Chapter 66 Oops, the school flower forgot to change the account! (please subscribe automatically!!)

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the weather was not hot and humid.

The wind is like fire, which makes it difficult to meditate.

Zhang Bin pulled the car door, sat in the driver’s seat, and looked back.

“Boss, today’s military training ended so early?”

“It’s not over, I escaped.

“The boss speaks so profoundly,” Zhang Bin scratched his head, “By the way, you have a drink.”

Jiang Wen raised his eyes slightly: “What drink?”

“This is the sour plum soup and lemonade I bought, which one would you drink?”

Jiang Wen’s mouth twitched a few times: “Zhang Bin, have you tried the taste of sour plum soup and lemonade?”

“Heh, is there such a way to drink?”

“Well, Queen Mother’s jade syrup and jade liquid are not inferior to it, try it quickly.”

“The boss is the boss, knows everything.”

Zhang Bin plugged in the straw, and the two puffed together: “Huh? That’s not bad!”

“Okay, Zhang Bin, you really have a strong taste.

“What the boss teaches must be correct, I like it.”

It’s really flattering.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but hold his thumb up.

Is it good? Of course it is not good.

But Zhang Bin wouldn’t spit out stupidly and make it ugly.

This is what the boss told him to drink like this.

In this materialistic society, whoever pays the salary is the father.

Hugging a good thigh, the rest of your life will have nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin took a sharp sip while still thinking about it.

The speed at which the drink was sucked out couldn’t even keep up with the speed at which he drank it.

The two poor straws quickly slumped when they looked at them.

“Okay, I didn’t say that you must drink it. If it doesn’t taste good, then throw it away.

Zhang Bin smiled: “I was found by the boss, then let’s set off?”

“Well, let’s go.”

While talking, Zhang Bin started the car engine, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out of the university town.

“Boss, what are we going to do in such a biased place this time?

“Are there any good projects over there? Is it profitable?”

Jiang Wen raised his head and went through the information he found last night in his head.

“There is a factory building over there that has been abandoned for many years, with a large area.”

“It used to be a rolling mill, but then the whole site moved.”

“The boss sold the factory to a large local farmer, but the bird flu lost a lot of money that year.”

23 “The big farmer had no choice but to switch to another industry, instead of raising pigs to do loan sharks, they were arrested.”

“His family is anxious to spend money and has always wanted to sell this factory at a low price, but no one bought it.

“We went over this time just to get it down.”

Zhang Bin was stunned for a while: “Are we going to be a physical industry? Raising pigs?”

Jiang Wen shook his head: “I bought that factory to make a difference in price.

“But that place is very remote. It is also called the last barren land in the capital. Will anyone be willing to take it?”

“If it’s normal, definitely not.”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “But it will soon be demolished over there. There is a cross-sea bridge project that will requisition that area.”

Zhang Bin’s hand shook suddenly: “Damn, wouldn’t it take a lot of money to buy it?

Jiang Wen glanced at him: “Why?”

“Because it is going to be demolished, the owner of that factory will definitely sit down and raise the price, right? Everyone knows that the official loss of money can be very happy.”

Jiang Wen shook his head: “It’s about to be demolished, but he doesn’t know.”

“No, don’t know?,

“Well, only I know the news, so when we go later, the two of us can work hard to lower the price.”

Zhang Bin scratched his head, not sure if what the boss said was true or not.

If no one else knows, why can the boss know?

Does the boss have any mysterious background?

He dared not ask, but he felt itchy.

“Boss, the cross-sea bridge is not a small project. It will take many years from design to construction.”

“Let’s never smash the funds in, you won’t be able to get it back in a short time.”

Jiang Wen nodded: “This is indeed a problem, because the estimated construction time of the cross-sea bridge is six years from now.”

Zhang Bin felt unbelievable: “Six years from now? Then the money will be dead in these six years. Why don’t you put it in the bank?”

“Don’t look so short-sighted.

Jiang Wen patted him on the shoulder: “Although the project started six years later, the demolition announcement will be released tomorrow.”

“What if the demolition announcement is released?”

“Are you a hundred thousand why?”

Zhang Bin’s heart trembled, knowing that he was asking too much.

Boss generally don’t like employees knowing too much.

So he shut his mouth and concentrated on driving.

“After buying the factory, I will sell it at twice the price.”

“There is a demolition announcement. There will definitely be many people who want this plant.”

“Because everyone knows that the official compensation is far more profitable than the market price.

Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

It turned out that the boss wanted to take advantage of this day to make a double price difference.

My god, can you still make money like this?

Jiang Wen looked at Zhang Bin: “I will try my best to lower the price later. If the pressure is appropriate, it may turn back and earn a triple.”

“The boss is really wise, my admiration for you is like a surging river, endless!!

“Okay, interrupt, let’s drive quickly, I’ll take a rest first.”

Zhang Bin scratched his head: “You didn’t sleep well last night?”

Jiang Wen sighed, “Last night the whole boys’ dormitory was crying and howling. Even a pig suffered from insomnia.

“Oh, then I will drive a little bit more firmly, and you will sleep slowly.”

Jiang Wen closed his eyes and fell into a dream soon.

It takes about two hours from the university town to the destination.

During this time, Jiang Wen had a very special dream.

The self in the dream has been running in a snow-white world.

It seems to be looking for something.

But things like dreams are usually illogical.

So he didn’t know what he was looking for.

Jiang Wen kept running like this, kept running, and ran far, far.

At this moment, he found an abyss in front of him.

The abyss is as deep as ten thousand feet, a trip and a fall will surely throw all the excrement and ass out.

So he backed up two steps, raised his head, and found a figure on the other side of the abyss.

That figure is familiar to him.

The long and supple hair fell down from the shawl, and the slender waist was full to hold,

The beautiful curve is a good figure that can make one’s heart beat.

A name suddenly appeared in Jiang Wen’s mind.

Never sleepy fairy!

He opened his mouth to call her, and made her turn around quickly.

But at this moment, the wind and snow suddenly started!

The sound of the violent wind overwhelmed his calling in an instant.

But when the snow mist dissipated, the figure suddenly disappeared.

“No, don’t go!

Jiang Wen woke up suddenly and found that his hair had been soaked with sweat.

Zhang Bin turned his head in surprise: “Boss, I didn’t leave.

“Go away, drive your car well.

“Oh ”

Jiang Wen took a deep breath and realized that everything just now was a dream.

But fairy, why didn’t you come to see me?

and many more.

Could the dream just now be a sign?

Jiang Wen quickly took out his mobile phone

He wanted to see his chat history with Fairy Never Sleepy.

What if there is any clue to find her?

At this moment, Jiang Wen was taken aback.

He discovered that Fairy Never Sleepy had sent himself more than a dozen messages two minutes ago.

But the status of those messages has all become withdrawn.

What is the situation?

At the same time, 403 in the female dormitory.

Yan Shu also sat on his bed, his little heart beating.

It’s over, it’s over.

It must be exposed now.

She looked at the news on the phone that she had withdrawn by herself, her pretty little face was full of panic.

This morning, because of Tang Sihan’s sudden appearance, Yan Shu also suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

It turns out that Jiang Wen is not the only one who knows how good this stinky guy is.

The school flowers of the next school are also interesting to him.

This can’t help making her fidgeting.

Therefore, Yan Dahuahua decided to send some good things to Jiang Wen!

The dormitory was empty while the roommate was not there.

She changed into the thin uniform that she bought the other day.

Blushing, I took some neckline photos, bare legs photos, and tongue-out photos.

I added my daily beauty shots and sent them all after the selection.

Why add daily photos? There are routines in it.

The teacher of the love training class once said:

Half lady and half sao.

This is called Contrast Meitu, and men like it.

Colonel Yan was very proud, ready to let Jiang Wen see his strong capital.

Let him know who is the real stunning school flower.

But the tragedy is that she forgot to change her account.

She even used the WeChat account of Never Sleepy Fairy to post her own photo.

When she realized this, she immediately withdrew the news in a panic.

The chat box was silent, Jiang Wen didn’t reply.

Yan Shu is almost nervous.

She doesn’t know if Jiang Wen has seen it.

If he saw it, he would definitely blame himself for not telling him the truth.

What should I do.

What if Jiang Wen gets angry, go to Tang Sihan?

Yan Daxiaohua held the phone and kicked her two pink feet nervously.

She wanted to send a message several times, but she was always lucky.

What if Jiang Wen didn’t see it?

It’s just two minutes.

If he puts the phone in his pocket, it will take two minutes to take it out, right?

So Yan Shu got out of bed and put on a pair of loose jeans.

She put the phone in her pocket and pretended to be Jiang Wen.

Then slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, took out the phone from his pocket.

Damn, it only took a minute to unlock it?

It’s over, it’s over.

Will you be seen?

Sending that kind of photos was enough to make her nervous.

The result was good, she accidentally exposed her biggest secret.

In case Jiang Wen is really angry, wouldn’t it be cheaper?

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly, his expression aggrieved.

She didn’t know how to solve this matter.

Otherwise, pay yourself to him.

She looked at herself carefully in the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to her.

With such a figure and face, Jiang Wen should have no reason to refuse, right?

But her mother told her to take protective measures.

Should I go to the pharmacy to buy a box?

What a spotless girl she is.

How can I say those three words to the aunt at the drugstore.

Yan Shu also sat on the bed in silence for a long time.

Okay, hurry up while the roommate hasn’t come back.

She silently encouraged herself in her heart.

Then put on a mask and found a pair of sunglasses from the closet.

He changed into clothes that he didn’t usually wear, and Guigui sneaked out of the dormitory building.

At this time, Jiang Wen didn’t know anything about it.

He was puzzled when he saw the withdrawn news.

I was thinking of sending a message to ask what Fairy Never Sleepy had sent.

But just at this time, a phone call came in.

On the other side of the phone is the plant owner who is going to sign a contract with him today.

He is constantly confirming when he will come.

Jiang Wen can see that he really wants to sell this broken factory very urgently.

Because this factory has been abandoned for a long time, it’s really not as good as a change of money.

Jiang Wen chuckled softly, feeling that his heart was firm.

So anxious to get rid of the factory building, why can’t he not lower the price of 680?

At the same time the two people were talking, Zhang Bin had already drove the car to the destination.

It is a very desolate and old factory area.

The side with the back of the road is already covered with weeds.

Two people parked the car on the side of the road, sat in the car and waited.

Soon, a black Dongfeng Island product drove up on the national road closest to the factory.

Zhang Bin’s eyes lit up slightly: “Isn’t this the car I used to drive? This pig farmer is quite discerning.”

Jiang Wen turned his eyes slightly: “Don’t talk about the ones that are not, remember to be professional.

“Good boss, I will listen to you all.”

Zhang Bin immediately put away his smile, accompanied by a serious expression.

“You are boss Jiang, right?”

A middle-aged man with a big belly was born on Dongfeng Island.

His hairstyle is a bit messy, and his face is covered with sticky sweat.

The pigboy squeezed Zhang Bin’s hand as soon as he came up: “Thank you, I have to bother you to run.”

Zhang Bin swallowed awkwardly: “This old man, I am the secretary, and this is the boss.

“Oh? So young?”

The plant owner was surprised: “Excuse me, I’m really embarrassed, Mr. Jiang, hello.”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “It’s okay, boss Du, let’s find a cool place to have a chat?”

The plant owner was taken aback for a moment: “Don’t you need to go in and take a look? This plant is quite big.”

“No, I am mainly interested in the land. Let’s talk about the price. If it is suitable, I will directly sign the contract.

“Oh, boss Jiang is really happy. I like doing business with happy people!”

The plant owner rubbed his hands in excitement.

He hasn’t sold this factory for three years.

Unexpectedly, someone was so stupid that they would come all the way to buy it.

This person looks so young, that is, in his twenties.

If you don’t cheat him, I’m sorry for the innocence of his face.

This must be some silly X rich second generation.

He saw a lot of people like this.

They usually buy such a remote factory for two reasons.

Either he is so stupid.

Either he just wants to do something illegal.

But he sells the factory, not the law enforcement department, so he doesn’t care about that much.

“Boss Jiang, please!”

The plant owner smiled and said, please be fooled by me.

Jiang Wen nodded, and walked away, saying that he regrets it.

Driving south, the three people found a cafe nearby.

Zhang Bin took out two contracts from his briefcase and put them on the table.

“Boss Du, your factory has been abandoned for many years, right? How much do you plan to sell this time?,

The plant owner touched his nose and stretched out a slap.

Zhang Bin was taken aback: “3 million?’

“What do you look in your eyes? I have five fingers, five hundred!”

“Five hundred? Is there ten thousand?

“You two should go back.”,

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