Ash Civilization

Chapter 137 Decisive. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Amusement Park, West End.


In the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, Tao Nange, Nie Lang and Mengyao each occupied a wooden horse, their muscles tensed, and they focused on looking at the butcher-infected person not far away.

The infected butcher held a machete that shone with cold light and strode forward through the blood that had accumulated up to his calf.

Wow... Wow...

The Butcher-infected person walked towards the three of them without any hesitation.

The ferocious mouthparts on its head moved slightly like the blades of a flytrap. Huge greed enveloped the hearts of Tao Nange, Nie Lang and Mengyao. Affected by greed, the three of them stopped in their original positions for a while.

Mengyao was closest to the Butcher-infected person, then Nie Lang, and Tao Nange was the farthest.

Seeing the Butcher-infected person getting closer and closer, Mengyao took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly, and instantly appeared in an empty library.

This library is full of towering bookshelves, and the bookshelves are filled with densely packed classics. The light source falls from the chaos above, soft and not dazzling, like the spotlight on a stage, illuminating a square inch.

Digital domain, [Thoughts dive in]!

This library is her own thinking space!

The energy intensity of the Butcher-infected person is too high. In her current state, it is impossible to influence the other person's thinking.

Thinking of this, Mengyao quickly walked to one of the bookshelves and picked up a thick and old book.

As soon as I picked up this book, the dense numbers, symbols, formulas... immediately rose from the pages, like a stirred up dust, or like a gentle light, rolling around and shining.

The thoughts in Mengyao's mind were immediately filled with tranquility and peace, just like a summer afternoon when she was alone in the shade of a familiar lake. The breeze blew through the branches, blowing off the fallen flowers, and the water ripples were slow and cool. Pleasant, carefree and carefree.

The library slowly disappeared like a phantom, and the surrounding scene changed, returning to a carousel like a flesh and blood mill.

Mengyao opened her eyes suddenly, and all her greed was forcibly suppressed by the extremely peaceful emotions. She was now calm and not a little excited.

Just as she regained consciousness, Mengyao suddenly saw that the infected butcher had walked not far away from her, and the bloody smell on his apron was almost hitting her face.

Mengyao didn't hesitate. She pressed her hand on the wooden horse, twisted her waist, and immediately flipped towards the wooden horse behind with a difficult gymnastic movement.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Relying on her super gymnastics skills, Mengyao volleyed, rolled, cartwheeled... and jumped over many gorgeous wooden horses in succession. In mid-air, metal tentacles flashed like ghosts, and passed behind her dangerously again and again. , several times he was able to knock her to the ground with just a hair's breadth.

After a few ups and downs, Mengyao had jumped to the farthest position from the Butcher-infected person!

The Butcher-infected person immediately changed direction and walked towards Nie Lang.

Nie Lang looked extremely struggling. When he saw the Butcher infected approaching, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled up his shirt, revealing the wound on his waist.

The wound now stretched across his entire waist and abdomen, almost dividing him into two parts. The numbers in the wound were crawling faster and faster, and some of the numbers were even raised high, as if they were trying to leave the wound. The injury was worse than before. It’s serious!

In an instant, Nie Lang suddenly woke up.

The wound on his waist was caused by an infection caused by digital rain!

This infected wound was extremely fatal to him.

But at this time, it can help him suppress infections caused by other sources!

As soon as Nie Lang regained consciousness, he quickly took off his shirt, and like Mengyao, jumped towards the wooden horse behind.

The metal tentacles immediately dropped from the ceiling and slapped him.

Nie Lang quickly threw down his clothes. Without any hesitation, the tentacles gave up on him and turned to the clothes.

After jumping back several times in a row, Nie Lang, with his upper body naked, quickly jumped over the wooden horse where Tao Nange was.

The positions of the three people suddenly changed. Now Tao Nange is closest to the Butcher-infected person, followed by Nie Lang, and Mengyao is the furthest away.

However, before Nie Lang and Mengyao could breathe a sigh of relief, Tao Nange also used [spiritual guidance] to get rid of the influence of greed. He quickly pulled out a small silver pistol and pulled the trigger backwards.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The intensive gunshots rang out, and the echoes had not completely dissipated. Tao Nange's figure had already appeared behind Mengyao, farthest away from the Butcher-infected person.

The carousel continues to rotate counterclockwise to the accompaniment of upbeat music.

Wow... Wow... Wow...

The infected butcher dragged the machete and slowly moved toward the three of them in the calf-deep blood.

Metal tentacles lurk on the ceiling, waiting for opportunities to move, and they snap down quickly from time to time, trying to hunt people who leave the Trojan horse briefly.

Tao Nange, Nie Lang, and Mengyao continued to use their methods to escape in a clockwise direction to distance themselves from the Butcher-infected people.

As they ran away, the three of them gradually realized something was wrong.

The music of the carousel keeps repeating a certain fragment!

The Butcher Infected seemed to be chasing them, but the opponent was moving at the same speed as the merry-go-round. In essence, they were staying in the same position!

Looking at this scene, the three of them thought for a moment and soon understood the reason...

It's time!

This carousel, until now, time has not flowed!

If they keep running away in the opposite direction of the merry-go-round, the merry-go-round will spin endlessly forever until they all run out of digital energy and die here!

Only by moving in the direction of the merry-go-round will time flow here and the merry-go-round will end in a few minutes.

However, heading in the direction of the Trojan's rotation means that you must pass by the butcher-infected person!

After figuring this out, the three of them looked very unhappy.

When there were a lot of people just now, if you had discovered this in advance, you could have taken advantage of others to attract the attention of the Butcher-Infected person and passed by the Butcher-Infected person.

But now, everyone else is dead, and there are only three of them left in the entire merry-go-round. No one can sacrifice themselves for the sake of others!

Moreover, to be able to survive until now, the three of them have some trump cards and means. In a short period of time, they cannot make others voluntarily sacrifice for themselves!

At this time, Tao Nange jumped onto a military green wooden horse. She had just stood firm and was about to raise her hand to shoot at the wooden horse further behind. She continued to move, but suddenly stopped.

The body of this wooden horse is military green, and the mane is black. Like other wooden horses, the horse's head is tied with a gorgeous and exaggerated rein, and there is an engraved gem hanging on its forehead.

Tao Nange lowered his head slightly and looked at the Trojan horse intently. In the scanning of the visual sensor, there was a familiar digital energy on the Trojan horse. The breath of this energy was very consistent with Zhou Zhen's energy.

This is the Trojan horse that Zhou Zhen rode!

Tao Nange didn't hesitate and immediately sat down on the wooden horse.

Zhou Zhen has already passed this merry-go-round, and her current operation is to follow the path Zhou Zhen has taken and walk it again!

Nie Lang and Mengyao were startled when they saw Tao Nange suddenly sitting on a wooden horse without moving.

But before they understood the situation, neither of them dared to imitate Tao Nange.

Soon, the Butcher-infected person walked not far from Tao Nange.

The rich smell of blood hit his face, and the ripples of blood caused by the butcher's walking shook out more minced meat and bones, which was shocking to see.

The small silver-white pistol in Tao Nan's singer has been reorganized into a sniper rifle more than four meters long. The muzzle of the gun emits energy, firmly targeting the Butcher-infected person.

Although she already knew that the military green wooden horse she was riding now was the one Zhou Zhen had ridden, she still had to be prepared for her calculations to be wrong!

However, the Butcher-infected person just turned his head towards Tao Nange, and then immediately turned back, ignoring her at all, and continued to walk towards Nie Lang and Mengyao with heavy steps.

Tao Nange successfully passed by the Butcher-infected person.

Nie Lang and Mengyao were startled, and they reacted instantly.

That wooden horse is wrong! Mengyao said quickly.

Nie Lang nodded and replied briefly: Wait for the next lap.

Mengyao instantly understood what Nie Lang meant. When the official ghost came around again in the next lap, the two of them joined forces to grab each other's Trojan horse!

Upbeat music flows and the carousel continues to rotate counterclockwise.

Nie Lang and Mengyao continued to jump towards the wooden horses in a clockwise direction, always keeping a distance from the Butcher-infected people.

After a while, the carousel turned a full circle.

Nie Lang and Mengyao immediately looked at the location where Tao Nange was just now, but Tao Nange was no longer there, and even the military green wooden horse the other party was riding on was nowhere to be seen!

Their expressions changed, and they suddenly understood that Tao Nange had just moved forward, but they were still where they were, and the other party was no longer on the same timeline as them!

Realizing this, Mengyao frowned and was thinking about countermeasures quickly. Suddenly, she saw Nie Lang jumping directly to the empty position of the Trojan horse that Tao Nange was riding on just now, and then got down on all fours, pretending that he was also a Trojan horse. !

Mengyao was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly saw that the Butcher-infected person had just walked up to Nie Lang, and as if he had lost sight of him, he changed direction and chased after her.

The surrounding metal tentacles rubbed against each other, making a harsh clicking sound, and they all walked around Nie Lang without any intention of attacking him.

Nie Lang quickly passed by the Butcher-infected person smoothly.

Mengyao suddenly came back to her senses and hurriedly continued to move towards the Trojan horse behind.

She frowned, that Nie Lang was so decisive!

Just now, Tao Nange dared to ride the military green Trojan horse and pass by the Butcher-infected person. He obviously discovered something.

But Nie Lang's operation completely surprised her.

The last time the other party entered this amusement park, not only did he successfully see the Digital Rain, but he also came out of it alive... It was not just luck!

Soon, the carousel went full circle again.

The place where the wooden horse was was empty again.

Nie Lang has disappeared.

Mengyao didn't hesitate, and immediately imitated Nie Lang's operation just now, jumped directly to the empty space after the Trojan horse disappeared, and then lay down on all fours...

She was wearing a light blue dress with the hem reaching to her knees. When she got down on all fours, the skirt of her dress fell directly into the blood. Soon, the blue dress was soaked in a blood-red gradient.

Although this posture is a bit shameful, no one will see it anyway...


Amusement Park, West End.

Starry Sky Ferris Wheel.


The rain was heavy and the sound was like thunder.

Tao Nange was still wearing a bright red outfit, holding Zhou Zhen on his shoulders, standing in the team.

The rainwater on the ground flowed vertically and horizontally, splashing and scattering thick water vapor, but it had no effect on Tao Nange.

Zhou Zhen very cautiously sat on her shoulders, holding the handle of the umbrella between his neck and shoulders, and curled up completely under the umbrella. The heavy rain poured down, but not a drop fell on him.

At this time, he pulled off the pine green satin hairband on his head with one hand, and then pulled the mint green chiffon skirt off his head bit by bit.

He lowered his head and looked at himself. He was now wearing his military green cartoon T-shirt.

Next, he held the umbrella handle between his shoulders and neck again to ensure that the rain falling from above would not touch him. Then he took out the original black trousers from the photo album on his mobile phone. He first put on a pair of trouser legs, and then He put the trousers around Tao Nange's neck and put on the other trouser leg with some difficulty... After a lot of effort, he finally put the trousers on.

Finally, black sneakers…

Boom boom... boom boom... The rain fell harder, and the water level on the ground was getting higher and higher. In the blink of an eye, it had reached the thighs of the surrounding tourists, and even some children were directly submerged under the water. On the surface of the water Nothing can be seen.

Not far away, the popcorn, ice cream, and marshmallow carts that originally sold snacks were mostly soaked in water.

However, when the sudden accumulation of water reached Tao Nange, it suddenly became very shallow. It only touched the edge of the bow on the other person's shoe, and did not even pour into her high heels.

The tourists around were not surprised at all by the heavy rain and the strange accumulation of water. They continued to queue happily as if the flood did not exist at all.

The team moved faster and faster, and soon it was Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange's turn.

The two came to the entrance of the fence, and Tao Nange took out a brand new ticket and handed it over.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhen also took out his ticket and handed it to the staff for inspection.

Soon, the staff finished stamping and returned the tickets.

They entered the project surrounded by fences and walked up a dozen steps. In front of them was the platform to enter the Star Ferris Wheel.

At this moment, the cars are passing through the platform very slowly, waiting for tourists to enter.

Zhou Zhen leaned his body and lowered himself as hard as possible to ensure that Tao Nange could directly carry him into the car of the Star Ferris Wheel.

At this time, a car with a purple nebula printed on it happened to slowly turn from the left hand. It was empty and ready for riding.

However, if you look carefully, you can see that the upper part of the car has traces of being stepped on on both sides of the car, as if someone had practiced the one-word horse in a very violent way inside, and the car was A hole was punched through the top of it by brute force.

Compared to other clean and intact cars, this car looked particularly miserable.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised, and then quickly realized that these were the traces left by Tao Nange!

Tao Nange has ridden on this starry sky Ferris wheel, and has passed this project!

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