"But we can only cooperate!"

Mo Xi said expressionlessly.


"That's right.

Although the relationship between Liu Deli and Zhao Lu is a work agreement between superiors and subordinates.

They will obey all orders from Zhao Lu.

But we can't do this.

What if some of Zhao Lu's decisions are wrong, won't we all be finished?"

"But if we cooperate, we don't have any advantages.……"

Xiang Mo was a little worried when he heard this.

Cooperation should be based on the premise of equality between the two parties.

They don't have the ability to be equal to Zhao Lu.

"Who says we can’t cooperate if we don’t have advantages?

Aren’t we in a cooperative relationship now?"

"We have given away the saltpeter mine now~


Are you talking about that! ?"

Xiang Mo suddenly thought of something, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.


It's too dangerous!

He definitely won't want it!"

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

Mo Xi said expressionlessly.

She was much calmer than Xiang Mo, and she was also very good at analyzing things.

"We can wait until the typhoon passes. We can also take a look at their capabilities.~"

"That's fine~

However, I still suggest that we just work for him~

Then give him half of the bounty, and he will definitely agree~"

"Let's wait until the typhoon is over~"

Mo Xi shook his head expressionlessly, and then continued to make the bed.


The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

The night in the rain forest passed in a violent storm.

The next day was also a violent storm.


Zhao Lu slowly opened her eyes, smelled the fragrance beside the pillow, and couldn't help but kiss Chen Chen's forehead gently.

""You sleep so soundly~"

Zhao Lu smiled bitterly, then slowly pried Chen Chen's hands and feet off his body and got out of bed quietly.

Chen Chen was good in everything except that he couldn't sleep well.

Every morning, he could find Chen Chen transformed into an octopus, sucking on his body.

"The wind is getting stronger~"

Zhao Lu walked outside, feeling the wind and rain outside, and couldn't help frowning.

It is normal for the wind to get stronger.

After all, the typhoon is coming soon.

But this wind seems a little too strong.

"This typhoon may not be simple~"

Zhao Lu shook her head silently, then took her things and went to wash up.

Water was still flowing out of the waterway.

This shows how solid Zhao Lu built the waterway.

However, this waterway will not last too long.

Once the typhoon really comes, the waterway will be blown away in an instant.

Wash up, eat, and then continue to work.

Because there was not enough wood stored yesterday, Zhao Lu continued to take Hu Xin out to chop trees today.

Liu Deli was sent by Zhao Lu to dig a cellar.

The three girls were twisting ropes at home.

Everyone had corresponding arrangements, and everyone was busy.

In a blink of an eye, the morning passed, and everyone returned , and started eating.

Lunch was still a beef dinner.

After getting the saltpeter, Zhao Lu was not in a hurry to use it.

Because the cellar has not been built yet, using saltpeter to make ice to preserve food will consume a lot of energy.

After all, this is a tropical rainforest.

Although it has been raining, the temperature is still very high. If the ice is left at room temperature, it will melt in a short time.

After dinner, everyone did not go out, but stayed at home.

Because the typhoon is coming, the wind has increased a lot, and it is no longer suitable to go out at this time.

So the six of them gathered together, chatting and working.

Zhao Lu made furniture, while others twisted ropes together

"I don’t know how many people this typhoon will take away?"

"I estimate that there are at least dozens of them!"

"I don't think there are that many. After all, many people have fled to the northwest, where the wind is not strong."

"Even if those people went to the northwest, it wouldn't necessarily be any better.

This is a typhoon, which can definitely cover the entire island."

"I hope to eliminate more people~

This way we can save a lot of trouble~"


During the chat, Mango TV's"Desert Island Survival" program started again.

The host was still Cao Bin.

His opening remarks were still the same.

After introducing the guests, today's program officially started.

"A week has passed quickly, and Typhoon Dabouri is about to pass by our Youmeng Island."

Cao Bin said with a serious face,"According to our latest news, the typhoon will officially pass by Youmeng Island at around 11 o'clock tonight.

By then, the wind force on Youmeng Island will reach more than level 10!

Such wind force will continue to increase, reaching a peak of level 12 gale at 4 o'clock in the morning of the second day!

After that, the wind force will gradually decrease until around 10 o'clock in the evening of the third day, when the wind force in the southeast direction will drop to level 9. Then at 9 o'clock in the evening of the fourth day, the strong wind caused by the typhoon will drop below level 5, and by the morning of the fifth day, the impact of the typhoon on Youmeng Island will disappear completely!

In these few days, the contestants on Youmeng Island will live a very difficult life.

And our program team has also made corresponding adjustments.

We have prepared a group of professional rescue teams, who will be on standby on Youmeng Island 24 hours a day to prevent special situations.

At the same time, we will launch a special issue of typhoon for this reason!

At that time, we will open a separate room on the live broadcast platform for live broadcast.

And Mango TV will also broadcast live from 10-12 am and 3-5 pm.

Welcome everyone to pay attention at that time.

Okay, let's start our program now!"

After Cao Bin said this, the big screen lit up.

"because���Because of the wind, many contestants began to migrate.

But the migration process was not smooth.

When these contestants were migrating, some interesting things happened to some of them.

Under great pressure, they actually came up with a big alliance.

12 people united together and prepared to go to the deserted island together!

At this moment, they also encountered some interesting things. Let's take a look at them first~"

As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, the picture on the big screen changed suddenly.

The picture was a large grassland, and on the grassland, there were 12 people standing there.

They were actually dancing with their noses covered!

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