Ash Civilization

Chapter 122: Split up. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Boom, boom, boom!

The cheerful and exciting drum beats resounded throughout the park, and the aroma of freshly baked popcorn mixed with the spicy aroma of grilled skewers filled the air with a strong sense of presence.

Nie Lang and his party had just walked through the entrance gate, and their eyes suddenly lit up. The gray sky unique to high-risk cities seemed to be ignited all of a sudden. What appeared in front of them was a brand-new, bright and cheerful building. amusement park!

At this moment, a roller coaster dressed like a rocket was flipping over from the side and roaring onto the 90-degree cliff track above the main entrance of the amusement park. Screams were heard one after another, and the click of the shutter was heard everywhere.

The vast central courtyard is full of tourists in bright costumes and smiling faces. At the bottom of the steps stands a staff member wearing a pink bear costume. He is holding a lot of doll balloons in his hand, and some young girls and children are surrounding him. Holding the pink bear, he picked out the balloons.

In the crowd, more tourists held helium balloons floating in the air and walked briskly through the embroidery flower beds.

Small mushroom-shaped houses are embedded in the corners, selling popcorn, ice cream, skewers, drinks...

Not far away from them, in front of a colorfully decorated wooden sign, two little girls who looked like junior high school students were discussing awkwardly: I heard that you have to queue for at least an hour to play the super big pendulum. Roller coaster. It’s almost the same...only the sightseeing cable car is a little better, but you have to climb Cat Mountain first...Where should we line up first?”

On the wooden sign, a map of the amusement park is outlined in childlike strokes, and text and simple drawings are used next to give a general introduction to the entire Fudi Amusement Park.

The entire amusement park is centered on the lake and is divided into four areas, namely the East Area, South Area, West Area and North Area.

The East District focuses on the super big pendulum; the South District promotes the fjord rapids; the West District is the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel; and the North District is the wild bungee jump on the grassland.

In addition, the amusement park also has two highly recommended projects that are not included in these four divisions. They are the dessert train that starts on the left side of the entrance, runs through the entire amusement park, and stops on the right side of the entrance;

And the southernmost Cat Mountain, which is a 100-meter-high hillside. In addition to the natural scenery, there is also a sightseeing cable car. The cable car starts from the highest point of this called Cat Mountain and will slide through most of the amusement park, overlooking the stunning scenery. After most of the activities, cross the entire lake and land near the westernmost bungee jumping platform.

There is an electronic screen next to the sign. On the screen, the real-time queuing status of various entertainment items is constantly being played. The top one is the super big pendulum and other major items:

[Super big pendulum: Estimated waiting time is 151 minutes. 】

[Roller Coaster: Estimated waiting time is 108 minutes. 】

[Advance the rapids in the fjord...]

Looking at this noisy and vibrant scene, Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised. The scene inside this Fudi Amusement Park was completely different from what he saw outside just now!

This reminded him of the Digital Forest of Geeway Cinema... The outside of the cinema was deserted and deserted, and there was no trace of any living thing in the entire commercial street, but inside it was bustling and crowded.

At this time, Nie Lang looked around and said in a deep voice: What we see now is the 'Fudi Amusement Park' 40 years ago.

Try not to talk to any tourists here, let alone get into an argument with them.

Be careful with the staff here...

If there is no problem, don't waste time, select the project immediately and start queuing!

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Ting suddenly said: Wait a minute!

When everyone heard this, they all immediately looked at him.

Mo Ting glanced at the others, his eyes quickly fell on Nie Lang, and he quickly said: Nie Lang, there are long queues for every attraction here.

If I want to play through the four major projects in the district, I will be very nervous in one day.

Not counting the time required for other scattered projects, and the effort to deal with the 'digital rain' after finding it.

This is the 'Digital Forest'!

The longer you stay in the 'forest', the more dangerous it becomes!

If you're just here for a few hours, it's okay.

But if we spend the night in the 'Digital Forest'... I don't think we can all get out alive!

The others listened with thoughtful expressions.

Nie Lang looked at Mo Ting and asked calmly: Then what do you want to do?

Mo Ting said without hesitation: Act separately!

'Fudi Playground' is divided into four areas, the south area, the east area, and the dessert train, all of which I am responsible for alone.

The other two districts will be given to you!

After I finish all the projects here, I will meet up with you. Then we can share information together, which can save a lot of time!

Hearing this, Nie Lang narrowed his eyes, stared at Mo Ting, and said with a sneer: Did you leak my whereabouts?

Did you also attract those convoys behind?

As he spoke, he raised his wrist and took out a claw knife from somewhere. He quickly turned it around in his fingers and held it in his backhand. The blade of the claw knife was bright and cold, filled with a chilling aura.

Without any delay, Mo Ting took seven or eight steps back in an instant. As he quickly distanced himself, the gun on his shoulder was unloaded, raised, and aimed. His long tramp-like hair automatically turned into a The densely packed little snakes, with their hair tips raised high, gradually emerged with a pair of closed eyes, ready to fight with all their strength!

The others stood by with a teasing look on their faces, all looking like they were watching the show.

However, just when everyone thought Nie Lang was going to take action directly, Nie Lang suddenly smiled, turned his palm over, put away the claw knife, and said lightly: This method of yours can indeed save a lot of time.

The South District and East District can be left to you.

“However, if you find any clues about ‘Digital Rain’, you must contact me immediately!”

Otherwise, even if you get the 'Digital Rain', I will still kill you!

Mo Ting stared closely at Nie Lang's every move, not daring to relax at all. Hearing this, he nodded slightly and said, No problem!

Nie Lang ignored him and turned to look at the others: Who else wants to separate?

After a brief commotion among the crowd, Rong Manxin, a young girl with a straight face and a scar on her face, said bluntly: Nie Lang, you have already entered this 'Digital Forest' once, and I must be following you, even more... Safety!

The others didn't say anything either. Apparently they all felt that following Nie Lang would be safer than following Mo Ting.

However, at this moment, Tao Nange said calmly: The South District and the East District will be assigned to Mo Ting.

“That leaves the West End and the North End.”

My partner and I can take charge of the West End.

Seeing that Tao Nange and Zhou Zhen were about to move separately, Nie Lang had no intention of demonstrating this time, so he said directly: Okay.

Tao Nange nodded and walked directly towards the West District.

Zhou Zhen followed immediately.

Seeing that the remaining people did not raise any objections, Nie Lang quickly led them towards the final northern area.

Soon, only the tourists passing by and Mo Ting were left at the entrance.

Mo Ting stood still and waited for about 10 minutes. Suddenly, more than thirty young men, fully armed and in shock, stumbled in from behind the turnstile.

These people's faces were all a bit pale at the moment. The clothes and weapons of the last few people were stained with blood and brains. After entering the amusement park, they looked at the lively and cheerful scene around them and were a little dazed for a moment.

Mo Ting looked at this group of people and nodded with satisfaction. The destination this time was a Digital Forest. He was a little worried just now. The subordinates behind him did not dare to follow... Fortunately, this group After all, the leaders of the boys had been following him for so many years and they did not disappoint him.

Old, boss...

The first few people who rushed in finally came to their senses and immediately came to Mo Ting and stood respectfully.

Mo Ting didn't talk nonsense. He looked around at them and immediately frowned: Why don't you bring any heavy firepower?

These people quickly explained: Boss, an infected person suddenly appeared outside, and we didn't have time to move...

Infected person?

Mo Ting suddenly frowned. There was no heavy fire suppression. If he really fell out with Nie Lang later, his subordinates would only have First Step and Second Step... and even most of them would just be equipped with prosthetics. How do you fight an ordinary person?

At this time, more than a dozen blood-stained armed men rushed out from behind the turnstile, all of them pale and horrified.

Mo Ting came to his senses, and without further delay, he immediately pointed to the wooden sign under the steps and said quickly: Immediately arrange for five people to queue up for the Super Big Pendulum!


Foodie Park, West End.

In the West District, the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel is the core selling point, and the entire environment is decorated in a beautiful and romantic way. After passing through the arch of the pink rose flower stand, you are faced with a cascading waterfall. There is a track passing under the waterfall, which is the route of the dessert train, winding towards the direction. Go through the waterfall.

Walking along the edge of the pool below the waterfall, you will see flowers blooming in front of you. The colorful roses in full bloom are climbing on the spacious corridor, forming a beautiful rose gallery. There are many people taking photos and checking in. Four or five couples took wedding photos here with a photography team.

The canteen here has also been changed into various pink love shapes in response to the occasion. The sign at the door is marked with eye-catching fonts, Western District Specializes in Cultural Tourism Desserts, which is a box of chocolates shaped like a rose wreath surrounded by cartoon hearts and wedding dolls. Strawberry mousse cake.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange observed as they walked that in addition to the Ferris wheel, there were also merry-go-rounds, roller coasters, and spiral slides in this area.

After looking around and confirming that he was completely separated from the others, Zhou Zhen immediately whispered: This 'digital forest' may really have a 'digital rain'.

Tao Nange didn't seem surprised. She said very seriously: That Nie Lang is very problematic.

The fact that the former 009 ghost obtained the 'Digital Rain' is a very high-level secret.

Normally, only our 'Ghost' internal members can view it, and if they are not above the level, there are very few details that can be viewed.

Zhou Zhen was a little surprised and immediately asked: You mean, he is an official like us?

Tao Nange shook his head and said thoughtfully: I have a guess now, but I'm not sure yet.

I hope it's not like that...

Seeing that Tao Nange seemed reluctant to continue talking, Zhou Zhen did not ask further questions and asked directly: Then what should we do now?

Tao Nange said: “First go through all the projects in this district to see if there is any ‘digital rain’.”

This amusement park mainly consists of four areas, as well as a small train and a sightseeing cable car.

After passing through the projects in the West District, we can go to other districts to check out.

We must be fast!

“If there is no ‘digital rain’ in this ‘digital forest’, then leave immediately.”

With that said, she took out a mobile phone, handed it to Zhou Zhen, and said, Take out my ghost suit.

Zhou Zhen nodded when he heard this, took the phone, opened the photo album, and took out Tao Nange's ghost suit and the parts of the visual sensor.

After Tao Nange took these things, she didn't immediately ask for Zhou Zhen's phone back. She glanced around and saw a public restroom dressed as a large strawberry, and immediately said: Wait for me.

After saying that, she walked directly to the bathroom.

Zhou Zhen stood there and waited, his eyes scanning the surroundings from time to time, keeping alert.

However, not long after Tao Nange entered the bathroom, he suddenly felt a sudden headache!

Some memories related to [Memory Transplantation], [Protection Mechanism], and [Split Personality] began to blur quickly.

Zhou Zhen's face changed slightly, and he immediately realized that the time for the anti-[protective mechanism] medicine to take effect has arrived!

Under normal circumstances, the effects of the medicine should not wear off so quickly, but just now Chu Jingyan came out of Tao Nange's body, causing his condition to drop significantly!

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt his head hurt more and more, and suddenly he noticed something was wrong. He raised his head and looked around, and saw... tourists passing by, children jumping around with helium balloons,... The staff selling snacks, including the horse heads on the carousel on the side of the flower gallery, all maintained their original movements like a paused video, motionless, and looked straight at him.

The amusement park that was bustling and full of energy just now seemed to have turned into a picture with brilliant colors but no life at this moment!

Zhou Zhen's headache became more severe, and in the flash of lightning, a familiar realization suddenly emerged in his heart: I seemed to have seen this similar scene somewhere before!

That classroom...

Such a scene also happened in that classroom...

Just when he thought of this, Zhou Zhen's mind suddenly went blank!

He suddenly came back to his senses and saw a young girl dressed up and walking past him, talking and laughing; a few couples not far away were laughing and cursing, reminding their children to be careful when walking; a jumping child fell down. A big horse lay down, and the helium balloon in his hand flew away immediately, and he burst into tears; the staff were busy working, without any intention of sizing up any tourists; not far away, a colorful carousel was Rotating from slow to fast to the accompaniment of cheerful music...

No one looked at him.

Zhou Zhen calmed down. He felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

At this time, his shoulder was suddenly tapped from behind.

Zhou Zhen quickly turned around and saw Tao Nange, who was still wearing a white men's T-shirt and a men's black long-sleeved shirt tied around his waist.

Let's go! Tao Nange smiled, took his hand and walked towards the carousel.

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