Hu Xin followed Zhao Lu and soon they arrived at the beach.

""Boss, what are we doing here?"

Hu Xin asked in confusion.

He didn't understand what the point of digging a hole on the beach was.

"Digging a hole~"

Zhao Lu said casually, and then began to observe the beach.

Finally, he chose a place

"This is it.

We're digging here!"


Hu Xin looked at the big rocks on the ground and felt a headache.

This kind of place is the most difficult to dig.

Because these rocks are very slippery and sharp.

However, of course, you have to listen to the boss.


I'll start working now!"

Then, the two began to work.

They moved some stones away, adjusted the positions of some stones, and finally dug a big pit made of stones!

In other words, a curved channel mainly made of stones!


Hu Xin took a few breaths.

Looking at the crescent-shaped pit with a maximum diameter of about 6 meters and a maximum depth of about 2 meters, he seemed to understand something in his heart, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Boss, how do you use this big pit?"

"The typhoon is coming soon."

Zhao Lu turned her head and looked at the sea.

At this moment, the sea had begun to recede.

"At that time, there will be countless things in the sea, which will be blown into the sky by the typhoon and then fall on the beach.

So you can come to the beach to pick up things after the typhoon.

The harvest must be good.

There are more seafood that will be strangled by the waves.

A small half of these seafood will stay on the shore at low tide and fall together with the seafood that was blown out.

But more of them have been drifting on the beach with the waves.

Our big pit is used to collect these seafood.

By then, the waves will be very big.

Usually the sea water cannot reach here, but when the typhoon comes, the sea water can reach here.

Moreover, it is only at high tide that the sea water can reach here for a moment.

This will ensure our harvest!

Once these waves carrying seafood pass through our big pit, the fish that have just died will sink and fall into the pit.

In this way, they can't run away.

Moreover, some seafood that accidentally pass by and do not die will also stay in this big pit to avoid the wind and waves."

"So that's it!"

Hu Xin suddenly understood what was going on.

Then he became a little excited.

"In this way, we can harvest a lot of fish!

Most of them are freshly dead fish, because fish that have been dead for a long time will not sink to the bottom.

Then put them in the cellar and freeze them, so we can eat them for a long time!"

"Not bad~"

Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction.

If she hadn't known about the saltpeter mine, Zhao Lu originally didn't plan to dig a big pit to catch fish.

But now that there is a way to preserve food, she can catch some.

"It’s a pity that there are not many suitable terrains here, otherwise we could dig bigger~"

Zhao Lu shook her head and turned to leave.

"Come on, let's go back~"

"Good boss"


Just as Zhao Lu and Hu Xin returned from digging,

Liu Deli and Mo Xi had already arrived home.

Each of them carried a bamboo basket filled with saltpeter.

This was the harvest of their trip.


With so much saltpeter, we can preserve food for longer!"

Chen Chen was very happy looking at so much saltpeter.

She was almost tired of eating bacon recently!


Liu Deli was also very happy,"It is really too difficult to preserve food in our tropical rainforest.

It will be much better with ice.

After a while, we will transport some saltpeter back.

There is still a lot over there, I think we don't have to worry about running out of ice anymore!"

The tropical rainforest is hot and humid, and it is really too difficult to preserve food.

But all this will change a lot after the ice cellar is built.

They don't have to eat bacon every day

"Mo Xi, thanks to you guys this time~"

Chen Chen smiled and thanked Mo Xi

"Let me show you your room first.~"

"Thank you."

Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly, and then followed Chen Chen to a room.

The room was the same size as the textile workshop, about 50 square meters.

There was a stove, a ceramic brazier, a bamboo basket, a small bamboo basket, and two chairs.

The rest were their own things.

"Xiao Xixi! You're back!"

Xiang Mo was sitting on a chair twisting ropes. When she saw Mo Xi coming back, she immediately opened her arms happily.

However, Mo Xi ignored her.

"This is your room.

As for furniture, there are only two chairs.

We don't have that much furniture at the moment, but you can make your own if you want.

The wood is in the firewood room, you can take as much as you want.

The charcoal in the brazier is in the smoke room, you can get more if you don't have enough."

"OK, thank you."

""It's okay, I'm leaving now.

I'll call you guys later when it's time for dinner~"

Chen Chen said, and then left.

Mo Xi and Xiang Mo were the only ones left in the room.

"Xiao Xixi!

You've changed!

You no longer love me!"

Seeing Chen Chen leave, Xiang Mo pouted, gave Mo Xi a look of unhappiness, and turned his head away.

"You don’t even hug me!"

"Is this what they gave me?"

Mo Xi ignored her and walked straight to the bamboo basket, took out the fruit from it and looked at it.


Xiang Mo nodded,"You can eat as much fruit as you want~

I also gave you a piece of beef and a stone knife. I have already cut the meat and it is cooking on the stove over there~

I plan to make it into beef jerky as a snack!"


Mo Xi nodded, then pinched the mangosteen in his hands and started eating.

"Xiao Xixi~ let’s make a bed later!"



I feel so comfortable here~"

Xiang Mo stopped rubbing the rope and took a banana, peeled it and started eating it.

"This is life!

The life we lived before was not a human life at all, it was too hard!

Now I understand what Liu Deli and Hu Xin are thinking. It turns out that following a strong person is such a pleasant thing!"

Xiang Mo said vaguely while eating.

"How about we follow Zhao Lu as well?"


Mo Xi's hands trembled, and he looked at Xiang Mo in surprise.

It's only been a short time, and this guy has betrayed me!?

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