Ash Civilization

Chapter 129 Revolving Buffet. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Amusement Park, West End.

Starry Sky Ferris Wheel.

The crowd queuing outside the railings is still growing. Helium balloons, flower crowns, exaggerated headbands, fairy wands... are constantly waving in the crowd.

The aroma of popcorn and baked cakes floats leisurely in the fragrance of rose flowers.

Watching the blue crystal-carved cars descending slowly, the waiting crowd began to stir slightly.

In a car with a purple nebula printed on it, Tao Nange sat motionless in his seat, his eyes closed.

Suddenly, her eyes opened suddenly, and then she coughed violently.

At the same time, the ghost suit on her body also showed several signs of damage. One corner of the visual sensor seemed to have been splashed by some corrosive liquid, making it blurry and dripping.

There was a scratch of about 3 centimeters on the back of her hand. The skin and flesh of the wound were rolled over, and the back of her hand was covered with blood. However, although it looked hideous and terrifying, it seemed that no muscles or bones were injured.

After coughing for a while, Tao Nange quickly adjusted himself and looked around.

Outside the car, the sky was clear, the crowds were surging, and the entire amusement park was bright and lively.

The overwhelming heavy rain just now has disappeared.

The flood that submerged the entire city seemed to be just an illusion.

Accompanied by the soothing music, the car continued to descend and soon reached the bottom.

The car door opens automatically.

Made it through!

Tao Nange took out the hemostatic spray from the medical bag on his waist, briefly treated the back of his hand, stood up and walked out of the car.

After she used [Bullet Jump] to escape from the car just now, because the entire city was flooded, there was no place to stay or shelter from the rain... She relied on [Bullet Jump] to keep shuttling back and forth in mid-air. The time for supporting the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel project is over!

The scars on her hands were caused by the heavy rain!

Now, Digital Rain must be found!

Without Digital Rain, as long as she leaves this Digital Forest, the wounds on her hands will become the same as Nie Lang's wounds.

Her entire body will begin to digitize due to the spread of digits at the wound, and then transform into a new digital forest!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange thought, and a small silver-white pistol immediately appeared in her hand.

After walking out of the Ferris wheel, she quickly looked at other entertainment projects around her.

She didn't see Zhou Zhen at the Star Ferris Wheel. Zhou Zhen should have gone to other projects.

After thinking for a moment, Tao Nange immediately walked towards the nearest carousel.


Amusement Park, North District.

In the open space just agreed upon, Nie Lang looked around. Rong Manxin, Satellite Hang, Si Quan, Li Cheng, Du Jun, Hu Aimin, Xiao Han... all the members who had just dispersed had gathered.

At this moment, everyone looked very excited.

Nie Lang, you mean that someone has already encountered the 'digital rain'?

This is good news! It shows that there really is a 'digital rain' in this 'digital forest'!

Not bad! This trip is really the right one!

We didn't even get in line. It's definitely not us. It should be in the area selected by the other two groups...

Listening to the discussion among these people, Nie Lang nodded slightly. As soon as he discovered the situation, he immediately found all the members of his group.

Most of these people were queuing up at the time, and no one started playing the games. The location where the digital rain appeared was definitely not on their side.

After thinking for a while, Nie Lang immediately thought that when he was in the cafe just now, he heard the conversations of those tourists: The super pendulum had an accident... There was an idiot on the carousel...

The super pendulum is in the East District, the area that Mo Ting is responsible for.

The carousel is in the West End, which is the area that the beauty and her partner are responsible for.

Digital Rain should appear in one of those two places!

Among them, carousel is more likely.

Because the energy intensity of that beauty was much higher than that of Mo Ting.

It is easier for the other party to attract the attention of digital rain!

Thinking of this, Nie Lang immediately said: Go to the carousel.

With that said, he took the lead and walked towards the West District.

Rong Manxin and others quickly followed.

Before the group of people had gone far, a large group of people suddenly followed quickly behind them.

Nie Lang and others immediately stopped and looked back, and saw Mo Ting striding towards him, followed by many younger brothers, and beside him was a very quiet girl wearing a light blue dress.

Mo Ting looked at Nie Lang and asked with a smile on his face, Nie Lang, have you found the 'Digital Rain'?

Nie Lang looked at Mo Ting coldly, and immediately confirmed his judgment just now, Digital Rain appeared at the carousel!

Otherwise, Mo Ting would not have come from the East District to find him.

However, this Mo Ting was so sharp that he unexpectedly noticed the digital rain...

Just as he was thinking about it, Nie Lang's eyes suddenly turned to the quiet girl wearing a light blue dress next to Mo Ting. His eyes fell on the wooden pendant under her collar.

Nie Lang looked at the changed Vegevisil pendant and suddenly smiled coldly, The Twelve Sages!

It turns out that this Mo Ting is really a complete idiot!

So, Nie Lang ignored Mo Ting, looked directly at Mengyao, and said, The location where the 'Digital Rain' appears should be at the carousel.

However, don't blame me for not reminding you. The compatible person who is currently in contact with Digital Rain is the strongest among us!

Hearing this, before Mo Ting could speak, Mengyao took a step forward and asked calmly: What level is that compatible person on?

Nie Lang said: She herself said that she is the 'third ladder'.

Mengyao immediately replied: Then she is not the strongest!

Nie Lang smiled and said, Let's go then.

With that said, Nie Lang took Rong Manxin and others and continued walking towards the West District.

Mengyao didn't hesitate and followed immediately.

Mo Ting and his many younger brothers didn't notice anything was wrong and immediately followed Mengyao as a matter of course.

Soon, the two gangs entered the West District.

There are romantic and beautiful decorations everywhere. The rose flower corridors are crisscrossed and connected to the entire area, and there is a rain of gorgeous petals floating everywhere.

There was a bustle of tourists and the ice cream vendors were busy.

The Starry Sky Ferris Wheel towers into the clouds, attracting the attention of many couples; here on the carousel, there are more children and families.

When Nie Lang, Mengyao, Mo Ting and others arrived at the carousel, they saw a slender figure walking towards the carousel.

Seeing Tao Nange, who was wearing a pure black combat uniform and wearing a visual sensor, everyone's expressions changed except for Nie Lang and Mengyao.

Although Tongfu City is a high-risk city, everyone here knows the ghost suit!

This cold and arrogant beauty with beautiful appearance and outstanding figure is a member of the official ghost team!

At this time, Tao Nange stopped and glanced at Nie Lang. His eyes soon fell on the wooden pendant Mengyao was wearing, and then he said calmly: Nie Lang, this is the West District. My partner and I are in charge of it. .”

Nie Lang stared at Tao Nange for a while and quickly determined that there were no traces of digital rain on the other person!

Digital Rain is looking for the opponent's partner who only has second ladder!

Thinking of this, he didn't say anything nonsense and directly gestured to the people behind him. Upon seeing this, Du Jun, Zou Xuanxuan, Xue Li and Rong Manxin immediately walked out of the team and quickly entered the carousel team to start queuing.

Seeing this scene, Tao Nange didn't want to tolerate Nie Lang and others at all. He directly raised his gun and pulled the trigger at the four people who had lined up in the past.

boom! ! !

Silver-white bullets rushed out of the barrel and fired at the four people.

The speed of the bullets was so fast that the four people had no time to dodge or even use their respective digital domains.

However, just when the bullets were about to hit four people... Bang!

Another dark green bullet appeared like a ghost, accompanied by a not too loud gunshot, and hit the bullet fired by Tao Nange.

The two bullets collided in the air, skewed their trajectories, ricocheted onto a nearby concrete pillar, and then fell to the ground.

Nie Lang held a submachine gun with a brown wooden handle and a black body in one hand. He looked at Tao Nange and said, I provided the information this time.

When I came in, I said that everyone should notify me immediately if they find any clues about the 'Digital Rain'!

After the words fell, Mengyao next to her also made a gesture to the person behind her.

Mo Ting immediately led seven or eight of his men out of the queue, entered the fence of the carousel and started queuing up.

Mengyao looked at Tao Nange and said calmly: The ghost member, 'The Fourth Step', is unfortunately injured!

I will be your opponent!

Hearing this, Tao Nange glanced at the carousel, then his eyes fell back on Nie Lang and Mengyao, and said lightly: It seems that you are sure that the 'Digital Rain' is on the carousel.

As she spoke, she also didn't talk nonsense. The small silver-white pistol in her hand was filled with light, densely packed with numbers, formulas, and theorems... As it changed, the machine reorganized and turned into a sniper rifle more than four meters long.


Amusement Park, West End.


Tourists held helium balloons, windmills, magic wands and other toys while chatting and patiently waiting in line.

Amidst the cheerful music, Du Jun, Zou Xuanxuan, Xue Li and Rong Manxin were among the crowd, slowly moving forward with the team.

Separated from them by two or three tourists were Mo Ting and seven or eight of his armed men behind him.

The line was long and folded repeatedly in the fence.

But maybe due to good luck, the queue moved forward much faster than expected. It was completely different from what they had been able to do when queuing for other projects before.

After turning two turns in the fence, we were a long way closer to the carousel.

Du Jun raised his head in confusion. In addition to the cheerful music, there seemed to be constant clicking sounds coming from the direction of the carousel.

As the team moved faster and faster, they got closer and closer to the carousel, and the click-click noise became clearer and clearer.

Finally, it was their turn to come to the fence entering the project.

Uniformed staff opened the entrance, Du Jun took the lead, and a group of people walked inside.

The carousel in front of us is still gorgeous, but in the laughter and laughter of the tourists, the click-click-click sound has become very harsh, accompanied by a muffled dong-dong-dong sound.

These movements seemed to come from inside the merry-go-round.

But the carousel in front of me was intact, and the tourists beside me walked in, chatting and laughing as if nothing had happened, and started choosing seats.

Du Jun and others were a little surprised, but after thinking briefly, they followed the other tourists and entered the carousel.

As soon as they stepped onto the wooden floor of the carousel, the scene in front of them changed drastically!

The originally tidy floor was now covered with blood mixed with flesh and bones. The beautiful paintings on the ceiling had been spattered with blood and brains so that no trace could be seen. The severed limbs of a tourist were just like this. It was randomly discarded on the ground like garbage, blocking the way.

A metal figure stands where the original columns of the carousel were. Its body resembles some kind of nest, with dense metal tentacles extending from all sides. Some of the tentacles are raised high, replacing the original columns and supporting the roof of the carousel; in addition, The tentacles, like the connecting rods of the previous wooden horses and carriages, hoisted the wooden horses and carriages; the remaining tentacles surged and rolled throughout the carousel, each tentacle grabbing a living person. Visitors lift it high and stuff it into the mouthparts above the nest;

Not far from this figure is a butcher with blood-red skin!

There are irregular metal bodies on the opponent's back. There are no facial features on the head, only a ferocious mouthpart that is constantly moving. He is wearing an apron and a hat on his head. The original colors of the apron and hat can be seen completely. If they don't come out, everything will be stained red with blood.

At this moment, the butcher held a black machete in his hand and was pulling a young female tourist dressed in a flashy dress to a cutting board made of a flattened wooden horse, and chopped it off with a single blow.

Just like slicing a watermelon, most of the female tourist's head was immediately and neatly cut off, and white, red, and gelatin... were sprayed all over the floor.

At this time, a young male tourist who was strangled in the air by a metal tentacle showed a very happy smile and said in a cheerful tone: The carousel is so fun!

The female tourist who had half her head chopped off said in a sweet voice: Husband, please take a photo for me!

A corpse that was thrown aside opened and closed its mouth and said in the same pleasant tone: This amusement park is such a stress reliever. I'm so happy! I'll come back next time!

Looking at this hellish scene, Du Jun, Zou Xuanxuan, Xue Li and Rong Manxin, as well as Mo Ting and his seven or eight men, all turned pale instantly!

At this time, the butcher with blood-red skin turned his head and looked at them.

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