Ash Civilization

Chapter 141 Collection call. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

After a few brief exchanges, Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange quickly left the amusement park.

Walking out of the dusty and rusty turnstile, the square outside was now full of bloodstains.

Although the fountain pool was originally dry and had a lot of garbage, it was basically intact. 2/3 of the fountain pool was broken by brute force. The concrete debris was covered with dark brown marks and several broken bones. are scattered nearby.

There is no bloody smell in the air, only long wind blowing from all directions, bringing up bursts of smoke and dust. The gray sky is drooping, and the desolate wilderness looks particularly desolate.

The vehicles that were seen following the convoy on the way to the amusement park were parked in a mess on the field outside the square.

Nowadays, not a single one of these cars is intact. They have all been beaten and crushed into various shapes of shriveled cans, and they were forcibly squeezed into a ball of irregular steel blocks.

Near this huge iron block, there are also tires and other accessories that have been squeezed out.

Many cans still contain some human body fragments or hanging limbs. I don't know if it is due to the unique environment of high-risk cities. The flesh and blood have shriveled up, the blood stains have dried, and there are no mosquitoes attracted around, as if The tragedy has been happening for a long time.

Destroyed cars, cracked ground, broken fountain pools...the devastation outlines how an infected person passed by, wreaked havoc and then walked away.

At the entrance of the abandoned shop, a nebula-like streamer escaped from an off-road vehicle and surrounded a small area.

All traces of destruction around him stopped outside this range.

The force field device continues to operate, and all vehicles protected by the force field are intact.

The two walked into the force field, and a crimson ray immediately swept over them. The moment it touched their bodies, the suddenly increased gravity disappeared without a trace.

Step, step, step...

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange kept walking, passing through the modified vehicles and arriving at the armored off-road vehicle at the back of the convoy.

Looking at the broken front windshield and the repair marks on the roof of this originally good off-road vehicle, Zhou Zhen suddenly said: Shall we change to a better car?

Tao Nange nodded immediately. Only she and Zhou Zhen survived the Fudi Amusement Park incident. Now all the vehicles here and the materials on the vehicles belong to them!

However, there are only two of them now and they cannot drive away all the cars here.

Tao Nange said immediately: I'll choose a car, and you can pack the supplies.

With that said, she immediately walked towards a car next to her.

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate, quickly opened the door of the off-road vehicle, and quickly packed the supplies in the vehicle.

Soon, he put all the ammunition and quite a few gun parts into the photos on his mobile phone.

The remaining items that have not been stored in the [two-dimensional space] are either too large to pass through the mobile phone screen, or some food that needs to be eaten. For safety reasons, only normal transportation can be carried out...

At this time, Tao Nange's voice came from not far away: Zhou Zhen, this car has been inspected. It has not been tampered with. There is enough space and the modifications are very professional.

Zhou Zhen looked up and saw Tao Nange sitting in a black armored off-road vehicle, lowering the window and nodding to himself.

The appearance of the black armored off-road vehicle was very similar to their original off-road vehicle, and the internal central control was almost exactly the same.

The difference is that above the armrest box of the black armored off-road vehicle, there are several shield-shaped metal blocks surrounded by a pale white halo, like a chaotic eyeball, dragging out nebulae around it. Like ribbons spreading in all directions.

It’s an opened miniature force field device. This is Nie Lang’s car!

Tao Nange fumbled around the eyeball for a while and quickly closed the force field.

Zhou Zhen made several trips back and forth, and soon he moved all the supplies in the original car into the new car.

Glancing at the other intact vehicles around him, he was about to check out those cars again when Tao Nange sat in the passenger seat of the black armored off-road vehicle and said, It's almost done, let's go now!

After hearing this, Zhou Zhen didn't ask any questions, immediately got into the driver's seat, started the car, and quickly left the Fudi Amusement Park.

Not far after the car had driven out, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Tao Nange's complexion. His lower jaw, which was not covered by the other person's visual sensors, was a little pale. His originally bright red lips had lost all color, and he was completely lying on the passenger seat. , seemed to have no strength to sit, completely relying on the chair and the back of the chair to support his own weight, and remained silent.

Zhou Zhen immediately realized something was wrong and quickly observed Tao Nange's situation.

There were obvious scratches on the opponent's ghost suit, and the mecha-like attachments at the joints also showed signs of damage. The most important thing was that there was a scratch of about 3cm on the back of Tao Nange's left hand.

When this wound was in the Foody Amusement Park, it was just a scabbed scratch. Now the blood scab on the scratch has turned into dense numbers, slowly squirming like a living animal. With.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed slightly. This was a wound similar to Nie Lang's at the beginning!

The injury Tao Nange suffered was an infection from the Digital Forest!

Thinking of this, he braked and stopped the off-road vehicle.

Zhou Zhen grabbed Tao Nange's left hand and immediately asked, Which item in the amusement park did you get this injury from?

Tao Nange said calmly: Ferris wheel.

This is a minor injury, it won't threaten me for the time being.

I'm weak now because I consumed too much 'digital energy' just now.

Keep driving and get out of here first!

Among the people who entered the 'Foday Amusement Park' just now, there were members of the 'Twelve Sages', and they died in the 'Digital Forest'.

When it comes to 'Digital Rain', there is a certain possibility that the 'Twelve Sages' will send high-ranking compatibility people over.

We don't need to take risks now!

Highly Compatible…

Zhou Zhen nodded, without hesitation, immediately started the car again, accelerated the accelerator, and quickly left the suburbs.

The off-road vehicle jolted across the wilderness, kicking up billows of smoke and dust.

After a while, looking at the desolate and cold horizon in the rearview mirror, there was no trace of Fudi Amusement Park at all. He then asked: 'Twelve Sages', there are high-ranking compatriots coming over. Then should we call the higher ups too?

Tao Nange shook his head and asked briefly: Digital Rain, has it been absorbed by you?

Zhou Zhen replied while driving the car: That's right.

Tao Nange said quickly: Then don't report to the superiors for the time being.

The current focus of official research is on 'digital weapons', 'digital equipment', 'digital medicine'...

“Even ‘digital’ research on plants and animals has very strict regulations.”

As for experiments related to human bodies, they are absolutely prohibited.

In this regard, no matter what the special situation is, there is no room for mediation!

Using the body to fuse 'digital rain' is also a type of human experiment.

This is specially added because of the example of the previous ghost No. 009.

If we report it to the official now, the high-level compatibility sent by the official will arrest you directly and perform the 'Digital Rain' stripping operation, and then use the stripped 'Digital Rain' to carry out equipment, weapons, medicine... experimental research.

“The ‘equation’ of the human body is too complex and there are too many uncertain factors.”

Many cities fell in the past because of human experiments.

In comparison, the research on weapons and equipment is much more stable and easy to mass produce.

Zhou Zhen was startled after hearing this. Before he could reply, Tao Nange continued, However, you got the 'Digital Rain' this time by yourself. If you are willing to hand it over, you can give it to me now. Call up there.”

Otherwise, just wait 24 hours.

After 24 hours, with current technology, there will be no way to peel off the 'digital rain'.

Zhou Zhen suddenly fell into silence. After a while, he coughed dryly and said, Then we... just wait 24 hours?

Tao Nange nodded and said, I'm a little tired, I want to take a nap first.

As she spoke, she flattened the back of the seat and lay down completely.

Zhou Zhen calmed down and continued driving.

In the vast wilderness, the off-road vehicle drove alone.

The gray-black ground was bumpy and bumpy, and the vehicles were bumping along.

There is turbid mist floating in the distance, occasionally revealing a section of barbed wire covered with rust-colored plants. Deep in the mist, there is a thick and majestic figure standing quietly, outlining the edge of the city like a mountain, which is the isolation high wall.

Looking in another direction, the remaining skyscrapers on the skyline are jagged, with broken steel bars exposed in the concrete, quietly telling the story of the prosperity of the past.

The huge abandoned city is like a giant beast covered with dust, crawling silently in the dark background.

After Zhou Zhen drove in the wilderness for a while, some small ponds, bushes, and the like began to appear around him. The water in the pond was dark red, without the pungent smell of chemicals, but it was also full of chemicals that made people subconsciously want to stay away. Feeling weird.

The color of the bushes is very dull, the texture looks like metal, and the branches and leaves are sparse.

The world is vast, but there is not much life.

Jingle Bell……

At this moment, the cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, he took out his cell phone and glanced at it. The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number. Worried about disturbing Tao Nange who was sleeping next to him, he immediately answered the call.

Hello, who's there? Zhou Zhen asked in a deliberately lowered voice.

The voice of a middle-aged man whom I had never heard before immediately came from the other end of the phone: Is this Mr. Zhou Zhenzhou?

Zhou Zhen said hmm and said, It's me, who are you?

The other party immediately asked: Mr. Zhou, where are you now? Please give me a specific location!

Zhou Zhen frowned, this call was a bit strange.

He asked the other party his identity twice, but the other party seemed to be deliberately refusing to tell him!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen said bluntly: If you don't tell me who you are, I will die!

Perhaps because he was afraid that Zhou Zhen would actually cut off the call, the voice on the other end of the phone finally said: I am Zhang Gang, the business manager of the 'Hao Yiqi' online loan APP. You borrowed 8,550 yuan from our 'Hao Yiqi' online loan APP.

This money is now overdue!

If you don't repay the money, I'm going to visit you personally and discuss a repayment plan with you in person!

Good loyalty online loan?


It was Chu Jingyan who bought the telescope and helped him borrow the loan!

Zhou Zhen's face darkened. He was now in a high-risk city and had a lot of supplies, but how could he have any money to repay the loan?

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhen had no choice but to say with some embarrassment: Well, I only borrowed this online loan for a few days, maybe next month.

Next month, I will definitely repay the loan on time!

Business manager Zhang Gang suddenly became very dissatisfied: How many days?

Mr. Zhou Zhen, you registered our APP to borrow money in the early morning of July 10th.

It's already September 15th!

You haven't paid back a penny for two whole months, and the phone still can't be reached!

If you have the guts, just tell me your current address and see if I come to find you!

September 15th? !

Zhou Zhen frowned. He remembered that today should be July 15th!

On July 10, he attended Zhou Jianqiang’s memorial service and received a case from Binhai Central Hospital while on duty at night.

The next day, he woke up in the Binhai City base of the Ghost Team and was arranged to go to a high-risk city.

On July 12, he entered Tongfu City under the escort of 056 and other ghost team members, and was given a [digital tranquilizer] by Tao Nange.

On July 13th, due to the effect of [digital tranquilizer], he took a long sleep.

On July 14th, join Nie Lang's team and enter the Fudi Amusement Park...

The concept of time in Fudi Amusement Park is very vague. He followed Digital Rain and played through all the items in less than a day...

No matter how you calculate this, it’s still July 15th!

Unless... the flow of time in the amusement park is inconsistent with the outside world!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen frowned. His current thinking was far less flexible than when he was in the amusement park. After thinking seriously for a while, he suddenly remembered that Nie Lang said before entering the Fudi Amusement Park that the other party The first time I entered the amusement park was a few months ago.

Nie Lang is actually a carrier, and the wound on his body is related to the digital rain.

Under normal circumstances, the other party would not be able to delay it for a few months...

Hey Hey hey……


***You M!****!!******!

If you fucking don't pay back the money, I will kill you!

Furious roars kept coming from the receiver, quickly bringing Zhou Zhen back to his senses.

He nodded slightly and said very calmly: I am in Tongfu City now. You can come to me and get money at any time.

I will definitely return it!

“And the interest won’t be less!”


With that said, Zhou Zhen hung up the phone and added the number to the blacklist.

Remember to vote after reading this!

PS: Chapter 42-Chapter 55 of Volume 1. Everything has been overhauled, and the plot structure is now more reasonable.

Volume 1, Chapter 72, minor changes.

Chapter 100 of Volume 1, about the plot of Xie Qionning’s phone call, has been slightly revised.

Volume 2: Chapter 1-Chapter 2, about Xie Qiongning’s dialogue, has been heavily revised.

After all the changes, the plot is more coherent than before!

Finally, please vote for me! Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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