Zhao Lu frowned, then quickly put the axe in his hand on the ground.

Then he took the bow on his back in his hand.

He pulled out an arrow made of a hardwood stick and put it on the bow. When the dog was about to jump over the fire, he shot the arrow out.


With a sound of breaking through the air, the wooden arrow shot directly into the dog's eyes.

In just a moment, the dog's brain was turned into a paste by the powerful impact of the wooden arrow!

However, although the dog's brain was completely crushed, its body still flew towards the tiger meat hanging in the air under the action of inertia.

Zhao Lu pulled out another arrow and shot it fiercely at the dog in the air.


The wooden arrow hit the hardest part of the dog's skull, making a dull sound, and then the dog was directly repelled by this arrow.

This is exactly the repelling arrow that Zhao Lu made specially.

Instead of using a sharp arrow, use a blunt arrow to shoot the hardest part of the dog to repel it.

Then Zhao Lu pulled out another arrow, lit it on the fire nearby, and shot it at the dead dog again.


The flaming arrow shot at the dog, instantly igniting its short hair.

Since Zhao Lu shot the fattest part of the dog, the dog was still burning after the oil on the arrow ran out.

After three arrows, the group of dogs around were immediately stunned.

After seeing the tragic end of their companions, the dogs all began to retreat.

Each of them looked at their companions who were on fire with some caution and some greed.

Smelling the meaty aroma of the dogs on the ground, the dogs drooled even faster.

"What a bunch of mad dogs."

Zhao Lu sighed, then turned and looked into the distance.

The roars of various animals over there were still very loud.

It could be said that this was the main battlefield of today's"Wild Beast Rampage".

"I don't know what's going on over there?

Are those big guys full?"

Zhao Lu just turned her head to take a look, and then immediately turned her head back.

Because the fire on the tiger had been extinguished, after seeing the fire extinguished, the remaining tigers went completely crazy!

A group of tigers rushed up madly and ate the dead tiger in an instant.

Afterwards, they did not retreat, but stayed there, staring at the tiger meat on the fire.


Strange cries gradually approached from a distance.

After hearing these sounds, the dogs in front of them also began to panic.

It seemed that some very threatening animal had come.


Zhao Lu frowned slightly and looked into the distance.

At first, he couldn't see clearly, but as the animals got closer, he could see clearly what was coming.


Zhao Lu frowned.

The names of the mandarin and hyena are very similar, and they are both members of the Hyaenidae family of the order Carnivora, but they are two completely different creatures.

The mandarin is also called the Xzhou wild dog, and its body is relatively small, about the same size as the common wild dogs seen in peacetime. The hyena is slightly larger, with a body size comparable to that of a Tibetan mastiff.

Its attack power is also stronger than that of the mandarin.

Compared with the mandarin, the mandarin is completely the younger brother.

When hyenas appear in groups on the prairie, even lions have to retreat.

This is also the reason why the mandarin retreated after the hyenas came.

Zhao Lu looked at these new uninvited guests and frowned even harder.

"How come even this thing is here?"

Zhao Lu hurriedly checked his quiver. After thinking about it and feeling that it should be enough, he began to observe quietly.

After the hyenas came, they went directly to the place where the mandarin dog had just died and licked the blood on the ground.

However, these"leftovers" naturally could not satisfy the appetite of these uncles.

So, after licking the grass clean, the hyenas also set their sights on the tiger meat on the fire.

But because of the fear of fire, the hyenas did not dare to get too close for a while.

Zhao Lu knew that this situation could not last too long.

It won't be long before these hyenas can't stand it anymore and take the initiative to grab the meat.

So, he needs to take the initiative.

Zhao Lu pulled out the wooden arrow, aimed at the farthest mandarin dog, and shot it directly.


The wooden arrow hit the mandarin dog's neck, and went straight from one end to the other, bringing out a lot of blood.


The hyenas smelled the blood and immediately became agitated.

With fierce eyes, they slowly approached the hyena.

The hyena that was shot by the arrow did not die, but fell to the ground and struggled constantly.

The other hyenas around it wanted to help it, but when they saw the hyenas surrounding it, they all scattered. The next moment, the hyenas surrounded it recklessly.

A moment later, the hyena that was shot disappeared.

Zhao Lu sneered at this, then turned his head and aimed at the hyenas, and began to kill them with bows and arrows.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... wooden arrows flew everywhere, scaring the hyenas to run around.

However, those wooden arrows seemed to have eyes, and each one could accurately hit the large blood vessels in the necks of these hyenas.

Just a moment later, 4 hyenas fell to the ground.

Blood gushed everywhere, making the blood smell even stronger.

But Zhao Lu let go of his hands and feet, and didn't care about these at all.

He was seen shooting wildly with a bow and arrow, as if he had turned into a human machine gun, moving non-stop to avoid the hyenas that were crazy and wanted to attack him, while shooting madly.

Whether it was the hyenas that wanted to escape or the hyenas that bypassed the fire and wanted to fight him, all of them were shot in large blood vessels by him.

Three minutes later.

The area in front of the tent had completely turned into a sea of blood.

None of the hyenas could stand.

As for the mandarin dogs, except for the two that died at the beginning, none of the other mandarin dogs died.

At this moment, these mandarin dogs were standing in the distance, looking at Zhao Lu cautiously.

Zhao Lu's powerful display just now completely frightened these mandarin dogs.

The area in front of the tent was also rare and quiet for a moment.

���However, after a while, these hyenas approached here again under the temptation of food.

After seeing that Zhao Lu did not care, these hyenas went completely crazy.

A group of them rushed over, surrounded the hyena's body, and began their feast.

However, this destined crazy night had just begun.

Zhao Lu turned his head and looked into the distance.

He felt that more hunters were rushing towards this side.


"Are the lions coming too?"

Zhao Lu laughed when she heard the voice.

Mo Xi, who was resting, sat up suddenly and looked at the distance with a look of fear.

"Lions? What to do?"

"Don't worry, they come just in time."Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 yuan and get 500 VIP points!

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