Ash Civilization

Chapter 103 Doctor Ashes.

In the suburbs of Binhai City, in front of an abandoned school.

The light rain was still falling, and the old camphor tree next to the school swayed its branches and leaves with the strong wind, and dropped its yellow and green leaves.

The moist water vapor in the rain is wrapped in the fragrance of vegetation and enters the car. Accompanied by the sound of rustling rain, it is full of leisurely mood.

In the off-road vehicle, Ghost No. 056 and the other four people sat quietly in their respective seats, maintaining the same expression and movements as when Zhou Zhen left just now.

After a while, the four ghosts suddenly woke up at the same time.

Ghost No. 056's expression changed and he immediately said: It's [Overfrequency Interference]!

The target wants to escape, arrest him immediately!

With that said, he was about to get out of the car when Ghost No. 024 looked down at the smart bracelet on his wrist and quickly shook his head: No!

The target's personality has not switched. With that energy intensity, it is impossible for any one of the four of us to be hit!

There are other high-level compatibles nearby, and the 'digital domain' also happens to be [overclocking interference]!

Hearing this, Ghost No. 056 looked solemn and said quickly: Turn on the signal shielding system and go in to check immediately!

As soon as the words fell, the four ghost members immediately pressed a button on the smart bracelet. In an instant, all signals around them were isolated!

Mobile phones, walkie-talkies and other communicators are all interfered with and cannot receive external signals!

After confirming that all nearby external signals had been blocked, the four ghost members quickly got out of the car.

Ghost No. 056 had just stepped onto the ground. Behind him, a huge stream of water appeared out of thin air. It divided into two streams and rushed from the left and right sides of his body to the top of the open space in front of him. After closing again, the original place suddenly appeared. A ten-meter-tall water giant emerged.

This water giant's entire body is made of clear water. Through its body, you can vaguely see the general scenery on the opposite side.

It is roughly shaped like a human, but has no facial features. The position of the head is just a gushing wave. The torso is extremely majestic, the arms are thick, and the water flow outlines the vague outline of muscles. There are no fingers, and the surging is full of excitement; the waist There are no legs below, but tentacles similar to those of an octopus. These tentacles occupy a considerable space, but do not leave any traces of moisture.

After the water giant appeared, it opened its arms, looked up to the sky and let out a silent roar. A trident made of water immediately appeared beside it. The water giant raised its hand to grab it, and followed No. 056 menacingly.

Immediately after getting off the car, No. 080 took out a matte black submachine gun from his jacket. The shape of this gun was very different from conventional firearms. There was no magazine in the loading position, but a battery-like thing. There are three indicator lights on the side of the tube, all of which are glowing green at the moment, emitting a faint aura of energy.

In front of him, an earth-yellow energy barrier was rapidly unfolding. The barrier was rectangular, with uneven surfaces on the outside, covered with random numbers, formulas, and theorems... They seemed to be random records, and they also seemed to be the symbols of great laws. A manuscript excerpted from Complex Calculations.

Different from Zhou Zhen's [Geometric Barrier], this barrier is very wide and covers a wide area, enough to hide 080 and three companions behind it.

Ghost No. 041 looked around vigilantly, and pulled out a simple long sword from the cervical vertebra behind his head. When the long sword was slowly unsheathed, his whole body, including the blade of the sword, immediately burned red. Colorful flames, the figure of Ghost No. 041 quickly faded in the firelight, and it seemed that only a snow-white skeleton was left, with pure white light dancing in the spine of the skull.

No. 024 raised his hand and grabbed it in the air. The small silver-white pistol originally placed in the gun bag immediately turned into a torrent of numbers, symbols, formulas... and disappeared. In an instant, it appeared in her empty space. On the palm of the object.

At the same time, the entire pistol immediately emerged with dense numbers, formulas, and symbols... Just like before, the entire gun body resounded with a click-click metal collision sound. Soon, the small pistol deformed and expanded, reorganizing into a four-meter-long gun. The sniper rifle was so long that she could hold it in both hands.

The four of them got ready. Ghost No. 056 quickly looked around and made a gesture. The four of them formed a defensive formation and walked towards the school gate step by step...


Classroom of Grade 3 (8) on the 7th floor of the teaching building.

The old curtains could not block the skylight. The light in the classroom was very bright, and the dust caused by Fu Shangjing's movement was still flying.

...The name of this experiment is called [Higher Dimensional Life]!

[High-dimensional life]?

Occupy all equations?

Does this mean that before advanced civilization comes to the earth, all the people on the earth will be turned into experimental subjects of the Ash Order?

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately thought of something...

At that time, he had just come out of the Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema and was officially injected with [Digital Tranquilizer], and then he had a dream in which he became one of the three infected people in Yaxinyuan. .

Moreover, the conversation between the members of the ghost team was also heard, and they were finally killed in a wilderness...

His experience at that time was very similar to the way the advanced civilization came to the earth that the other person just mentioned!

This is the experiment of Order of Ashes!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen frowned, looked at Fu Shangjing and said, Are these you just guessing? Or is there any real evidence?

Why would an advanced civilization that can use 'mathematical weapons' to carry out precise strikes across a galaxy still target a small Earth?

Fu Shangjing laughed loudly: It is not the earth that is infected by the 'digital virus', but the entire galaxy!

The entire galaxy? !

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment and found it difficult to digest this information.

Fu Shangjing continued: If you want to fight against higher civilization, it's not enough for me alone.

I need more like-minded peers.

I come to you now to invite you to join the 'Ash Order'!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately came to his senses and joined the Ash Order?

It would definitely be on the official wanted list, and there was no way he would agree to it!

However, thinking so, Zhou Zhen did not dare to refuse Fu Shangjing directly, so he said vaguely: This invitation is too sudden for me.

I still have a lot of questions that I haven't figured out yet.

I want to go back and think about it for a few days before making a decision.

Fu Shangjing's face full of black and white horizontal and vertical lines turned to face him little by little, and the electronic voice asked without any fluctuation: What's the problem?

I can give you an answer now.

Zhou Zhen's scalp went numb, and he said calmly: For example, how did the 'Digital Forest' move into my spiritual world...

What's going on with my personalities...

Also, when I just woke up from that underground clinic, why didn't you invite me right away instead of waiting until now...

Fu Shangjing suddenly let out a burst of laughter, and then said: When I performed the operation on you, you were already almost the same as you are now!

All of your personalities are the original students in this 'Digital Forest' school!

I did not move the 'digital forest' into your spiritual world, but you yourself found the drop of 'rain'!

There are only two things I can tell you about...

First, I made the personality of 'Zhou Zhen' a 'digital compatibility'!

Second, I divided the 'number' on your main personality's intelligence equally among the other personalities.

As for why I didn't contact you when you just woke up, that's because each experimental subject must first test the data stability of the experimental subject before officially joining the organization.

The experimental subject 'Ji Yuantao' in the 'Twilight Trial' is a successful case in the laboratory.

But after this experimental subject was put into a normal living environment, something went wrong quickly.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned even more. From what the other party meant, he was not the first experimental subject of the Ash Order...

After thinking for a while, he asked tentatively: I have two more questions...

Fu Shangjing didn't show any impatience and replied very calmly: Tell me.

Zhou Zhen immediately asked: I...did I forget the memory before the operation? Or was it because of the operation?

Fu Shangjing looked at Zhou Zhen quietly and said nothing.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and stared closely at the face full of black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

At first, he thought he was a time traveler from 100 years ago!

He has memories of life 100 years ago, and knowledge and insights from 100 years ago...

From birth to adulthood…

From studying to finding a job...

When he was a child, he grew up in a family with poor economic conditions. Like most people at the bottom, the heavy burden of life had long overwhelmed the patience and love of his parents. He grew up stumblingly, relying on his good studies Talent, as well as the protection of social welfare, finally left that small village.

After growing up, he slowly realized that he had made wrong choices at a series of important intersections in his life, such as the choice of college entrance examination, such as naive career planning... When he woke up, he had already led to mediocrity in one fallacy after another...

Like a drop of rainwater blending into a river, he joined the labor force in his annoyance and confusion, and began to work hard. As he grew older, he was burdened with a mortgage, and from then on he was in a hurry and had no time for leisure... …

Some of the memories of the past have become blurred, while others are like ink stains seeping into the paper. After the passage of time, they are still clear to the eyes!

Until he learned about the [Memory Transplantation] technology from Lu Jun, he never doubted his identity as a time traveler!

The first time he experienced the phenomenon of [Protection Mechanism] was because he heard about the technology of [Memory Transplantation]!

Next, as long as it involves issues related to [Memory Transplantation], his brain will subconsciously avoid related issues!

Now, what he thought was the time traveler Golden Finger... was actually [split personality]!

It’s a “digital forest”!

What he thought was time travel... was actually [memory transplantation]!

He was wrong all along...

There has never been time travel!

Seeing that the figure in front of him never answered his question, Zhou Zhen's voice suddenly turned cold: My dad...Zhou Jianqiang, was it you who killed him?

Fu Shangjing still didn't respond, his face covered with black and white horizontal and vertical lines, staring at Zhou Zhen quietly.

Zhou Zhen stared at the opponent firmly, and a murderous intention gradually arose in his heart. Digital energy surged all over his body, and his momentum increased steadily!

In the long-abandoned classroom, flickering light suddenly appeared, as if the incandescent lamp above the head was powered on again, but due to poor contact, the lighting continued to alternate.

The temperature in the room seemed to be dropping rapidly, and the entire class felt like it was falling into an ice cellar.

Behind the empty desks, I don’t know when it was filled with figures.

Their faces are all very young. There are male classmates with dyed red hair and wearing No. 23 basketball uniforms; there are girls wearing casual jackets and knee-length pleated skirts; there is Cheng Zhaoyan with a shaved head and headphones hanging around his neck; There is Chu Jingyan who wears double ponytails, a red and black plaid shirt and a white skirt; there is Zhang Yonghao who has a haircut and wears thick-soled glasses... There are tall and unruly boys with bad expressions; there are white-skinned, A beautiful girl who is elegant and refined... and Ren Rui who is as fat as a ball in the corner...

After these students appeared, the dust in the entire classroom seemed to have disappeared, returning to the bright and clean windows. Various study materials, homework books, and stationery appeared on the dusty desks in front of them.

They sat quietly in their respective seats, their eyes cold and solemn.


With a loud bang, the two doors at the front and back of the classroom slammed shut, and the entire classroom suddenly became a closed space.

All the students turned their heads and looked at Fu Shangjing.

Until this time, Fu Shangjing finally moved. He stood up and let out a burst of laughter: It seems that you refuse to join my organization.

It doesn't matter.

Maybe will change your mind!

The door of the 'Ash Order' is open to you at any time!

After all, you are originally one of the 'Ashes'...

As he spoke, the black and white horizontal and vertical lines on Fu Shangjing's face, neck, and palms quickly spread throughout his body. His entire body lost all characteristics of a living creature and turned into a mass of human-shaped black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

At this time, the students in the classroom stood up one after another.

Dense spiritual tentacles suddenly appeared all over Ren Rui's body. These spiritual tentacles had a metallic texture and were like a rolling torrent, grabbing at Fu Shangjing;

Chu Jingyan flipped her wrist, took out a small and gorgeous women's mobile phone, and pressed the shutter on Fu Shangjing;

A petite female classmate with a braid on one side smiled, opened a folding knife, and cut her throat;

A male classmate wearing pain clothes and square glasses faced Fu Shangjing and opened his mouth, emitting sound waves that were inaudible to human ears;

The most beautiful female classmate in the classroom, the extremely beautiful girl with fair skin that was almost radiant, elegant and refined, took out a lunch box with a foundation and strawberry pattern from the belly of the table...

In an instant, the entire classroom became turbulent and twisted, the space vibrated like a mudslide, huge cracks spread all around like a spider web, and the breath of nothingness was exposed in the cracks.

The terrifying power roared and spun, and all the energy attacks locked onto the figure in the white coat.

However, as soon as all the attacks touched Fu Shangjing, they immediately turned into a mass of intertwined black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

The spiritual tentacles protruding from behind Ren Rui began to turn into black and white horizontal and vertical lines from the end;

In the photos taken by Chu Jingyan, there are no images, all are black and white horizontal and vertical lines;

The lunch box opened by the most beautiful girl also contained a bunch of black and white horizontal and vertical lines...

In just the blink of an eye, Fu Shangjing's whole body turned into a large group of dancing black and white horizontal and vertical lines. These lines shook rapidly and instantly turned into a gray shadow, just like the old-fashioned TV set a hundred years ago, leaving an instant cross in the air. The afterimage disappears!

In the classroom, Zhou Zhen and the whole class stood quietly, looking motionless at the place where Fu Shangjing used to be.

The incandescent lamp above the head was extinguished little by little, the light became darker and darker, and the classroom was gradually covered by darkness. The figures of the students behind the desks were slowly hidden, leaving only the shadows under their feet, like running water, towards them. Zhou Zhen gathered at his feet.

Zhou Zhen stood motionless on the spot, the energy in his body surged and became extremely terrifying.

The darkness in the classroom became thicker and thicker quickly, and it seemed that some terrible changes were brewing...

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came into his ears: Zhou Zhen!

Wake up...

Wake up!

[Digital Tranquilizer], quick!

Zhou Zhen felt a slight pain in his shoulder and neck, and his originally hazy consciousness gradually came to his senses...

He looked up suddenly and found that he was standing in a long-abandoned classroom. All the classmates who had just sat there had disappeared.

Four figures in black combat uniforms were standing next to him in a surrounding posture. Two of them looked at him solemnly, while the other two looked around vigilantly, wary of the surroundings.

It's the Ghost Team!

Zhou Zhen came to his senses immediately. Just as he was about to speak, his whole body suddenly went limp and he fell to the side as if he had lost all strength.

Ghost No. 056 immediately raised his hand, supported him, and said loudly: He has returned to normal!

Call the team immediately and get back to the car!

Hearing this, the other three ghosts changed their positions and replied briefly: Copy that!

Before he finished speaking, Ghost No. 080 rushed out of the classroom under the cover of his companions, quickly observed the situation in the corridor, and after confirming that there was no danger, he immediately said: Safe!

The next moment, Ghost No. 056 squatted down slightly, picked up the weak Zhou Zhen on his back, and walked out.

Ghost No. 041 followed closely, ready to respond at any time. Ghost No. 024 grabbed the silver-white sniper rifle, kept a distance and landed at the end, responsible for finishing.

The four of them quickly walked out of the classroom. The corridor was empty, and the disturbed dust was flying in the sky. There was nothing unusual.

Ghost No. 080 clears the way in front. Every time he reaches a corner or goes down the stairs, he will pause briefly and make a gesture before the whole team continues to move forward; Ghost No. 041 holds an arm behind Zhou Zhen and looks around from time to time; Ghost No. 024 and the team Maintaining a gap of half a floor, he constantly set up his sniper rifle and observed the surroundings through the scope.

Under high alert, they carried Zhou Zhen out of the teaching building and returned to the fountain.

Without feeling any emotion about the dilapidated atmosphere of this school, the team quickly bypassed the pool and headed towards the main gate along the main road of the campus.

The journey was uneventful, and the five people quickly returned to the original route, walked out of the school gate, and returned to the off-road vehicle.

In order to prevent the same situation from happening again, this time, Ghost No. 056 sat in the main driver's seat and was responsible for driving; Ghost No. 024 was assigned to the co-pilot, responsible for observing dangers and anomalies around him.

Zhou Zhen was sent to the middle seat in the back row, with Ghost No. 041 sitting on his left and Ghost No. 080 on his right.

Next, no matter which door Zhou Zhen wanted to get off, he had to pass by a ghost.


The car door closed, and Ghost No. 056 didn't waste any time. He immediately started the car and ejected away from the abandoned school as quickly as possible...

The off-road vehicle roared on the empty road, the speed indicator soared. The school, the old camphor tree with only half of the tree canopy left, the ruined walls, the abandoned and dilapidated bus station... were soon left behind, without any trace. Looking at the empty weeds on both sides of the road, the four members of the ghost team finally relaxed a little.

Zhou Zhen sat in the back row, trying to recall the experience just now, but at this time, his thinking became slower and slower, and many key memories became blurred.

He shook his head vigorously, but instead of getting better, the symptoms became more and more serious. Moreover, he felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy, and it seemed that he would fall asleep at any time...

Don't sleep!

Ghost No. 080 noticed it and immediately issued a warning. At the same time, he raised his hand and patted Zhou Zhen on the back of his neck.

Zhou Zhen woke up a little, but his sleepiness still lingered and became more and more serious.

Ghost No. 041 immediately said: It's a side effect of [Digital Tranquilizer]!

Moreover, the time limit for anti-[protective mechanism] injections has also expired!

He is sleeping now, and the secondary personality is likely to come out...

Quick! Inject him with a [digital stimulant]!

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt another pain in his neck.

Ghost No. 080 grabbed the disposable syringe and slowly pushed the light red liquid in the syringe into Zhou Zhen's body. When the liquid entered his body, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a sharp pain like a thousand cuts all over his body. The originally strong The sleepiness was suddenly washed away to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely exciting feeling arose. He raised his head and became energetic, seemingly with unlimited energy.

Seeing Zhou Zhen's condition improving, the four ghosts were secretly relieved.

Ghost No. 056 said in a solemn tone while driving: Zhou Zhen, this journey will take about ten hours.

Don't sleep.

If you feel bored, you can team up with Ghost No. 041 and play games.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, nodded, and immediately asked: What... happened just now?

what happened?

The four ghosts in the car were silent for a while. They also wanted to ask Zhou Zhen this question!

When they realized something was wrong, they immediately rushed into the school and followed the traces left by Zhou Zhen to the ordinary-looking classroom.

Then I saw Zhou Zhen standing alone in the middle of the classroom, not speaking or making any movements, but the energy on his body became more and more terrifying...

In addition, that school, when they walked in just now, they felt very uncomfortable!

It's like something big is about to happen!

But until they found Zhou Zhen and brought him back to the car, nothing happened...

Also, they have never seen the high-ranking compatibility person who used [Overclocking Interference] against them from the beginning to the end!

Thinking of this, Ghost No. 056 did not give any explanation, but simply replied: Nothing, you suddenly ran into that school just now, and then we found you.

Zhou Zhen nodded with a frown and began to recall some of the details just now.

But soon, I heard Ghost No. 056 continue: Don't think about what just happened!

You have already taken an anti-[protection mechanism] injection today. If the [protection mechanism] is triggered again, you will be mentally unbearable!

080, 041, you two, tell him something else to distract him!

【protection mechanism】?

Zhou Zhen instinctively felt that something had happened, but as soon as Ghost No. 056 finished speaking, Ghost No. 080 beside him said enthusiastically: Zhou Zhen, don't think about those things, I'll teach you how to buy stocks!

As he said that, he turned on his mobile phone and saw that the screen inside was a pale green, the K-line chart plummeted all the way, and the various indexes were terrible.

080 pointed at the screen and talked: Look!

This is the leading stock in the technology sector. This is already the lowest point. If you buy it now, you will definitely make a lot of money!

And in the past few days, I have used six lines and tarot cards for divination. The six lines show that the wealth line is prosperous and prosperous, and it is a sign that you will get money. If you look at this chariot card, the chariot represents being good at grasping the opportunity. Opportunities, face things positively, and be able to achieve breakthroughs no matter what obstacles are ahead...Obviously, metaphysics also supports the full position now!

Do you want to buy some quickly?

Zhou Zhen looked at this extremely environmentally friendly K-line chart and shook his head immediately. He had worked hard to save more than 40,000 yuan in savings, and he was going to a high-risk city. He didn't know what his income would be like in the future.

It is safer to put this hard-earned deposit in the bank and earn interest.

After all, if stocks really rise sharply, you can make a lot of money; but if they fall sharply, you can also lose everything...

So Zhou Zhen immediately said: No, I'm not interested in stocks.

Seeing that Zhou Zhen had no intention of learning to trade stocks, Ghost No. 041 immediately said: Then play ranked with me, my sword rope is slipping!

As he spoke, Ghost No. 041 took out his mobile phone. On the screen, there was a settlement screen showing the player hanging up in the middle of the game. The record was very eye-catching: 0-20, 0 assists.

Ghost No. 041 quickly explained: This round is because I just entered the school to find you. The idle round does not count!

This is a game from 100 years later. Zhou Zhen has never played it, but he also liked to play this type of MOBA game in his previous life. Mainly when he was under great pressure at work, playing a game was very relaxing...

Looking at the unfamiliar game interface, Zhou Zhen suddenly became a little interested and asked: Have you ever transplanted the memories of professional players?

Ghost No. 041 shook his head in embarrassment and whispered: I failed [Talent Matching], but I just like to play...

[Talent matching] Didn’t you pass?

In other words, I don’t have the talent to play Moba games…

This ghost No. 041 may have some food...

With this thought in his mind, Zhou Zhen quickly took out his mobile phone, but as soon as he pressed the power button, he immediately remembered that when Ghost No. 017 returned the mobile phone to him, he told him that the mobile phone was broken. It’s all gibberish…

Zhou Zhen was immediately embarrassed. Before he could say anything, he suddenly found that his phone was turned on normally.

However, the desktop wallpaper has been changed again. The new wallpaper was taken in a dark operating room. There was only a small area under the shadowless lamp with light source in the whole room. It was a cold and arrogant girl in a nurse uniform. She was tied up. On the operating bed, he looked at the camera coldly.

This girl has fair skin, smooth eyebrows, and thick eyebrows that are very heroic. Her eyes are gem-like diamonds, bright and sharp. Her figure has clear curves and perfect proportions. Her exposed arms and calves have obvious muscle lines. , looks strong and light.

She has a cold temperament and exudes awe-inspiring murderous intent, but her limbs are tightly bound, giving her a forbidden beauty.

The girl in the photo is very beautiful!

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment. No. 024 had been wearing a visual sensor, which blocked most of his face, so he couldn't recognize who it was. But who changed the mobile wallpaper for him that is bundled with play? !

Not caring about why his phone was not broken, he hurriedly swiped the screen and replaced the desktop picture with the original solid color background as quickly as possible.

Just as Zhou Zhen was swiping the screen, Ghost No. 024, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly felt as if something was crossing his body.

Before she could make any sound, her entire body and the small silver-white pistol she kept in her gun bag disappeared, as if a picture had been erased from this world!

Seeing the disappearance of Ghost No. 024, Zhou Zhen was stunned and immediately asked: Where did Ghost No. 024 go?

Hearing this, Ghost No. 041 and Ghost No. 080 looked at Zhou Zhen in confusion at the same time.

No. 024? Zhou Zhen, who are you talking about?

The three people we are escorting you this time are No. 056, No. 080 and No. 041. There is no No. 024.

The two ghosts replied one after the other.

Zhou Zhen looked at their unpretentious expressions, and a strong chill suddenly rose in his heart.

He quickly looked at Ghost No. 056 who was driving, and said quickly: No. 056, Ghost No. 024, the co-pilot who was sitting next to you just now, you should remember...

Before Zhou Zhen could finish his words, Ghost No. 056 immediately said with certainty: We are the only three members of the ghost team that will escort you this time.

Zhou Zhen, you injected too many medicines today, and your mental state is not right now.

Stop imagining things!

080, 041, talk to him more, play games with him, and don't let him think wildly!

The two ghosts quickly replied: Understood!

As he said that, Ghost No. 041 looked at the mobile phone in Zhou Zhen's hand and found that the screen of the other party's mobile phone was full of black and white horizontal and vertical lines. No picture could be seen clearly. He immediately said: 080, Zhou Zhen's mobile phone is broken, please put your I lent him my mobile phone and asked him to play queue with me.

080 nodded: Okay!

He quickly exited the stock trading software and handed the phone to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen looked at all this with a dull expression, and there was a constant chill in his heart...

The ghost team... was also tricked!

The scenery outside the window is still going backwards at lightning speed. There is no one or a car in the wilderness. The engine of the off-road vehicle keeps roaring, releasing its surging power without reservation, and speeding towards the distance.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier at some point, and the sky and earth were covered in gray. The clouds in the sky were stacked and falling, as if the continuous mountains were pressing down on the earth.

The only road winds in the wilderness, fading into a thin black line in the distance, deeply immersed in the chaos covered by clouds...

(End of this volume.)

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