Ash Civilization

Chapter 139 Absorbing Digital Rain. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Sightseeing cable car.

This project starts from Maoshan in the South District. Maoshan is 114 meters above sea level. It is shaped a bit like a cat sleeping on its side. It is only less than one kilometer long and horizontal. The main body is made of granite. The vegetation is not dense, so there is nothing worth visiting. Only the ropeway pulled from the top of the mountain can slide through the entire north-south amusement park and enjoy the scenery along the way.

At this moment, a light yellow cable car is slowly crossing the central lake.

This lake is a natural lake. There are three Tingzhous in the lake. None of them have been greatly developed. The reeds are allowed to grow freely, and light and elegant waterbirds fly up from time to time.

On the lake, there are also cruise ships going back and forth, making it very lively.

When the cable car passes a certain location, the holographic projection starts spontaneously, and lifelike elves, handsome men and beauties will come out to interact with tourists.

At this moment, the cable car was extremely quiet.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange were sitting face to face in the car. Zhou Zhen looked cold, with no expression on his face, as if he was a highly bionic robot.

This is not because he is pretending to be calm, but because he really has lost most of his emotions!

His current personality, including his own main personality, only has ten left!

The other personalities have all stayed in Fudi Amusement Park!

Now, this sightseeing cable car is the last project in the amusement park!

The sparkling light swayed slowly and was about to be completely exhausted. A rock cave-like building appeared in front of it. On the open platform, there were several uniformed staff standing next to the cable car platform.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen's expression remained calm. In addition to the murder caused by the love triangle mentioned by Nie Lang, this sightseeing cable car had seven accidents and a total of eight abnormal phenomena.

But they were all solved by him in advance just now!

Dear tourists, the sightseeing cable car project has ended. Please take your carry-on luggage and pay attention to your steps when leaving the cable car... A soft electronic sound announcement sounded. The cable car has reached the end point and the door opened automatically.

Tao Nange immediately stood up and stepped onto the platform.

Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and followed.

The two walked off the cable car together and boarded the platform.

At the same time, the hands of the clock tower in the central courtyard moved one step again, and the hour and minute hands pointed to 12 o'clock at the same time.


In an instant, the thick and deep bell rang, suppressing countless noises, suppressing the noise of all equipment, suppressing the sound of wind and water... it spread throughout the entire amusement park.

Foday Amusement Park was as quiet as death in an instant, as if it had solidified from a vivid holographic video into a static sculpture.

All tourists and all equipment and facilities with heads stopped all movement and turned to look at Zhou Zhen.

At the same moment, Zhou Zhen felt a familiar sharp pain in his brain, and a very unfamiliar memory slowly emerged in his mind...

In the familiar classroom, incandescent lights shine from overhead, the electric fan makes a feeble fairy buzz sound, and there is chalk dust floating in the air.

There are still 15 minutes until the exam ends.

Students who haven't finished writing the paper should hurry up.

The slightly hoarse voice of the math teacher came from the podium.

Zhou Zhen saw himself sitting at his desk. The tabletop in front of him was clean except for the test papers. He didn't bring a pen.

The paper, which still exudes the faint scent of ink, has large areas of blank space, and not a single question has been answered.

After what seemed like a long time, and what seemed like a short moment, the math teacher's voice sounded again: There are still 5 minutes until the end of the exam.

Zhou Zhen still didn't make any move, his eyes fixed on the math teacher on the podium.

The other party was wearing a slightly yellowed white shirt, gray suit pants, old black leather shoes, and an off-brand belt tied around his waist.

Dressing to impress is very common among middle school teachers.

However, the exposed parts of the other party, such as the head, neck, arms, palms... there are no traces of flesh and blood. They are all densely packed numbers. These numbers are like living creatures, constantly squirming, as if they are trying to struggle out of mathematics. The limitations of the teacher's body pour into the outside world!

Jingle Bell……

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

The math teacher on the podium finally spoke again: It's time!

Hand in the paper now!

While talking, the teacher stepped down from the podium and walked towards Zhou Zhen step by step.

Step, step, step...

He walked very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at Zhou Zhen's desk, stretched out his big hand made of countless numbers, and picked up Zhou Zhen's blank paper.

At this moment, Zhou Zhen suddenly grabbed the math teacher's wrist and said in a calm voice: Teacher, I caught you!

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at the math teacher's face full of numbers. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a smile without any smile at all, and then said, I got first place in the exam!

I want to learn more math!

I want to explore the abyss of mathematics!

His sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the classroom. The entire class was empty. There was no one behind the tables and chairs. Only Zhou Zhen was sitting alone in his seat.

The night outside the window is like ink, the crape myrtle is swaying gently, and the scattered petals are softly decorated among the wind and rain orchids under the steps. The H-shaped teaching building stands quietly. It was completely hidden, except for the occasional ripples in the fountain in front of the building, and the sparkling lights in the night.

The entire teaching building was dark, without any lights, except for Class 8, Grade 3 on the seventh floor, which was illuminated by the bright light of incandescent lamps.

In the class, the lingering sound of Zhou Zhen's voice slowly faded away, and the entire campus fell into dead silence again.

At this time, the math teacher finally said: Your score is 0 points, ranking first in the class and the whole school!

After the words fell, the countless numbers on the math teacher's body surged like a torrent. In an instant, they broke away from the math teacher's body and turned into a mighty flow of numbers, heading towards the blank space in front of Zhou Zhen. In the test paper.

With just a snap of his fingers, the math teacher was completely sucked into this test paper.

A long and narrow black hole formed in the center of the test paper, like a crack in the test paper. The darkness was deep and endless, and the surrounding desks, chairs, podiums, blackboards... everything in the classroom turned into various forms. Such numbers, formulas, and theorems were swallowed up by the black hole!

The next moment, the entire classroom, corridor, next door classroom, office...the entire seventh floor turned into complex and profound numbers, formulas, and theorems, rushing towards the black hole.

The test paper was suspended in front of Zhou Zhen, and a huge black vortex had formed above the crack-like black hole.

Everything around continues to collapse, the sixth floor, the fifth floor, the fourth floor... and even the entire teaching building, and then the surrounding flower beds, walking paths, fountain pools, playgrounds, canteens, school doctors' offices, laboratory buildings, dormitory buildings... The entire school, like a castle of ice and snow melting under the scorching sun, with Zhou Zhen as the center, quickly disintegrated into dense numbers, formulas, and theorems, and then merged into an increasingly larger black vortex, pouring into the black hole on the test paper.

The black vortex was like a tornado that connected the sky and the earth. In front of the test paper, Zhou Zhen's hair was flying, his clothes were ragged, his expression was calm, and he stared at his white paper without any waves.

As the vortex poured in, lines of neat and detailed answers began to appear on the originally blank paper...

...After the recollection ended, Zhou Zhen suddenly came back to his senses. In front of him was the Fudi Amusement Park that was still bright and bright, but as quiet as death. Tourists from far and near were staring at him neatly, and the people beside him were still maintaining their posture. The digital rain on Tao Nange's appearance also looked at him quietly.

Zhou Zhen subconsciously reached out and took out a ticket from his pocket. The ticket was covered with large and small patterns, including a carousel, a black forest maze, a candy magic house, a jumping cloud, a shouting fountain, a dessert train... and Sightseeing cable car!

With the appearance of the sightseeing cable car pattern and the addition of the description text, in an instant, this ticket seemed to finally become complete!

Digital Rain suddenly reached out and touched the ticket in Zhou Zhen's hand, as if to check it for him. The moment his fingertips touched the ticket, Digital Rain's body began to strangely stretch and twist, turning into a stream of data. The torrent was absorbed by the ticket with a bang.

It's like a signal.

The next moment, with Zhou Zhen as the center, the entire amusement park, together with all the facilities, equipment, tourists, food, animals... all collapsed!

The platform, the cable car that has not yet left, the surrounding staff, and tourists... all turned into thousands of numbers, formulas, and theorems, and were sucked into the ticket.

Above the ticket, a huge funnel-shaped vortex is rapidly forming.

The strong wind blew up Zhou Zhen's hair and clothes.

The collapse continues. The cave-like building, the bungee jumping platform not far away, the cafe, the circus... In the blink of an eye, everything in the entire South District has turned into a torrent of data, converging into the funnel-shaped vortex above the ticket. , causing the vortex that was originally just a faint outline to turn into reality, bursting out with more powerful suction.

Soon, it was the turn of the East and West Zones. The carousel, starry sky Ferris wheel, roller coaster, super pendulum... all merged into the vortex.

Among the facilities, tourists, staff, food, and animals, the nest-like body, the butcher covered in blood, and another infected person with different names and appearances also collapsed into numbers, formulas, and theorems... accompanied by Following the equipment they are on, they are drawn into the vortex and sucked into the tickets.

Zhou Zhen looked at the ticket in his hand, and his long hair was torn crazily in the excitement. The entire Fudi Amusement Park collapsed into data, like the Milky Way rewinding, and merged into the ticket in a mighty way.

In an instant, the amusement park that had just been gorgeous and splendid was covered with countless dark and mottled traces of time.

Half of the cave-like building has collapsed due to wind and rain erosion. The platform that was originally hidden in the cave is now mostly exposed. Looking around, you can clearly see most of the amusement park.

Ferris wheels, roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, rapids rides, bungee jumping platforms... everywhere are rusty and covered with thick dust. They have obviously been abandoned for a long time, and are full of wilderness and desolation.

This is the amusement park in the normal timeline 40 years later!

Zhou Zhen looked at the ticket in his hand again. The ticket turned into an extremely complex and profound number, symbol, and graphics... and entered his head.

In an instant, severe headaches swarmed over me.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!


Amusement Park, West End.

Outside the carousel, next to the rose gallery.

The well-dressed tourists came and went, not noticing Tao Nange and Nie Lang drawing their guns at each other.

Carts selling cotton candy, helium balloons, ice cream and popcorn were accompanied by sweet-sounding sales pitches.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Tao Nange grabbed the giant sniper rifle and fired wildly at Nie Lang.

Nie Lang's muscles were tense, he kept looking for cover to dodge, and occasionally raised his submachine gun to fight back, but the scattered bullets were easily shattered by the dense sniper bullets before they could reach Tao Nange.

boom! ! !

A cart selling ice cream was pierced by bullets.

Nie Lang rolled over and escaped from the cart. Instead of advancing, he retreated and fled towards the crowd of tourists nearby.

A trail of blood was left on the ground, indicating that he had obviously been shot.

Tao Nange did not dare to shoot directly at the tourists, so he immediately put away his sniper rifle and chased Nie Lang.

While following Nie Lang, she said coldly: You only have the 'third step'!

Seeing as you have gone through life and death to maintain order in the past, and now you are caught without mercy, I can promise not to kill you!

If you continue to resist, you will only die!

Nie Lang didn't answer, nor did he stop. He quickly shuttled through the crowd with flexible steps, and kept running away in one direction.

Tao Nange was chasing after her. If this was an open area, it would only take one second for her to catch up with a Third Step compatible person!

But this is the Digital Forest!

The tourists and staff here are the most troublesome obstacles!

Soon, Nie Lang fled all the way from the West District to the North District and came to the vicinity of the Prairie Wild Bungee Jumping Platform project.

Without any hesitation, Nie Lang immediately rushed into the bungee jumping queue.

Tao Nange followed here and stopped immediately. She understood Nie Lang's purpose... The other party wanted to lure her into the bungee jumping project, and then use the rules of this project to kill her!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange did not join the queue, but walked directly to the exit of the bungee jumping event, set up a sniper rifle, and waited patiently for Nie Lang to come out.

However, at this moment, the entire amusement park suddenly fell into a dead silence!

The wind and water stopped, and the voices of people disappeared.

All the staff, tourists, pets, sculpture heads, posters... all looked towards the end of the sightseeing cable car not far away, at a cave-like building!

The next moment, the entire cave-like building collapsed. All the scenes, characters, pets, sculptures, posters around the bungee jumping platform... all collapsed and turned into countless data, rushing towards the huge vortex that was forming above the cave.

Tao Nange was startled for a moment, and then quickly realized that the Digital Forest had been absorbed by something!


It's not a digital forest, it's a digital rain!

The only one who is with Digital Rain now is Zhou Zhen!

Did Zhou Zhen get the digital rain?

So fast? !

The next moment, the entire amusement park's brilliance dissipated, and the blue sky and snow-like clouds above the amusement park disappeared without a trace. They were replaced by the dusty and dilapidated ruins of the amusement park under the gray sky.

Most of the bungee jumping platform has collapsed, and only a small section of the ladder to climb up to the bungee jumping platform is left. The fences set up around it to maintain order have faded paint and rust, and the pitted concrete floor is empty.

The many tourists that were crowded just now are now gone.

Nie Lang, who was crowded in the team, has also disappeared.

Seeing that Nie Lang was nowhere to be seen, Tao Nange's expression suddenly changed!

not good!

The other party went to find Zhou Zhen!

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