Chapter 69 Resume the withdrawal message, Xiaobai’s guide (seeking automatic subscription!!)

So this is ah.

It turns out that the daughter did not recover by herself.

Someone who was destined in fate took care of her.

But the father of myself ~ didn’t notice it at all.

Yan Ruohai didn’t know what to do.

“I see.


“I’m sorry, Shuyi,” Yan Ruohai sighed, “We just quarreled, but we forgot-you.”

Yan Shu also shook his head: “No, it’s because our children don’t understand adults.

“If you have time, take him home. Let’s have a meal together.

“what did you say?”

“I said to have a meal together, and then call your mother.”

Yan Shuyi suddenly widened his eyes: “Dad, do you agree?”

Yan Ruohai nodded: “As long as he is really good to you, it’s enough. Be poor and be poor.”

“Thank you Dad.

“Okay, go back and rest, remember to go to class well.”

Yan Ruohai turned to leave, and at this moment, Yan Shuyi’s voice came from behind.

“Dad, the person I like is Jiang Wen.”

“He is a year younger than me, a junior, but he is very tall.”

When Yan Ruohai heard these words, everyone was stupid.

He turned his head back suddenly, his facial expression had lost control, so that he was dumbfounded.

“Shu Yi, what do you say that person’s name is?”

“Jiang Wen”

“Jiang Wen? Jiang Ziya’s ginger, steady?”

Yan Shu was also a little surprised: “Dad, why do you react so much? You won’t regret it, will you?”

“No, no, no regrets, I’m just curious.”

Yan Ruohai looked at her daughter: “Does your little boyfriend have any characteristics?”

“He has a pair of small tiger teeth, with dimples when he smiles, oh yes, there is a mole on the corner of his eyes.”

Damn, it’s all right!

Yan Ruohai was in a daze.

Jiang Wen Ah Jiang Wen.

Go around in a big circle.

What my daughter likes is you, a black-bellied bastard!

Hidden so well, still pretending to be unfamiliar in front of Laozi.

I can go to your uncle, this guy is nothing more than Tang Long who drinks wine.


Yan Ruohai suddenly let out a roar that could look after the nursing home.

Yan Shu was also shocked: “Dad, what’s the matter with you? Don’t scare me!

“It’s okay, this is my promise. Men must keep the promise.”

Yan Shu is also stupid.

What kind of promise is this, so wild?

Yan Ruohai was also very depressed at this time.

If they knew it, they wouldn’t talk nonsense, and they would learn how to bark as long as they can become themselves.

Isn’t this digging and jumping by yourself?

The key is that Brother Jiang is not kind.

Why didn’t he tell himself that he and his daughter were already together?

By the way, I haven’t said my daughter’s name, right?

Good guy, almost caused a murder.

“Okay, Dad is leaving first, you can go back and rest, Wang Wang.

Yan Shu is still a little worried: “Dad, are you sure that your spirit is okay?”

“Don’t worry, daughter, this guy will have a good life in the future, hahahahaha!”

Yan Ruohai instantly became more energetic from the incomplete body that had just been hit.

Good days are still there?

That’s not right, when I hear this sentence, I want to hit someone.

And it’s still a long-term fight.

Yan Shu was also flustered and at a loss.

Yan Ruohai turned around and left, vigorously, and walked out of a step that the six relatives did not recognize.


“Wow, Wang!”

This night, all the stray dogs living in Magic University of Finance and Economics suffered from insomnia.

Because an intruder arrived at their site, he was still a strong old dog to listen to the roar.

At this time, Jiang Wen took a taxi and slowly returned to the Magic University of Finance and Economics.

He couldn’t help feeling a bit familiar to the barking in the courtyard.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a very important thing.

At noon, the online dating girlfriend sent a message to herself.

As a result, I completely forgot about it because of the signing.

It’s over, it’s over.

He returned to the dormitory, quickly charged the phone, and then opened the dialog box.


There is no follow-up news?

Sending the wrong message is not a big deal. Why don’t you ignore yourself at all later.

“Wife? Why did you ignore me all day?”

“No, I just fell asleep accidentally…”

“Sleep for a day? But didn’t you send me a message at noon?”

“Did you see it? Cry.jpg”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment.

Why are you crying?

Is there anything I can’t see?

He feels that his online girlfriend is getting more and more weird.

Since she came to this school, she always seems to be cautious in chatting with herself.

There seems to be some secret that is afraid to be revealed.

“Did you empathize with me? You sent me the couple photos you took with others?”

“How is it possible, Jiang Wen, do you want to die when you ask this question?”

“Then ask the fairy to tell me, what exactly did you post?”

Yan Shuyi was nervous at first, but suddenly sat up after seeing this sentence.

He asked what he posted, which means he didn’t see it.

Great, this silly schoolboy missed it unexpectedly.

Hahaha, don’t worry about being scared!

Never sleepy fairy: “I’m not, I’m angry!”

“Then I coax you?”

“You can’t coax me well, who made you wrong me!”

“It’s not my fault, we have been three years, why have you kept avoiding me?”

“Hiding you? Ha ha!

“What’s wrong, isn’t it?”

“I’m so clingy, and I’m less and less like myself, you still don’t understand.”

“You don’t admit the wrong person, right? No one sticks to me at all!”

“Give you a roll of your eyes, go and experience it for yourself!”

Jiang Wen frowned, he vaguely felt that something was going on in it.

But he believes in his online dating girlfriend very much. It shouldn’t be possible to empathize with him.

But for the fairy’s abnormal behavior these days, I can’t ignore it.

“Old Du, I want to ask you something.”

“what’s up?”

Jiang Wen thought for a while: “Is there any way to read the news that others have withdrawn?”

“There’s no way, you won’t see it if you withdraw, but”

“But what’s wrong?”

Du Ziteng hesitated for a while: “If the other party sends pictures, there may be a cache. You are not using a fruit machine, right?”

“No, broken phone, just want to change it.

“Tsk, rich, did the school spend money to support you?”

Jiang Wen has a black line on his forehead: “Don’t say that there are none, teach me how to do it.”

“I remember there is a tutorial post on the Internet, I will post it to you, but if it is just a text message, it should not be restored.”

“Is it going to work anyway, I’ll try it first.

Soon, Jiang Wen received the tutorial reprinted by Du Ziteng.

“Restore the withdrawn message-Never miss the confession of the goddess”

Heh, the name is pretty grand, can’t you go to heaven if you write a novel?

Jiang Wen’s fingers began to slide up and down, studying carefully.

This guide is specifically for those who do not understand the program.

There is no need to know any program knowledge, just follow the steps to complete.

The steps and analysis inside are very detailed.

From how to find the cache folder in a large number of folders.

Then how to replace the cached data with format conversion software without damage.

Finally, a special script is used to bypass the goose intestine’s secret key to complete the recovery.

Jiang Wen got off the bed, turned on his computer and started to try.

The initial operation is just a basic step, after all, you don’t need to use your brain to find a folder.

But when it comes to the replacement format, problems always occur.

Either: Unable to match the source file location.

Or: This software is suspected of infringement and has been discontinued.

Or: Top up five thousand yuan and immediately restore your record with the goddess.

Jiang Wen stupidly charged five thousand, but found that all he had recovered was the usual daily chats.

None of the information in it has anything to do with what was withdrawn this time.

In desperation, Jiang Wen could only buy the original English software from the official website.

His English is pretty good, otherwise he won’t be the top pick in the college entrance examination.

So with the help of Ingrass talent, he successfully replaced the file format.

Withdrawn file type: jpg

Jiang Wen’s eyes instantly burst into light.

Did the fairy accidentally send a photo of her face?

Yes, this is very possible, otherwise why is she so nervous?

Jiang Wen was motivated instantly.

This time, look at you little baby who is still fleeing there!

So Jiang Wen followed the steps on the guide and began to bypass the encrypted data.

But after going around for a long time, the memory of the file is getting bigger and bigger, but it still prompts an error.

what’s the situation?

Is there a wrong step in the guide?

He searched Du Niang and found a news that made him struck by lightning.

Goose intestines have completely replaced the encryption system in September this year.

Jiang Wen turned to look at the date of the guide post again.

Well, it was released on July 26th.

It seems that the methods in this post are no longer available.

However, there is a saying in China, which is called Mogao one foot and one foot high.

Jiang Wen found that the publisher of this post released a new script cracking tutorial yesterday.

He became a member of this script and continued to study the strategy.

“Damn, old ginger and old Wu, something went wrong!”

Just as he was fascinated by it, Du Ziteng’s scream suddenly awakened him.

At the same moment, Wu Ming also poked his head out of the bed.

“Ah? What’s the matter?”

“Nobita has an accident and was left by ju.

…For flowers…

“Huh? What’s the situation?”

Du Ziteng looked at his message: “I will read it to you, you will know after listening.”

So Jiang Wen and Wu Ming heard a story that was so strange that it exploded.

After the military training began, Fang Daxiong was stimulated by Jiang Wen and couldn’t sleep every day.

He didn’t understand why his brother was only qualified to shake hands.

Yes, he is not as handsome as Jiang Wen, or taller than Jiang Wen, but there is also the kind of senior sister who spends less time than school.

Even if it’s not a senior sister, it’s comfortable for students of the same level to engage in it.


Really do not have.

Fang Daxiong confessed 19 times in a week, and none of them succeeded.

As a result, when he was worried, suddenly a cute girl took the initiative to add his WeChat.

The source is a nearby person, and the profile picture is sweet.

Fang Daxiong was stuck in it, unable to extricate himself from it. Within a day, he transferred three thousand dollars to buy her snacks.

Then he was blacked out, and there was no trace of the cute girl ever since.

Later, Fang Daxiong went to investigate and finally found the whereabouts of the nearby people.

The person who scammed money was Li Qiang in the dormitory next door.

Li Qiang knew that Fang Daxiong had a lot of pocket money and his younger brother was still big.

So he pretended to be a cute girl and went online, aiming at Fang Daxiong to cheat.

Originally Fang Daxiong felt that money didn’t matter.

But so cute sister turned out to be a man, this is simply unbearable uncle and aunt can not bear it.

I’ve been shaking frantically at the chat box every day for the past few days!

So he directly beat Li Qiang into the hospital.

Now Fang Daxiong has been detained, and he is locked in the detention center in the street of University Town.

“Online dating girls are right beside them, or men, do you think weird flowers are weird?

Du Ziteng smiled bitterly, and the other side, Daxiong, a good old friend, expressed his silent condolences.

But he didn’t know, his words made Jiang Wen’s heart tremble suddenly.

Online dating girls are there?

What did Fairy Never Sleep just say?

She said that she has been clinging to herself and let herself slowly realize?

There was a very bold guess vaguely in Jiang Wen’s mind.

If this guess is true.

Then he is a complete Dasha X.

You should even go to the hospital to test whether your IQ is negative.

“Old ginger, old ginger!”

Jiang Wen raised his head: “What’s the matter?”

At this time, Du Ziteng and Wu Ming have already dressed: “Let’s go to pay a deposit to Daxiong, do you have money there?”

“Go together, you don’t have to worry about money.”

Jiang Wen patted the shoulders of the two of them and walked out of the dormitory.

After paying the deposit, Fang Daxiong was picked up. It was already ten o’clock in the evening.

Four people in the dormitory strolled into the campus.

Du Ziteng and Wu Ming were laughing crazy along the way, making Fang Daxiong’s face flushed.

“You said you, going to the pink alley in the back is better than talking to a guy!”

Fang Daxiong was also disgusted as if he had eaten a fly: “How do I know he is a man?”

“Forget it, take this as a lesson.”

Jiang Wen stretched out his hand and patted Fang Daxiong on the shoulder: “Don’t trust others in the future.”

Fang Daxiong nodded fiercely: “Thank you, Jiang. I will give you the two thousand deposit and five hundred ju retention fee next month.

“No, I’ll treat it as if I invited my brothers to dinner.”

“I’m sorry, then I will invite everyone to have a good meal next month.”

Jiang Wen nodded and plunged into his own world again.

Is your guess correct?

It’s embarrassing if you guess wrong.

It seems that we have to wait until the withdrawn photos are restored.

Netizens are not necessarily far away, they may be by their side.

This sentence really made him feel somewhat reasonable.

So he returned to the dormitory and continued to try to crack the secret key.

Foreign conversion software is too f*ck expensive.

The weekly card actually costs 800 sam.

And you can only try and error manually, which is not as user-friendly as China’s software.

Seeing that by eleven o’clock in the evening, the progress turned out to be only 12%.

So Jiang Wen turned off the computer and went to bed.

It doesn’t matter, it’s been three years anyway, so I’m not in a hurry for this day.

And besides unlocking the withdrawal information, he has a better way.

Jiang Wen picked up his mobile phone and opened the chat box of the school flower.

“Sister, is there any sweet-scented osmanthus plum soup tomorrow?”

“That’s pretty good, can you refill it?”

At this time, 403 in the female dormitory.

Tian Ge handed his mobile phone to Yan Shuyi: “Shuyi, Jiang Wen has a message for you.”

“Oh, thank you.

Yan Shu also took the phone and began to reply.

“Do you think Jiang Wen is a scumbag?” Tian Ge frowned.

Du Qing heard the sound and came to the spirit: “What’s wrong? What happened again?”

“Obviously they refused to let Shuyi make sour plum soup for him.” B.

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