Ash Civilization

Chapter 143 New transfer student. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, suburb.

The night was deep, and the cold night wind blew from all directions, stirring up the dust. A plastic bag that had been abandoned for unknown years was lifted out of the shallow soil, and drifted aimlessly with the wind. Flying.

Soon, it hit a sign with mottled paint.

Foody's Amusement Park.

Under the high-hanging signboard, intact cars were crowded in front of abandoned shops. Not far from them, there were numerous vehicles that had been beaten into giant iron blocks by brute force.

The dried blood and withered flesh were all covered up in the night.

Step, step, step...

At this moment, a figure walked out of the dust in the distance and walked towards the amusement park step by step.

This figure wore a black tuxedo, shiny boots, and a top hat on his head. His face was hidden under the brim, and his hands were wrapped in white gloves.

There is a metal brooch on the left collar of the tuxedo. From a distance, the outline looks like a sunflower. If you look closely, you will see that it is a changing Vigvisil pattern. The top of the intersecting straight lines is surrounded by twelve different symbols. There are also twelve intertwined thorn crown patterns on the inner circle.

This figure also held a white cane in his left hand.

The other party walked unhurriedly in the night. Every step he took seemed to have been accurately measured with a ruler. There was no difference in the distance he took. Every landing point seemed to be carefully calculated and deduced. The results have been the flattest recently.

Soon, this figure came to the square at the entrance of Fudi Amusement Park.

Ignoring the traces of the infected people's ravages and the destroyed convoy, the figure in the tuxedo walked directly to the entrance of the amusement park and stood in front of the rusty turnstiles.

This figure seems to have lost all kinetic energy here, as if it instantly turned into a sculpture.

He stood motionless for a moment, and suddenly an electronic sound without any emotion came from his head: 'Foday Amusement Park', 'Digital Forest' disappeared.

Junior scholar, codenamed 'Meng Yao', confirmed dead.

There are other energy residues at the site.

Further determination of the energy source is needed.

With that said, the figure no longer hesitated and walked directly towards the amusement park step by step.

Foday Amusement Park is in a state of desolation. The central courtyard that was once full of flowers is now nothing but dead silence; the bright and beautiful equipment has turned into a pile of tattered scrap metal.

The entire amusement park was extremely noisy. The wind blew through various building ruins and equipment wreckage, causing all kinds of howls.

Dust was flying all over the sky.

The figure in the tuxedo walked in one direction with a clear goal. Soon, he came to the North District, a building that vaguely looked like a cave. The concrete table had become pitted, and there was a clear black burn mark on the gray-white ground. .

The figure stopped here, and the emotionless electronic voice sounded again: The energy of three compatibles has been detected.

Traces of carrier detected.

The method of handling carriers on-site is in line with official professional procedures.

Confirm the identity of two 'digital compatibility', one carrier and one official ghost member.

The last compatible person, the information is unknown.

Other information is unknown.

Calculating data, please wait...

The data calculation is completed. The probability of 'Digital Rain' existing in 'Foday Amusement Park' is 80%.

Calculating data, please wait...

“The data calculation is completed, and the ‘Digital Rain’ is taken away by official members with a probability of 98%.”

The probability of 'Digital Rain' being taken away by unknown information compatibility: 1%.

“The probability of ‘Digital Rain’ still staying in ‘Foody Amusement Park’: 1%.”

Data analysis completed.

Before the electronic voice finished speaking, this figure immediately began to search for this figure in the Fudi Amusement Park.

His route was obviously specially planned, starting from the end of the sightseeing cable car, with almost no repeated routes, bungee jumping platform, haunted house, cafe, circus... big pendulum... rapids... carousel... dessert train... ... After confirming that all the items in the amusement park had been checked, the figure in the tuxedo stood motionless again, and his head began to broadcast an emotionless electronic sound: 'Fudi Amusement Park', no 'Digital Rain' was found.

“The probability that ‘Digital Rain’ has been taken away by official members: 99%.”

Start tracking now...

Then, he strode towards the entrance of the amusement park.

As soon as I walked out of the gate, I heard a huge metal knocking sound from ahead.

The ground of the small square was torn apart. I don’t know when a new big hole appeared. Amidst the splash of mud, half of the body of a huge figure emerged from the mud. This part of its body had traces of a living thing, as if it were a The beetle, however, had a back shell covered with dense scales and a steel needle-like mane on its back. It was raising its heavy steps and stepping hard on the intact cars.


The specially modified vehicle was as fragile as a nut in front of a hammer. It was crushed in the blink of an eye, and a special tire was squeezed out on the spot, leaving no trace behind.

The aura of this infected person was exactly the same as the traces of the infected people that had been wreaking havoc in the entire square before.

At this moment, while it was smashing all the vehicles in front of the abandoned shop, it turned its head and looked coldly at the figure in the tuxedo.

The next moment, the infected person immediately changed direction and rushed towards the figure in the tuxedo.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, the entire ground trembled slightly, and a huge ball of flames rose into the sky, temporarily lighting up the surrounding night.

In the Foday Amusement Park, there were continuous sounds of metal colliding and collapsing. It was the remaining equipment that could not withstand the impact of the outside world and collapsed further.

The light gradually dissipated and the surroundings returned to darkness.

At the entrance of the entire amusement park, the original small square, fountain, shops... all disappeared, leaving only a huge pit that was still smoking.

At the bottom of the pit, all vehicles and materials had been burned, leaving no remains except for mottled burn marks.

The infected person in the shape of a beetle was stuck at the bottom of the pit. Its body was half biological and half mechanical, showing a fragmented and contradictory state. While lying on its back, a pair of legs curled up slightly, without any trace of movement.

The figure in a tuxedo was suspended over the pit. The cuff of his right hand was slightly rolled up, revealing a prosthetic limb. The end of the limb was not a palm, but a black muzzle.

The head under the top hat once again issued a cold electronic voice: The infected have been eliminated.


Continue to follow...


In the dark night, a black off-road vehicle was speeding alone on the bumpy road.

Zhou Zhen grasped the steering wheel with both hands, his eyes were a little dull, and he seemed to have no other thoughts except driving.

In the co-pilot is Tao Nange, who is wearing a ghost suit. She has taken off her visual sensor and is holding a high-power ultra-clear telescope, looking around as if looking for some target.

In the scar on Tao Nan's back, the numbers moved slightly faster. There were more and more numbers inside, and the wound seemed to begin to expand...

After searching again to no avail, Tao Nange seemed a little tired.

Holding the high-power ultra-clear telescope in her hand, she lay down again and began to sleep.

The moment Tao Nange fell asleep again, Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up!

He looked out the window at the dark night. The ruins of various factories were disappearing under the night. He frowned slightly. Where did he drive?

Ever since Chu Jingyan came out just now, his mind has become very slow.

Moreover, Chu Jingyan's time out this time was much longer than last time!

It's already late at night!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen glanced at Tao Nange. Tao Nange had flattened the backrest of the co-pilot and was falling asleep holding the telescope. The scar on the back of her hand has expanded a bit. There are more and more numbers inside, and the speed of the squirming has also increased significantly.

Zhou Zhen frowned even more tightly, Tao Nange's infection became more and more serious!

The reason Chu Jingyan was able to come out for so long this time was probably because Tao Nange's infection worsened!

It can't be delayed any longer!

We need to find a place immediately to deal with the infection on Tao Nange!

After making up his mind, Zhou Zhen observed the environment outside and quickly selected the site of a processing plant. He turned the steering wheel and drove in.

Soon, the off-road vehicle drove into the processing factory next to the road. The name of the factory had completely faded, and the original name could not be seen at all.

The abandoned gate had long since fallen down, and vehicle access was unimpeded.

Behind the gate is a flat land made of concrete, which is basically intact, with only a few damaged gaps and some thin weeds growing in it.

The surroundings were very quiet. Zhou Zhen took out a tactical flashlight from the supplies and carefully observed the surroundings, but found no trace of the infected.

He glanced at Tao Nange beside him again, who was still sleeping soundly.

Zhou Zhen thought for a moment and did not wake her up. Instead, he quickly got out of the car and walked around the area. After reconfirming the safety of the place, he quickly set up some traps.

At most, these traps target people, and it is impossible to deal with infected people. However, they can also serve as a reminder.

Soon, Zhou Zhen completed the preparations and returned to the driver's seat. He gently closed the door. Seeing that Tao Nange was still awake, he took out his cell phone and set a 10-minute alarm for himself.

After setting the alarm clock, he immediately flattened the backrest and lay down without hesitation, also preparing to sleep.

Tao Nange's infection was related to the Digital Forest of Fudi Amusement Park.

The Digital Forest infection in Foday Amusement Park is due to Digital Rain!

He has now gotten that digital rain!

To clear Tao Nange of the infection, he needs to enter his own spiritual world and ask for help from that digital rain!

He has two drops of digital rain at the moment, one drop he just got from Fudi Amusement Park; the other drop... no surprise, it is the math teacher in the classroom!

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhou Zhen immediately closed his eyes.


The night was low, and the dead grove looked like an unwilling soul in the dim light, stretching out its chicken claw-like palms and grabbing the sky angrily.

The hut next to the road has pale walls that look like piles of bones, which looks particularly scary.

On the road, there was a fresh track of wheels in the dust between the potholes.

It was a section of road that Zhou Zhen drove through during the day!

At this time, a figure in a tuxedo suddenly flew from the sky and landed heavily on the ground.


This section of the road shook slightly, and suddenly sand and stones were flying, and the figure of a member of the Twelve Sages was revealed for a moment. He looked at the wheel marks in front of him and did not continue to follow.

Soon, a mechanical electronic sound came from his head: Detecting official ghost members, energy traces disappeared.

Detecting unknown information compatibility, energy traces are normal.

Traces of a huge digital energy body detected.

Calculating data, please wait...

The data calculation is completed. The huge digital energy body has a probability of being an official high-level compatibility: 7%.

The huge digital energy body has a probability of being digitally infected: 90%.

Probability of other unknown situations: 3%.

Calculating data, please wait...

The data calculation is completed, and the analysis results are as follows: The target encounters an infected person and uses [Stealth Mode] to escape.

Infected people are lured away by unknown information compatibility.

Data analysis completed.

The members of the Twelve Sages immediately ruled out the direction in which the wheel prints were heading, and began to scan all other directions.

Soon, he quickly followed the direction that was at right angles to the wheel tracks.


Familiar classroom.

Zhou Zhen woke up suddenly and found that he was lying on the desk. All the classmates around him were sitting in their seats. The classroom was quiet, as if they were waiting for something.

Perhaps it was because of the promotion of the Digital Ladder that as soon as Zhou Zhen appeared in the classroom this time, he immediately remembered all the memories in reality. Just as he was about to get up, the front door of the classroom was pushed open.

The math teacher strode in, leading a dark and thin male student.

This classmate was wearing a black T-shirt, military green training pants, and brown tactical boots. His face was expressionless. His belt was very special. There were many buckles on it, and there were densely packed medicine bottles hanging on them. The liquids in the bottles were colorful, and Many potion bottles are dark in color and the contents inside cannot be seen.

The math teacher walked to the podium, looked around the entire class, and said loudly: Today, there is a new student who has transferred to our class!

New transfer student!

The other party looks a bit like a younger version of Nie Lang?


The other party is Nie Lang!

Thinking like this, Zhou Zhen saw that the math teacher pointed at the back row without any other introduction, and the new transfer student immediately walked towards the back row.

He walked directly to Ren Rui. At some point, another set of tables and chairs appeared here.

The transfer student pulled up the chair and sat in, stuffing everything he had into the table.

For a moment, Zhou Zhen frowned. He didn't know if it was his imagination. He felt that his thinking seemed to be much slower...

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