Chapter 68 Rubber products almost caused a murder (seeking automatic subscription!!)

“Brother Jiang, it’s been a long time, please sit down.”

At seven o’clock in the evening, in the Camry Hotel box.

Yan Ruohai shook hands with Jiang Wen and sat in front of the banquet.

Jiang Wen put down the Maotai he had brought: “Brother Yan is looking for me today because of the Jiahe community?”

“No, no, it’s a private matter.”

Yan Ruohai gave Jiang Wen a glass of wine: “There was still one person, but there will be something that can’t happen temporarily.

“Oh, you mean Brother Tang?”

“Fuck him, don’t call him if you have alcohol, just drink and don’t buy it.”

Jiang Wen was amused by this sentence: “Brother Tang is such a rich man, why does he drink alcohol every day?”

“Tang Long’s daughter-in-law is amazing. There is no money in the old Tang’s pocket, so she can only ask me if she is greedy.

Yan Ruohai spoke, drew a cigar and handed it to Jiang Wen.

“Thank you, Brother Yan, I won’t.

“Don’t smoke, then I won’t smoke anymore, lest you feel choked.”

Jiang Wen smiled slightly, but was a little puzzled.

What’s the matter with Yan Ruohai’s posture of pulling the sister-in-law next door to chat about the homely?

Doesn’t he really just want to drink and talk about life with himself?

At this moment, Yan Ruohai spoke: “The other person I invited today is not someone else, but my daughter.

“Oh oh ”

“I want you to meet, make friends, or something.”

“make friends?”

“Yes, good young people should make more friends, what if there is a spark?”

After listening, Jiang Wen suddenly realized.

F*ck, it turned out to be a blind date today.

It’s still the old father’s blind date on behalf of the daughter.


“Brother Jiang doesn’t have a girlfriend yet, right?”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “It’s really unfortunate, I have a girlfriend.”

“When will we break up?”


Jiang Wen almost didn’t choke.

Why does this feel a bit like a prostitution?

This is a blind date or a steal.

“Brother Yan, you can really joke.”

Yan Ruohai looked at him: “What I said is true, my Tang family niece has a bad temper.

Jiang Wen was stunned for a while: “You said Tang’s daughter? Then you really misunderstood, my girlfriend is not Tang Sihan.”

“No? That’s great. Except for the daughter of the Tang family, Modu has nothing more competitive than my daughter.”

“But my girlfriend and I have been together for three years.”

“Everything is easy to say if you are not married,” Yan Ruohai held up his wine glass, “Come, let’s go.”

Jiang Wen clinked glasses with him, took a drink and put it down: “Listen to you, do you want me to have a blind date with your daughter?”


“Almost, it’s a pity that this girl is disobedient and just won’t come.

Yan Ruohai sighed: “Brother Jiang, you are full of talents. If I have you as a son-in-law, I will be happy.”

Jiang Wen hurriedly waved his hand: “Don’t say that, Brother Yan, I’m just an ordinary person.”

“Ordinary people can say where to dismantle? I have checked, and the Jiahe community is 80% going to be dismantled.”

“Is there news so soon?”

Yan Ruohai raised his glass: “Tonight, I will only talk about Fengyue, not about work.”

I have anything to talk about with your middle-aged uncle.

Jiang Wen was a little dumbfounded: “Okay, talk about whatever you want.”

“Tell me about my daughter.

“She is more stubborn and has a big temper. If she says that she turns her face, I can’t do anything about her.

Yan Ruohai took a sip of wine: “But she is really a good girl. Whoever marries her is really lucky.”

“That’s not bad.

Jiang Wen picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

He heard Yan Ruohai say the last time he drank.

His daughter is in the same school as herself, and she is also a senior sister.

So he always wondered if that person was Yan Shuyi.

But he can be sure after hearing this, no.

How docile is Colonel Yan.

If she had a bad temper, she wouldn’t have a good temper.

And she is enthusiastic and knows how to love others.

No such good girl can be found in ten miles and eight villages.

These two extremes are different from Yan Ruohai’s daughter.

“Brother Jiang, let me tell you the truth, I wanted to introduce you to my daughter the last time I had a drink.”

“But I only learned yesterday that my daughter secretly found her boyfriend.’

“Brother, please do you a favor, can you help me break them up?,

Jiang Wen opened his eyes wide: “Me? I don’t have the ability.”

“You are so full of talent that you are about to explode, you still don’t have the ability? Too modest!”

Yan Ruohai caught him and exaggerated: “If you don’t say anything else, you have one percent of the poor boy, and I won’t be so worried.

Jiang Wen still shook his head: “People say that they would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one of them.

“Dear? With me, Yan Ruohai, this kiss will not be possible.”

Yan Ruohai said with certainty: “If they succeed, I will bark like dogs all over the street.”

“Hey, hey, brother, you are too cruel, be careful not to get off the stage.

“Don’t worry, my brother will do what he says, and he will never do it!”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help worrying about Yan Ruohai’s daughter.

It seems that Brother Yan is indeed confident.

I don’t know what will happen to the man who fell in love with his daughter.

“Come, take one.”

Jiang Wen raised his glass: “Thank you, Brother Yan, for your hospitality.”

“Squirting, Brother Jiang is so polite. The more I look at it, the more satisfied I am.”

Yan Ruohai raised his hand and patted his shoulder twice.

Jiang Wen said that you are drinking too much, right?

“Well, Brother Jiang, you give me a week.”

“do what?”

Yan Ruohai hiccuped: “I will break them up personally, and then introduce my daughter to you.”

Jiang Wen sighed: “If it is true love, I am afraid it can’t be separated, and I really have a girlfriend.

“Love ?”

Yan Ruohai suddenly smiled like self-deprecating, and said nothing more.

He also believed in the so-called true love before, but so what?

Nothing is permanent.

That’s why he hoped that even if his daughter gave up love, she would find someone she could rely on.

But this does not mean that Yan Ruohai believes that as long as the person has money, it is enough.

The reason why he likes Jiang Wen is not just because he has a strong background.

But because of these two brief encounters, he was really satisfied with Jiang Wen.

The door of the box was suddenly pushed open when the two pushed the cup to change the cup.

A young waiter walked into the box.

“Two gentlemen, do you need to accompany your sister?”

Yan Ruohai’s eyes lit up: “Come two, don’t pass 19!”

Jiang Wen’s heart trembled: “Brother Yan, I don’t want it!”

“Yeah, and brother Jiang, then three!”

Good guys.

Dare to love this good thing and didn’t even think of me at all?

Jiang Wen hurriedly called the waiter: “No one, go out.

“Our sisters are very beautiful, all of them have long legs and thin waists.” The waiter was a little unwilling.

“Mosquitoes also have long legs and thin waists. Don’t talk about the ones that don’t, so hurry up.

“All right ”

Jiang Wen sent the waiter away and sat back again: “Brother Yan has a wide range of hobbies?,

Yan Ruohai was happy: “Consolation for a lonely and boring life.

“Doesn’t it hurt if my sister-in-law hits someone?”

“I’m divorced,” Yan Ruohai poured wine, “I’m alone in the family and nobody cares about anything.”

Jiang Wen was taken aback: “I’m sorry, brother, I don’t know.”

“Hey, don’t mind. In life, many things are unclear.”

So the two continued to drink until nine o’clock in the evening.

After the end, Jiang Wen and Yan Ruohai came downstairs.

Neither person was drunk enough, so there was no scene of supporting each other.

“Brother Jiang, have a great time today, brother thank you.”

“Brother Yan, don’t be so polite, or I won’t come next time.”

“Hahahaha, well, then I’m welcome.”

Yan Ruohai took out the car key: “Shall I take you back?”

Jiang Wen hurriedly waved his hand: “Don’t drive if you drink. I’ll take a taxi and go back. You can call a driver.”

“It’s okay, then we’ll see you next time.

“Well, then I will leave first.”

Jiang Wen called a car on his cell phone, said goodbye, and headed for the university town.

Yan Ruohai looked at the direction he was leaving, and couldn’t help sighing slightly.

How nice is this to be his son-in-law?

All wines are like character. After drinking so much, I still know to abide by (cdbb) traffic rules.

Loved love.

Yan Ruohai took out his mobile phone and called for a rider on the app.

Then he opened the car door and sat in the back seat.

At this moment, he felt a little panicky in his butt.

what’s the situation?

Yan Ruohai reached out and took out a small box.

With the dim light on the side of the road, he could see the three characters clearly.

Tired to death?

Yan Ruohai was silent for three seconds, and his mind buzzed and he became sober.

Every one of my cars will be cleaned by a dedicated person.

And once a day, there will never be such a thing.

The BMW he drove today only carried one person, his daughter.

Yan Ruohai suddenly recalled the scene where Yan Shu also walked out of the pharmacy.

Wear a mask, sunglasses, and a long windbreaker.

It’s not buying medicine at all, it’s more like being a thief.

That’s right, my daughter didn’t buy medicine, but this thing.

“The poor boy who killed a thousand knives, dare to treat my daughter like this, you are dead!

Yan Ruohai was furious, got into the driver’s seat and stepped on the accelerator.


The roar of the engine is like the roar of a beast.

The boiling night was directly ignited by anger.

Yan Ruohai drove all the way, aggressively.

That feeling is simply that the gods are blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha should kill the Buddha!

He only drove for ten minutes on the original twenty-minute road.

At the same time, Yan Shu was worried in the dormitory.

As soon as she returned to school, she found that the little box she had bought was missing.

So he hurried back the same way to find it, but couldn’t find it.

If this kind of thing is thrown on the street, very few people will pick it up.

The only explanation is that that thing was left in Dad’s car.

Thinking of this, she immediately felt the pill.

Dad didn’t agree with her and Jiang Wen at first.

If you see this

Oh my God, she couldn’t imagine what kind of tragedy would happen.

But this is really wrong.

If she has ever had a relationship with Jiang Wen, find out if she is found out.

Anyway, without uncooked rice, only cooked rice is left.

But the point is that I haven’t done it yet.

She panicked, wronged and worried.

Because she knows her father.

If he saw that thing, he would definitely be angry.

And at the Magic University of Finance and Economics, the scandals between himself and Jiang Wen are all over the world.

You don’t need to check your father to know it is him.

But how miserable and pitiful Jiang Wen is.

If you haven’t enjoyed yourself yet, you will be chased by Mandu.

It’s over

Yan Shu also wanted to cry without tears.

At this moment, her mobile phone began to vibrate.

The two characters of the caller ID directly made her eyes suddenly tighten.

“Hey, Dad”

“Yan Shuyi, go downstairs, I’m downstairs with you.”

“You listen to me explain.

“Go downstairs first, otherwise your boyfriend will be over.”

Yan Shu also took a deep breath, put on his jacket and ran downstairs in a panic.

Yan Ruohai was standing at the gate of the dormitory at this time, his expression gloomy and scary.

“Dad, listen to me, it was a misunderstanding, really.”

“Since you say that, you know what I’m here for?”


Yan Ruohai’s temples jumped up and down: “Tell me who that kid is and which dormitory he is in.”

Yan Shu was also a little anxious: “Dad, that was a misunderstanding, I just bought it and studied it.

“Whether it is a misunderstanding or not, I will kill him first.”

“Can you tell me if you are killed?”

“Do you think I’m joking? Say it!”

Yan Shu also took a deep breath: “I really like him, and he doesn’t marry him.”

“Okay, then you tell dad who he is,” Yan Ruohai clenched his fists, “Let dad bless him well.”

“You haven’t even seen him, why are you so opposed?”

Yan Ruohai gritted his teeth: “Dad was not suitable to talk about this, but your mother and I have divorced, and I am your guardian.”

“I know.”

“I have the right and obligation to keep you safe.”

Yan Shuyi’s eyes filled with mist: “Dad, I know you care about me, but others are not bad.

“It’s not bad? It’s not bad that he asked my daughter to buy this kind of stuff by herself?!”

Yan Ruohai was so angry that he coughed for help: “You are a girl, don’t you know how reserved?”

“Dad, have I ever told a lie since I was little?”


Yan Shu also nodded: “My mother should have said that she has seen my boyfriend.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“It was my mother who told me to protect myself, so I bought it. He didn’t know.”

Yan Ruohai frowned slightly: “Don’t excuse that kid, otherwise I think he is not a man even more.

“Then go to the hospital.”

Yan Shu also looked at him: “I have a clear conscience.”

Yan Ruohai was silent for a long time: “Really he didn’t let you go?”

“No, I am going there myself, we have not even held a hand.”

“Then tell me what his name is, and I will give him a sum of money to let him go.”

Yan Shu also shook his head: “Dad, do you know how I got through when you divorced my mother?”

“What are you talking about? Does it matter?”

“Of course it matters. I was sad to die at that time. By coincidence, I met him on the Internet. It was him who comforted me every day and taught me to understand you. It made me believe that not every man will end up with a bad temper, so that I can get out of the shadows. !

Yan Shuyi whispered with tears in her eyes: “You were only blaming each other at the time, did anyone care about me?

Yan Ruohai was stunned.

He never expected that his divorce would hurt his daughter so much.

Wasn’t she happy again after only a week?

“When on earth did you guys get together?”

“The summer vacation three years ago, the seventh day after your divorce.”

Yan Shuyi’s voice trembled a little.

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