Ash Civilization

Chapter 132 Spiral Slide. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Amusement Park, West End.

Upbeat music blended with the aroma of popcorn, and the long queue in front of the carousel began to move quickly.

The queue speed here is obviously much faster than other projects.

Tao Nange, Nie Lang, Mengyao...were mixed in the queue and waited patiently.

Soon, all the tourists in front walked in. From their current location, they could clearly hear the laughter of the tourists on the carousel and the click of the shutter.

Not long after, the music stopped suddenly, the carousel slowly stopped, and uniformed staff announced the end of the project, urging this group of tourists to leave as soon as possible.

so fun……

Mom, I want to sit there again!

Haha, would you like to take a photo for me? Send it to me quickly and I'll take the photo myself!

The tourists left in twos and threes. Seeing this scene, Tao Nange immediately whispered: Tracking mode!

The visual sensor suddenly showed dense energy groups. These energy groups were mixed and chaotic, like a mess. It was still impossible to trace Zhou Zhen's energy.

Tao Nange frowned slightly.


After confirming that all the previous group of tourists had left, uniformed staff opened the gate and signaled them to enter.

Tao Nange frowned slightly, then quickly walked into the fence and walked towards the carousel.

At the same moment, Nie Lang, who was a few steps away from Tao Nange, also walked up. He looked at the merry-go-round nearby, and familiar memories suddenly appeared in his mind...

The last time he entered Foody Amusement Park, he seemed to have played this carousel!

Thinking of this, he saw that Tao Nange had entered the carousel, walked slowly inside, and started to choose the horse. He immediately turned his head and reminded behind him: Be careful!

This carousel had an accident more than 40 years ago.

A little boy hid a box of jelly in his pocket while riding a military green Trojan horse alone. He ate the jelly while the Trojan horse was running and accidentally choked into his trachea.

But the sound of music blocked his cry for help, and his dancing during the struggle was considered to be happiness. After his breathing stopped, his body was buckled on the wooden horse with a safety belt.

It wasn't until the end of the project that the staff discovered something was wrong, and it was already too late to send him to the hospital.

So you can't sit on the military green wooden horse.

And don't go near a rocking horse with children.

“When the Trojan starts spinning, time starts moving backwards instead of forwards.”

What we see is a timeline that is further in the past.

There may be some other emergencies at that time, but these are minor problems and everyone can just deal with them on their own.

Hearing this, Satellite Airlines, Si Quan, Shen Zhe, Xiao Han, Hu Aimin and Li Cheng all nodded.

Satellite Aviation quickly said: Thank you! Although this is a 'digital forest', now that you know this kind of key information, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Hu Aimin's eyes flashed, looking at Tao Nange who was still choosing a seat on the carousel and said: The biggest problem now is not this carousel, but the official ghost.

Si Quan said in a deep voice: That's right! This carousel is very simple. The really difficult thing to deal with is the official ghost!

Li Cheng said in a hoarse voice: That official ghost is obviously no longer the 'Third Step'. I really hope that this carousel is more dangerous and can weaken her!

While chatting quietly, Nie Lang and his group confidently walked through the fence and walked into the carousel.

As soon as they entered the carousel, the scene in front of them suddenly changed. The strong smell of blood hit their faces. The floor that looked clean outside was actually covered with blood. The severed limbs and remains of the previous group of tourists were scattered everywhere. Stacked next to it, dark red liquid and gray-white texture mixed with minced meat and bone residue dripped from the corpse.

I don’t know where the uprights of the carousel have gone. In its place is a nest-like metal body, with dense metal tentacles protruding from all sides. Some support the ceiling and maintain the appearance of the carousel; some hang down from above, fixing a Trojan horses, carriages, and others meander freely in the space of the carousel, penetrating the corpses of tourists, wrapping them around the mouthparts stuffed into the top of the nest.

Click, click, click… The sound of metal mouthparts chewing the body kept ringing.

Not far away, there was a butcher with blood-red skin. He grabbed a tourist and chopped it vigorously on a cutting board made of a wooden horse.

Dong dong dong...

Tao Nange, whom Nie Lang and others saw outside just now, was not picking out a Trojan horse at all. Instead, he was standing at the entrance as if facing a formidable enemy. He was holding a sniper rifle that had been reorganized into a length of more than four meters, and the muzzle was glowing. , the energy is surging, and charging has been completed!

The faces of Satellite Airlines and others suddenly changed and they immediately looked at Nie Lang.

Nie Lang was also obviously stunned, this is... a carousel! ?

At the same time, Mengyao led many of her subordinates to the fence of the carousel. When she saw Nie Lang and his entourage walking in without any hesitation, she nodded slightly.

Nie Lang had entered this amusement park once, and she didn't see fear in the thoughts of Nie Lang and others just now. The danger of this project should not be high!

So, without hesitation, Mengyao strode into the carousel with her men behind her.

However, as soon as she entered the carousel, the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

Tao Nange, Nie Lang and others who had just come in were all standing at the entrance, not daring to move.

The entire carousel seemed to have turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with two infected people approaching.

Mengyao's originally very quiet expression suddenly became chapped, and her eyes suddenly widened.

She stared closely at the nest-like infected that had replaced the original pillars of the carousel. This energy intensity... was even more terrifying than her powerful boss!

Mengyao quickly looked at Nie Lang and others. This time, she easily saw strong fear in the minds of these people!

Her face changed slightly, and she suddenly understood that the carousel in front of her should not be like this before!

For a moment, everyone entering the venue was silent, as quiet as death.

In the entire carousel, there were only the sounds of butchers chopping meat and the sounds of infected people chewing in the shape of nests.


Amusement Park, West End.

Spiral slide.

Tao Nange brought Zhou Zhen to this project.

This project is a large combined slide. The entrance is on a platform about thirty meters high, and the exit is located at the bottom of a deep pit, in an ocean ball pool filled with pink bobo balls.

The ball pool is more than ten meters lower than the ground. Standing by the wire fence surrounding the ball pool, you can have a clear view of the entire ocean ball.

The entire slide is composed of closed solid-color slides in nine colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white. From the outside, it looks like pipes of nine colors entangled with each other, and finally reunited into nine exits, sliding into the same ocean ball pool. .

Although the scale is relatively large, it is ultimately just a slide. Compared with other projects in the amusement park, this is only a small project. The number of people queuing up is obviously less than that of the carousel and roller coaster.

At this moment, there were only a few dozen people lined up at the project entrance next to the ocean ball pool.

Since this project prohibits children under 14 years old and people over 60 years old from participating, the people queuing up here are mostly teenagers.

Like tourists queuing up elsewhere, they were brightly dressed and excited, waiting with anticipation for their turn to enter the project.

In front of Tao Nange and Zhou Zhen, stood a group of young men and women who seemed to be college students. There were white people, yellow people, and two brown people. Most of them had dyed hair, blue hair and red hair. , yellow hair, white hair... and even a green hair.

A few people were chatting and laughing in low voices, and quarreling in the queue from time to time.

A uniformed staff member raised a loudspeaker and reminded at the side: If you have sharp or fragile items in your pockets, please take them out before climbing onto the platform. We will have someone special to keep them... If you have larger luggage, you can also take it out. Please deposit it before going up...

Zhou Zhen watched Tao Nange's gaze from time to time. Every time someone came out of the slide, Tao Nange would look at him. He immediately followed and looked towards the exit of the slide.


With a burst of screaming, several tourists fell into the ocean ball from the entrance of the slide.

The first tourist to come out was a young man in his twenties. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a navy blue baseball cap on his head. He entered the ocean ball just half a second slower than him. There was a girl with dyed yellow hair, wearing a yellow jumpsuit and a pair of sneakers with a little yellow duck ID on her feet; the one closest to the queue was a boy who looked like a high school student with a bandage on his head. A big red strap, wearing a red jersey, red running shoes...

After observing several tourists sliding out of the slide, Zhou Zhen suddenly realized something was wrong.

He immediately looked at the several tourists climbing towards the platform at the entrance of the spiral slide.

Five of the tourists seemed to be in a group, and they were still playing and joking during the climb. They were three men and two women. Among the three men, the oldest was about 30 years old, with a medium build and wearing white. T-shirt, dark denim shorts, red sneakers, and a denim blue peaked cap on his head; the tallest one is very thin, wearing a black short-sleeved sweatshirt, yellow pants, black sneakers, and a red headset on his head ; The last man was particularly fat, about the width of two people. He was wearing a blue T-shirt, white canvas shorts, blue sneakers, and a black sunhat.

One of the two girls is fat and the other is thin. The fat girl is wearing a red polka-dot bat-sleeved top, navy blue denim hot pants, and white running shoes. Her long hair is pinned with a yellow bow hairpin; the thin girl is wearing a yellow chiffon short-sleeved shirt with a red printed half. skirt, beige short boots, and a white ribbon sun hat.

After the five tourists climbed onto the platform at the entrance of the spiral slide, under the guidance of the staff, they each chose an entrance to the slide to start the project.

Zhou Zhen quickly looked at the ocean ball pool below.


Soon, with a few excited screams, someone slid out of the slide exit.

The first one to come out was a male tourist about 30 years old. His head was normal and he was still wearing the blue denim cap. However, his torso was ridiculously fat. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and his hips and legs were also very fat. , very short, wearing navy blue denim hot pants and blue sneakers. At this moment, his limbs and proportions look very weird!

Next came the fat girl. She still had the yellow bow hairpin on her head. Different from her triple-chinned face, her torso below the neck was incredibly slender. She wore a yellow chiffon short-sleeved shirt that reached her legs. , became extremely slender again, wearing yellow trousers, and her slender ankles were submerged in beige short boots.

Then there is the tallest male tourist. He wears red headphones on his head. He has a short and bloated torso. He is wearing a red polka-dot bat-sleeved top. His hips and legs are slender and slim, wrapped in a red printed skirt. His feet are male feet. , wearing bright red sneakers.

Next is the last male tourist. He has a fat head under a black sunhat and a very thin torso in a black short-sleeved sweater. His buttocks and legs wearing dark denim pants are of normal male proportions. He wears black sportswear. The shoes are extraordinarily big; the last person to come out is a thin girl, wearing a white sun hat and a white men's T-shirt, with a flat chest, clearly a man's upper body, a fat man's buttocks and legs in white canvas shorts, and a pair of fat feet in white running shoes. , which is incompatible with the delicate face painting style.

The limbs of these tourists who have finished the slide are not their original limbs!

Zhou Zhen frowned, thought for a moment, and soon understood the general situation of the slide. He looked at his clothes, a military green T-shirt, black trousers, and black sneakers.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Zhen immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album and dug out the photos inside.

Soon, Zhou Zhen found a photo, in which a slender and light girl had just finished taking a shower, with a towel wrapped around her head, hanging clothes on the balcony.

In addition to the clothes she was drying, there were two rows of clothes hanging on the clothesline on the balcony. The clothes were colorful and colorful.

On the outside railing of the balcony, there are several pairs of women's shoes of different styles.

Zhou Zhen immediately used the digital domain [two-dimensional space] and reached his hand directly into the photo.

Soon, he took out more than a dozen pieces of girls' clothes from the photo. Many of these clothes had just been hung up to dry and were not dry yet, so they were all wet.

Zhou Zhen can't care so much. No matter whether these clothes are dry or not, as long as they can be worn now!

The queue continued to move forward, and no one raised any eyebrows at Zhou Zhen's sudden appearance of so many girls' clothes, which were still wet.

The team was relatively short, and soon it was Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange's turn.

Tao Nange took out the ticket and handed it to the staff guarding under the ladder on the platform.

Zhou Zhen also took out the ticket and handed it over.

Soon, the two passed the ticket inspection, sandwiched among several other tourists, and climbed onto the platform.

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