Ash Civilization

Chapter 112 Tao Nange. (First update! Please subscribe!)

After testing this digital domain, Zhou Zhen did not waste time and immediately focused his attention on the sixth set of formulas in his mind...

He suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he could control the pure white airflow around him to a certain extent!

After several attempts, Zhou Zhen discovered that when he directed the pure white airflow around him to approach the red airflow around Ghost No. 024, the two airflows surrounding the two people would soon... Connected together without any hindrance.

Just like rain falling into a river, they blend together instantly without distinguishing each other.

Immediately afterwards, the color of his airflow will become the same as the color of the airflow on Ghost No. 024!

Ghost No. 024 standing nearby noticed something immediately, but she just glanced at Zhou Zhen and said nothing.

Zhou Zhen immediately controlled his airflow to separate from that of Ghost No. 024. After the two airflows unfused, the color of his airflow returned to its previous pure white color.

After this test, he quickly understood the function of this digital domain... [Energy Synchronization]!

This digital domain can synchronize his energy with the digital compatible or digital infected person next to him.

For compatibles, this digital domain is not of much use, but it is used to deal with infected people... infected people will directly regard him as the same kind!

This is the real reason why the eight infected people didn't attack him when he was surrounded by infected people on the off-road vehicle just now!

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. These two digital domains all came from Meng Zhuo's personality.

There are three digital domains in Meng Zhuo's personality. Both of these digital domains are related to digital energy, but they are not the digital domain that controls or confuses infected people...

I think that should be the third question in Meng Zhuo's homework book.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen then focused his attention on the last set of formulas in his mind.

In an instant, a very strange feeling arose in his heart... He could interact with the two-dimensional world!

Zhou Zhen quickly turned to look at Ghost No. 024 and said, Give me your phone first!

Ghost No. 024 did not hesitate, quickly took out Zhou Zhen's mobile phone and handed it over.

Zhou Zhen took the phone and immediately unlocked the screen. The main interface displayed the wallpaper of a tied nurse in the operating room. He swiped the screen to open the photo album.

Suddenly, the phone froze slightly, and it took a moment to load before it started to display the vast number of photos inside.

The first photo was originally a nurse photo of Ghost No. 024, but after it was set as wallpaper, the photo disappeared from the album.

The first photo turned into the photo of girls changing clothes secretly taken in the girls' dormitory. The girl held her long hair with a shark clip, exposing a section of her fair neck. Her back was to the camera. She was slim and slim, wearing light blue jeans. Her legs were white and slender under her shorts, and she was wearing a pair of gray-pink slippers. Her posture and dress were very casual.

At this moment, she grabbed the hem of her top with both hands and just lifted it up a little, revealing her slender and graceful waist.

The background is a dormitory with upper beds and lower desks. All the beds are hung with small curtains, blocking the view. In the blurred distance, there are girls standing on the ladders of the two upper bunks, doing a double horse while reading a textbook. .

On a table next to the girl who was changing clothes, there were many miscellaneous things placed on it. Among them was a pencil sharpener, about the size of an adult's thumb, made in the shape of a small crocodile, and seemed to be used to sharpen pencils and eyebrow pencils. .

Zhou Zhen immediately opened the photo, then stretched out his palm and grabbed it inside.

The next moment, his palm reached directly into the photo!

The palm inserted into the photo quickly becomes two-dimensional, and its size and proportions also change rapidly. It quickly becomes consistent with the proportions of other people and objects in the photo and becomes a part of the photo.

Zhou Zhen stretched his whole forearm in and finally reached the pencil sharpener on the table. He quickly grabbed the little crocodile and quickly pulled his arm back.

Not long after, he pulled his palm out of the phone screen again, holding a small green crocodile pencil sharpener in his hand. The cartoon-shaped crocodile opened its mouth and used it to put the pen that needed to be sharpened. There was still a little eyebrow left in it. The powder in the pen is exactly the pencil sharpener in the photo!

Zhou Zhen looked at the photo again. The characters and things in it were still the same as before, but the pencil sharpener placed on the table next to the girl changing clothes had disappeared.

Looking at this scene, he immediately understood the meaning of Chu Jingyan's words in the classroom just now...

You must take good care of my collection and not damage it!

These were Chu Jingyan's exact words when he asked Chu Jingyan to copy him the answer to the second question.

Yes, this digital domain can take out the physical objects in the photos on his mobile phone and use them!

In a sense, Chu Jingyan’s collection can also be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen picked up the small crocodile pencil sharpener and reached into the photo again.

Soon, he put his palm into the photo again and returned the pencil sharpener to its original position on the table.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen retracted his arm, and when he looked at the photo again, he saw that the photo had returned to its original state, and the pencil sharpener that had just disappeared had returned to the photo.

Zhou Zhen immediately exited the photo album and returned to the main interface.

This time, he put his palm into the phone again and grabbed the shining surgical scissors in the tray on the trolley beside the operating bed, which was in the wallpaper, outside the range of the shadowless lamp.

Zhou Zhen quickly grabbed the surgical scissors and then retracted his hand.

He took his palm out of the phone screen little by little, but it was empty and nothing came out.

In the wallpaper, the surgical scissors were cut off on the ground next to the screen.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and immediately understood the situation. He turned to look at Ghost No. 024 and said quickly: The test is over.

My three new 'digital domains' are [Energy Observation], [Energy Synchronization] and [Two-Dimensional Space].

[Energy Observation] can observe the 'digital energy' of compatible people and infected people, as well as the approximate energy intensity.

[Energy Synchronization] allows my energy to be disguised as the energy of other compatible and infected people.

The 'digital domain' of [two-dimensional space] allows me to bring items in photos into reality, and I can also put items in reality into photos.

But ordinary photos probably won't do.

Because things in ordinary photos are inherently two-dimensional and cannot be brought to the three-dimensional world.

The things in your nurse photo are also unacceptable, because the background of your photo is not the real world.

In addition, anything larger than the size of my mobile phone screen cannot be taken out or put in...

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen's body suddenly froze. In his mind, two equally strong thoughts were frantically competing for his actions. One thought was to immediately find the eight friends he had just made and play together; Another idea is to tie Ghost No. 024 to the hood of an off-road vehicle and take crazy photos...

At this time, Ghost No. 024 reacted immediately, quickly grabbed Zhou Zhen's cell phone, and then stared at him, ready to take action at any time.

As long as there is anything unusual about Zhou Zhen, she will subdue him immediately!

Zhou Zhen maintained the same posture as before, still frozen. Two thoughts were constantly competing for dominance in his mind, so that his body was unable to make the next move.

The idea of ​​taking secret photos took over for a while, but soon it became equal to making friends...

After a while, he gradually recovered, and those two strong thoughts quickly faded away.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath. The side effects of these three digital domains were very conflicting.

But unlike [Hidden Eavesdropping] and [Geometric Barrier], it's just the opposite.

So when an attack occurs, he will still be affected to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen said immediately: Okay!

Ghost No. 024 nodded and said briefly: Let's go.

With that said, she turned around and walked towards the off-road vehicle.

Zhou Zhen followed him back to the co-pilot. As soon as he sat on the seat, he suddenly felt a dull pain in his head. This was very similar to the previous times when the [protection mechanism] was triggered, but it was not as serious.

He suddenly realized that his current state of special sobriety might not last long...

At this time, Ghost No. 024 started the car, returned to the road, and drove forward.

The road that followed became increasingly difficult to walk. In addition to potholes that appeared from time to time, there were also a lot of glass shards, rusty nails and the like scattered on the ground.

Fortunately, their armored off-road vehicle is for military use and has very high protection standards, so it can ignore most tire blowouts.

In the ruins on both sides, the buildings are getting denser and denser, and the signboards of a few buildings still exist.

The advertising slogans of restaurants and hotels, which have faded very much and have blurry handwriting, quietly tell the noisy past. There is silence in the ruins, and the passing of off-road vehicles has caused a lot of dust.

After turning a sharp reverse bend, a bridge with many repair marks appeared in front of it.

There is not a river under the bridge, but an oval lake. Zhou Zhen vaguely remembers that this lake in the city was very famous a hundred years ago. Several buildings by the lake are popular places for Internet celebrities to check in. There is also a beach specially reserved by the lake. It is used for migratory birds to rest during their migration.

But right now, the entire lake is lifeless and lifeless.

The lake water is heavy, a lifeless cement color, neither turbid nor dirty, but there is no trace of any fish, shrimp, or even snails or mayflies.

In the flower beds on the bridge, the former green vegetation has long since died and is now covered with various weeds.

The shape of these grass blades is slightly different from normal grass blades, and there seems to be a certain degree of distortion.

When the off-road vehicle sped by, the strong wind stirred up the branches and leaves, making the crunching sound of sandpaper.

While driving the car across the bridge across the lake, Ghost No. 024 said: A high-risk city has many dangers and many opportunities.

When we get to the isolation point, one is for supplies; the other is for collecting intelligence.

In the ghost team, there is a senior numbered 009 who once performed a mission in another high-risk city and happened to receive a drop of 'digital rain'.

After getting that 'Digital Rain', this senior 009 eliminated the [Complete Body] infected people...

However, that senior later failed to suppress the 'digital rain' and became an 'out of control number'...

Digital rain! ?

When Zhou Zhen heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

When he was in that classroom, Fu Shangjing told him about digital rain, and he also got a drop!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately asked: When we arrive at the isolation point, do we want to inquire about the 'Digital Rain'?

Ghost No. 024 nodded and said: It would be best if there is news about 'Digital Rain'.

“Most of the ‘digital rain’ 40 years ago turned directly into ‘digital viruses’, ‘digital forests’, and ‘digital infected people’…”

There are not many 'digital rain' that have survived, but every drop of 'digital rain' contains vast and profound mathematical knowledge. It is the crystallization of advanced civilization that far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. No matter we keep it for our own use , or leave it to the higher ups, our current situation can be solved!

“If there is no news about ‘Digital Rain’, you can also try the low-difficulty ‘Digital Forest’.”

If there is not even a low-difficulty 'Digital Forest', then we can only hunt infected people.

“Hunting infected people can increase our ‘digital energy’ and elevate our ‘digital ladder’.”

“As I improve my ‘digital ladder’, or as your personality improves as a ‘digital ladder’, I will also have the opportunity to find solutions to current problems.”

Zhou Zhen listened and nodded slightly. If his digital ladder reaches the fifth step, he can copy Chu Jingyan's fifth question.

With that digital domain, he can completely release all the people in the photo album!

And if Ghost No. 024 reaches the Sixth Step, it should be able to forcibly break the prison of the photo.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen then asked: No. 009...your number is No. 024. Does it mean that the higher the number, the more powerful it is?

No. 024 shook his head and said: Each of the ghosts with single-digit numbers is an extremely powerful 'digital compatibility'. They represent the top combat power of the ghost team and have a special status, but those with double-digit numbers and above The numbering is based on a fill-in-the-vacancy system.”

The number 024 was used by a senior of the Fifth Step. When I joined the ghost team, that senior happened to die in a case.

This vacant number was just given to me.

The same goes for No. 017.

There are also three teammates who came with me this time. Their numbers were all inherited from the seniors.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen suddenly fell silent.

Outside the car window, dark buildings quickly retreated. There were tall buildings on both sides. The concrete buildings that had been eroded away from the internal steel bars stood quietly under the gray sky. Dark green and dark purple vines climbed here like gangrene. In a reinforced concrete jungle.

The wind blew from afar, howling thousands of times as it stumbled among the jagged buildings.

The only road was increasingly riddled with potholes and there were traces of fresh bullet casings in the discarded metal on the side of the road.

After the off-road vehicle roared across a section of the road, Zhou Zhen asked slowly: Then... what is your real name?

Ghost No. 024 replied calmly: Tao Nange.

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