Chapter 67 Ultra-thin and lubricious, buy it! (seeking automatic subscription!!)

“Five million is definitely not enough.

“This factory has been abandoned for so long and no one bought it, right?”

“Without any practical function, and being so remote, you are really a lion.

The factory owner’s face was a little embarrassed: “Secretary Zhang, you have to know, this place is in the magic city no matter what!”

“What happened to the devil?”

“It only costs 5 million to buy such a large factory in Magic City, what else do you think?”

Zhang Bin waved his hand: “I can give you this number, see if you can accept it.”

Jiang Wen turned his head and glanced.

Zhang Bin stretched out two fingers at this time.

Two million?

Well, this price is still a bit reliable.

Jiang Wen nodded with satisfaction.

This factory is indeed dilapidated and old, and it is useless at all to buy it back.

What he values ​​most is the land where this factory is located.

“2 million? What international joke?”

The plant owner was very dissatisfied with Zhang Bin’s two fingers.

It’s enough to bargain by half, and 2 million won’t even have half.

And looking at the calm expression of this boss Jiang, it is estimated that there is a lot of money.

How can I make a pit?

Zhang Bin looked at his fingers: “Boss Du misunderstood, I mean 200,000.”

Hearing the sound, Jiang Wen almost squirted water out.

Before he came, he did confess that Zhang Bin had to keep the price down.

But buying and selling real estate is not about buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

No matter how low the price is, it is not so low.

Good guy, go straight from 5 million to 200,000.

It’s strange that the plant owner is not crazy.

Sure enough, the plant boss immediately furious after listening.

“You guys used me to get rid of it? What the hell do you do?”

Zhang Bin smiled slightly: “Boss Du, I was joking with you, and the atmosphere is active.

“Is there such a joke? Even if you give me a discount, I can think about it, 200,000 plausible?”

“Huh? Boss Du wants to give us a 50% discount?”

Zhang Bin pretended to be surprised with a surprised expression: “Okay, then 2.5 million will be transferred immediately.

The plant owner looked panicked: “I’m just thinking about it, understand?”

“If it doesn’t work, just buy and sell, why bother to be so entangled.”

“These two hundred and five are too ugly, no way, no way, no way.”

“Okay, then 2.49 million.

“2.5 million minus 10,000, you are really stingy, why don’t you add 10,000 to me?

Zhang Bin immediately opened the contract and wrote a total of 2.51 million yuan.

Then he closed the pen, put it on the contract and pushed it to the opposite side.

“Boss Du, sign it.”

Boss Du was blindfolded.

I just said that I added 10,000 yuan, right?

Yes, it’s me.

But why is it so unhappy in my heart?

He originally wanted to pit 300 to 4 million!

After doing business by myself for so many years, how come people still get in?

“Don’t look at Boss Du, it’s over after signing, be good.”

Zhang Bin smiled.

Although he doesn’t have a formal appearance, he is also joking when he speaks.

But he is actually the most famous gold medal agency near the university town.

What is a gold medal intermediary?

It’s the kind of person who earns more and can’t get complaints from customers.

This is an amazing craft.

So Zhang Bin has already mastered the best negotiation skills.

In his life, he was invincible in buying and selling houses, the only one he had lost once.

The one who beat him was his current boss, Jiang Wen.

The boss is a god, and they don’t bargain, they raise the price.

At that time, Zhang Bin was frightened, only to say yes, yes, yes.

“Ugh ”

“so be it.”

The plant owner was silent for a long time and agreed to the price.

In fact, 2.5 million is a lot, and his original psychological price is only 2 million.

Earning fifty more, he felt more happy in his heart.

A silly X rich second generation, with a salesman who doesn’t understand anything, will sooner or later die!

Boss Du took the signature pen handed over by Zhang Bin and signed his name on the contract.

“Boss Du, happy cooperation…”

“Hurry up and transfer the money, the factory building is yours.”

Jiang Wen took out his mobile phone and arranged the financial transfer.

The owner of the factory who got the money smiled, and walked away without knowing it.

Jiang Wen glanced at Zhang Bin: “You kid is really fine, I originally thought it would be good to win 4 million.”

“Boss, this is what we do. If it weren’t for the demolition announcement tomorrow, I could cut him down to 1.6 million!”

“Okay, you have merit in this matter, wait for me to give you a bonus.

Jiang Wen leaned back in the chair and smiled.

There is a specialization in surgery, this sentence is correct.

At the same time, outside the university city.

Yan Shu also wrapped himself tightly like a spy.

Let alone a classmate, even Tian Ge may not recognize it.

She walked across the campus from a small road, bowing her head all the way.

It wasn’t until twenty minutes later that he arrived at Ankang Pharmacy in a panic.

In fact, that good thing is also sold in supermarkets, so there is no need to go to the pharmacy.

But there are too many people in the supermarket, and the students who come and go are all nearby students.

The chance of meeting an acquaintance is too high, if it is recognized, it is terrible.

Therefore, Yan Daxiao would rather go a little further and buy them.

“Come on, believe in yourself!”

“Sooner or later, this kind of thing has to be experienced.”

“In the future, if Jiang Wen is too busy at work and has no time, I will definitely have to buy it myself.”

“Well, go in!”

Colonel Yan comforted herself, then opened the door and walked in.

She was in a very ambitious mood, and she was not as embarrassed as she was shy.

The auntie at the pharmacy looked up at her: “Little girl, what kind of medicine do you buy?”

“that ”


“That’s the one.

Yan Shuyi’s cheeks were flushed, and he couldn’t tell what to say.

The pharmacy aunt is almost 50 years old this year. She has been running a pharmacy near the university town for 20 years.

Her ability to observe words and colors was extraordinary, and she knew immediately that it was difficult for the little girl to speak.

“Is it playing games with my boyfriend?”

Colonel Yan nodded, as if a chicken was pecking at rice.

The aunt stood up and took a small box from the shelf and placed it on the table.

“I recommend this to you. It has a lot of lubricating oil and it’s super thin.”

Yan Shu also picked it up blushing and took a closer look.

“This is a bit small”

Auntie was a little surprised: “Is this still small?”

“Well, is there a bigger one?”

“Then this, this is the largest model.”

Yan Shu also looked at it again, and it said 20 on it.

But didn’t Jiang Wen say he was 23?

“Is there any bigger one?”

The pharmacy aunt was a little shocked: “No, this is really the biggest.”

“Well, how much is this?

“85, ”

Yan Shu also paid the bill and left the pharmacy in a panic with the small box.

It’s great, I accomplished another feat myself.

She was so happy that she couldn’t help but admire herself a little bit.

However, at this moment, a voice rang behind her.

“Shu Yi, why are you here?”

Yan Shuyi’s body suddenly stiffened when he heard someone calling his name behind him.

She was a little flustered and even wanted to cry.

It’s over, are you going to be discovered?

I’m really not a bad girl.

When she saw that person clearly, this feeling became more obvious.

That was her father Yan Ruohai, who was standing by the road at this time.

“Dad, why are you here?”

Yan Shu also put the small box into his pocket in a panic.

“I passed here and saw you come to buy medicine. What’s wrong, have you caught a cold?”

Her cheeks were flushed, but luckily there was a mask covering her: “Yes, I have a cold, so I came to buy some medicine.”

“Oh, what are you doing tonight?”

“No, what can you do?”

“Get in the car with me first, it’s so hot, let’s say in the car.”

One after another, the two walked to the BMW on the side of the road.

Yan Ruohai started the car and drove to the parking spot on the side road.

He seemed to have something to say, but he was still hesitating.

He knows his daughter’s temper, which is really not easy to mess with.

Yan Shu was also very guilty at this time, and kept putting his hands in his pockets and refused to stretch out.

She didn’t know what her father was doing in school, but she always felt like doing bad things were discovered.

“Shu Yi, I heard that you are looking for a boyfriend?”

Yan Ruohai turned his head, his expression a little serious.

Yan Shu couldn’t help but stunned slightly: “How did you know?”

“Your mother told me,” Yan Ruohai sighed, “but I don’t think you are suitable.”

Yan Shu also frowned suddenly: “Why is it inappropriate? He is kind to me.”

“Can a rural child give you a rich life?”

“I think he can, even if he can’t, I will!”

Let’s talk about Jiang Wen.

Yan Shu always has the urge to ignore anything.

So she temporarily forgot the little box in her pocket.

Even the small box fell under the seat without even knowing.

Yan Ruohai sighed: “Daughter, I know that you have been assertive since you were a child, but this time you really want to listen to your father.”

“Listen to you and separate from him?”

“Daddy won’t hurt you, you will suffer if you follow him. Besides, do you know what love is?”

Yan Shu also sneered after hearing the sound: “But Dad, if you know love, will my mother divorce you?”


Yan Ruohai frowned slightly: “Anyway, I don’t agree. Children in rural areas are definitely not allowed.”

“Your thinking is too narrow? Does anyone I like has anything to do with his identity?

“You are still too young, you don’t know the bitterness of life!”

Yan Shu also felt a little sad suddenly: “Dad, I thought you came to see me, but I didn’t expect it to be the case.

Yan Ruohai sighed: “I did come to see you, but I also want to take care of the happiness of my precious daughter, right?”

“I don’t care whether you agree or not, I just think of him anyway.”

“”々No, absolutely not!”

Yan Ruohai is very firm: “I will take you to meet someone tonight, this young man is very good.”

What what what?

Yan Shu also opened his eyes wide: “Dad, are you going to let me go on a blind date?”

“What’s wrong with the blind date? A blind date may not fail to meet true love.”

“I already have a boyfriend, would you let me go on a blind date?”

“I said, I don’t admit your boyfriend.

Yan Shuyi snorted coldly: “I don’t see you, I won’t see even the best people.”

“Shuyi, I promise you that if you succeed on the blind date, I will give your boyfriend a sum of money.

Hearing these words, Yan Shu also exploded in an instant: “Money, money, money, do you know money?”

“Where do you eat and drink without money?

“But it is precisely because of this that you are angry and left mom!”

“These are all things for adults, you little kid don’t understand.”

Yan Shuyi suddenly cried out: “What am I not understanding? You flick soot into mother’s orchid, that is her favorite thing!’

Yan Ruohai obviously didn’t want to mention this topic.

He sighed, feeling frustrated.

“Anyway, you have to go with me tonight, I have made an appointment.”

Yan Shu also raised his eyes: “Open the door, I want to get off.”

“Daughter, why are you not obedient?”

Yan Shu also took off his mask, revealing a cold face.

She stared at Yan Ruohai for a long time: “Dad, I will let you open the door.”

Yan Ruohai was stunned.

He has also seen the stubborn Yan Shu.

He has also seen the angry Yan Shuyi.

He still saw Yan Shuyi who ignored people for three days.

But he had never seen such a cold daughter.

Who the hell is that kid? Is it worthy of her daughter’s maintenance?

Yan Ruohai persuaded, “Okay, let’s go, please.

Yan Shu also pushed the door and got out of the car, and walked towards the school without looking back.


This is how to do?

Yan Ruohai was a little worried at this time.

The daughter was so resistant to the blind date.

But he has already made an appointment with Brother Jiang.

If the daughter doesn’t show up, what do you say (Wang Qian is good)?

Blind date instead of daughter?

This is too weird, right?

It sounds a bit like selling a daughter.

But now there is only one way.

At the same time, Zhang Bin drove Jiang Wen to the school gate.

Jiang Wen sitting in the back row raised his head and saw Yan Shuyi angrily through the car window.

What’s the situation, who irritated the schoolgirl?

“Boss, look, isn’t that the lady boss?”

Jiang Wen has a black line on his forehead: “Who told you yes, don’t scream.

“Everyone admits that, boss, why are you still hiding it?

Jiang Wen looked at Zhang Bin and sighed slightly.

Ladies who are almost 30 years old, why are they so gossip?

Didn’t go to school?

Haven’t you liked the school flowers?

Didn’t you miss the heavy rain in those years?

Didn’t you miss love in those years?

Neurosis, deduction of wages!

Jiang Wen said helplessly: “Okay, go back quickly and release the transfer message as I said.”

“Okay, I’ll do it at the company.”

Jiang Wen nodded: “Also, if someone asks you the source of the information, just say that you don’t know. It’s a big deal. Don’t mess with me.”

“Understand, if someone asks me, I will say that the boss dreamed of it.

“Then you drink northwest wind this month.”

Zhang Bin looked distressed and watched the boss push the door and get out of the car.

At this moment, Jiang Wen, who had just walked two steps, stopped again.

“Hey, brother Yan, neighbor?”

“Well, yes, I have time now.”

“Is that hotel last time? Okay, then I will go over now.”

Jiang Wen hung up the phone and returned to the car again: “Drive, go to the Camry Hotel.”

“Good boss.

Zhang Bin nodded, stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the university town.

ps: What kind of murder this small box will cause, please stay tuned, in addition, various requests.

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