Ash Civilization

Chapter 109 School Memories. (Second update! Please subscribe!!!)


Boom, boom, boom...

Soon, heavy footsteps were heard outside the mostly collapsed building.

The eight infected people walked out of the white mist step by step. After observing their surroundings for a while, they began to rummage around and try to continue tracking.

The building chosen by Ghost No. 024 is hidden in jagged ruins and is very inconspicuous.

The infected searched for it but found nothing, and soon began to destroy it.

Ping ping ping pong... Two ten-meter-tall rock-infected people ran rampant, flattening almost all the nearby terrain; the long, wood-like infected grew dozens of arms and beat them in all directions; other infected were also in the ruins Venting like crazy...

Along with the violent noise, almost all the remaining buildings around were further damaged.

The building where Ghost No. 024 and Zhou Zhen were hiding was also slightly shaken by the knockdown building next to it. Fortunately, it was dilapidated and the location was hidden, so it was only slightly affected.

After about a minute, the eight infected people dispersed without finding their target.

The surroundings gradually returned to silence, with only the faint rustle of gravel falling overhead.

Ghost No. 024 firmly covered Zhou Zhen's mouth with one hand and pressed him behind the wall in the corner of the building. He kept focusing on the data on the visual sensor, constantly detecting the digital energy nearby.

After confirming that all eight infected people had gone away, she immediately said: [Stealth Mode] is released!

After the words fell, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that his heartbeat, breathing, smell, temperature... all biological characteristics seemed to be refreshed and returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Ghost No. 024 let go of Zhou Zhen, stood up straight, and asked briefly: How are you now?

Just as Zhou Zhen was about to reply, an extremely strong desire to take secret photos suddenly arose in his heart. He immediately searched for it on his body and quickly took out his cell phone.

However, he had just turned on the photograph function and pointed the camera at Ghost No. 024. Ghost No. 024 reacted instantly, grabbed Zhou Zhen's wrist, twisted it with his backhand, grabbed the phone, and pressed Zhou Zhen's hand. On the ground!

Zhou Zhen immediately began to struggle hard. His muscles tightened and the force he erupted became stronger and stronger.

Ghost No. 024 clasped Zhou Zhen's wrist with one hand, held down Zhou Zhen's head with the other hand, pressed his knees firmly against Zhou Zhen's legs, and bound him firmly to the ground.

boom! boom! boom……

Zhou Zhen began to slap the ground hard, and the entire abandoned building visibly shook. In the gaps in the ceiling above his head, the debris that had just stopped falling suddenly began to rustle down again.

Seeing Zhou Zhen's struggling strength gradually starting to get out of control, a silver-white sniper rifle suddenly appeared in mid-air beside Ghost No. 024.

After the sniper rifle appeared, the muzzle of the gun automatically pressed down and was aimed at Zhou Zhen's head. At the same time, a faint white light appeared in the muzzle, and the aura of energy increased steadily.

The two sides remained in a stalemate for several minutes. Zhou Zhen suddenly became quiet, and the energy surging throughout his body also weakened instantly.

Zhou Zhen shouted hurriedly, but because his head was firmly pressed to the ground, he almost took a mouthful of sand as soon as he opened his mouth.

Seeing that Zhou Zhen finally returned to normal, Ghost No. 024 slowly let go of his hand and said, Your symptoms have become serious.

I thought that your secondary personality would only come out when you lost consciousness.

But just now, when you were awake, your secondary personality almost came out.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen quickly sat up from the ground. He wiped off the dirt and dust on his face and asked doubtfully: Sub-personality? What do you mean?

The situation I just had was a side effect of using the 'digital domain'.

Hearing these words, Ghost No. 024 immediately understood that the other party's [protection mechanism] was triggered!

She is now injecting Zhou Zhen with anti-[protective mechanism] drugs, which should remind him of his previous memories.

However, it has been less than 24 hours since the other party's last injection of anti-[protective mechanism] drugs. Continuous injections will cause the other party to have more serious mental problems!

Thinking of this, Ghost No. 024 said very briefly: The infected person has left, let's go to your car first!

After saying that, she put away her sniper rifle and took the lead out of the crumbling building.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and quickly followed her footsteps.

After a while, the two returned to the broken wall on the side of the road. The off-road vehicle was pressed against half of the wall, and the engine was still humming. The surroundings of the vehicle were covered with traces of quartz fragments, blood drops, rock tracks, etc. .

A huge hole was torn open on the roof of the off-road vehicle. The bulletproof steel plate was rolled up like iron sheet. There were a few touches of dark green at the break, and there was a faint fishy smell, which seemed to be some kind of toxin.

Although the scene looked very tragic, the body of the off-road vehicle, worthy of being a military vehicle, was still intact.

Ghost No. 024 walked quickly to the car and opened the trunk.

The trunk, which was originally filled with supplies, was now empty, with few decent items left.

Ghost No. 024 pulled out the medical box from the corner and opened it. He took a quick inventory and found that the medicine inside was still intact and had not been damaged by the infected in the accident just now.

She nodded slightly and said immediately: Use your mobile phone to time the time. After 10 hours, give yourself an injection of anti-[protective mechanism] medicine.

There are a total of 5 medicines here. Next, one injection will be given every 24 hours.

Using it all should cure your memory problems.

Let's see now, can this car still be driven?

This is a dangerous area. It's very unsafe to stay here for a long time.

You'd better find the nearest isolation point as soon as possible and enter the isolation point to rest.

It's relatively less dangerous there.

I'm going to collect some 'digital energy' next, so I won't be with you.

If you still have any questions, take the time and ask right away.

With that said, Ghost No. 024 took out the mobile phone he had just taken from Zhou Zhen and handed it back to him.

Zhou Zhen took the phone and was very confused about the words of Ghost No. 024, but he quickly followed the other party's instructions and prepared to set a few alarm clocks...

However, as soon as the phone screen turned on, he discovered that the wallpaper on the phone had once again changed to a photo of a tied up nurse taken in a dark operating room!

The girl on the operating bed is cold and beautiful. Under the light of the shadowless lamp, she looks like a white rose with thorns in the snow in her nurse uniform.

Because Ghost No. 024 was watching from the side, Zhou Zhen's expression suddenly froze. He subconsciously wanted to change the wallpaper, but as soon as his finger touched the screen, he immediately reacted!

The wallpaper cannot be changed!

The sudden disappearance of ghost No. 024 was related to him changing this wallpaper!

But what the reason was...he couldn't remember!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen secretly glanced at Ghost No. 024. Seeing that there was no reaction, he pretended that nothing happened, quickly turned on the alarm clock, and set the time and reminder in it.

Just as Zhou Zhen was swiping the screen of her phone, Ghost No. 024 suddenly felt a chill all over her body. She felt as if something was crossing her body!

She had a similar feeling when she was trapped in that ward just now!

Ghost No. 024 quickly looked at Zhou Zhen's mobile phone, but the screen of Zhou Zhen's mobile phone was full of dense black and white horizontal and vertical lines, and nothing could be seen clearly!

This is a completely broken mobile phone!

But Zhou Zhen didn't seem to notice it at all and continued to operate on the mobile phone screen which was full of black and white horizontal and vertical lines!

Stop! Ghost No. 024 said immediately.

Zhou Zhen had just set the first alarm clock. When he heard the other party's voice, he immediately raised his head and looked at Ghost No. 024.

Ghost No. 024 grabbed Zhou Zhen's cell phone and scratched randomly on the screen with black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

The phone screen was unresponsive and nothing was happening around me.

Ghost No. 024 did not reproduce that chilling feeling of horror at all.

After thinking for a moment, she quickly understood the reason. It was the digital domain of Zhou Zhen's sub-personality!

She looks fine now, but in fact, she is still trapped in that ward!

At this time, Zhou Zhen looked at No. 024 holding his mobile phone, crossing out the alarm clock interface, and then staring at the picture of the tied up nurse in the operating room, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

He quickly explained: This photo was not taken secretly by me...

Before the explanation was finished, Ghost No. 024 had come to her senses. She looked at Zhou Zhen and quickly asked: What exactly does the photo look like?

Zhou Zhen glanced at Ghost No. 024 and was suddenly a little surprised by the other party's question. The photo wallpaper was in front of him now, so why did he still ask him?

While his mind was spinning, Zhou Zhen quickly replied: A...nurse photo...

Ghost No. 024 nodded slightly, then raised his hand to take off the visual sensor. A very beautiful face was immediately revealed without any concealment. Her skin was fair, her eyebrows were smooth, her eyes were as bright and sharp as gems, and her gaze was filled with awe. Qi, the temperament is cold, like the white plum blossoms blooming on the branches in the heavy snow.

Ghost No. 024 looked at Zhou Zhen and asked calmly: Does he look like me?

Zhou Zhen's eyes widened immediately. His current mobile phone wallpaper...the picture of a nurse tied up and played with was the ghost No. 024! ?

How is this going?

How could he have such a photo of Ghost No. 024? !

As he was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of Chu Jingyan, those words in the classroom, and all the abnormalities he had done before...

My head started to hurt again!

Zhou Zhen immediately held his head with both hands. When severe pain roared over him, his thinking became clearer and clearer, and he hurriedly said: Chu Jingyan...

I still have a lot of pictures of girls on my phone!

Those are the collections of Chu Jingyan's personality...

Once the photo is deleted, the corresponding person will disappear forever, and the 'number' will be absorbed by Chu Jingyan...

The mobile phone cannot be broken...

Hearing this, Ghost No. 024 immediately realized that Zhou Zhen had temporarily broken through the blockade of the [Protection Mechanism]!

She quickly took off her tactical gloves and put her hand on Zhou Zhen's forehead. Feeling the cool touch of her palm, Zhou Zhen's headache suddenly eased a lot.

At the same time, Ghost No. 024's face became a little pale.

Ghost No. 024 quickly asked: Then how should we crack the 'digital domain' of your personality?

How to crack it?

Just as Zhou Zhen was about to shake his head, a scene that seemed distant and vague, like a constantly vibrating water pattern, suddenly appeared in his mind...

The campus was silent at night, with only the chirping of insects far and near, mixed with the fragrance of flowers floating quietly.

Outside the classroom, in the dim corridor, Zhou Zhen held a blooming crape myrtle in his hand and pressed it against the wall with one hand. Between him and the wall, stood a girl wearing a mint green dress.

This girl's skin is snow-white, without any blemishes, and is slightly transparent, like a freshly peeled lychee. She has a beautiful face, and her thick black hair seems to glow like a crow's wing in the weak light. At this moment Scattered casually on the shoulders, it looks even more charming.

She put her hands behind her back and pressed against the wall. She lowered her head slightly, with a blush on her snow-white cheeks. She looked at the flowers Zhou Zhen handed in front of her, feeling the other person's breath close at hand. Her eyes were full of emotions. Shy.

At this time, in the darkness behind Zhou Zhen, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps, and a familiar voice immediately sounded: Zhou Zhen! She is here! Run!

It's Luo Yuchen's voice!

Zhou Zhen didn't look back or reply. He continued to kiss the beautiful girl in front of him, waiting for the footsteps to approach behind him.

Boom, boom, boom...

Luo Yuchen quickly rushed to his side and was about to pull him to run away when he suddenly saw Zhou Zhen holding flowers in one hand and pressing the wall with the other, faintly trapping the beautiful girl. He immediately shouted in horror: School beauty?!”

“Are you crazy???”

Confess your love to the school beauty!!?

Zhou Zhen didn't reply. He seemed to be guarding against some rules and kept doing this without even blinking.

The school beauty quietly raised her head from time to time and glanced at Zhou Zhen, but with Zhou Zhen's extremely focused eyes, she immediately lowered her head shyly and continued to lean against the wall. Her soft little hands grasped the hem of her skirt and remained motionless.


At this time, the sound of slow footsteps sounded in the darkness in the direction Luo Yuchen was running from. The footsteps had a clear target and approached them without any hesitation.

Luo Yuchen next to him suddenly became anxious. He glanced at Zhou Zhen, then behind him, and shouted anxiously: Zhou Zhen!

It's almost too late!

“It’s over once the photo is taken!”

Zhou Zhen acted as if he hadn't heard anything and still looked at the school beauty without blinking.

Finally, the footsteps behind them suddenly stopped, and it was obvious that they were approaching.

At this moment, Zhou Zhen calculated the right moment and suddenly knelt down on one knee, holding the newly picked crape myrtle flower in front of the school beauty: Ji Xuexun, promise me!

He instantly lowered his body, just enough for the people behind him to directly see the school belle Ji Xuexun.

As soon as Zhou Zhen finished his banging, the shy look on Ji Xuexun's beautiful face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a sick smile!

However, just when she was about to do something, she suddenly saw a girl with twin ponytails standing behind Zhou Zhen, wearing a red and black plaid top and a white petal skirt, holding a mobile phone and facing her...


The shutter sound of taking pictures just fell...

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