Ash Civilization

Chapter 121 Amusement Park. (Second update! Please subscribe!!!)

Looking at the people around them questioning Nie Lang excitedly, Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange looked calm. For them, it would be best if there really was any information about Digital Rain here.

If not, the digital forest is the same.

At this moment, Nie Lang lit up a cigarette, glanced at the person who questioned him with his sharp eyes, and replied calmly: You don't think that 'digital rain' is really just a drop of rain, and can be directly Appearing in a puddle, a cup, or a leaf?

Hearing this, everyone fell silent and looked at Nie Lang with bright eyes.

Nie Lang sneered and continued: When the global 'digital rain' fell forty years ago, I was not born yet.

However, I once heard an old man tell me about the rain...

There was no real rain in the whole world at that time!

But everyone had the same dream...the dream of global rainfall; the dream of the land being flooded by rain, and the great flood disaster in ancient legends reappearing in the world.

It's just that this time there is no Noah's Ark or Dayu controlling the floods in this heavy rain. There are only countless numbers that gather into seemingly endless raindrops and engulf the earth!

After everyone woke up from that dream, the whole world changed!

There was a sudden silence at the entrance of Fudi Amusement Park, and everyone listened attentively to Nie Lang's story.

Nie Lang took a puff of his cigarette and saw that no one raised any objections or interrupted him. He nodded slightly and continued: 'Digital rain' is not the real 'rain'!

I have seen top-secret records. There used to be a compatible person with a very high 'Digital Ladder' who was performing a mission in Fushan City. Due to an accident, he rescued an injured domestic cat.

When he woke up, he found that it was a dream and he was still trapped in the 'digital forest'...

But just when he was in despair, he discovered that everything in that 'digital forest' had no secrets!

He knows all the mathematical knowledge in that 'number forest'!

In the end, the compatibility successfully walked out of the 'digital forest' and became one of the strongest compatibility in the world during that period!

Afterwards, research found that the injured domestic cat was a drop of 'digital rain'!

Everyone was highly concentrated and listened extremely carefully.

This kind of secret about digital rain has always been tightly sealed by the officials. Even in high-risk cities with no order, it is extremely valuable and little-known news. They have never heard of it!

Only Tao Nange had a hint of surprise in his eyes. Fushan City... the compatible person Nie Lang mentioned was the former ghost No. 009!

Of course, the actual process by which Ghost No. 009 obtained that digital rain was far more complicated and thrilling than what the other party said, but in general, the other party did not lie!

Is the information Nie Lang has really related to Digital Rain?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Nie Lang suddenly raised his hand and lifted up the black T-shirt on his body, exposing his left waist.

He was on the thin side, with muscles all over his body, and his waist was no exception. But at this moment, there was a long and narrow wound on his left waist, about 12cm long, which penetrated the strong psoas muscle.

There was no blood seeping out of the wound, only dense numbers, formulas, and graphics... squirming like living creatures. It was unknown how deep it was. It looked like an eye with no distinction between sclera and pupils. From Nie Lang's Inside the body, he slowly peeked towards the outside world.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Everyone subconsciously took a step back and kept their distance from Nie Lang.

'Digital virus'? No! No! It's the 'Forest Equation'!

The 'Forest Equation' has not been absorbed... Nie Lang! Are you a carrier now?!

No wonder! During this meeting, you suddenly became so powerful!

The carrying body...the 'Forest Equation' you are carrying now, is it the 'Forest Equation' of 'Foday Amusement Park'?

The crowd around him suddenly became very nervous. The people who had just opened their mouths to question Nie Lang looked at Nie Lang with a cautious look as if they were facing an abyss.

Tao Nange looked at Nie Lang seriously.

Zhou Zhen's expression was equally solemn. He had seen a carrier, Huang Xurong from the Huangjia Club Digital Forest Case!

Huang Xurong is just an ordinary person.

After becoming a carrier, ordinary compatible people are already difficult to deal with!

Once the carrier dies, the Forest Equation will infect the surrounding areas and form a new Digital Forest... At that time, he and Xie Qiongning, two Digital Compatibles, almost died in the Huangjia Club digital forest!

But now, Nie Lang is already a digital compatibility of the Third Step. After becoming a carrier, he may not even be able to deal with Tao Nange of the Fourth Step!

At this time, Nie Lang let go of his hand and casually lowered the hem of his T-shirt to cover the unusual wound on his waist.

He took a puff of cigarette and said calmly: Don't be nervous.

If I were to take action against you, I wouldn't wait until now.

I show you this wound to prove what I just said.

“My ‘digital energy’ reached the upper limit of the ‘third ladder’ a few months ago.”

In order to advance to the 'Fourth Ladder', I chose a 'Digital Forest' and tried to add a 'Digital Domain' to myself...

As you can see, I failed.

But not a total failure!

Because, in the 'Digital Forest' I chose, I encountered something that looked like 'Digital Rain'!

I don't remember exactly what happened at that time. I only know that I must have made a mistake, so I didn't get that 'digital rain', but I just escaped from it...

“The ‘Digital Forest’ I chose is this ‘Fudi Amusement Park’!”

Now, who else has questions?

Hearing this, the surrounding crowd fell into silence.

Zhou Zhen also said nothing, but his mind immediately thought of the school in the suburbs of Binhai City.

He remembered that the man from the Ash Order who claimed to be a doctor told him that he got the digital rain in that school.

And according to the clues he has now, Luo Yuchen and Huang Xurong also entered that school with him!

He now has no specific memory about that school. He only knows that Luo Yuchen and Huang Xurong both became carriers in the end.

Nie Lang said that he did not remember what happened in the Digital Forest...

Now, he doesn't remember what happened in that school.

Nie Lang became the carrier.

Luo Yuchen and Huang Xurong also became carriers.

The experience Nie Lang described is somewhat similar to his experience in that school!

There may really be a drop of digital rain hidden in this Fudi Amusement Park digital forest!

Just as he was thinking about it, Zou Xuanxuan, a female compatible girl not far away wearing a desert camouflage uniform, suddenly asked: Nie Lang, you mean, there is a drop of 'Digital Rain' hidden in the 'Digital Forest' of this amusement park. ?”

However, you don't remember what happened specifically at that time, so how do you know that it must be 'digital rain'?

Nie Lang replied briefly: I'm not sure it's definitely 'digital rain'.

With that said, he didn't have any more explanations. He turned to look at the others and scanned the compatible people with different expressions around him one by one. When Nie Lang looked at the red-haired man Li Cheng, Li Cheng quickly asked: If the 'digital rain' is real, and we get that drop of 'digital rain', how can we divide it among so many people?

Nie Lang sneered and said immediately: There is endless mathematical knowledge in the 'Digital Rain'.

“And knowledge can be shared!”

“We will only know how we will divide it up when we see the ‘Digital Rain’!”

Hearing this, the old man Hu Aimin, who could summon wooden armor, his eyes flickered and asked directly: Then what is your plan?

Nie Lang said calmly: I checked the information and found that there were many accidents in the 'Fudi Amusement Park' before the 'Digital Rain' came.

When the super-large pendulum inside was running, the safety lock fell off, causing some tourists to fall from a high altitude; the roller coaster once got stuck in mid-air, and part of the body broke, and none of the passengers on that part of the body survived; there was no accident in the sightseeing cable car itself , but there was a love triangle dispute, which resulted in a tourist being stabbed to death in the cable car. When he arrived at the station at the bottom of the mountain, the body was directly planted out of the cable car carriage, fell into the track below, and was cut into several pieces; couples died in love on the Ferris wheel; rapids A child drowned in Yongjin...

Hearing this, Hu Aimin frowned and interrupted: We all know this...

Nie Lang shook his head and then added: In addition to these accidents, I also found out some things that have not been reported before: murder cases of missing children; incidents of pets injuring people to death; mass poisoning incidents in cafes; magic performances Accidental dismemberment cases; even an internet celebrity anchor died suddenly while filming a short video of a haunted house adventure...

“I can’t remember what happened the last time I entered this ‘digital forest’, but the purpose of my entry that time was to add a ‘digital domain’.”

So, my plan that time was to play all the projects.

“It was during this process that I encountered ‘digital rain’!”

Since my last plan was able to meet the 'digital rain', there is no need to change this time's plan!

After we go in this time, we have to go through all the projects.

That 'digital rain' must be hidden in these projects in the park!

After hearing this, no one spoke, but no one objected to the plan.

After a brief silence, Mediterranean Shen Zhe suddenly asked: So, what to do with those people behind?

Nie Lang glanced at the many motorcades parked in the distance and replied calmly: Someone among you has leaked my whereabouts.

However, I don't have time to care about such trivial matters now.

“Not everyone dares to enter this ‘Fudi Amusement Park’ digital forest.”

We are about to enter an amusement park now, and the 'digital energy' cannot be wasted on these small characters.

As for the vehicles parked outside...

Having said this, Nie Lang suddenly took out a miniature remote control and pressed the switch.

The next moment, the gravity of the nearby area doubled!

The dozen or so people present heard a click sound as the floor tiles shattered and settled under their feet, and their feet instantly sank into the ground.

Except for Nie Lang and Tao Nange, who didn't react at all, everyone else staggered and almost fell to their knees on the spot!

Zhou Zhen also bent his legs and finally managed to stabilize his body.

Soon, a crimson ray appeared in Nie Lang's modified off-road vehicle and quickly swept over everyone present. The moment the ray swept over, all the pressure disappeared.

Looking at this scene, everyone present immediately was a force field device!

Moreover, it is also equipped with an intelligent system for identifying friend or foe!

Nie Lang continued calmly: This is a gravity field. Even those who are compatible with the 'Third Step' will have difficulty moving in the force field.

Forcibly resisting will cause irreversible damage to their internal organs over time.

Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to enter the force field and steal our vehicles!

This gravity field can completely protect our supplies outside.

After hearing this, everyone was thoughtful and stopped talking.

Nie Lang looked around and saw that no one else was asking questions. He was about to enter the Fudi Amusement Park directly. Tao Nange, who had been silent, suddenly asked: Who told you about the 'Digital Rain' incident in Fushan City? ?”

Nie Lang looked at Tao Nange and said calmly: This has nothing to do with our purpose this time. I don't need to answer you.

You just need to know that this matter is absolutely true.

Tao Nange stared at Nie Lang and said nothing, vaguely guessing something in his mind...

Nie Lang looked at everyone again, and after making sure everyone was fine, he immediately said: Let's go!

As he spoke, he turned around and walked into the rusty gate with falling parts first.

The others immediately followed.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange also walked in.

Everyone entered the Foday Amusement Park. The square at the entrance was still dilapidated. There were only a bunch of modified vehicles parked in a haphazard manner outside the empty shops. A force field like water slowly rose up, covering all the vehicles. It was tightly shrouded, and the wind blew through the garbage on the ground, making a rustling sound.

In the distance, the dust and sand have not completely dissipated, and the vehicles of different styles have not turned off. A pair of eyes in the car are staring at the gate of Fudi Amusement Park.

After waiting for about 10 minutes and confirming that there was no movement outside the park, the vehicles no longer hesitated, stepped on the accelerator and drove into the square at the entrance of the park.

Suddenly, the roar of the engine broke the long-lasting silence of this dilapidated paradise.

Bang bang bang...

There was a series of sounds of doors opening and getting out of cars, and soon, a group of young men dressed in various costumes and fully armed appeared at the entrance of the park. After looking around, an armed man with a beard immediately said: What is the 'Digital Forest'? Nie Lang and the others have all gone in, do we want to go in?

Before he finished speaking, a young man with a feminine appearance and an indifferent expression not far away said coldly: This is a 'Digital Forest', or one of the most famous 'Digital Forests' in our Tongfu City. No preparations were made in advance. , go in and seek death?

Aren't you going in? A short, fat middle-aged man whose eyes had fallen on the vehicles in the force field touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly, Then we came here in vain?

Who said it was all in vain? Hearing this, a man as thin as a monkey and wearing a straw hat standing next to him grinned and said, Don't you still have more than a dozen cars of supplies?

A middle-aged woman who was already standing next to the force field observing turned her head, shook her head slightly and said: There is a force field, you can't get in...

For a time, the square was full of chatter and excitement.

However, just when they couldn't decide what to do next...

boom! ! !

A dark-colored sharp claw suddenly poked out from the ground and flattened an armed vehicle converted from a heavy-duty tractor into an understatement!

Everyone was startled, and then they saw that the muddy ground outside the square was shaking like water, and a huge figure rose quickly. It was a beetle-shaped metal body, with the waist as the center line, and the upper part still remained. It has the appearance of a creature, covered with scales and with bristles on its back; the lower part is a mecha-like mechanical structure, forcibly fused together with a stiff posture.

It slowly raised its head, its dark metal eyes looking coldly at the crowd in the square.


Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they reacted instantly. They didn't even have time to get into the car and fled directly towards the amusement park.

The infected person didn't hesitate at all, and immediately jumped up, completely jumping out of the ground, and threw himself towards the crowd.

All the vehicles and equipment along the way were like cardboard boxes, trampled into sheets of film by it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heavy steps trampled on the square in a blink of an eye, creating huge cracks like spider webs. Everyone who had no time to escape was instantly penetrated by the mane that suddenly grew on the back of the infected person.

Ahhhhh! ! !

Heart-rending screams echoed through the sky!

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