Chapter 39 Are you crazy? Don’t you remember me? (Seeking flowers evaluation votes!!!)

“Shu Ye, what are you doing here?”

Qian Wenguang stepped forward and looked at Yan Shuyi.

His brow furrowed deeply, and he glanced at Jiang Wen beside him.

Is it really falling in love?

Otherwise, why are you so close?

“Principal Qian, why did you come to the playground?”

“The delegation of the Imperial University of Finance and Economics is here. Everyone wants to see you. It was your roommate who said you were here.”

Yan Shu also stood up: “See me? Why do they want to see me?”

“You are our contestant, oh yes, and your old friend Song Wei, do you remember?”


Qian Wenguang coughed: “It’s Professor Wu Tong’s closed disciple, the one ranked second in the country.”

“I don’t remember, who will remember the second place?”

Yan Shu was also at a loss.

She seems to have never known a person named Song Wei.

Song Jiang on Liangshan knew him.

But this doesn’t mean that she doesn’t put others in her eyes, but it’s not necessary at all.

There are thousands of contestants in the national financial competition.

From hundreds of famous financial universities.

She would be exhausted if everyone remembered it.

So she really has no impression of this name.

At this moment, Song Wei in the expedition team couldn’t help but follow.

He tidyed up his clothes as he walked, and then showed a confident smile on his face.

“Junior sister, it’s been a long time since I saw you, how have you been recently?”

“I have been reminiscing about our game since I went back, and your reaction to the last question was so fast.”

“Remember, I helped you pull the door when you left.”

Yan Shu also frowned slightly and looked at him: “Who are you…?”

Song Wei was taken aback for a moment.

Is this joking way of pretending not to be popular nowadays?

“This is Song Wei, the national financial competition we participated in together.”


“Do you remember?”

Yan Shu also looked at Qian Wenguang: “He is the Song Wei you just said?”

Song Wei was so embarrassed that the corners of his mouth twitched.

Does she remember herself?

He thought about her all this year, thinking that she must be the same.

In the end, she didn’t even recognize herself? !

What about the two loves I thought?

Is it all my own wishful thinking?

Wouldn’t you be licking the dog too, looking up at the goddess?


He Song Wei is the most promising student of the Imperial University of Finance and Economics!

He is the closed disciple of Wu Tong, the fortune teller!

Before he graduated, he had already received invitations from many top 100 companies.

How could he be forgotten by such a brilliant and dazzling person, such a proud man of heaven!

Song Wei felt unbelievable: “School girl, take a good look at me, I am your opponent in the last match.”

“Oh, I remember!” Yan Shuyi’s eyes lit up, “Pig liver face, is it you?”


“You’re the one whose face is suffocated like pig liver because you can’t answer the last question!”

As soon as the voice fell, the students all over the playground couldn’t hold back.

A burst of roar of laughter broke out instantly.

They can all see that this Song Wei is very pretentious.

The walking posture is like deliberately learning a fashion model.

Especially the incredible arrogance on the face, no matter how you look at it, it makes people annoying.

Yan Shu is also the school flower of their Modu University of Finance and Economics.

It is the goddess of their Magic University of Finance and Economics.

The people in your school can chase it anyway, and whoever catches up is someone who is capable of catching up.

But what do you mix with a foreigner?

I also want to chase Yan’s college flowers across schools, I want to eat ass!

So at this moment, everyone did not hide their ridicule.

At this time, the reception group and inspection group from behind also followed.

Their expressions are very embarrassing, and some don’t know how to respond.

This Song Wei is obviously also interesting to Yan Shu, this time it seems to be dedicated to retelling the past.

But who knows that Yan Shu doesn’t even remember who he is.

This is equivalent to the talented woman of the Magic University of Finance and Economics who slapped the talent of the Imperial University of Finance and Economics in the face.

This is not conducive to the harmonious coexistence of the two schools.

“Shu also, don’t joke casually, people take it seriously.”

Qian Wenguang hurried forward, seeming to ease the awkward atmosphere.

But Yan Shu didn’t care at all.

She didn’t even know this person, why did she have to remember?

Does anyone in the world remember the second person to climb Everest?

It makes no sense to let a national champion remember the name of a national runner-up.

At this time, Professor Wu Tong’s face couldn’t hold back.

He snorted coldly, his face gradually becoming ugly.

Song Wei was trained by him alone, so how could he be underestimated?

And being seen as a joke in front of so many people?

“Old Qian, it seems that your students don’t welcome us, so let’s go first.”

“Don’t Professor Wu, this is all a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding? No, I can’t afford to lose this person.”

Wu Tong glanced at Song Wei: “Xiao Wei, let’s go.”

As soon as the voice fell, the reception team of the Modu University of Finance and Economics was very acquainted and gave way.

But who knew that Song Wei did not intend to leave.

He stared at Yan Shuyi: “School girl, how can you not recognize me? Are you kidding me?”

“Why can’t I not know you?”

“Because I have been thinking about you!”

Yan Shu also frowned slightly: “I’m sorry, there are many people who care about me, most of whom I don’t know.”

Hearing the sound, a row of hands was suddenly raised on the playground.

“Yes, I am like this!”

“Major Yan Hua is right!”

“Yan Xiaohua, you can directly report my ID card, it’s okay!”

Song Wei gave them a fierce look: “I’m not in line with them, we used to stand side by side on the field!”

“Hey, keep your voice down!”

Yan Shuyi glanced at Jiang Wen next to him in a panic.

He is still sleeping, probably because he hasn’t slept well in business these days.

This man’s voice is so loud, he will wake him up!

Song Wei was furious: “School girl, don’t you know that I want to see you this year?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.”

“But what about my mind?”

Yan Shuyi’s eyebrows suddenly became a little cold

“Does what you are going to do has anything to do with me?”

“Why should I remember you?”

“There are thousands of people on the field. What is special about you that I must remember you?”

Three questions sounded, and the suitors behind the school flowers almost burst into tears.

Gao Leng’s school flower is back!

This is the school Yan Dahua they are familiar with! *

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