"How is it!? How is it!?"

Xiang Mo casually threw the banana peel into a small bamboo basket not far away - this is a special trash can!

"I feel like this kind of life is really awesome!

Look, we even have a trash can now!

And, there is also a special bathroom!


You can take a shower with hot water and go to the toilet!

There are also fruits and meat to eat!

There are also rooms and beds to sleep on!

And have you noticed that there are no bugs here!

After we get to know each other better, we can even pet cats!

Zhao Lu not only cooks delicious food, but is also proficient in medicine!

Except for the lack of electricity, everything else here is perfect!

It's like a resort, not a deserted island!"

Xiang Mo counted on his fingers and excitedly told me about the benefits of this place.

After such an afternoon experience, Xiang Mo completely fell in love with this place.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Now, as long as she thinks that she will continue to go out and live a miserable life in the near future, she will be bitten by mosquitoes or leeches every day.

One meal will last for three days, and she will have to worry about the lives of various wild animals when she sleeps, which makes her feel scared.

Of course, the most important thing is not that she likes this kind of life.

She is not a person who is greedy for enjoyment and cannot endure hardship.

The most important thing at the moment is that Mo Xi needs such a life!

Xiang Mo is a little worried that if they continue to live the same life as in the past on the deserted island, it will have an irreversible effect on Mo Xi's body.

Therefore, she must find a way to make Mo Xi agree to stay.

For Mo Xi's body!

"This kind of day is still better!"

Xiang Mo took another banana and ate it happily.


How is it?~"

"Let's see."

Mo Xi shook her head, then took another mangosteen and broke it open to eat.

She hadn't eaten fruit for a long time.

""Okay then~"

Xiang Mo nodded somewhat frustratedly.

But she also knew that such things could not be rushed, so she didn't say anything and continued to eat fruit.

Her eyes kept rolling around.

She was thinking about what method should be used to make Mo Xi stay.

"Stay here?"

Mo Xi ate mangosteen silently, looking at Xiang Mo who was eating banana happily, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"There are no more resources around here.

Is it really okay to stay here?" The reason why she did not agree directly to Xiang Mo's suggestion was because there were too many factors to consider.

The problem of resources in this area was an important factor for her to consider.

Humans are very resource-intensive when living in the wild.

Because there are really too few things to eat.

Therefore, it is necessary to migrate from time to time to ensure sufficient food.

Zhao Lu built such a big house here, so it is obvious that she does not want to continue to migrate.

If she does not migrate, it will be difficult to get resources to sustain the lives of six people.

So, she wanted to see how Zhao Lu planned to obtain resources.


When Zhao Lu came back, it was already dark.

But everyone hadn't eaten yet and were waiting for him.

So he cut some beef and cooked a big table of delicious food.

There was still more meat than vegetables, and the staple food was still breadfruit.

There was no other way. In such a place, there were really few vegetables.

"It's so rich!"

Xiang Mo excitedly raised his chopsticks and started eating.

"Zhao Lu, you are such a great cook!

This dish is so delicious!

I really can't imagine if I would not be able to eat after leaving you.……"

Xiang Mo began her performance, but it seemed that she was a little inconsiderate, and her words seemed to carry some ambiguity, causing Chen Chen to look directly at her, his eyes full of vigilance.

"What does she want to do!?"

Chen Chen's heart was full of sourness,"When my brother was treating her injuries, she wanted to be alone with my brother, and I don't know what she said.

Now she is saying such words in such a tone. What on earth does she want to do!?"

Chen Chen was hostile to Xiang Mo at this moment. You can't let your husband do anything! However, Xiang Mo didn't feel anything unusual. Even the other people in the field didn't feel anything. Only Mo Xi felt a little weird. It has to be said that women in love are sensitive and suspicious.


Zhao Lu laughed dryly and didn't respond, then changed the subject directly.

"How much rope is there now?"

"It's probably about 10 meters, right?"

It's not that easy to make a rope with tree bark. It's pretty good that Chen Chen made 10 meters in one afternoon.

"Xiang Mo, what about you?"

"8 meters?

Hehe... a little slow, we will keep working hard……"

Xiang Mo said a little embarrassedly,"Zhao Lu, what do you want the rope for?

When will you use it?

How much do you want?"

"The more of these ropes the better.

We'll need them after the typhoon. As for what they're used for...

Mainly for fishing.~"


"That's right.

The resources in our area have basically been exhausted.

If you want to hunt, you have to walk a long way.

It's very inconvenient.

However, we are close to the sea, so we can make good use of this resource point."

"This is true~


Live by the mountain and eat by the mountain, live by the water and eat by the water~

It's also good to be a fisherman.

But this dish is not easy to make"


There will be a way to deal with this later."

Zhao Lu smiled gently. He had already considered vegetables.


Xiang Mo didn't say anything.

In her opinion, Zhao Lu's words were just a casual remark, and there was no need to take them seriously.

After all, in a place like this, it was really hard to find food.

The six of them quickly finished the table of food.

Maybe it was because���Because we were on an island, everyone ate a lot. If it was in the city, we would not be able to finish a table full of dishes, but here, they were eaten up cleanly. After dinner, everyone went their separate ways, some took a shower, some twisted ropes.

Everyone had their own things to do.


The rain kept falling.

The night in the rain forest became a little cold because of the continuous rain for several days.

However, Xiang Mo and Mo Xi were busy in the room and didn't feel cold.

"Xiao Xixi, have you made up your mind?

Why don't we just stay here?~"

"I've made up my mind. I can stay here, but……"

"But what?"

Xiang Mo asked impatiently.

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