Ash Civilization

Chapter 131 Eggplant. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Young man! Young man?

Zhou Zhen woke up suddenly when the uniformed staff called him. Looking around, he found that he was standing next to a roller coaster dressed as a rainbow rocket.

At this moment, there are already 25 people sitting on the roller coaster that carries 28 people, and there are only two empty seats, 4B and 9B.

Tao Nange was sitting in 4A with a relaxed expression, looking around in high spirits, as if he was looking forward to the next attractions.

Zhou Zhen clearly felt that his thinking was much more flexible than before!

He just died again!

At this time, the staff member frowned and asked again: Young man, you...

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, ignored the staff, and immediately walked towards the tourist holding a selfie stick and camera in seat 1A.

When he came to the tourist's side, his eyes suddenly became dark. In his field of vision, he immediately saw a layer of pure white airflow on his body, like a flame or water flow, swaying slowly, completely surrounding him.

The tourists in front of them all had a layer of airflow with chaotic colors. Due to the excessive colors, the airflow looked grotesque. It was like a blazing wildfire in the wilderness, dancing without rhythm. It was different from the The energy seen in the real Tao Nange was huge and deep. This chaotic air flow gave people a feeling of looseness and coldness. It seemed completely unconstrained and full of impurities.

Digital domain, [Energy Observation]!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen controlled his own energy flow and connected it with the energy flow of tourist 1A.

At the moment when the two energy flows merged, the pure white energy flow that was originally wrapped around his body instantly became chaotic and bizarre.

At this moment, there was no difference between the energy flow on Zhou Zhen's body and the energy flow on the tourists in front of him. It was as if rainwater fell into the river and blended in naturally.

Digital domain, [Energy Synchronization]!

The next moment, Zhou Zhen snatched the camera and selfie stick from the other party.

He quickly checked the camera. It was a simple-to-operate action camera. The lens was opened, the anti-shake function was turned on, and the entire camera was fixed on the selfie stick. The mode was smart shooting. As long as you showed a smile, the camera would automatically Snapshot.

Tourist 1A didn’t react at all, as if he didn’t know his camera had been stolen.

After getting the camera, Zhou Zhen immediately walked quickly towards Tao Nange and came to seat 4A. He handed the camera directly to Tao Nange.

Tao Nange took the camera and immediately smiled happily: You are so kind!

Zhou Zhen smiled, said nothing, then walked towards 9B and quickly sat in the empty seat.

The staff on the platform once again observed the entire roller coaster, made sure that all tourists were seated and fastened their seat belts, immediately raised the horn, and finally told the precautions. Next, the bell rang and the roller coaster started running... …

Just like before, the roller coaster only advanced a short distance and then began to decline rapidly.

Tao Nange held up the selfie stick and pointed the camera lens at himself and Zhou Zhen behind him. He turned to look at Zhou Zhen and said with a smile: Eggplant!

Zhou Zhen stared closely at the camera screen. On the screen, there was a dark, broken roller coaster, tracks with gaps everywhere, and an empty background. Only Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange were on the entire roller coaster. All other tourists, Neither exists.

This is what it will look like 40 years later!

Zhou Zhen was convinced and immediately responded: Eggplant!


The shutter sound sounded, and the surrounding scene changed drastically, as if they had instantly entered a dark photo from the colorful reality.

The colors faded, the noise disappeared, and the tourists disappeared. The dilapidated roller coaster still maintained its original trajectory and dived downwards.

But what is different from the previous two times is that Zhou Zhen is not the only one on the roller coaster at this moment, Digital Rain also appears here this time!

Tao Nange still held up the selfie stick. The old roller coaster and the track were in disrepair. The vehicle was bumpy when running. The action camera lens was still stable, and a gorgeous scene was clearly reflected on the screen: The brand-new roller coaster swoops down at high speed, and the ride is packed with tourists. The tourists close their eyes and scream loudly, and the pitch and speed rise simultaneously.

Whoosh whoosh... the wind howled, and as the roller coaster dived, a crack of about 6 meters appeared again on the track ahead.

Zhou Zhen looked at the action camera held by Tao Nange and immediately shouted: Eggplant!


The next moment, the surrounding scene changed, and he seemed to be back to the bustling and bustling place 40 years ago. The surroundings were filled with tourists, and everything he saw was bright and beautiful.

Cheers and screams came and went.

The track that was broken after 40 years is now intact.

In seat 4A, Tao Nange looked at him very happily with crooked eyebrows. The selfie stick was raised in the air, and the lens of the action camera was always firmly locked on the two of them.

The camera screen was dark, dilapidated, rusty, empty, and desolate... He and Tao Nange were the only two people on the dilapidated roller coaster.

The roller coaster was very fast, and it quickly passed the section of track that broke off after 40 years, and entered a relatively smooth route.

The surrounding scenery changed, and in the blink of an eye, there was a 360-degree turn ahead.

The vehicle roared into the sky and flipped over at the apex of the huge circle. The last time, the vehicle derailed here and fell off piece by piece.

Zhou Zhen looked at the camera in Tao Nange's hand and said again: Eggplant!


The surrounding scene changed again. The roller coaster flipped on the gray track. He and Tao Nange were the only ones in the car.

This time, the vehicle passed the apex of the circle very smoothly and dived downwards.

Not long after I rushed out, a huge gap appeared in front of me, and a large section of the circular track was corroded here!

Zhou Zhen looked at the camera screen and spoke very skillfully: Eggplant!

The surrounding scene changed again.

The roller coaster was traveling rapidly, and the wind was blasting in my ears.

Zhou Zhen stared straight ahead. If the roller coaster malfunctioned, he would use the camera in the hand of Tao Nange to immediately return to the timeline 40 years later; if there was a problem with the track, he would use the camera to enter the timeline 40 years ago. .

Gorgeousness and decay; noise and emptiness; joy and silence... are constantly intertwined.

The roller coaster is racing all the way, and the scenes 40 years ago and 40 years later are switching wildly with the sound of the shutter.

With the dive of the last 90-degree cliff, the speed of the vehicle finally slowed down after rushing down the cliff, and slowly came to the platform where it started.

Ahh! It's so fun!

What a relief...

I can't do it anymore. I won't sit down again next time. I almost thought I was going to die...

Come on, drink some water and take a breather.

Husband... Huh... give me a hand! Oh my God, I will never sit down again!

Well, since you promised me, then we are a couple. Do you want to go ride the Ferris wheel...

I want to queue up again, where are you guys?

Let's go, let's play again!

The tourists chatted and laughed as they unbuckled the safety buckles and left under the guidance of the staff. Tao Nange followed. Zhou Zhen followed each other's every move and immediately followed him off the roller coaster.

After Tao Nange got off the bus, he stood on the platform with the action camera and waited patiently for Zhou Zhen.

Seeing Zhou Zhen walking towards her, she immediately smiled happily, stretched out her arm, took Zhou Zhen's arm, and walked towards the exit.

When passing the front of the roller coaster, Zhou Zhen paid attention to the tourist in seat 1A. This tourist seemed to have not seen Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange at all, and had no intention of taking back the camera.

Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The roller coaster project was also successfully passed!

Different from the carousel just now, for the roller coaster project, he does not need to sit with the digital rain. As long as it can be captured by the camera, there will be no problem.

The real key is the camera of the tourist in 1A!


To be precise, it should be the mood of Digital Rain wanting to take pictures!

He used [Energy Observation] and [Energy Synchronization] to get the 1A tourist's camera by trick.

Without these two digital domains, if he wanted to get the tourist's camera, there was only one exchange it for the ticket!

When it's over, use the camera to exchange the tickets again.

Of course, if he missed the check at the beginning, then everything else would be meaningless...

While thinking, Tao Nange pulled Zhou Zhen out of the roller coaster venue.

There were still huge crowds of people outside, with people queuing up and people watching, and there were many small stalls selling snacks. It was very noisy and lively.

Zhou Zhen took out the carousel ticket and saw that there was an image of a roller coaster next to the carousel printed on the ticket. The text description also changed from introducing the carousel to introducing the carousel and the roller coaster.

Digital Rain pulled Zhou Zhen and walked briskly towards the spiral slide.


Playground, West End.

Outside the carousel.

The originally neat square was now torn into pieces by sharp blades, and the broken stone chips mixed with soil were splashed all over the sky.

The ground is full of potholes, and the surrounding carefully designed flowers, plants, and trees have fallen branches and leaves, and many white fractures are exposed in many places, all of which are traces of hot weapons fire.

In the mess, several armed men in simple clothes were lying on the ground. They were the men who were brought in by Mo Ting. They were lying motionless or lying around, with dark red blood slowly flowing out from under their bodies.

More armed men were surrounding in the distance, holding guns in their hands and loading them quickly.

The click sound of the gun bolt being pulled was endless. Tao Nange stood on a broken flower bed. The flowers and plants in the flower bed were dying, and the strong smell of ammunition in the air had not dissipated.

She squatted in a lunge, and all the mecha parts attached to the pure black battle suit had been unfolded. The intricately constructed parts were tightly attached to the battle suit, half-wrapping her entire body. She raised her hands slightly, each holding them. A silver-white submachine gun.

In the muzzle of the gun, light surged, and a new round of energy storage was about to be completed.

Except for the wound on the back of his hand from riding the Star Ferris Wheel, Tao Nange's whole body was intact without any new injuries.

Not far away from her, Mengyao's chest was heaving and she was breathing slightly. There were dots of blood on her light blue dress. There was a scratch left by a bullet on her left shoulder, and there were multiple scratches from sharp blades all over her body. , although the injury was not serious, the blood had stained the dress.

Mengyao's forehead was covered with sweat, her round eyes were slightly squinted, and the changing Vegevisil symbol on her chest was shining faintly.

The girl was holding the triangular thorn on the edge of her hand, and blood was slowly flowing down.

Both sides' muscles were tense and they were concentrating on the confrontation.

Nie Lang, who had been watching on the edge of the battlefield just now, was now standing between the two, blocking their path towards each other.

He looked calm, and while smoking a cigarette, he said calmly: It's almost done.

Our purpose this time is 'digital rain'.

We haven't seen the 'digital rain' yet, so there's no need to fight to the death first.

“My suggestion is to find the ‘digital rain’ first.”

Hearing this, Tao Nange looked deeply at Mengyao. She really wanted to take advantage of the moment to kill this member of the Twelve Sages directly!

However, Zhou Zhen disappeared after she changed her clothes just now.

Now according to Nie Lang, someone has already found Digital Rain.

Not surprisingly, the person who found Digital Rain is probably Zhou Zhen!

Zhou Zhen already has multiple personalities, and has a lot of infected sub-personalities with high digital ladders. If something happens, the entire amusement park will have to be played out!

And the next situation in Tongfu City will become even worse!

After thinking quickly, Tao Nange calmly put away his guns. This is the Digital Forest and this member of the Twelve Sages cannot escape.

The most important thing now is to find Zhou Zhen first!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange said nothing nonsense. The gun in his hand reorganized into a small silver-white pistol, inserted into his waist, and turned directly to the team for the carousel. He stopped behind the last tourist in the team and started queuing.

Seeing Tao Nange stop, Nie Lang greeted his remaining members, walked towards the carousel, and joined the queue.

Mengyao turned her wrist and put away the three-sided thorn. She looked at Tao Nange and then at Nie Lang, feeling very strange in her heart.

There's something wrong with this Nie Lang!

That official ghost is very powerful, and the Digital Domain is biased towards combat, which is very difficult to deal with!

The purpose of Nie Lang's trip was for the digital rain. Under normal circumstances, the other party would definitely seize the opportunity and join forces with him to eliminate the official ghost!

But Nie Lang did nothing...

Thinking of this, Mengyao didn't waste any time and gave orders to her men behind her. A large group of people immediately walked towards the carousel and started queuing up.

Outside the carousel, a long queue suddenly appeared.

Amidst the brisk music, there was a faint click sound and a muffled dong dong dong sound.

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