At this moment, on the big screen, a man was walking out of the cave in a swaggering manner.

Outside the cave was a valley.

In such a dark sky, everyone could only see a lot of grass in the valley, and nothing else.

After walking out of the valley, the man stretched lazily.

Then he yawned and began to talk to himself.


I didn’t expect that I would wake up hungry and the fire would be out.

What a trouble!

The man shook his head in frustration, looked up at the sky, put his hands together, and prayed loudly.

"Great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Madcao, is about to freeze to death...

Please give me some fire!"


As Madcao's voice fell, a silver light suddenly flashed in the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell instantly, directly splitting the big tree not far in front of him into black charcoal.

At the same time, there was a flame burning on the big tree.

"Thank you for the gift from the goddess of fate!

Your darling, Madcao, will never forget your kindness!"

Madcao bowed and led the fire away.

The next moment, a fire appeared in the cave.

Not long after, Madcao came out again.

This time he was holding a pot in his hand and went straight to a stream in the valley.

Then, he put the pot in the stream.

After doing all this, the man began to clear his throat and then shouted loudly.

"Great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Madcao, is hungry again...

Please give me some food!"

As Madcao's voice fell, some unusual changes suddenly occurred in the pot he placed in the stream.

It felt as if a fish had drilled into the pot.

Seeing this, Madcao hurriedly brought the pot out of the stream.

At this moment, there was a fat fish swimming in the pot.

Madcao put the pot down, then clasped his hands together, and shouted devoutly:"Thank you for the gift of the goddess of fate!

Thank you for saving my life!"

After that, he carried the pot, humming a little tune and walked towards the cave.


I feel that I can win the championship smoothly with my ability~"

Madcao thought proudly.

Then he started to kill the fish and stew it.



Seeing this scene on the big screen, everyone in the TV station's live studio was dumbfounded.

Although they had heard of the legendary story of Mad Grass, and some even went to watch Mad Grass's legendary experience, no one had expected that Mad Grass would become so mysterious today!

"Isn't this too scary! ?"

Everyone was shocked.

Then, everyone started to complain in their hearts.

With such luck, why would he participate in a competition?

Wouldn't it be better to just come out and buy lottery tickets?


Okay, it seems that there is something unusual about our contestant.

Cao Bin laughed dryly and forced an explanation.

"Next, let's take a look at the third BOSS location.

This BOSS location is located on the grassland.

Without exception, this place is also very dangerous.

However, one difference is that no one has discovered this place yet.

As for who will own the treasure of this place in the end, please continue to pay attention to our program.

Well, let's enjoy some of the big scenes that have happened in the program over the past five days.~"


"This is really a big scene~"

When Cao Bin was explaining the big scene in the live broadcast room, Zhao Lu was also paying attention to the big scene in front of him.

Because he specially created a very bloody place, it directly led to the big scene in front of him.

"I don’t know how many animals will die today."

Zhao Lu frowned and looked into the distance.

Even in the place where they were stationed, they could hear screams and roars in the distance.

There were all kinds of shouts over there.

Even Zhao Lu couldn’t tell how many kinds of animals came over there, but he knew that the number of animals over there must be a lot!

"It's amazing!

I didn't expect there would be so many animals.……"

Zhao Lu sighed softly.

In his previous life's planet, such a situation would not have happened.

After all, in his previous life's planet, many animals were endangered!

"Come, eat more meat and grow up quickly~"

Zhao Lu casually threw a large piece of meat to the four little crocodiles and let them tear it apart and eat it.

He looked at the pair of eyes reflecting the firelight not far away from the fire.

"We have quite a few here.~"


Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly,"This night was really crazy enough"

"You go to sleep first ~ one person and a half night"


Mo Xi didn't act pretentiously and went to sleep immediately after hearing that.

Although most of the wild animals went to the crocodiles, there were still many wild animals here.

Just in case, it would be safer to have someone to watch the night.

Zhao Lu turned his head and glanced at Mo Xi. After finding that the other party had begun to sleep, he picked up the axe and walked to the fire and sat down.

Not far from him, there were more than a dozen hyenas staring at the tiger meat hanging on the stick.

On the other side, there were several"Instant Noodles" watching with sly eyes.

Although they were all small animals, when there were many small animals gathered, they dared to step forward to grab a wave of meat.

A hyena was the first to endure It couldn't help it.

It opened its mouth slightly, drooling as it moved forward.

After a while, it came to a place not far from the fire, staring at the meat being smoked on the fire.

Seeing that Zhao Lu didn't react, the other dogs also began to move towards this side.

A dozen or so mandarin dogs lined up in a row, squatting in front of the fire, drooling constantly.

Seeing that Zhao Lu ignored them, the mandarin dogs moved forward a little further and got closer to the fire.

Although they were afraid of fire, they couldn't help but move forward under the temptation of meat.

I don't know how long it took, but finally one of the mandarin dogs couldn't help it.

It suddenly pounced on the meat on the fire.……

"What is coming will come.……"

Zhao Lu sighed silently when he saw this. He didn't want to kill the dog, because once he killed it, there would be a smell of blood, and then things would get serious.

But, there was no other way now!

"So many mandarin ducks, it's really troublesome……"


PS I can't bear it anymore, I'm going to sleep now. I owe 7 more chapters now, I will definitely return them!

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