Ash Civilization

Chapter 104 Tongfu City. (First update! Please subscribe!!!)

More than ten hours later.

The sky was dimming, and the distant roar of cars could be heard on the empty road.

The land on both sides of the road is very different from the fertile suburbs of Binhai City. The air is obviously humid, but the wasteland under the roadbed shows traces of desertification. On the barren soil, you can occasionally see traces of dark green and purple intertwined, which seems to be Vegetation such as lichens.

In the distance stands a cliff-like earth slope. On the earth slope, every three to five hundred meters, there is a fort like a signal tower. There are four or five radar-like receivers on the top of the fort, and two rows of radar-like receivers below. The barrel of the convoluted structure.

Between these forts is a ruins of city buildings that have been buried in dust and sand.

Some traces of the luxurious decoration in the past can still be seen in the ruined walls. The gorgeous signboards have faded in color and are embedded in every corner of the soil with incomplete postures.

The remains of mechas that appear from time to time among the lichen and moss seem to tell the story of the fierce battles in the past.

The towering barbed wire fence stretches along the road, seemingly endlessly, like a boundary that separates the well-maintained road from the dilapidated ruins. Looking out through the gaps in the barbed wire fence, there is a sense of desolation and majesty.

A dusty off-road vehicle whizzed past the empty road. The wipers were on mid-range, constantly blowing away the gravel hitting the windshield.

The turrets on both sides seemed to be well-trained guards. The rows of gun barrels immediately rotated automatically and locked onto the sudden off-road vehicle.

But after a period of intensive scanning, the alert was lifted, the barrel slid open quietly, and the surrounding area continued to be alerted.

Soon, the off-road vehicle drove through this path with dense forts and came to a stop in front of a towering high wall.

This high wall is hundreds of meters high. In front of it, an off-road vehicle, which is considered a large size in the city, is as inconspicuous as an ant.

The texture of the wall's appearance is very special. It looks like a matte metal and is completely black. There are dense gun barrels protruding from the top of the wall, and dense searchlights are patrolling everywhere.


The door of the off-road vehicle opened, and four figures quickly stepped out of the vehicle.

Ghost No. 056 looked around, looked at Zhou Zhen and said, This is the last hurdle to enter Tongfu City.

Since Tongfu City was rated as a high-risk city, all those who entered are not allowed to leave, and the same is true for us.

So I can only send you here.

This has been a high-risk city for more than ten years. All the people who can be moved have been moved. The infected people in the city have been cleaned up many times. The remaining 'digital viruses' have undergone various changes.

In addition to infected people, there are many 'digital forests'.

Of course, there are also many compatible people in it.

There are even a considerable number of ordinary people living underground in this city.

The people who can survive in such a place, even ordinary people, are very difficult. Only a few of them are unwilling to leave their homeland for various reasons; the vast majority are fugitives who have committed crimes outside; There are speculators who want to take advantage of the fire...

Law and order here are in name only.

You must be careful after you go in.

As he spoke, Ghost No. 056 took out three sealed medicines from his back. These three medicines were sealed in the barrels of disposable syringes. The colors of the medicines were gray, green and light yellow, with numbers engraved on them in sequence: X-37, B-25, SLK-41.

Ghost No. 056 handed these three potions to Zhou Zhen and said: These are three quick-acting memory liquids. They are of a relatively high level and can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the compatible ones.

If used by ordinary compatibility users, there will be great risks.

But in your don't have to worry about [mental rejection] at all. After entering Tongfu City, you can find an opportunity to use it.

By the way, the conventional electronic equipment here cannot exchange signals with the outside world.

The mobile phone you were issued is a satellite mobile phone. It can communicate with the outside world normally through satellite. If you have the chance, you should find a way to repair it.

Otherwise, we can only wait for the supply truck to arrive so that we can bring you a new mobile phone. But that opportunity is relatively rare, and the process of applying for a reissue is very troublesome...

Zhou Zhen took the three potions with some sluggishness. He tried hard to think about the reason why the ghost team sent him to a high-risk city...

It seems... related to a previous case?

The last case was a digital forest, and it also involved two extremist organizations, Twilight Judgment and Ash Order...

Hmm... It seems that he performed too well in the last case... Did the above give him a chance to come to a high-risk city for training?

It should be...that's the reason!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly became energetic, and he quickly replied: Thank you!

With that said, he eagerly returned to the driver's seat of the off-road vehicle, lowered the window, waved to the three members of the ghost team, and drove directly towards the high wall.

The three ghosts 056, 080, and 041 stood motionless, quietly watching the off-road vehicle getting further and further away. They did not look away until they saw a gate under the high wall open, and the off-road vehicle roared into it.

Ghost No. 056 suddenly said: The target has entered the high-risk city, the mission is completed!

Close the team!

The three people turned around immediately and quickly disappeared into the vastness.


Click, click, click...

As the heavy chains wound around each other, the mechanical winch made a heavy hum.

The nearly ten-meter-high gate looks very inconspicuous and even a little low in front of the towering high wall. Only by looking up in front of the gate can you feel the majesty and grandeur of the building in front of you.

Behind the gate is a deep wall hole with a pair of street lights every few meters. I don’t know if it is to save energy or for some other reason. The lighting here is not very good, the road is wet, and occasionally there is the sound of dripping water. On the wall of Zhenkuang There was a faint echo in the cave.

Zhou Zhen turned on the headlights, slowed down the car, and drove forward slowly.

After driving for almost dozens of seconds, a bright light appeared in front of me.

At the same time, a layer of mist filled the outside of the windshield, and the mist poured into the car along the window that had just been opened, with a slightly sweet smell in the slight coolness.

Zhou Zhen raised all the windows, stepped on the accelerator, rushed out of the wall hole, and entered behind the high wall.

Just after leaving the wall hole, the fog suddenly became thicker. Just like the road outside the high wall, there were also high barbed wire fences on both sides of the road here.

However, these barbed wire fences show obvious signs of damage, with cracks and signs of rust appearing at regular intervals.

Occasionally, there are some strange-looking vines climbing. The vines here are also very different from the plants outside. Most of them are dark purple or gray-black in color. They have a grayish feeling. It is difficult to spot at a glance. .

Due to the thick fog, the situation inside the barbed wire fence cannot be seen clearly. Only some nearby sand and gravel can be seen, which makes a dull vibration when the vehicle passes by.

Zhou Zhen looked at it for a while, then ignored it. He held the steering wheel with one hand, focused on the front, and headed deep into the fog.

Jingle Bell……

The rapid ringtone of the cell phone suddenly rang.

Zhou Zhen immediately picked up the phone, glanced at the screen, and found that the call was from Xie Qiongning. He couldn't help but wonder, hadn't the other party died in the digital forest of Huangjia Club?

Was it Xie Qiongning's family member who called him?

With this in mind, Zhou Zhen immediately answered the phone.

Hey, are you...

Before he finished speaking, Xie Qiongning's slightly urgent voice came from the receiver: Zhou Zhen, you finally answered the phone!

The 'second step' thing I talked about last time is about to begin!

Where are you now? I'll pick you up right away!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was slightly startled. It was Xie Qiongning's voice. Is she still alive?

Moreover, the other party called him by his real name and mentioned the second step...

Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses. In the Huangjia Club digital forest case, Xie Qiongning should have escaped before the ghost No. 017 arrived!

As for Xie Qiongning knowing his real name, it is even simpler. After that mission, he no longer hides his identity. With the financial resources of Hongshan Group, he can find out with a casual search!

So, Zhou Zhen immediately said: No time, I'm in Tongfu City now.

Xie Qiongning was shocked on the phone and asked quickly: Tongfu City? That is a high-risk city!

What are you doing there?

What I have here is an opportunity to advance to the 'second ladder', and the success rate is very high!

You really don't think about rushing back right away?

Zhou Zhen replied while driving: I completed the last mission very well, and the company gave me an opportunity to exercise in a high-risk city.

Besides, my current 'digital energy' should have reached the 'second ladder', so I don't need your chance.

The voice on the phone suddenly fell silent.

Just when Zhou Zhen thought Xie Qiongning was about to hang up the call, Xie Qiongning's voice finally sounded again: You are letting me go!

We have already talked about it!

Let's do this. You tell me your specific location, and I'll ask my teacher to pick you up. We can talk clearly in person!

If you are really on the 'second ladder', then I will help you pay off the loan and pay 10 million as a reward.

Pay off the loan?

He didn’t buy a car, a house, or any high-end purchases. How could he get a loan?

Zhou Zhen replied calmly: No need.

“I’ve definitely reached the ‘second rung’.”

When I return to Binhai City next time, I can treat you to dinner.

Xie Qiongning quickly replied: Next time?

It's a pity...well, that's okay.

Then you can come directly to my house for dinner next time!

As promised, we must not break our promise this time. As soon as you return to Binhai City, you must come to my house immediately!

Huh? My teacher is here...

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly heard another deep and slightly magnetic female voice coming from the receiver: The organization has already urged me, you have to hurry up.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Qiongning's voice quickly replied: I am dealing with personal matters and have already taken care of them...


The call ended abruptly.

Zhou Zhen frowned and became alert instantly!


Is it the big fish that Lu Jun mentioned before?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, report the crime directly to the ghost team and ask the ghost team to confirm it. You will definitely not go wrong!

Thinking of this, he exited the call interface and discovered that there were more than a hundred missed calls in the call history, all from Xie Qiongning!

Starting from yesterday afternoon until just now, Xie Qiongning called him almost all day long!

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood that when the earliest call came, he was still locked in the test tube. At that time, his mobile phone was with Ghost No. 017 and was turned off. After that...

Because of that school, along the way, the members of the ghost team all turned on their signal-blocking equipment!

Therefore, after he turned on his phone later, no calls from Xie Qiongning came in until he was far away from the three members of the ghost team...

While thinking, Zhou Zhen had already dialed the number of the ghost team: Hello, I'm Zhou Zhen from Special Operations Group 5. I just encountered a situation here...

Soon, Zhou Zhen told the ghost team about Xie Qiongning's situation.

After listening to Zhou Zhen's story, the operator of the ghost team on the other side of the phone quickly replied: Roger! We will notify the members to take action immediately!

Do you have anything else?

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately said: There is one more important thing!

I have now arrived in Tongfu City, but the four ghost team members who escorted me here are now one less!

The missing ghost's number is No. 024. After I discovered that she was missing, I immediately explained the situation to the other three ghost team members.

But the three ghost team members 056, 080, and 041 seem to have completely forgotten No. 024.

This happened almost ten hours ago...

Zhou Zhen quickly recounted the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of No. 024. At that time, he just lowered his head to change the wallpaper on his mobile phone. When he looked up, he discovered that No. 024 on the co-pilot was missing.

More importantly, the other three ghosts showed no reaction at all!

Along the way, he tried to call the headquarters of the ghost team, but failed to get through...

I also tried to change the phone wallpaper back, but it prompted that a password was required, just like when I deleted the album photos...

At this time, the voice on the phone was silent for a while, and then said after a moment: I did find the information of No. 024 in the internal system just now, but I can't remember the specific information of No. 024 now.

This may be a serious case of 'digital virus'. Did you encounter a 'digital forest' on your way to Tongfu City?

Zhou Zhen immediately replied: Before No. 024 disappeared, we stopped next to an abandoned high school.

Me and four members of the ghost team have all been in.

Something seems to have happened inside, but I can't remember it at all now.

The voice on the phone immediately said: I understand.

It should be that school's problem.

We will immediately conduct a lockdown investigation on that school and quarantine the three ghost members who escorted you there.

thanks for your reminder!

Seeing that the problem was taken seriously, Zhou Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and immediately replied: Okay, there is nothing else going on here...

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen put down his phone. What No. 017 told him was wrong. His phone was not broken at all. All functions in it were normal, including the photos in the photo album...

When we get out of this foggy area, we will use [Overfrequency Interference] to destroy all the photos in the Photo Album...

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