Ash Civilization

Chapter 120 Ji Xuexun. (First update! Please subscribe!!!)

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a little strange. Why did Chu Jingyan and Meng Zhuo fight?

But soon, with the recovery of real memory, he gradually understood the situation...

When he used the Digital Domain [Invisible Eavesdropping] and [Geometric Barrier] together, every time he entered the dreamland, he would see Ren Rui beating Brother Hao violently.

This time, he used [Two-Dimensional Space] together with [Energy Observation] and [Energy Synchronization]. When he entered this classroom, he saw Chu Jingyan beating Meng Zhuo violently.

This is a source of conflict between multiple number domain side effects!

He used the side effects of [Hidden Eavesdropping] to neutralize the side effects of [Geometric Barrier]. In essence, he used the personality of Zhang Yonghao to balance the personality of Ren Rui... Then Zhang Yonghao was violently beaten by Ren Rui!

And he used the side effects of [Energy Observation] and [Energy Synchronization] to fight against the side effects of [Two-Dimensional Space], and used the personality of Meng Zhuo to contain Chu Jingyan.

Therefore, Meng Zhuo was beaten by Chu Jingyan now.

At this time, Zhou Zhen saw that the seven or eight classmates surrounding Meng Zhuo were trying to pull Chu Jingyan and Meng Zhuo away. Chu Jingyan looked at Meng Zhuo with an unkind expression, but did not continue to persist. Instead, he kicked Meng Zhuo's chair, flicked his ponytail, and returned to his seat to sit down.

A fight was resolved, and the relaxed after-school time resumed in the classroom.

Zhou Zhen also withdrew his observation gaze and nodded slightly. Meng Zhuo's situation was still much better than Brother Hao's.

Because in this classroom, Meng Zhuo has many friends!

Chu Jingyan's strength can crush Meng Zhuo, but she can't stand up to the opponent's many friends, and she can't use it as unscrupulously as Ren Rui beat up Zhang Yonghao.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen turned his head and looked at a seat in the middle of the classroom.

Sitting on that seat was a girl with a jade-like face and a dazzling face. Her long, straight black hair did not have any traces of perm or dyeing, and hung naturally on her shoulders. Her perfect face and delicate facial features seemed to have been carefully painted by a skilled painter. When she came out, she was wearing a mint green dress. The skirt was made of chiffon, with many embroidered patterns in the layers. The ruffled skirt was also decorated with a circle of pink and white pearls.

This complex style of skirt has very high requirements for both body shape and temperament, otherwise it will easily look bloated and rustic. However, when worn on this girl, it is extremely harmonious and vividly highlights her fair and flawless skin and graceful figure. The light figure is like the branches, leaves and calyx of spring, carefully protecting the blooming buds.

This girl is none other than the school beauty Ji Xuexun!

At this moment, she was sitting in her seat, surrounded by five or six well-dressed girls, who were talking and laughing together, exchanging something in low voices.

When Zhou Zhen's eyes touched Ji Xuexun, he immediately thought of Ji Xuexun's situation.

This school beauty has very good grades and only needs to spend a small part of her energy on her studies to be among the best. Therefore, her extra energy is devoted to the budding of adolescence, and she longs for a romantic and beautiful love like in novels. However, she doesn’t like to really fall in love; she is still a staunch vegetarian, but she prefers to eat meat every day; in addition, she enjoys the feeling of being in the spotlight, but hates being peeked at...

This is a very contradictory personality!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and walked towards Ji Xuexun.

When he came near Ji Xuexun's seat, the girls sitting around Ji Xuexun stopped talking and all turned their heads to look at Zhou Zhen.

Ji Xuexun also stroked the hair hanging down by his ears, and also raised his head to look at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen ignored the other girls and walked directly to Ji Xuexun's desk. Just like the previous times, he stared at Ji Xuexun and said bluntly: Ji Xuexun, let's make friends?

A blush appeared on Ji Xuexun's snow-white cheeks. She seemed to smile shyly and did not answer.

The girls sitting around her looked at each other, stood up and left without saying a word.

Soon, Zhou Zhen and Ji Xuexun were the only ones standing nearby, and the atmosphere became particularly subtle.

Zhou Zhen waited for a moment and saw that Ji Xuexun did not agree or refuse. He then added: I can let you out, as long as you are willing...

Before she finished speaking, the smile on Ji Xuexun's face suddenly disappeared in an instant. Her eyes looking at Zhou Zhen gradually became weird and cold, and a sick look appeared on her beautiful face.

Scumbag! You lied to me three times!!!

Before she finished speaking, Ji Xuexun stood up. Her slender and graceful body suddenly expanded, and in the blink of an eye she turned into a ferocious figure that reached the ceiling. The specific shape was indescribable, like a dark shadow. In the shadow, densely packed eyes opened and opened. Countless mouths and thousands of claws stretched out, seemingly roaring, and seemingly struggling to grasp around.

This shadow aura is deep and terrifying, indescribable. The whole classroom is shaken by it. The ceiling collapses, the lights break, the fans break, the walls decompose, the tables and chairs twist and deform... all of these are shaking more and more violently. , melted into a vast number of numbers, formulas, theorems...

The other students in the classroom still maintained their original movements and remained motionless. Their figures were also rapidly expanding, twisting, and rotating, turning into grotesque entities that could not be described in words.

Zhou Zhen stood in front of Ji Xuexun's desk, and his thoughts suddenly became extremely chaotic. His body began to stretch and twist like his classmates, and his soft flesh began to transform into a strange texture little by little.

Black and white horizontal and vertical lines began to appear dotted all over his body.

Just when he was about to lose control completely, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and pushed him hard.


Zhou Zhen fell to the ground like a wooden sculpture.

He was startled and suddenly came back to his senses. He quickly looked around and saw that the incandescent lamp above his head was shining brightly, illuminating six slowly running electric fans. In the neat classroom, the students were enjoying the time after class. .

On the seat next to him, Ji Xuexun was holding his chin with one hand, resting his white elbows on the desk, his cheeks were slightly red, and he was looking at himself lightly.

Zhang Yonghao, who has always been afraid of society, left his seat at some point and appeared next to Zhou Zhen. Zhang Yonghao lowered his head and was sweating profusely. The lenses of his glasses were covered with water mist, and his whole body was trembling slightly. Seems very scared.

It was Zhang Yonghao who pushed Zhou Zhen just now!

But it seemed that Zhang Yonghao had exhausted all his courage to help him this time. He was shaking like chaff at the moment and had no energy to even return to his seat.

At this moment, the class bell rang.

Jingle Bell……

Soon, the math teacher strode into the classroom with the lesson plan under his arm.

Attend class!

As soon as the words fell, all the students returned to their seats in an instant.

The scenery around Zhou Zhen suddenly changed, and he also appeared in his seat.

Math class begins...


The brown-red soil was replaced by gray-black sand at some point.

In the distant sky, on the misty horizon, the thick shadow is still creeping quietly.

The center console, steering wheel, armrest box... Since there is no windshield, the entire off-road vehicle is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Tao Nange looked calm and concentrated on driving the off-road vehicle around a pothole, closely following the vehicle in front.

In the passenger seat, Zhou Zhen was breathing evenly, his eyes were closed, and he was sleeping.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly and sat upright instantly.

Zhou Zhen panted heavily, and was soon hit with a mouthful of gravel. He quickly took out a bottle of drinking water from the storage box on the car door, rinsed his mouth, and wiped the cold sweat that had covered his forehead for some time.

Next to him, Tao Nange asked calmly: Are you having a nightmare?

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, shook his head, and looked outside the car. The convoy organized by Nie Lang was still speeding through the wilderness.

The convoy kicked up dust all over the sky and seemed to be heading in a certain direction like clouds and fog.

Originally, their off-road vehicle was the last vehicle in this team.

But I don’t know when, many vehicles appeared behind me, including off-road vehicles, modified pickup trucks, heavy-duty tractors pulling carriages full of machine guns, and some infantry fighting vehicles... A casual look in the rearview mirror, There were at least twenty cars peeping out from behind. If you looked closely at the dust and sand, there might be more.

The vehicles were painted in different colors, and they maintained a certain degree of vigilance with each other, as if they were not in the same group.

Zhou Zhen immediately asked: What's going on with those cars at the back?

Tao Nange said calmly: I caught up with you on the way.

Nie Lang's whereabouts were exposed. Those teams wanted to join Nie Lang, but they couldn't meet Nie Lang's recruitment conditions, so they just followed behind.

They don't dare to get close, but they are not willing not to follow.

Zhou Zhen nodded, and then said: Use [Spiritual Guidance] on me again.

Tao Nange didn't hesitate and asked directly: Guide to what?

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: Memories related to Ji Xuexun.

Tao Nange nodded slightly. She drove with one hand and reached out to the passenger seat with the other hand. She gently pressed Zhou Zhen's forehead and asked, What happened between you and Ji Xuexun?

After the words fell, the memory of using Ji Xuexun to deal with Chu Jingyan immediately appeared in Zhou Zhen's mind, but other than that, no more memories appeared...

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned. In the classroom just now, Ji Xuexun said that he had lied to the other party three times.

Therefore, normally speaking, there are at least three memories between him and Ji Xuexun!

But now, even with the help of Tao Nange's [Spiritual Guidance], he could only recall one of the memories, and he still had no clue about the other two memories.

At this time, seeing that Zhou Zhen remained silent, Tao Nange took back his palm and asked, No?

Zhou Zhen nodded, thought for a moment, and said slowly: Can finding 'Digital Rain' really solve my current problem?

Tao Nange suddenly fell silent. After a while, she replied: 'Digital Rain' is full of unknown possibilities.

Moreover, as long as you go up the 'digital ladder', there will be hope for everything.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen stopped talking.

“Digital Ladder”…

The biggest reason why he can't solve Chu Jingyan's problem now is that his digital ladder is too low!

If his digital ladder is the same as Chu Jingyan's, or even higher than Chu Jingyan's, he doesn't have to worry about the photos in his phone's photo album at all!

He can even solve Tao Nange's problem!

He now wants to use Meng Zhuo to check and balance Chu Jingyan, and wants to use Ji Xuexun to deal with Chu Jingyan... In essence, his own digital ladder is too low!

I hope this news about Nie Lang is really related to Digital Rain...

Just as I was thinking about it, in the smoke and dust in front of me, a rusty gate with a childlike shape slowly appeared. In the distance behind the gate, there were roller coasters, pirate ships, jumping machines and other equipment standing quietly.

Soon, the four faded characters Fudi Amusement Park appeared in their sights.

This is a very large amusement park. Under the tall facade is a sunken square. The square is surrounded by shops that were once very prosperous. Among the garbage scattered on the ground, there are also some colorful plastic toys. In the center of the square is a combined fountain, with a two-story Sphinx as the main fountain, surrounded by eight smaller mythical statues with wide mouths and different postures.

Now the fountain has dried up, and the pool is filled with garbage and some rotting grass blades.

The main entrance was originally a row of automatic ticket gates, but it was now severely rusted, dyeing the original marble floor a blood-stained brown-red.

Looking through the gate, you will see a Western-style courtyard. The main road is very wide, and the embroidered flower beds on both sides are magnificent. At the end of the courtyard, there is a Byzantine-style verandah building, and there is a dark outline of a large artificial rockery in the distance.


All the vehicles in front stopped at the entrance of this amusement park.

Destination arrived?

Zhou Zhen immediately turned his head and looked at this paradise that had obviously been abandoned for a long time.

Tao Nange stopped the car, and they both unbuckled their seat belts and got out of the car.

The vehicles behind them also stopped immediately in the distance. They chose a very conservative position, and no one got out of the car. They seemed to be planning to escape at any time if the situation went wrong.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange walked towards the main entrance of Fudi Amusement Park together.

Nie Lang and the others had all gotten out of the car and gathered in the open space outside the turnstile with their own weapons and equipment.

Everyone looked around with vigilant expressions, their expressions a little unsightly.

Si Quan, a young man carrying a giant alloy ax on his back, frowned and said, Fudi Amusement Park? Nie Lang, this is a 'digital forest'!

Don't tell us, this is the location of the 'digital rain' you mentioned!

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Ting, who had long hair and was dressed like a tramp, also said in a dissatisfied tone: How dangerous is this 'Digital Forest' in Fudi Amusement Park? As long as you have stayed in Tongfu City for a while, Who doesn’t know who has been there for two years?”

Nie Lang, if you brought us here this time just for this 'Digital Forest', that would be so boring!

Satellite Air, a middle-aged man wearing a white kung fu suit with a pair of short guns stuck at his waist, said calmly: Nie Lang, you'd better give everyone an explanation!

For a moment, tensions were rising at the entrance of Fudi Amusement Park, and the atmosphere seemed to be on the verge of breaking out!

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