Ash Civilization

Chapter 136 Ferris wheel. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Amusement Park, West End.

Starry Sky Ferris Wheel.

Tourists wearing bright clothes and various exaggerated headbands lined up with popcorn and marshmallows, chatting and laughing. Above the crowd, the starry sky Ferris wheel rotated slowly, and the nebula pattern on the car quietly rotated. The changes seem to slowly open a scroll deep in the universe.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange were sandwiched in the team, and there was a long queue of people in front and behind them.

However, the queue was very fast, and they kept moving forward with the flow of people.

While waiting in line, Zhou Zhen tore off the pine green satin headband on his head, tore off the mint green chiffon skirt wrapped around his waist, kicked off his green sandals, and then opened the photo album on his phone. He took out the black sneakers that he had just put in the spiral slide and put them on in front of everyone.

After changing his clothes, he had already put some distance between him and Tao Nange. Seeing this, Zhou Zhen quickly walked a few steps and followed Tao Nange.

At this moment, a drop of crystal clear rain suddenly dripped from above and landed on his left shoulder.

This drop of rainwater is colorless and odorless. There is no trace of wetness where it falls, but a hole in the shape of a water drop appears directly.

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment and immediately looked up at the sky.

The sky was blue, a few white clouds were floating quietly, and there was no sign of rain.

But then, another drop of rain fell, just scratching his cheek, and his right cheek was immediately pulled out by the raindrops to create a delicate scar.

There was no bleeding in the scar, but rows of crawling numbers appeared.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed and he immediately realized that this was the projection of the digital rain 40 years ago!

He quickly looked at Tao Nange. Tao Nange was wearing a bright red dress, a Santa hat, and bright red high-heeled shoes with a glossy bow tie. She looked excited and kept looking at the slowly rotating Ferris wheel in the starry sky. They seemed to be queuing up with great anticipation, and the rain fell on Tao Nange in drops, without any reaction, as if the rain did not exist at all to Tao Nange!

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate, immediately walked up to Tao Nange and said very seriously: The queue will take a long time, let's play the carousel first!

Tao Nange immediately said happily: Okay!

As he spoke, more raindrops fell. When the raindrops landed on Zhou Zhen's body, his clothes melted away little by little and soon became riddled with holes. They were quickly assimilated by the rainwater. When the raindrops landed on his skin, it instantly formed... A series of digital wounds.

Zhou Zhen did not dare to delay, and immediately said: I am a Trojan horse now, you ride on my shoulders.

As he spoke, he immediately squatted down.

Tao Nange smiled happily, and immediately rode on his shoulders nimbly, her slender white calves hanging on his chest, and her hands holding his head.

Blah blah blah...blah blah blah...

The rain gradually became heavier and heavier.

Zhou Zhen stood up, and all the rainwater from above fell on Tao Nange and then disappeared, unable to touch him at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was still queuing up for this starry sky Ferris wheel project, and he had already started... The difficulty has become higher!

Thinking of this, he suddenly grabbed Tao Nange's hand and tentatively used the other person's palm to rub the digital wound on his face.

Soon, the wound on his cheek disappeared quietly, and the original wound recovered as before, as if he had never been injured.

Zhou Zhen was sure that the wounds on his body that were dripping from the rain were actually not wounds, but the numbers of the rain!

He cannot erase these numbers by himself, but the real digital rain can erase these numbers!

However, he had not been happy for long when the sound of rumbling rain came to his ears.

The rain gradually turned to a downpour, and the big raindrops hit the ground, the roof, the street lights... everything burst into smoke, and the rich water vapor was like a gauze curtain, covering the surroundings in layers.

Swoosh...swipe...soon, water began to accumulate on the ground.

Zhou Zhen frowned. He now had Tao Nange on his head to protect him from the rain, but he still lacked waterproof rain boots under his feet...

His thoughts changed slightly, and he quickly looked around.

The heavy rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the tourists. There were still many tourists walking around, but no one was wearing rain boots, but there were a few young girls holding parasols.

The rainwater slapped on the umbrella surface and gathered into gurgling streams, flowing down the edge and joining the accumulated water on the ground.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier, and the sound of rain in my ears had begun to roar, as if a waterfall was falling upside down, with the momentum to move the Tianhe River.

The level of water on the ground also began to rise rapidly.

The rain touched Zhou Zhen's black sneakers, and they immediately began to melt.

He came to his senses and immediately wanted to jump directly to the guardrail next to him, but found that his legs were unresponsive and no longer obeyed his command.

Immediately afterwards, the water level surged at an alarming speed, and soon it was submerged from the soles of Zhou Zhen's feet to his knees.

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that his entire calf, including his knees, disappeared in an instant, as if he had never had these limbs before. He could no longer stand and lost his balance...


Zhou Zhen fell headlong into the stagnant water.


Amusement Park, West End.

Starry Sky Ferris Wheel.

The aroma of popcorn is overbearing and strong, the ice cream truck is playing cheerful children's songs, and various cartoon-shaped marshmallows are inserted next to the marshmallow machine... The long queue is moving quickly amid these sweet smells.

Zhou Zhen woke up suddenly and quickly looked around.

He is now following Tao Nange and happens to be standing at the end of the Star Ferris Wheel team. He is still wearing a military green T-shirt, with a pine green satin hairband tied on his head, and the zipper around his waist is not closed. A mint green chiffon skirt with high arched insteps, stuffed into a pair of green sandals.

Zhou Zhen clearly felt that his thinking had become more flexible at the moment, but at the same time, he didn't know if it was his own illusion. He felt that he suddenly had no interest in many things, as if he had lost some emotion. …

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen shook his head and did not continue to think about his physical problems. Now it was obvious that he had died again just now!

Moreover, this time I didn’t even enter the project and died in the queue!

This should be because I have passed three projects.

Next, the further projects go forward, the more difficult they will become.

Now it starts from queuing up...

The next project, or the next project, may not even enter the queue yet, but it will start...

The time left for me to observe will become less and less.

From now on, I will make plans for the next project before the previous one is completed.

While thinking, he quickly kicked off his green sandals, looked at the messy clothes on his body, and shook his head slightly.

Changing clothes is a waste of time, now is not the time!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen looked at the young girl closest to him. She was wearing a light yellow cotton dress, a pair of white shoes, and holding a parasol with small blue flowers on a white background. She was standing apart from him. The four people were holding a marshmallow and chewing it slowly.

Zhou Zhen walked directly towards her, and when he got to the side of the young girl, he quickly used the digital domain [Energy Observation]. In his field of vision, a chaotic airflow immediately rose around the young girl. The airflow was colorful. It's as messy as hemp, full of coldness and sloppiness, and moves without any order.

Zhou Zhen was not surprised by such a result, and then used [Energy Synchronization]. Pure white air flow flew up from his body, like a flame and water flow, swaying slowly, and actively moved towards the mixed flames on the young girl's body. Explore.

However, as soon as the pure white air flow was halfway out, it was blocked by the parasol with small blue flowers on the white background, making it impossible to complete the docking.

After two consecutive attempts failed, Zhou Zhen obviously felt that his digital energy was seriously lost. He immediately gave up using the digital domain and returned directly to his original position. He said to Tao Nange: Give me the camera. I want to take pictures.

Tao Nange immediately handed the camera to Zhou Zhen.

This camera is an action camera obtained from the tourists in seat 1A in the roller coaster project.

After leaving the roller coaster project, this camera has been in the hands of Tao Nange.

Zhou Zhen took the camera and first turned the lens towards himself, trying to go back 40 years in the future to avoid the heavy rain that followed. However, he soon discovered that what appeared on the camera's display screen was not Hazel 40 years later. It is desolate and as quiet as death, but it is a bright amusement park with happy people passing by, and it is full of vitality everywhere.

He immediately understood that this camera could only be used in the roller coaster project!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen once again walked up to the young girl holding a parasol with a small blue flower on a white background, and quickly said: Beauty, can you lend me your umbrella? I'll exchange it for you with my camera.

When they first entered the amusement park, Nie Lang had warned them not to talk to any tourists here, let alone get into arguments with them.

This rule was summed up by Nie Lang when he entered this amusement park last time.

But Nie Lang didn't get Digital Rain when he entered Fudi Amusement Park last time!

If Zhou Zhen had just entered the amusement park, he would have followed this rule very carefully.

But now, he has passed three projects.

According to the rules of these three projects, it is easy to find that this rule is not entirely correct!

In the roller coaster project, if he does not have the two digital domains of [Energy Observation] and [Energy Synchronization], if he wants to get the camera of the tourist in seat 1A, he must communicate with that tourist.

In the spiral slide project, if he did not have the digital domain of [two-dimensional space], if he wanted to change so many clothes in the slide, he would have to make transactions with other tourists while waiting in line.

In this Fudi Amusement Park, it's not that you can't talk to tourists, but everything has a corresponding price!

This price is “numbers”!

If you are trading with tourists and you don’t have the “numbers” of other props on you during the transaction, you can only pay the “numbers” in your own equation!

Hearing Zhou Zhen's words, the young girl holding a small blue flower parasol with a white background turned her head, revealing a delicate face. She looked at the action camera in Zhou Zhen's hand, swallowed a mouthful of marshmallow, and said nothing. No matter how hesitant, he nodded and said: Okay!

With that said, she handed the parasol directly to Zhou Zhen. Zhou Zhen took the umbrella and handed the camera to the young girl.

The transaction was successfully completed. Zhou Zhen carefully observed his body, not noticing any changes or feeling any discomfort.

After confirming that he had no problem for the time being, Zhou Zhen quickly returned to his original position in the team.

At this moment, tick...tick...tick...

Transparent water droplets began to fall from above, and it started to rain.

Zhou Zhen quickly raised the umbrella over his head. The rainwater slapped on the umbrella surface, making a rustling sound. It quickly gathered into a miniature stream and slid down the edge of the umbrella. He was not harmed in any way.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly, then looked at Tao Nange beside him, and once again made the suggestion just now: The queue will take a long time, let's play the carousel first!

Tao Nange was the same as before, he immediately smiled happily and said: Okay!

Zhou Zhen didn't waste any time and said quickly: Then, you are here to be a Trojan horse!

Tao Nange blinked and looked at Zhou Zhen in surprise.

Zhou Zhen's expression was calm, without any ripples, and he said matter-of-factly: You just agreed.

Tao Nange suddenly pouted unhappily, but still kept his promise and squatted down.

Zhou Zhen was very satisfied and immediately held her head and sat on her shoulders.

Tao Nange seemed slender and graceful, but he was very strong. After Zhou Zhen sat down, he immediately carried him upright.

Hua Hua Hua... Hua Hua Hua...

The rain fell harder and harder, and the sound changed from the crispness of a stream to the sound of the vast ocean. The big raindrops slapped on the ground, equipment, street lamps, and flower beds, splashing thick water vapor.

Looking out from under the umbrella, the world is vast. The blue sky, white clouds, gorgeous amusement facilities, noisy crowds, attractive-looking snacks, colorful vegetation...all disappeared, leaving only a vast rain curtain filling the surrounding areas. , seems to sweep everything, cover everything, and engulf everything.

The sound of rain in my ears has turned into a roar like a waterfall, as if the sky has opened and all the water is dumped to the earth.

But no matter how heavy the rain was, all the rain falling from above was blocked by the umbrella and did not touch Zhou Zhen.

The water on the ground increased rapidly as before, rising to the level of the ankles in the blink of an eye.

The stagnant water rippled in layers, but there was no reaction when it touched Tao Nange's feet.

After carefully observing for a moment, Zhou Zhen confirmed that there was no problem. He held the umbrella handle between his neck and shoulders and began to change clothes on Tao Nange's shoulders...

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