Ash Civilization

Chapter 111 Mental state. (Second update! Please subscribe!!!)

On the bumpy road, an off-road vehicle was driving at high speed, and dust hit the windshield, making a crisp sound.

The wipers maintained a medium speed to sweep out the field of vision, and the roar of the engine broke the original silence.


From time to time, the car body shuddered due to sudden potholes, and then continued to move forward relying on special tires and strong power.

Ghost No. 024 was sitting in the driver's seat, having put on the visual sensor again. She was looking at the road ahead, holding the steering wheel lightly with both hands, and concentrated on driving.

On the passenger seat next to her, Zhou Zhen's eyes were closed, his head tilted to one side, hanging on his chest, and his whole body was tied to the back of the chair.

The torn hole in the roof of the off-road vehicle and other damaged areas were covered with various patches. The repair method of No. 024 Phantom is not beautiful, but it is very practical and efficient. At least there will be no problem in normal use in a short period of time.

Outside the window, the thick fog disappeared without a trace. Without the obstruction of the white fog, the situation on both sides of the road was clearly revealed. This was a huge ruin.

The ruins here are relatively complete in preservation compared to those in the white mist. You can often see empty and stained hundred-story buildings. Among the high-rise buildings, there are many ruins of complexly designed viaducts, broken roads, broken bridge piers, exposed steel bars... as well as deserted and abandoned cities, full of a desolate feeling of civilization and loneliness.

Perhaps because there is no white fog, the flowers, plants and trees here are obviously more lush than in the fog.

The ruins are overgrown with weeds, the walls of the building are covered with various vines, and lush branches and leaves stretch out from the inside of the house...

Among these buildings, flowers and plants, there are more abandoned machines such as cars. A thick layer of sand has fallen on them, and even the gaps are filled with grass blades.

The off-road vehicle galloped through the continuous ruins along the only road that still had traces of maintenance. Obvious bullet casings and ballistic traces could be seen at intervals on both sides of the road.

In the distance, there was the cry of a crow or some other bird. It was rough and harsh, but lingering.


Ghost No. 024 listened calmly, turned the steering wheel around a sharp bend, and continued driving forward.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhen, who was in the passenger seat, opened his eyes suddenly, as if he had rarely slept well. He felt that he was particularly energetic now, but just as he was about to get up, a silver-white pistol was pressed against his temple!

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, then he immediately reacted and said: It's me, Zhou Zhen, not the sub-personality!

Ghost No. 024 quickly put down his gun, and while continuing to drive the vehicle, he said somewhat unexpectedly: Can you remember the memory of [Split Personality]?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen realized this and suddenly felt a little surprised.

This time he remembered his [split personality] memory and didn’t have a headache!

After thinking carefully, Zhou Zhen quickly asked: Did you inject me with a [digital tranquilizer] just now?

Ghost No. 024 nodded and replied calmly: Yes!

You were mentally overloaded just now and you must rest immediately!

I tied you up because I was worried about your secondary personality coming out.

As she spoke, she held down the steering wheel with one hand, and instantly pulled out a black-edged dagger from nowhere with the other hand, and cut the rope that tied Zhou Zhen.

With his body free again, Zhou Zhen moved his hands and feet slightly on his seat and asked, How many [digital tranquilizers] do you have left?

After coming out of that underground morgue, he would dream about that classroom almost every time he slept!

But there are three exceptions...

The first time was when he came out of the Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema and was officially injected with [Digital Tranquilizer]. He had a particularly comfortable sleep and did not dream about that classroom. Moreover, after waking up, his mental state very good!

The second time was after the Digital Forest case at Binhai Central Hospital. I was also injected with a [digital tranquilizer] by the authorities. When I woke up, I was locked in the underground test tube of the ghost team. I did not dream about that. classroom.

The last time... just now!

[Digital Tranquilizer] can help him sleep well and replenish his mental state very well!

The fact that he can now recall the memories forgotten by the [Protection Mechanism] should be related to his current mental state!

However, I didn’t dream about that classroom these three times, and there are still some differences...

The first time and this time, he entered the perspective of an infected person. Only the second time, nothing happened.

When he woke up for the second time, although his mental state was also very good, it was obviously not as good as the first time and this time.

In addition to [Digital Tranquilizer], the perspective of the infected person is equally important!

This experience that befalls the exactly the Higher Dimensional Life experiment of Order of Ashes!

High-dimensional life...

He is not yet, but if and when he can truly occupy the infected person's equation in this way... all his symptoms should be alleviated!

At this time, Ghost No. 024 replied: There are two more.

'Ji Xuexun', is it your sub-personality?

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses and looked at the dusty ruined buildings outside the car window. These buildings were uneven and very dense. Even though there were obvious signs of damage, one could still imagine the bustling and bustling scene when they were intact. .

There is no fog here anymore, so he may have slept for a long time just now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and said, Yes.

However, this personality has not come out yet.

If I release this personality, it might be possible to solve the problem of photos on my phone.

It's also possible that it will make the situation worse!

By the way, did you use the 'digital domain' on me just now?

He had no previous memory of using school beauty Ji Xuexun to deal with Chu Jingyan.

But after Ghost No. 024 asked, he suddenly remembered... This was too coincidental. He was a little suspicious. It was the digital domain ability of Ghost No. 024!

Ghost No. 024 nodded calmly: What I just used on you was [spiritual guidance].

When the target's mental load is too heavy, my 'digital domain' can help the target share the mental pressure a little.

Besides that, as long as the target knows the answer to the questions I ask, he will answer them immediately.

However, if the target's 'digital energy' is too strong, it will be able to resist my guidance.

【Spiritual Guidance】?

Zhou Zhen immediately remembered something. When he just came out of the underground morgue and saw Ghost No. 024 for the first time, the other party patted him on the shoulder and asked him a question...

At that time, he almost told the truth out of control!

Now it seems that Ghost No. 024 must have used [Spiritual Guidance] on him at that time. However, at that time, he was already a successful product of the Ash Order experiment, so he finally resisted the other party's guidance!

Thinking quickly in his mind, Zhou Zhen said: Thank you...

Wait a minute, can you use this 'digital domain' on me a few more times? Just ask questions about Ji Xuexun.

Ghost No. 024 calmly replied: No problem.

I have now fallen into the 'Digital Domain' of your sub-personality Chu Jingyan. Next, we will act together.

However, your mobile phone must be kept by me.

Let's act together...

There is nothing wrong with him working with the ghost team members.

This is a high-risk city!

If you drive casually, you may encounter a few infected people.

It will definitely be a lot safer if you have an experienced, high-digital ladder compatibility to guide you!

As for my mobile phone...

That's a small thing!

Moreover, when his side effects occur, having the phone in his own hands will indeed have a great impact on the safety of Ghost 024...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately said: Okay.

After a pause, he thought seriously, and then suddenly continued, I now have four 'digital domains', and there will definitely be side effects after using them.

After I use the 'Digital Domain' in the future, you must pay attention to my side effects immediately...

One is [Plane Transition]. Just like before, after finishing this 'digital domain', I will immediately find a beautiful girl to take pictures.

The other three have not been used yet. I don't know the specific side effects yet.

If I try to release Ji Xuexun, there should be another 'digital domain'. This 'digital domain' will definitely have different side effects.

These 'digital domains' of mine are all obtained from my secondary personality.

The more you use it, the greater the side effects.

To a certain extent, the sub-personality may escape directly through the side effects of the 'digital domain'.

That was the case with the 'digital virus' case at Binhai Central Hospital last time. Chu Jingyan ran out while I was awake!

After listening to his narration, Ghost No. 024 immediately asked: Then do you know the approximate intensity of the 'digital energy' of your sub-personalities?

Zhou Zhen nodded and said, I know.

Ghost No. 024 said quickly: I am now the 'Fourth Step'.

I can help you suppress the sub-personalities below the 'Fourth Step'!

The sub-personality of the 'Fourth Step' should be able to give it a try.

But if it's the 'Fifth Step' or a sub-personality above the 'Fifth Step', I can only run away!

The Fourth Step...

Zhou Zhen immediately understood the meaning of Ghost No. 024. The sub-personality does not exceed the digital domain of the fourth ladder and he can use it as he likes!

But if the sub-personality has exceeded the fourth step, it is best not to let the sub-personality come out...

At this time, the off-road vehicle drove off the roadbed and headed towards an open area among the ruins. The ground here was flat and there were still traces of former bricks in the grass.

There were no buildings in the surrounding area. It looked like a former parking lot. However, there were not many vehicles parked. There were only some heavily rusted metal parts stacked in the far corner.

Ghost No. 024 suddenly braked, and the off-road vehicle stopped immediately in this open space.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and looked at her immediately.

Ghost No. 024 said: Further ahead, there is an isolation point.

The water, food, firearms, and ammunition in the car were all destroyed by the infected.

Next, we need to go to the isolation point for supplies and rest.

However, although there are very few infected people approaching the isolation point, the mixed crowd inside does not mean it is safe.

Three of your 'digital fields' have not been used before. Let's try the effects and side effects of those three 'digital fields' here first.

Wait until you understand all of your 'digital domains' before heading to the isolation point.

Infected person...

Zhou Zhen frowned and then thought about the situation of the eight infected people just now.

Obviously, those eight infected people were brought in by the personality of Meng Zhuo!

The eight infected people did not attack him immediately, but waited for him to escape from the off-road vehicle before reacting one by one.

Based on this, it is speculated that the effect of Meng Zhuo's digital domain may be to control the infected, or to confuse the infected.

He copied two questions from Meng Zhuo, but he doesn't know if he copied the digital field?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen nodded and said, Okay.

However, one of my three 'digital domains' is Chu Jingyan's 'digital domain'.

Ghost No. 024 said calmly: As long as the secondary personality doesn't come out and it's just a side effect, I can control it now.

“But you try it once and don’t try it too many times.”

Zhou Zhen nodded again, then immediately opened the car door and walked out.

Both of them got out of the car and walked to an open space some distance away from the off-road vehicle.

The land here seems to be much more fertile than the wilderness in the white mist. The weeds appear very dense. The originally neatly laid floor tiles are lifted up and turned up, making the entire ground look soft.

Zhou Zhen stopped in the grass and glanced at Ghost No. 024. Ghost No. 024 nodded, indicating that he could start directly.

Zhou Zhen did not waste any time and immediately focused his attention on the fifth set of formulas in his mind...

The next moment, in his field of vision, he saw a layer of pure white airflow on his body, like flames and water, slowly swaying, wrapping his entire body.

This airflow was larger than his body, dancing with his breathing, and full of vitality.

Zhou Zhen looked at Ghost No. 024 next to him. He also had a layer of crimson airflow on his body. However, this airflow was obviously much thicker than the pure white airflow on his body. It was like a big puff of blazing flames. Ghost No. 024 was wrapped up in layers and was beating violently at a faster frequency.

The crimson airflow contains deep and majestic power.

At the same time, in the distance of the ruins, beyond the reach of the field of vision, several light spots of other colors can be vaguely detected...

Zhou Zhen immediately understood the function of this digital allowed him to see the digital energy of compatible and infected people!

And the range is huge!

If it was at a close distance, he could still clearly see the approximate intensity of the digital energy!

This digital domain should be called [energy observation]!

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