Ash Civilization

Chapter 123 Tickets. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Playground, West End.

In the bathroom of the strawberry-shaped building.

The bathroom, with pink and light green as the main colors, is very spacious and very clean. There is a thin coil of mosquito coils burning in the corner, and it is filled with a light fruity perfume.

The mirror in front of the sink was wiped spotless, with no trace of a mop visible.

Tao Nange walked in, glanced around vigilantly, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he immediately walked into an empty cubicle and started changing clothes.

In less than 10 seconds, she had already changed into the ghost suit.

Soon, Tao Nange, who was wearing a pure black combat uniform and wearing a visual sensor, opened the compartment and walked out. She was still holding the clothes she had changed into. These clothes could allow Zhou Zhen to move into the [two-dimensional space]. I might have to wear it later.

After stopping briefly in front of the sink and quickly checking his condition, Tao Nange left the bathroom and happened to pass by a little girl wearing a goose-yellow hat and a light green dress.

When she returned to the place where she was just now, she saw that people were still coming and going around her. Amidst the bustle, Zhou Zhen, who was here just now, had gone somewhere.

Tao Nange's expression remained unchanged, his index and middle fingers came together, and he pressed his temples: Turn on tracking mode!

The next moment, dense energy groups appeared on Tao Nange's visual sensors.

These energy groups are like kindergarten graffiti, with various lines and shapes tangled together, a mess, no clue, and completely impossible to trace.

Tao Nange immediately took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Zhou Zhen's number.

The call page appeared, but there was no response for a long time.

The mobile phone signal indication is completely blank and the call cannot be made at all.

Seeing that he lost contact with Zhou Zhen, Tao Nange stood there and thought for a while, then quickly walked towards the Starry Sky Ferris Wheel next to him.


Amusement Park, North District.

The overall terrain here is gentle, and the style is that of a wild grassland. It is dominated by neatly trimmed acacias, mixed with Tongueless Thousand Miles of Wood and heather, which are combined into half-person-high hedges, dividing the entire area into semi-open areas. Space.

Between the flower beds, there are large and small animal sculptures, including lions, spotted hyenas, elephants, rhinos, wildebeests, ostriches, honey pots... These sculptures are lifelike, hidden among dense plants, and match the unique horses of the Chiyan region. Limba music perfectly renders the exotic characteristics.

The main event in this area is bungee jumping. The platform is more than 300 meters high, decorated like a baobab tree, and is next to the central lake.

Visitors jump from the platform and face the impact of the huge water. There are also some dark rocks buried under the water. Viewed from a high altitude, their outlines vaguely outline a bloody mouth, as if there is something ancient hidden under the water. The giant beast, with its mouth wide open, is waiting for the food to be delivered to the door on the platform. It is said to be very relaxing.

In addition, this area also has bumper cars, trapeze, haunted houses, etc.

Nie Lang took the lead, and a group of people strode through the crowd and soon arrived at the bungee jumping platform.

There are many people around here, and the people who have queued up scream in fear from time to time. There are also people pushing each other and urging each other to enter the queue. Tourists entering the waiting area occasionally burst out with a violent cry, full of excitement. of panic and fear.

Nie Lang calmly glanced at the tourists and said: There are too many people, and they are all concentrated on one project. It is really a waste of time.

We are now starting to draw lots, and whoever gets a certain project will participate in that project.

In three hours, meet at this location.

If you finish the project ahead of schedule, wait here for others.

If the three hours are up and the project has not been completed, then the people waiting here will go look for clues together.

As he spoke, he took out a piece of white paper and a signature pen from his pocket, and began to make small slips of paper for the lottery on the spot, I made the slips, you take them first, and give me the rest at the end.

Soon, the note was finished. Rong Manxin, who had made it clear before that she would follow him, was the first to come up and randomly selected a note.

Seeing this scene, other people who chose Nie Lang also stepped forward one by one and each drew a note.

After everyone got the notes, Nie Lang also opened the last remaining note.

Rong Man looked at the note in his hand and said, I won the bungee jump.

Others also said: I am a haunted house.

I also bungee jump.

Bumper cars.

I'm also in a haunted house.

I got a chance to go to a circus show.

I am……

Not long after, everyone reported the entertainment items they had drawn.

Nie Lang nodded, and after repeating it one by one, he made sure that everyone remembered the projects that everyone had drawn, and then said: Now that everyone knows the projects they want to participate in, we will temporarily disband and meet again later!

At this time, Satellite Hang, who was wearing a white Kung Fu suit, hesitated for a moment and said, Wait a minute!

I remember this 'digital forest' was very dangerous!

But along the way, everything was normal and we didn't encounter any problems. Is there something wrong?

Hearing this, Nie Lang sneered, reached into his trouser pocket and took out another stack of old-colored tickets, and randomly twisted them into a fan shape. There were no more, no less, exactly 12 tickets!

Although the color of these tickets is very dim, it can be vaguely seen that the five characters Fudi Amusement Park are printed in eye-catching large characters on the tickets, and there is also a time mark next to it.

This is a ticket to Foody's Amusement Park from 40 years ago!

Nie Lang shook the stack of tickets and said calmly: Because I collected the tickets in advance!

Of course, there are only 12.

As he spoke, he took out one ticket and put the remaining 11 tickets back into his pocket.


Nie Lang tore the ticket in his hand in half and threw it to the ground.

He said coldly: There are 11 people here now, so I only need 11 tickets!


Amusement Park, East End.

There are the most people here and the background is the most gorgeous.

The super-large pendulum was spinning in mid-air, with ear-piercing screams and laughter filled with a sense of release constantly spilling out.

The fence used for queuing below has more than a dozen twists and turns, but it is still crowded with enthusiastic tourists.

Mo Ting came over in a mighty manner with more than forty of his men.

There were crowds of people all around. In addition to the people queuing up, there were also a large number of people holding mobile phones, holding ice cream, and holding helium balloons, standing under the big pendulum to take pictures and watch. There was also a young male anchor dressed in hip-hop style in the crowd. Wearing a weird wizard hat, with a very exaggerated posture, he danced and loudly explained the information, stories, and parameters of the big pendulum to the camera...

Near the big pendulum, there are pirate ships, naughty castles, shouting fountains, jumping clouds and rotating swings.

Every project was crowded with people, and there were staff pushing carts selling snacks, shuttling back and forth.

Occasionally, a few cries of naughty children and the barking of pets could be heard from the crowd.

At this moment, Mo Ting looked around, and after making sure there was nothing unusual, he immediately looked in the direction of the super pendulum.

In the long queue, there were five figures who were out of tune with the many tourists. They were fully armed and looked on guard. There were only a few people in front of them, and they were about to enter the project.

These five people were the five men who were ordered by Mo Ting to line up.

The tourists around were still talking and laughing, concentrating on having fun, and were not aware of the firearms and ammunition in their hands.


At the end of the game, the super pendulum slowly stopped, waiting for this group of tourists to leave.

Not long after, the queuing gate opened, and the staff blew whistles to direct the next group of tourists to enter, including the five armed men.

Mo Ting stood outside, holding his chest with one hand and stroking his chin with the other, staring closely at the five figures.

He brought a lot of people here this time. Although some of them died at the hands of infected people outside, it was still very simple to find some cannon fodder for this amusement park project.

At this time, with three whistles, the new batch of tourists all sat down on the seats of the big pendulum.

The huge ring began to rise slowly, and some tourists suddenly screamed in fear.

The five armed men looked around solemnly, showing no fear of suddenly leaving the ground. They were more worried about the tourists around them than the excitement brought by the super big pendulum!

call! call! call!

The ring rose to the predetermined position and began to swing from side to side. With the sound of hunting wind coming from the ears, the swing became larger and larger.

There were more and more screams from the tourists, and there seemed to be a few swear words.

The crowd watching below raised their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Ka, Ka...

Amidst the sound of the shutter, the anchor's high-pitched voice continued intermittently, as if he was promising to queue up and take a ride on the super pendulum in person.

Suddenly, a slight movement rolled down from high altitude amid the surrounding noise.


This movement quickly slid down the rings and arms of the super-large pendulum, and soon jumped down from a high altitude. It was blown askew in the mid-air by the wind, almost grazing the male anchor's cheek, and fell crisply. It landed on the floor tiles in front of him.

The anchor, who was frothing at the mouth, was startled and said angrily: Who is so heartless...

Before he finished speaking, he had already seen clearly that what was on the ground was a screw with a very special style. An idea flashed in his mind. Before he could react, the wind roared above his head, and all the tourists on the ring were screaming in surprise. It reached the highest point again, and then, without any intention of swinging back, it was like a thrown Frisbee, completely separated from the swing arm, and flew out with a bang!


A piercing scream sounded from the ground and mid-air at the same time.

The ring flipped crazily in the air like a top that had been severely whipped, and finally passed over the fleeing crowd and landed heavily on a flat ground!

Boom! ! !

Dust and sand flew up, the ground cracked, and the sound of metal deforming was harsh and loud, completely suppressing the sounds of countless bones shattering and internal organs shattering at that moment. Warm blood burst out in all directions, seemingly blooming in an instant. A giant bloody mandala.

Mo Ting and others standing just a short distance away had their heads and faces poured with blood and flesh. The dirty blood was wrapped in flesh and bone residue, and slowly slid down their cheeks and hem of their clothes.

Just under their feet, the neatly laid floor tiles had a huge gap, and the ring of the big pendulum was inserted diagonally into the ground. The person above the ring still maintained a complete human shape, but his head was drooped, limp. Buckled on the seat, a pair of blood-stained feet were naked, and the shoes were missing.

The people on both sides had injuries to their limbs, there was still faint movement in their chests, and their breath was disappearing quickly.

The tourist at the bottom was roughly pushed into the ground by the ring, like a tissue that had been forcibly folded in half. Only part of the body was still barely exposed to the ground. Blood surged like spring water, soaking the area in an instant.

Mo Ting's expression didn't change at all. He looked at the five men who were pressed at the bottom by the heavy ring and had lost their human form, and nodded slightly.

These five people were originally cannon fodder to find a path for digital rain in this digital forest. They died as soon as they died, which can be regarded as making the best use of their resources.

However, he had been looking at the super-large pendulum just now, but he did not find anything that might be related to Digital Rain. It should not be here, and he can change to another project...

Thinking of this, Mo Ting was about to take people out of here. A staff member in uniform suddenly came over, looked at them and said, Check the tickets!


Amusement Park, West End.

The carousel moves fast and slowly to the rhythm of the singing. On the carousel, children wearing various princess dresses and prince costumes, constantly reminded by the parents around them, pose one by one for their elders to take photos.

There are also pairs of young people who look like lovers, holding hands on the wooden horses; young girls dressed in exquisite clothes pouting, tilting their heads, holding up selfie sticks to take selfies.

There was joy and peace.

Outside the project railings, there were several young couples in wedding dresses and suits standing, seemingly preparing to take wedding photos here.

Zhou Zhen was pulled by Tao Nange and walked over to queue up.

Looking at Tao Nange, who seemed a little different from before, Zhou Zhen immediately asked: Why didn't you change your clothes just now?

Tao Nange immediately smiled and said, This carousel is very fun.

Listening to Tao Nange's irrelevant answer, Zhou Zhen frowned and suddenly felt that something was not right.

At this time, Tao Nange suddenly said: It's our turn.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately looked up and saw that the team that had been lined up for tens of meters just now had all disappeared without knowing when.

He and Tao Nange stood at the entrance of the carousel. The carousel inside, which had not yet ended, had stopped steadily.

Each new and gorgeous wooden horse solidifies into a statue in a galloping posture, waiting for the rider to arrive.

The staff guarding the entrance looked at them with a smile. Before he could say anything, Tao Nange had already taken out two brand-new amusement park tickets and handed them over.

After the staff took it, they checked it over and over, quickly took out a small seal, slapped it twice, then gave it back to Tao Nange, stretched out his hand to pull down the latch of the fence, and opened the entrance.

Tao Nange picked up Zhou Zhen and walked quickly towards the wooden horse inside.

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