Ash Civilization

Chapter 110 First perspective. (First update! Please subscribe!!!)

The memory suddenly turned dark at this point, and he closed his eyes at this time!

There was only a clang sound, as if something fell to the ground. After a few seconds, a cry of 嘘嘤嘤 suddenly came from my ears...

Zhou Zhen immediately opened his eyes and found that Ji Xuexun was still standing by the wall, but now her back was facing him, her shoulders were slightly hunched, and her long black hair was gently falling down with her movements. What she just heard The cry was made by the school belle.

In the dim corridor, Luo Yuchen sat on the ground in horror, as if he had just seen something extremely terrifying, and he could not even stand up at this moment.

In addition, a small and exquisite female mobile phone in a very gorgeous mobile phone case fell on the ground, and the owner of the mobile phone was nowhere to be found.

Zhou Zhen immediately stood up from the ground, without bothering to brush off the dust on his knees. He quickly went over to pick up the phone, then walked to Luo Yuchen and said quickly: Class is about to start, hurry back to the classroom...


The memory screen stopped, and the pain in Zhou Zhen's mind had reached its extreme!

Ghost No. 024, who had been pressing his forehead, was also pale, without any blood on his face, and was holding his head tightly with his other hand.

At this time, Zhou Zhen said in great pain: Ji Xuexun...

After saying these words, his body lost all strength in an instant and collapsed directly to the ground. The headache that just seemed like thousands of steel knives were piercing it disappeared like a tide.

Ghost No. 024 let go of her hand, and her expression quickly returned. She closed her eyes, and in about two seconds, she completely recovered.

Ji Xuexun...

The ghost team investigated all of Zhou Zhen's information, but she had never seen this name in his files!

This should be another personality of Zhou Zhen...

Thinking of this, Ghost No. 024 looked down at Zhou Zhen and found that Zhou Zhen was lying unconscious on the ground covered with dust, sand and lichen, and had fallen asleep again...

Ghost No. 024 stood there for a few seconds, then grabbed Zhou Zhen's collar with one hand and dragged him into the passenger seat.

However, this time, she did not return the other party's phone, but put it into her pocket.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost No. 024 took out the tool box from the trunk and began to repair the off-road vehicle...


This is a rectangular room. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all a cold gray-white color. The texture looks a bit like resin, and it seems to be some kind of synthetic chemical material.

There were no lights in the room, and the four walls emitted a soft, non-dazzling light, enough to see most items clearly.

There is a single wrought iron bed placed against the inner wall. The bed is very narrow, only 80cm wide by visual inspection. The bedding and pillows are all white, giving it a hospital-like feel.

At this moment, a graceful and slender figure was lying on the bed.

Xie Qiongning closed her eyes and lay motionless on the bed. Her original clothes had been changed, and she was now wearing a white jumpsuit. The material of the clothes was very special. It looked like suede at first glance. After looking carefully, she found that As if it were made of silicone, there was an eye-catching number on the left chest: G6341.

Suddenly, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around cautiously.

Looking at this completely unfamiliar environment, Xie Qiongning thought seriously for a moment, and soon understood what was going on...

After she finished her phone call with Zhou Zhen, the teacher arrived immediately and directly injected her with a sedative...

I don’t know if this place is still Binhai City.

But next, she should be able to see the plan for promotion to the second ladder that the teacher mentioned...

While he was thinking, an invisible door opened silently on the wall facing the bed, and an emotionless electronic voice came from outside the door: All experimental subjects, leave the room immediately and line up to enter the roundabout. After 30 seconds, the room will Anyone who does not leave the room during chlorine disinfection is regarded as sabotaging the experiment!

All experimental subjects...

The electronic voice repeated three times. Xie Qiongning sat up and looked at the darkness outside the door alertly, but had no intention of moving.

Soon, she saw that two rows of pipes were quietly protruding from the smooth wall and began to spray some pale white mist.

Seeing this scene, Xie Qiongning had no time to think and immediately walked out of the room.

Outside the room was a poorly lit corridor. Every few steps, a fluorescent sign was nailed to the wall, pointing to the depths.

There are identical doors on both sides of the corridor. At this moment, people wearing the same white jumpsuit with a number on the left chest are constantly coming out.

These people are both male and female, and are about 18 to 40 years old. Regardless of gender or age, judging from their body shape and complexion, they are all relatively healthy, or strong.

Their skin colors were different, and with just a quick glance, Xie Qiongning saw almost all races.

Bang bang bang...

As soon as the owner of the room walked out, the door was immediately closed behind them. At the same time, through a piece of glass inlaid on the door, one could see that the light white gas initially released in the tubes protruding from the wall had ended. , at this moment, yellow-green gas was sprayed out and spread rapidly.

Fortunately, the door was well sealed and those who had entered the corridor were not affected in any way.

Xie Qiongning looked at the crowd around him calmly. Most of the people looked at a loss. Whispers in various languages ​​began to sound in the crowd: What is this place?

have no idea……

How did you get here?

Oh God! Why do I appear here...

At this time, the emotionless electronic voice sounded again: All experimental subjects, please follow the signs and enter the roundabout.

All experimental subjects...

Just like before, this voice was played three times in a row.

There was a slight commotion among the people in the corridor, but they all stood still.

Many people haven't figured out the current situation, and they can't do anything they're told to do.

At this time, the fourth broadcast sounded: All experimental subjects...

The sound this time was different from the previous three times. It was no longer an electronic sound without any emotion, but a deep and hoarse voice.

This voice could not be identified as male or female, but it seemed to have some special magic power. After everyone heard this voice, they immediately gave up all thoughts and immediately followed the other party's request and walked deeper along the signboards on both sides of the corridor.

Xie Qiongning was among them. Her eyes were blank, and she moved her hands and feet mechanically, following the crowd and walking slowly forward.

At the end of the corridor is a more open corridor. The lighting design in the corridor is very special. All the lights are on the ground. The light crosses and shines on the opposite one-meter-high wall. Only the road at the bottom can be illuminated. The top is hidden in a blurry outline.


A dull and rhythmic whisper filled the entire corridor.

The temperature here is lower than in the corridor, and you can't see the end in front or behind. You can only see the spotlights outline a huge arc, as if it is part of a ring.

People in white jumpsuits lined up on the corridor and moved forward slowly.

Xie Qiongning was among them. After a while, she followed the team and entered a spacious and bright hall.

There are a lot of medical machines placed here, and a group of invisible personnel wearing white coats, hats, and masks methodically conduct various detailed inspections on the people who come in.

The light in the hall is very bright. If you don't look up and observe carefully, it is difficult to find that above these busy people, near the ceiling covered with various pipes and lines, there is a steel trestle that spans the middle of the entire hall.

After Xie Qiongning entered the hall, she seemed to feel something. She subconsciously looked up at the trestle. She saw a familiar figure standing on the trestle.

It was a blond-haired, blue-eyed woman wearing a tight-fitting leather skirt. She was mature and charming. At this moment, her ice-blue eyes had no emotion, and the dark gold scales at the corners of her skirt gave off a faint light in her confusion. point.

Beside her, stood a tall figure. His face was half hidden in the darkness and could not be seen clearly. He could only judge by the subtle marks on his eyebrows and eyes. He was not very young, and his outline was somewhere between deep and flat. , has obvious mixed-race characteristics, and behaves very elegantly.

There is also the mark of a dark golden scale on the collar of this figure's suit.

The two of them were condescending, looking at the many experimental subjects lining up in an orderly manner below. Their eyes passed over Xie Qiongning and looked at the others without any pause.

After a while, the young mixed-race man spoke slowly in English: Ms. Hawke, we have the data that failed last time. The experiment should be successful!

Huo Luo, also known as Lauren Hawke, calmly replied: Not only the data of the last failure, this time, the observer also took the risk to collect part of the battle data of the successful product!

This experiment will definitely be successful!

“However, it’s hard to say how many successful products there will be.”

There was a hint of surprise in the mixed-race man's eyes, but he quickly recovered: Successful product?


Is it from the 'Ash Order'? Or another organization?

Without waiting for Lauren to answer, he immediately continued, 'Order of Ashes' has indeed produced several successful products before, but they all had very obvious flaws.

Is the successful product this time still from China?

Lauren Hawke nodded and said: It is indeed from the 'Ash Order', and it is indeed Chinese.

However, I have only seen that successful product twice, so I don't know what flaws it has.

“Besides, that successful product is terrifying!”

The mixed-race man smiled. His tone was still very elegant, but his eyes showed undisguised disdain: Madam, China is very good at propaganda, but it is just propaganda.

True strength does not require the use of any means.

“Winning is the best advertisement.”

Perhaps you can tell me where the successful product is?

When this experiment is over, I can bring an experimental subject over to see how long the successful product can last.

'God' cannot be matched by humans!

Lauren Hawke glanced at the other person. This Mike Nguyen was a mixed race of Asian and European, but he had a deep national prejudice against Asians, especially Chinese, which was similar to convert fanaticism.

Thinking of this, Lauren didn't explain anything and said directly: I don't have the specific location of the successful product of 'Ashes Order', but I do have his mobile phone number.

As she said that, she took out a white mobile phone. The phone case had Xie Qiongning's initials spelled out with rhinestones. It was Xie Qiongning's mobile phone.

Lauren opened her phone's address book and looked at the latest call record. The contact name in this record was not Shen Sheng or Zhou Zhen, but a very hidden code name: Licking Dog No. 145.

Looking at the name, Lauren's expression did not change at all, and she immediately said: His number is...


Drowsily, Zhou Zhen opened his eyes.

First he saw the familiar fog, then the barren wilderness.

The dark vegetation is mottled with the exposed sand, which looks lifeless. The wind blows from all directions, and the rustling sound of gravel echoes into a whimper in the jagged ruins around it.

Zhou Zhen felt that his perspective seemed a bit weird. He seemed to have become much taller. As he walked around, he could easily see the roof of a two-story abandoned building next to him.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his entire torso was made of rock. There were no legs below the waist, only tank-type rock tracks. When he moved, he immediately made a rumbling sound and flattened all nearby terrain.

Two slender arms swayed by his side with the movement.


Became an infected person yourself? !

Zhou Zhen woke up suddenly. He immediately wanted to check the condition of his body, but found that his body was not under his control at all and was still wandering aimlessly in this unfamiliar ruins.

After a brief moment of surprise, Zhou Zhen immediately realized... He had experienced this scene before!

At that time, after he came out of the Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema, he was officially injected with a digital tranquilizer. When he woke up for the first time, his consciousness appeared in the body of an infected person who had been infected by the digital virus. !

Moreover, he also heard many conversations between the two ghost team members at that time...

Yes, the current situation is not that he became an infected person, but that his consciousness appeared in the mind of an infected person!

Also, although he can't see the whole picture of the infected person now, he can only see the characteristics of the hands and feet... Unsurprisingly, these are the two ten-meter-high rock infected people among the eight infected people just now. a member of!

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen saw that he suddenly stopped cruising, made a click-click sound all over his body, turned his body, and moved quickly towards a certain direction in the mist!

The infected person's speed is extremely fast, and the rock tracks are heavy and arrogant. Whatever they encounter along the way, they will be knocked away directly, and the scenery on both sides will quickly retreat.

Soon, a familiar road appeared in Zhou Zhen's field of vision, and a heavily armed convoy was driving on the road.

There are eleven vehicles in this convoy, most of which are armed vehicles converted from trucks. There are still faded writings such as XX Logistics on the sides of several of the vehicles.

The front of the car is a very old armored off-road vehicle. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the off-road vehicle that Lu Jun gave to Zhou Zhen. There is a machine gun on the roof, and shooting holes, barrels and other equipment are installed on the front and rear.

At the very back were two pickup trucks, with black gun barrels mounted in the carriages.

The vehicles in the convoy kept a certain distance between them and were traveling at high speed.

Zhou Zhen was shocked and immediately understood that the infected wanted to hunt this convoy!

Now that he could not control the infected person's body, he immediately wanted to use [Overfrequency Interference] to affect the infected person's actions, but he suddenly found that the seven sets of formulas in his mind had long since disappeared!

In this state, you cannot use the [Number Domain]?

boom! ! !

The next moment, Zhou Zhen saw that he had crushed the leading armored off-road vehicle with a single charge from his first-person perspective!

The off-road vehicle, together with the people and cargo inside, instantly changed from a three-dimensional shape to a uniform flat shape, and was deeply embedded in the ground. Dark red blood slowly flowed out, soaking into the nearby sand in an instant.

The accident happened suddenly, only in the flash of lightning. It was only at this time that the people in other vehicles finally reacted!

Suddenly, a shrill scream echoed on the nearby road:

It's an infected person!!!

Run away!

Fire! Fire quickly!

Dad! My dad is in the car leading the way...

Don't seek death! Turn around!

Without any delay, the remaining ten cars quickly turned around and fled towards the rear, roaring and crying.

At the same time, the barrels and muzzles of the guns on each vehicle automatically rotated, locked onto the infected, and started firing with all their might.


Amidst the fierce gunfire, grenades were thrown down one after another, causing the entire road to explode. The pickup truck at the back of the convoy also began to fire artillery shells. In the fierce fire, a circle of large craters suddenly appeared around the infected.

The rock-infected person remained indifferent, completely unscathed.


In the blink of an eye, Zhou Zhen saw that it had caught up with the second car and crushed it directly... The moment the car flattened, two eyeballs shot out from the half-open window, carrying The blood flowers fell on the nearby sand, and the people inside didn't even have time to scream.

Boom boom boom...

In just a few seconds, the entire convoy was almost wiped out.

Only the pickup truck at the end of the convoy, relying on the added rocket thruster, shot into the depths of the white mist and disappeared. It was lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the infected.

Zhou Zhen saw that the rock infected people did not continue to pursue, but rumbled back to the place where the convoy was destroyed, using their slender arms to pull open the flat vehicle, just like ordinary people opening a can, swallowing the flesh and blood energy inside...

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