Ash Civilization

Remarks at the end of the volume.

The first volume of the new book has finally been completed.

This is my first time trying science fiction, and it is really difficult to write...

This is not just a change in subject matter, but also a change in style.

The style of The Man in the Way is joyful, while this book is more cyber-style.

In this volume, a lot of foreshadowing was laid in the early stage and then taken back later.

◎Let’s talk about the first line first: Doctor Ashes.

When the protagonist reported the crime in the first chapter, he gave his home address, Room 2501, Building 17, Langyun Shui'an;

Then in Chapter 7, Team Lu received a call and mentioned the name on the information, which was not Zhou Zhen;

In Chapter 11, Team Lu checked the information and found out that it was Room 2501, Building 17, Langyun Shui'an. The owner's name was Fu Shangjing, not Zhou Zhen, and on the information list next to it, there were four titles of out-of-control numbers: Double Sewing Man, Mathematician, Doctor Ash, Dr. An...

Chapter 41: When matching talents, the protagonist recalls the memory of his past life and matches talents related to medicine;

In Chapter 101, Fu Shangjing officially appears, codenamed Doctor Ashes, the real owner of Room 2501, Building 17, Langyun Waterfront, and has the same [overfrequency interference] as the protagonist.

◎Then the second line: the experimental subject.

The protagonist's birth point in the first chapter is an underground morgue. When he comes out, the door is engraved with the symbols of an upside-down scepter and a two-headed snake spitting out messages;

In Chapter 19, the Ghost Team investigates three infected people infected by the protagonist, and their attention is drawn away by the Order of Ashes;

In Chapter 37, the protagonist completes the deal with the black boss Li Ge, and the entire black boss’s power is backhand by the Ashes Order;

Chapter 54, Xie Qiongning mentioned the news of promotion to the second ladder;

Chapter 70, Xie Qiongning’s teacher appears, and the character description specifically emphasizes the scale emblem on the skirt. This is the first appearance of the second illegal organization, Twilight Trial;

Chapter 72: After listening to Xie Qionning’s situation, Captain Lu mentioned the word “big fish”;

Chapter 93: Observers of the Twilight Trial need more experimental subjects, in line with the promotion news of the Second Ladder mentioned by Xie Qiongning earlier;

Chapter 94: The experimental subjects of the Twilight Trial appear;

Chapter 99 officially states that the protagonist is an experimental subject of the Order of Ashes.

◎Then the third line: [Split Personality].

Chapter 10: The protagonist was sleeping in bed, woke up from the living room in the middle of the night, and returned to bed early the next morning;

Chapter 21, memory transplantation technology, first appearance;

Chapter 22, the protagonist appears for the first time [Protection Mechanism];

Chapter 25, three dangerous laws of memory transplantation: [mental rejection], [protection mechanism], and [split personality];

Chapter 27: Using Zhang Yonghao’s digital domain, his character becomes the same as Zhang Yonghao’s;

Chapter 40 explains in detail [Protection Mechanism];

In Chapter 53, the protagonist discovers his [split personality] for the first time and triggers the second [protection mechanism];

Chapter 67: The sub-personality comes online and kills everyone;

In Chapter 80, the protagonist discovers his [Split Personality] for the second time and triggers the [Protection Mechanism] again;

In Chapter 90, the protagonist realizes that he has a problem for the third time, but is interrupted by the sound of the elevator;

In Chapter 91, the protagonist discovered himself [Split Personality] for the fourth time. This time, before triggering the [Protection Mechanism], he left a reminder for himself...

In addition to these three lines, there is also the protagonist's plug-in, which is the line in the classroom. Everyone should be able to see this, so I won't list it here.

There are also some small foreshadowings. For example, with such an advanced mobile phone, opening the photo album will actually freeze because it does not contain photos, but people...

These clues, when Latte was writing them, were buried in individual events, because they were written too clearly and felt too untechnical.

But the current way of writing also has certain drawbacks, that is, once a detail is missed, many subsequent plots will not make sense.

For example, in Chapter 83 of the Secret Photography Case, some readers felt that the protagonist was out of ideas because he did not doubt him...

In fact, in Chapter 40, it has been explained very clearly: Once the [protective mechanism] is triggered, the brain will forget those abnormal memories and make jump corrections. The person concerned cannot discover his own abnormalities by himself.

Just like Chapter 53, the protagonist discovered that he was a [split personality], but soon forgot about this discovery, and his brain gave himself a very outrageous explanation: he was a time traveler, and other people in the classroom , it’s all the golden finger of myself as a time traveler...

Therefore, the plot here in Chapter 83 is the same. The protagonist has triggered the [Protection Mechanism] the day before, and has forgotten all the clues related to [Split Personality], and his brain has also deceived himself. At this time, it is impossible for the protagonist to doubt himself unless he opens a God's perspective.

It's like if someone says you stole something and finds stolen goods in your pocket, but you have no memory of stealing anything, what would you do?

Admit that you stole something?

How can it be!

This must be someone framing him!

If it were Latte himself, even if someone else brought the surveillance video as evidence, Latte would firmly believe that the other person's video was of P!

Okay, that’s it for the foreshadowing. In addition to what is written above, there are indeed many things that have not been written well in this first volume...

Starting from Chapter 43, the character of Xie Qiongning is not developed enough.

Because this book is positioned as a single female protagonist, Xie Qiongning is the female supporting character, so at the beginning, Latte wrote this character just to lead to the Dusk Judgment, but because she didn’t want her to steal the heroine’s role, she couldn’t be completely written as a passerby. ...The balance in between was not well grasped, which resulted in Xie Qiongning being too mediocre compared to the female characters in Gou Dao Zhongren.

In the future, Latte will look for opportunities to rewrite all chapters 43 to 45. The main plot will remain unchanged, and the main thing is to establish the character's image. (Already changed: 2023-11-14)

Let’s talk about the number of words in chapters. Latte’s last book was always about the KKK, and the fourth update is 8K words. But I have to come up with four titles every day and think of four breaking points. It’s such a waste of time.

Therefore, the last book was combined into chapters later.

This book wants to focus all its energy on the plot, so it is divided into chapters directly from the beginning. Each chapter has 8K words, which is the same word count as the fourth chapter of the book.

However, some readers don’t like big chapters. Let’s sum it up: one chapter is 4K and two chapters are 8K.


There are already a lot of words in the summary. If I write more, it will be enough for one chapter...

Let’s talk about the extra update. Latte has created a special document to remember it, so I won’t forget it!

Finally, thank you very much for your support!

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