Ash Civilization

Chapter 138 Human Experiments. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Amusement Park, West End.


The brisk music slowly came to an end, and the carousel moved slower and slower, and gradually stopped.

In a carousel full of tourists, Tao Nange, Nie Lang, and Mengyao were sitting on a gorgeous military green wooden horse. Their seats were not together, but based on the running direction of the wooden horse. Tao Nange At the front, Nie Lang is second and Mengyao is last.

The moment the accompanying music disappeared, the three of them suddenly woke up.

The gorgeous and exaggerated fairy tale style comes to mind, and the surrounding tourists are full of life. There are young lovers with pink bubbles, children dressed as princesses and princes, a happy and harmonious family, and best friends taking photos of each other... There is no blood, no residual limbs. Broken arms, no bloody smell, nest-like infected people, and infected people with blood-red skin, as if they had never existed at all.

The electronic audio announcement of the end of the project sounded, and uniformed staff strode in, helped some young tourists to unlock the safety buckles, and said words of welcome for their next visit.

The tourists left the Trojan in twos and threes and walked towards the exit very happily.

Everything is perfectly normal.

Tao Nange didn't hesitate, quickly got off the wooden horse, wrapped himself in the crowd, and also walked towards the exit.

When Nie Lang and Mengyao saw this scene, they also quickly got off the merry-go-round and left the carousel.

When he arrived outside the carousel, Tao Nange walked forward for a short distance. When he was about to enter the rose gallery, he suddenly stopped and looked back at the exit of the carousel.

Soon, Nie Lang walked out and saw Tao Nange staring at him. He flipped his wrist, took out a black submachine gun, loaded the gun calmly, and stopped not far from Tao Nange.

After a while, Mengyao walked out of it with brisk steps. Seeing Tao Nange's cold eyes glancing at her, she immediately slowed down and walked to Nie Lang's side.

The two of us join forces. Nie Lang said calmly.

Mengyao nodded, that’s exactly what she meant!

Fighting alone, neither she nor Nie Lang can be the opponent of this official ghost now.

When there were many of them just now, there was no need to be afraid of each other.

But now, after the carousel came down, there were only three people left.

As long as the other party gets rid of any one of them, the remaining one will definitely die!

In this case, let's work together here first to deal with each other!

Thinking of this, Mengyao quickly replied: Okay!

As soon as she finished speaking, she closed her eyes, and the next moment, she appeared in a vast library.

The library is very open. Between the towering bookshelves, there is a corridor that is large enough for a flying car to pass through. On each bookshelf, there are books placed. The surroundings are extremely quiet, and any movement seems to cause an echo.

There is no boundary or roof visible here. Looking up, except for these bookshelves and books, there is a dark mist rolling around, blocking the prying eyes. The light source I don’t know where comes from, illuminates everything here with a soft but bright attitude.

Digital domain, [Thoughts dive in]!

This library is Tao Nange’s thinking space.

Although the other party's digital domain can resist her intrusion, as long as the other party loses consciousness for a moment, Nie Lang outside can definitely seize the opportunity...

boom! ! !

A somewhat dull gunshot sounded, and the library was shattered in an instant. The colorful amusement park reappeared, and the aroma of popcorn in the air was filled with traces of blood.

Mengyao turned her head in shock. Her big, round eyes were filled with astonishment, and she looked straight at Nie Lang beside her.

The jet-black submachine gun in Nie Lang's hand was pointed directly at her head, with smoke still coming from the muzzle. It was obvious that the bullets had just been fired.

Blood flowed down Mengyao's fair face, and more dark liquid and gray-white semi-solid matter were pouring out from her temple. Her temple had been completely penetrated by a bullet.


Mengyao staggered and fell to the ground.

When her consciousness was about to disappear, she struggled to look at Nie Lang and asked with all her strength: Why...what...?

Why would Nie Lang take action against her?

The other party only has the Third Step. Without her help to contain it, what can the other party do against the official ghost of the Fourth Step?

Why did the other party want to cut off his own retreat?

Don’t want to live anymore? !

Bang bang bang bang bang...

What answered her was a flurry of bullets from Nie Lang.

Gorgeous blood flowers bloomed all over Mengyao's body, and her light blue dress, white sun hat, and Mary Jane low-heeled shoes were all dyed red with blood.

In the blink of an eye, Mengyao went from a quiet and beautiful girl to an unrecognizable, tattered corpse!

Nie Lang directly emptied a magazine. Seeing that Mengyao no longer had any breath of life, he quickly replaced it with a new magazine and fired another shot, shattering the Vigvi-like weapon on the opponent's chest that was still emitting a faint light. Xier symbol pendant, then turned to look at Tao Nange, and said lightly: 'Twilight Judgment', 'Gathering of Twelve Sages', 'Ashes Order', 'Four-Dimensional Utopia'...

All illegal organizations should die!

“If it weren’t for these borers, the world wouldn’t be what it is today!”

As he spoke, he pulled the bolt of the gun, raised the muzzle, and aimed at Tao Nange, That companion of yours does not have the basic qualifications to join the ghost team!

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him to pass the merry-go-round just now.

Is the team currently conducting human experiments?

Looking at this scene of elbow and armpit changes, Tao Nange looked calm, without any surprise.

Know the story of the former ghost No. 009...

It has force field equipment that is officially developed and not sold to the outside world...

From the first moment she entered this Fudi Amusement Park, she had already suspected the other party's identity!

And the bottle of special compound that the opponent broke in the carousel... I have never been in an official company, so I can't get this information, equipment and formula!

In addition, when she and Zhou Zhen first got the information about this Digital Rain, Xiuhu Group introduced to her: Nie Lang is a lone wolf and has deep hostility towards most gang organizations...

The other party is indeed full of strong hostility towards illegal organizations now!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange looked at Nie Lang and said coldly: The research in the group has always been focused on 'digital equipment' and 'digital weapons'!

“Supplemented by ‘digital agents’ derived from animal and plant infections.”

Human experimentation is prohibited!

Can't touch!

Why did you defect?

Where is the former ghost No. 009?

As she spoke, she also took out the small silver-white pistol. The gun's body flashed with light. Numbers, formulas, theorems... changed and reorganized, and instantly turned into a huge silver-white sniper rifle. The muzzle of the gun was locked on Nie Lang, and energy was brewing rapidly.

Nie Lang looked at Tao Nange and suddenly burst into crazy laughter: Hahahaha...

While laughing, he looked down at the wounds on his body. The digital wounds that had penetrated his entire waist and abdomen on the merry-go-round had now spread towards his chest and crotch.

The number in the wound is squirming even more, with obvious bulges in many places, as if there are some bugs or something sealed in his body. At this moment, he has woken up and is working hard to break out!

Nie Lang took a few deep breaths, and his voice quickly weakened: It's a pity, it was just a little bit...

As he spoke, he took out a stack of old and dull tickets from his pants pocket.

He waved his hand casually, and most of the tickets suddenly scattered like colorful strips sprayed from a fireworks gun, drifting away in the wind in an instant, leaving only the last ticket, which was held between his fingers.

Nie Lang continued: The last time I entered this amusement park, I passed the carousel, bumper cars, and bungee jumping.

After completing the bungee jumping project, I got a ticket.

“After I got that ticket, I saw ‘Digital Rain’!”

Now, I can't remember the specific appearance of the 'Digital Rain'. I only know that the 'Digital Rain' took me to bungee jumping for the second time.

Then I failed!

But that ticket allowed me to escape from the amusement park successfully!

Then I just remembered that the tickets were very important, so I took all the tickets from the ticket vending machine outside...

But I was still wrong!

A 'second step' without a ticket actually got ahead of me and led away the 'digital rain'!

Now, it is no longer realistic for me to attract the 'Digital Rain' again and pass the test of the 'Digital Rain'!

Right now, I can only get rid of you first!

In this way, once the boy from the 'Second Step' successfully obtains the 'Digital Rain', I can use your identity to snatch the 'Digital Rain' away!

With that said, Nie Lang pulled the trigger directly at Tao Nange.

Tao Nange didn't hesitate at all and shot directly.

Bang bang...


Amusement Park, West End.

Starry Sky Ferris Wheel.

Pure music with a soothing rhythm flows in every car. In the car with purple nebula printed on it, Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange sit side by side on the cushioned seats.

Zhou Zhen looked calm, turned slightly sideways, and covered Tao Nange's eyes with his hands.

Looking out of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, the blue sky and white clouds disappeared little by little, replaced by facilities, flowers, plants, buildings, and bustling crowds in the amusement park. The platform of the Ferris wheel was already in sight, and Zhou Zhen secretly He breathed a sigh of relief.

The Starry Sky Ferris Wheel has made a full circle!

After riding on the Ferris wheel just now, the rain became heavier and heavier, and even the whole land was engulfed by rain in a short period of time, including this Ferris wheel, which was much taller than an ordinary skyscraper!

His operation was to kill himself with one shot!

Before entering this amusement park, Nie Lang once said that digital rain is not real rain, it is a dream that covers the world!

Everyone saw the rain in their dreams!

Therefore, when the heavy rain covers the entire earth, it means that he is not in reality at all, but is dreaming!

It's in your own spiritual world!

Just find a way to wake yourself up.

After the gunshot, Zhou Zhen immediately woke up in the car of the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel. He didn't have any wounds on his body. Tao Nange was sitting next to him. The sky was high and the clouds were clear outside. There were mansions suspended in the distance and the sky was jagged. Everything is as usual in the building, and the heavy rain that threatened to flood the entire world has completely disappeared.

But then, as the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel rotates, the timeline begins to jump forward 40 years later.

The gorgeous and elegant Starry Sky Ferris Wheel is getting worse and worse. When the car reaches the highest point, the entire Ferris Wheel will be overwhelmed due to disrepair and collapse...

After using another number, Zhou Zhen successfully found a way to deal with it... blindfolded Tao Nange!

The Starry Sky Ferris Wheel will continue to rotate normally, but as long as Tao Nange cannot see the outside world, time will not jump forward 40 years later.

If the timeline does not jump, the Star Ferris Wheel will not collapse.

While I was thinking, staff members holding colorful flags appeared in front of me. The car had entered the platform and the door opened automatically.

The originally soothing pure music was replaced by soft electronic sounds to remind passengers that the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel project is over and that everyone should take their luggage with them and leave the car.

After Tao Nange heard the announcement, he immediately stood up and walked out of the car.

Zhou Zhen immediately followed, his hands not daring to leave Tao Nange's eyes.

Soon, they stepped out of the car and onto the platform.

Feeling the solid earth beneath his feet, Zhou Zhen finally let go of his hand.

Tao Nange's mouth curled up, and he seemed to be happier than before.

She pulled Zhou Zhen and walked to the next project.

As soon as Zhou Zhen came out of the Star Ferris Wheel venue, he immediately felt something in his heart and took out the ticket from his pocket.

The graphics on the tickets have changed again. Next to the carousel, roller coaster, and spiral slide, there is a starry sky Ferris wheel, and the text description also includes an explanation of the Ferris wheel.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and quickly followed Tao Nange to the door of the jumping machine.

Viewed from a high altitude, the entire Foday Amusement Park is immersed in a sea of ​​joy. The smell of dessert baking, intertwined with the overbearing spices of hot dogs and grilled skewers, float throughout the park.

The brightly dressed crowds came and went like a tidal wave, and the noise and exuberant vitality filled the air, reaching into the sky.

There is a central garden when you enter the main entrance of the amusement park, an open verandah surrounded by embroidered flower beds, and a Gothic clock tower in the middle.

The bell tower is very high, and the spire is like a sharp blade, pointing straight into the sky.

It has a blue-gray appearance and is covered with ivy. Only the clock part with the white marble as the base has been artificially cleaned out. It looks old and cold, as if it has existed for countless years, and every brick is precipitated with time. of engraving.

There seemed to be something wrong with the clock. The hands all stopped in place, motionless.

Suddenly, there was an extremely unfamiliar mechanical sound from inside the bell tower, which seemed to have not been maintained for a long time.

The hands of the clock turned a little stiffly.

Below, in the west section of the amusement park, Tao Nange pulled Zhou Zhen out of the jumping machine, then walked to the north section and entered the grassland wild bungee jumping project.

The clock froze again. I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of gears turning again came from inside the clock tower, and the hands moved one space again.

Below, in the southern area of ​​the amusement park, Tao Nange pulled Zhou Zhen again, bungee jumping wildly from the grassland, and entered the bumper car project.

The clock hands froze again.

Next, a trapeze, a haunted house, a circus, a cafe... a super big pendulum, a pirate ship... a rapid ride through the fjord, an underwater theater... Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange kept playing from the West District to the North District, and then Play from the North District to the East District, and then from the East District to the South District...

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