Ash Civilization

Chapter 130 Accident. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Du Jun and others were suddenly horrified, and the strong aura of death rushed towards their faces, covering them instantly.

However, the fear only lasted for less than a second, and the greed in their hearts was quickly amplified!

Immediately afterwards, Du Jun, Zou Xuanxuan, Xue Li, Rong Manxin, Mo Ting and seven or eight of his men looked at the blood-red skinned butcher, as if they were seeing some rare treasure.

“‘Digital Rain’!”

“It turns out this is ‘Digital Rain’!”

Mine! Mine! He is mine!!!

No one wants to rob me!

'Digital Rain', here I come!

Du Jun and his group immediately rushed towards the butcher without any hesitation.

At this time, the new batch of tourists who came in had already boarded the carousel.

A rapid bell rang, music played, and the carousel began to rotate slowly.

As the Trojan started, blood spurted out from every seat.

Du Jun was the fastest and was the first to rush to the butcher. He was caught by the butcher's outstretched hand as big as a cattail leaf, and he threw it on the chopping board in front of him like a freshly killed fish.

Dong dong dong...

The sound of the machete striking the chopping board was dull and distinct.

Fresh blood shot out in all directions, staining the butcher's red apron with several bright red streaks.

Mo Ting's seven or eight men were the slowest and fell at the back. They only ran a few steps before they were picked up by the metal tentacles hanging from the ceiling and stuffed directly into the mouth.

Accompanied by a tooth-piercing sound of metal friction, the mouthparts squirmed rapidly, and blood wrapped in minced meat and bone residue slowly surged. Soon, all these men were chewed up and swallowed.

The butcher's hands and feet were quick and he finished cutting Du Jun in a short time. He grabbed the second Rong Manxin who came up and threw him on the chopping board.

Dong dong dong...

Click, click, click...

The smell of blood is as strong as substance. The blood on the floor is rising little by little, and the minced meat is splashing everywhere. The carousel, full of fantasy and childlike fun, looks like hell on earth at this moment.

Du Jun and his party soon stayed in the carousel in another way.

The cheerful music continues, and the carousel rotates fast and slow to the accompaniment. The music jingles like spring water flowing in the brilliant mountain stream, and spring flowers bloom along the coast.

After a while, the music stopped and the carousel came to an abrupt halt, waiting for the next group of tourists to enter.


Amusement Park, West End.

Outside the carousel project, Tao Nange was wearing a ghost suit and a visual sensor. At this moment, countless data were being recorded on the sensor's lens, and the silver-white sniper rifle barrel was slowly lighting up.

In front of her, Nie Lang and Mengyao each led a group of people, vaguely blocking her way.

Mengyao's black grape-like eyes looked at Tao Nange quietly, and suddenly she blinked her long eyelashes and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, Mengyao had appeared in a tall and empty library.

This library is surrounded by towering bookshelves, with books placed on them. There are no boundaries around, and you can't see the roof when you look up. Only the gray mist blocks your view.

The light source didn't know where it came from, but it was enough to see clearly the surrounding bookshelves and the spines of the books.

Digital domain, [Thoughts dive in]!

This library is Tao Nange’s thinking space.

The books inside are the other party's knowledge, thoughts, memories, and ideas.

Mengyao quickly looked around, quickly walked to the nearest bookshelf, stretched out her palm, and was about to pick up the books on the shelf.

However, the moment her fingertips touched the books, the entire library collapsed, and everything collapsed into a cloud of smoke, which became slightly diffuse and turned into a scene outside the carousel project in the west area of ​​the amusement park.

Mengyao reacted immediately, [Thought Infiltration] failed!

This is the opponent's digital domain, [Spiritual Guidance]!

The next moment, a silver-white bullet roared out of the barrel and shot towards her forehead.

Mengyao's expression remained unchanged, she quickly lowered her head, and the bullet grazed the top of her hair, passing by dangerously.


As soon as the bullet passed through Mengyao's body, it immediately transformed into a slim and vigorous figure. The four-meter-long sniper rifle in Tao Nan's singer's body was surging with light. Countless numbers, formulas, theorems... changed and reorganized, and instantly transformed into A gorgeous alloy long sword.

The sword blade roared and slashed hard at Mengyao.

Mengyao dodged aside again. At the same time, many of the younger brothers following her raised their firearms, aimed at Tao Nange, and pulled the triggers without hesitation.


Various bullets formed a dense rain of bullets, like a net, targeting Tao Nange.

Tao Nange slashed the air with his sword, then turned around and waved his sword repeatedly, creating a curtain of sword light.

Ding ding ding…

Amidst the sound of gold and iron clashing, the alloy long sword slashed at high speed, knocking down all the bullets that were fired.

Shell casings of various calibers fell rapidly like rain, and soon accumulated in a pile at Tao Nange's feet.

At the same moment, Mengyao turned her hands over, and a pair of black special metal triangular thorns fell into her palms.

She crossed her arms, raised and lowered the three-pointed thorns, and after assuming a posture, she stepped out with ghostly steps and quickly pierced towards Tao Nange.

While blocking the bullet, Tao Nange took out a small silver-white pistol and shot Mengyao directly.


The moment the gun rang out, the heavy sound of metal hit almost at the same time. As soon as the bullet was fired, it was blocked by Mengyao's double stabs.

But the bullet was extremely powerful. Although Mengyao blocked the bullet, the powerful impact knocked her back a few steps.

At this time, the men Mo Ting brought in had finished shooting a round of ammunition and immediately started loading a new round of ammunition.

Tao Nange didn't hesitate and said immediately: Battle mode!

The next moment, digital energy surged all over her body, and the energy that had been contained in her body suddenly became active. Stripes lit up on the ghost suit, like electronic circuits, and the metal attachments at the joints moved in response, click With a click sound, each function was quickly adjusted.

The visual sensor covering most of Tao Nange's face also lit up with a dim light.

Seeing that the battle was beginning to escalate, Nie Lang put one hand in his pocket, held a cigarette leisurely in the other hand, blew out a smoke ring, and stood aside as if it had nothing to do with him. This Twelve Sages The energy intensity of the members is similar to that of the ghost beauty.

But she is no match for that ghost beauty!

The reason is simple: the opponent's digital domain is not suitable for head-on combat!

It seems that the Twelve Sages only noticed him, but did not have time to confirm the authenticity of his Digital Rain information.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t just send one auxiliary member here…

Thinking of this, he took another puff of cigarette and continued to watch the battle without any intention of intervening.


Amusement Park, West End.

roller coaster.

The aroma of popcorn fills the surroundings, bright projects, gorgeously dressed tourists, and the atmosphere is lively and cheerful.

Zhou Zhen was sitting in seat 9B of the roller coaster. A few rows of tourists ahead of him, sitting in seat 4A, was Tao Nange, who looked like a pretty girl.

At this moment, all tourists have fastened their safety buckles and are mentally prepared for the roller coaster to start.

As the bell rang, the entire car body shook slightly, and the roller coaster began to move forward slowly.

Zhou Zhen stared closely at Tao Nange in seat 4A.

In order to prevent missing details, he secretly used the digital domain [hidden eavesdropping].

He is now with Digital Rain and does not need to worry about the onset of side effects, so this time he used [Hidden Eavesdropping] alone and did not use [Geometric Barrier] at the same time.

At this time, the roller coaster began to decline rapidly.

Tourist 1A, just like before, took out a selfie stick amidst the exclamations.

Zhou Zhen immediately noticed that Tao Nange turned his head slightly and turned towards the tourist's camera, as if he wanted to take a photo at this time.


The shutter sounds.

The next moment, the surrounding scene changed drastically, all the bright colors faded away, and the gray sky and gray abandoned amusement park appeared again.

The timeline goes back 40 years.

The broken roller coaster was swaying on the rusty track. The seats were full of tourists just now, but now they were empty. Only Zhou Zhen was sitting alone on 9B on the entire roller coaster.

At this moment, the roller coaster was diving downwards at high speed, and the whistling wind roared sharply in my ears.

This time, the safety buckle on Zhou Zhen's body did not disappear, and his body was firmly fixed on the roller coaster.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

Accompanied by a harsh noise, the roller coaster rushed to the place where he crashed just now. However, the section of track that was broken just now was intact at this moment.

The roller coaster quickly crossed this section of track and continued to move forward.

Zhou Zhen immediately realized that the completed track used the number he had just lost!

The surrounding area is empty, old equipment, thick dust, black soil, dead water... full of desolation. But due to [hidden eavesdropping] in the digital domain, Zhou Zhen could still hear the screams of other tourists, and a young man intermittently confessing his love to the girl sitting next to him.

After a relatively gentle ride, the roller coaster came to a 360-degree track.

Just when the vehicle was hanging upside down at the apex of the circle, Zhou Zhen heard another crisp sound of the camera shutter.

The shutter clicked, and the surrounding scene changed again.

Colorful colors surged in, and the square below was filled with tourists. Many people held up their mobile phones and cameras to take crazy pictures of the roller coaster in mid-air. The tourists on the roller coaster were screaming hysterically at this moment, with distorted expressions and almost... A young girl was crying and laughing.

Zhou Zhen immediately looked at the seat of Tao Nange. 4A was empty, and Tao Nange had disappeared.

He frowned and suddenly understood that this time, even if he could successfully complete the roller coaster project, he would essentially fail!

He can't let the digital rain leave his sight!

Just as I was thinking about it, the roller coaster flipped along the track, and all the tourists suddenly changed from the normal sitting posture to a head-down posture and a foot-up posture.

At this moment, a metal part fixing the body to the track suddenly made a click sound, and the entire vehicle gave a heavy thump. All the passengers in the car rushed forward in unison, and were immediately pulled back by the seat belts.

The speed of the roller coaster did not slow down, but the originally smooth ride suddenly shook violently, and the harsh metal collision sound instantly drowned out the screams of the tourists!

The car shook more and more, and the first car quickly veered off the track!

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!

what's the situation?!

Derailed! Derailed!!!!

Wow ah ah...

At the same time, the crowd in the square below also realized something was wrong, and screams suddenly broke out. More mobile phones and cameras were taken out to take pictures, and some people ran towards the management office and the staff of the roller coaster project.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and immediately used the digital [Plane Jump].

The scene around him faded away in an instant, replaced by criss-crossing lines, outlining grids.

Zhou Zhen quickly selected one of the grids and stepped out. The teleportation ended, but he still stayed in his seat without moving an inch.

He suddenly understood that he was now sitting on a roller coaster, and the number of this roller coaster was one with him!

If you want to teleport away, you must have enough energy to move the entire roller coaster and all the tourists on the roller coaster together.

Click, click, click...

While he was thinking, a more violent sound of metal breaking came to his ears. Soon, the first carriage fell off while driving, and the passengers on it fell down with it.

Ah ah ah ah ah--!

Amidst the shrill screams, the vehicle carrying four passengers, 1A1B and 2A2B, fell heavily on a sharp curved track below. The track deflected the fall path and hit a concrete square. There was a family in the square who had no time to dodge. The scream lasted only half a sound before the muffled sound of broken bones mixed with blood and flesh splattering was heard.

The flower of blood bloomed instantly, and the surrounding screams surged like a tide, and the crowd dispersed instantly.

Tourist 1A was completely pinned down by the carriage, and could not see the specific situation. Only a piece of his wrist was exposed on the edge of the carriage. The selfie stick and camera hit the cement floor with the force of his fall, and he was shattered to pieces on the spot.

Looking at the fallen camera, Zhou Zhen thought of something and immediately took out his mobile phone and took pictures in front of him.


The shutter sounded, but there was no reaction from the surroundings. The click-click sound continued. Cars 5A5B and 6A6B also began to detach from the track and fell downwards.

The four tourists in the carriage were horrified. The young man who had just confessed his love grabbed the hand of the girl next to him and was already speechless...


Soon, the carriage fell straight down, and blood spattered everywhere. At the same time, several limbs were thrown into the crowd, causing a new round of screams.

Zhou Zhen quickly turned the camera of his phone and took a selfie of himself.


The photo was taken successfully, but there was still no change in the surroundings. The carriage where 7A7B and 8A8B were located also began to lose its strength and groaned under the load.

Not long after, the carriage also fell amidst the cries, and none of the four passengers inside survived.

The incomplete roller coaster was still running with a dull click sound, and the sound of broken metal finally reached the car where Zhou Zhen was.

Seeing that he was about to encounter an accident, Zhou Zhen suddenly understood something and put away his phone calmly.

boom! ! !

Zhou Zhen and the carriage he was in all fell down!

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