At this moment, outside the treasure hiding place that Mo Xi found, there were two people walking slowly.

One of them was holding a torch, and the other was carrying an axe and a bow and arrow. They looked very serious.

"Why do we go out hunting at this time?"

"Because I am relatively free……"


Mo Xi was speechless when she heard this.

There are actually people who come out to hunt crocodiles for fun because they have nothing to do? This is the first time she has heard of such a thing.

"Anyway, we have to explore sooner or later. Why don't we explore here first?

Anyway, we have nothing to do at night."

Zhao Lu said it very easily, as if he didn't take these crocodiles seriously at all.

However, he really didn't take these crocodiles seriously.

"Another point is... relatively speaking, crocodiles are less aggressive at night than during the day.

Because crocodiles are cold-blooded animals, they are generally inactive at night.

Moreover, they mainly rely on vision and hearing to hunt.

And vision will be weakened at night.

So hunting crocodiles at night is not a rash act."

"However, our vision is also impaired at night!

Compared with crocodiles, I feel that our vision is more affected."

"That's you, not me."

Zhao Lu shook her head.

Mo Xi was right.

At night, people's vision would also be greatly affected.

However, these were not a big problem for Zhao Lu.

"Of course, the main reason why I came out hunting was to create some bloody smell."

"You mean those two tigers?"

"That's right~

It will definitely not be quiet tonight.

So, I came out to create some bloody smell to make it more chaotic here and make it a little quieter."

Zhao Lu hunted two tigers today.

Although he had dealt with the tigers on the raft.

But because it was difficult to make a fire on the raft and it was not smoked, the tiger meat still had a strong smell of blood.

This bloody smell will definitely attract many predators.

They don't have a fence, so they need to take some other precautions to deal with these predators.

"Are alligators on the shore at night?"


Generally speaking, crocodiles will come ashore at night. After all, they can't breathe in water, so when it's so cool at night, they will definitely hide somewhere to rest.


There seems to be something going on ahead.……"

As they were walking, Zhao Lu suddenly stopped and looked into the bushes not far away.

Not far away, there was an eye reflecting the light of the torch.



Zhao Lu nodded,"Just pay attention, and the rest will come naturally.……"

"Shouldn't we just go slowly?"

"No need, it has already discovered us."

Zhao Lu shook her head and strode towards the crocodile naturally.

"Crocodiles have excellent eyesight, and are considered farsighted.

We were carrying torches and were in the open, so it was normal for them to discover us.

When we get closer, I can shoot it with one arrow."As they talked, they got closer to the crocodile.

At such a close distance, Zhao Lu could also see the whole appearance of the crocodile more clearly.

"It turned out to be a Nile crocodile, but that's normal, we are almost out of the rain forest here.

It's normal to see such a crocodile in the grassland not far ahead."

Zhao Lu sighed, and then slowly pulled the longbow.

The crocodile seemed to sense the danger, and after Zhao Lu pulled the bow, it began to retreat.

However, Zhao Lu had already drawn the bow, so how could he shoot an empty arrow?

With a"whoosh" sound, a feather arrow flew out, passed through the crocodile's eyes, and shot into its brain.


The crocodile screamed in pain and began to tumble around until it became completely still.


Zhao Lu nodded happily,"It’s different with a bow and arrow."

Zhao Lu really likes bows and arrows now.

For him who has full-level skills, this thing is as useful as a magic weapon!

"Let's go."

Zhao Lu put the bow on his back, then took the axe in his hand, and walked quickly with Mo Xi to the crocodile.

After observing the surrounding environment and finding that there were no other crocodiles, he began to cut the crocodile with the axe.


After a few blows with the axe, Zhao Lu discovered something unexpected.

"Little crocodiles! ?"

There was a small hole not far from the big crocodile.

At this moment, there were four little crocodiles that had just been born crawling around.

"Sin Sin……"

Zhao Lu didn't expect that she actually killed a crocodile mother.

But now that she had killed it, there was no point in saying anything more.

"Why don't we keep them?"

Zhao Lu suddenly thought,"It's just right. We can use them to consume some meat.

We really have too much meat to eat!

Besides, these little crocodiles look pretty cute.……"


Mo Xi looked at Zhao Lu expressionlessly, then nodded slowly.

"It seems so... the meat is really too much to eat, so it's good to keep it."

So, the four little crocodiles officially joined Zhao Lu's big family!

"Okay, let's get down to business~"

Zhao Lu put the crocodile into her bamboo basket, and then continued to cut up the crocodile's body.

She left a portion of the tenderest meat, and scattered the rest in a place far away from their camp.

"Done, let's go back~"


"It's really unexpected~"

In the TV station's live broadcast room, Cao Bin said with a sigh:"I didn't expect that contestant Zhao Lu would have such superb archery skills.

I feel that there is nothing on this deserted island that can stop him from moving forward"


Xiao Lin's eyes showed a little surprise.

He thought of his situation in the wilderness.

Compared with Zhao Lu, a fierce man, he was just a fighter among rookies.

"He is too strong.

If he is given time, he will definitely be able to defeat this BOSS land... and kill all the crocodiles in this habitat until blood flows like a river!"


But you are wrong about one thing."

Li Wei shook his head,"With such a strong smell of blood, I am afraid there will be a river of blood here tonight!"


Cao Bin laughed dryly twice, and then changed the subject directly,"Okay, let's take a look at the second big BOSS place first~

This treasure is located in the mountains.

Currently, a contestant has arrived here."

As Cao Bin's voice fell, the picture on the big screen also switched to a cave in the mountains.

"Relatively speaking, this place is more dangerous than where Zhao Lu and the others are.

I believe that the contestant here will live a very cautious and frustrated life, right ?……"

Just after he finished speaking, he got stuck again.

Because the scene on the big screen was even more bizarre than the one on Zhao Lu's side!

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