental subjects for a long time, and finally fell on Xie Qiongning in Experimental Cabin No. 3.

He finally pointed at Xie Qiongning and said, That's it.

Laura Hawke frowned slightly and said, This is my student.

Moreover, she knows the successful member of the Order of Ashes!

Mike Ruan showed a strange smile: The memories of these three experimental subjects have been reset. It doesn't matter who they were students or acquaintances of before.

Chinese culture values ​​brotherhood and friendship, and when this relationship changes and they draw swords against each other and kill each other, the emotional tug-of-war and struggle between them becomes even more wonderful!

It's because the experimental subject in Experimental Cabin No. 3 knows the successful member of the 'Ash Order', so I must take her with me this time!

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