Chapter 38 Seed contestant of Didu Finance and Economics (seeking flowers evaluation votes!!)

“Professor Qian, the environment in your school is really good.”

“Professor Wu passed the award, let’s go ahead and take a look.”

Mordu University of Finance and Economics, the main campus road.

The directors of the Department of Finance and Vice President Qian Wenguang walked on both sides.

Surrounded by the investigation team from the Imperial University of Finance and Economics.

This expedition team is the hottest team in this year’s international financial competition.

Headed by Professor Wu Tong, who is known as a god operator in the financial world.

“This year’s international competition is extraordinary. I looked at the list of players and they all seem to be strong.”

“You have a genius student like Song Wei in your school. What are you afraid of?”

Wu Tong shook his head: “Xiaowei, this child, is still a little bit theoretical, I am afraid it will be easy to suffer.”

Qian Wenguang smiled lightly: “You just demand too much of your students.”

At this time, a young student in the expedition team raised his head with a hint of pride on his face.

His name is Song Wei, and he is number one in the school competition at the Imperial University of Finance and Economics.

Closed disciple of Professor Wu Tong.

He was also the runner-up of last year’s National Financial Competition.

The score is only behind Yan Shuyi.

In recent years, there has been a saying in the financial world.

Yan Shu is also a young phoenix in the golden nest, and Song Wei is a young dragon in Yinshan.

This is a very high evaluation.

Those who can get this kind of evaluation will have limitless achievements in the future.

Song Wei raised his head: “By the way, Professor Qian, why is Junior Sister Yan not here today?”

Professor Wu Tong also turned his head: “Yes, old money, where is the pearl in your academy?”

“What’s the matter, Old Wu, it’s not enough for you to have Song Wei. You still want to win over our princess?”

“You’re nonsense, I just keep listening to Xiaowei talking about her, so I just want to meet.”

Qian Wenguang turned his head to look at the head of the Finance Department: “Where’s the book, why didn’t she come today?”

“I’ll call her over now, wait a moment.”

The head of the Department of Finance looked at Chen Yan: “Mr. Chen, please contact Shuyi and ask him to come over quickly.”

“Okay Director, let me make a call to their dormitory.”

Chen Yan took out her mobile phone and broke into the girls’ dormitory 403.

It was Tian Ge who answered the phone. She has no class today, so she has been chasing drama in the dormitory.

At this time, she heard the dormitory landline ringing, and she immediately got up and picked up the receiver.


“This is Chen Yan, is Yan Shu also in the dormitory?”

Tian Ge glanced at Yan Shuyi’s bed: “The book is not there, she left early in the morning.”

“Then do you know where she went?”

“What’s wrong, Teacher Chen, is there something urgent?”

“The delegation of the Imperial University of Finance and Economics is here, and I want to see the book.”

Tian Ge hesitated for a while: “Teacher, wait a minute, I’ll be right back.”

“Huh?” Chen Yan was confused.

At this time, Tian Ge ran to the balcony and glanced around.

Sure enough, only the base of the electric cooker that Yan Dahua just bought was still there.

She walked out of the balcony again and answered the phone: “Teacher, I know where the book is.”

“Where is it?”

“She should be in the military training playground.”

“What is she doing in the military training playground?”

“Teacher, I… don’t know.”

Chen Yan hung up, frowning slightly.

Yan Shuyi should hurry up to prepare for the competition at this time.

One minute and one second should not be wasted.

What is she doing in the military training playground?

Wait, military training? newborn?

Jiang Wen? !

Chen Yan suddenly thought of Yan Shuyi almost burning the dormitory a few days ago.

All of their teachers and directors were terrified that day.

Yan Shu can also be a treasure of Modu University of Finance and Economics.

The international competition will start soon, what if she gets injured?

So the teachers immediately soaked up the girls’ dormitory without stopping.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, they saw Yan Shuyi guarding his pot with aggrieved expression.

She said she wanted mung bean soup for a freshman to drink.

As a result, the voltage was overloaded and the wiring of the dormitory was burnt.

So later did the third court trial of the Department of Finance Jiang Wen happen.

Chen Yan couldn’t help sighing.

It seems that Yan Shu also succeeded this time, and he really went to the playground to deliver soup.

She turned around: “Director, Shu also should be in the military training playground now.”

“Military training playground? Where is she going to do?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“okay, I get it.”

The director nodded, and quickly reported to Vice President Qian.

“Oh? In the military training playground?”

“It seems that I’m too tired from studying, so let’s come out to relax.”

Qian Wenguang nodded and looked at Wu Tong: “Old Wu, are you interested in seeing our new students this year?”

“New students? In military training,” Wu Tong’s eyes lit up, “Okay, let’s go and see.”

Therefore, the reception team of Modu Finance and Economics took the delegation of Emperor Finance and Economics to the playground.

Song Wei followed the crowd with a calm expression that could not conceal the excitement in his heart.

The school girl who won her in the national competition.

It looks like a fairy in the world.

It only takes a glance to meet, as if there is no escape.

And she is amazingly talented, and she is like the queen of the world in the financial arena.

High cold and elegant, extraordinary and refined.

No man in the world can match her.

Only a person like himself can barely stand by her shoulders.

So this time, Song Wei specially pushed off an important game.

He wanted to see Yan Shuyi again.

He felt that this celestial-looking school girl would feel the same as himself.

A young phoenix in a golden nest, a Wolong in a silver mountain.

Who in the world can match them better? *

39. On the playground, the hearts of countless people are broken (seeking flowers evaluation votes!!!)

“This is our military training playground.”

“How? The freshman’s mental outlook is good, right?”

With a faint smile, Qian Wenguang brought in the expedition team from the Imperial Capital.

As the vice-principal of a school, he certainly wants to show his best appearance to his guests.

The military training can precisely reflect the various qualities of students.

It’s just that when they walked in, everyone was stunned.

“Drinking habit is not sweet, right?”

“Yeah, my tongue is all wood, not sweet anymore.”

“Are you laughing at my cooking skills.”

“Senior sister, cooking mung bean soup has nothing to do with cooking, right?”

Yan Shuyi snorted and stabbed Jiang Wen with his elbow.

This guy is really shameless.

Don’t he know how many people in the school are envious of him?

This is the soup that I made myself.

If you change someone else, I’m afraid you’ll have to drink it even if you put mustard.

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “Senior sister, don’t be discouraged, growth takes step by step.”

“Brother smelly, have you started to teach senior sister?”

“I just made a pertinent suggestion.”

Yan Shu also smiled lightly, his handsome face seemed to emit soft light.

She sat next to Jiang Wen, feeling particularly at ease in her heart.

At that time, the east wind sent a slight coolness.

Blowing the hair of Yan Daxiao’s sideburns.

Her light sweat glistened in the sun.

“It’s so hot, I’m sweating.”

Yan Shu also drew the towel from Jiang Wen’s shoulder quite naturally.

Wiped his cheeks and the tender white swan neck.

It was still stained with sweat left by Jiang Wen during military training.

There is no peculiar smell, but it carries a male hormone.

Seeing this scene, the people on the playground suddenly stopped.

The inspection groups who came to visit the military training also became silent.

The school flower just used the bowl that Jiang Wen had drunk, and undoubtedly tasted Jiang Wen’s saliva.

Now I use Jiang Wen’s sweat towel to wipe my face.

This is simply the fusion of Ti fluid.

The holy and noble Yan Dahua in their hearts.

It’s so close to a man.

This is even more unacceptable than giving milk tea or mung bean soup.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely not believe what happened before them.

How could Yan Shuyi, who amazed the world like a goddess, walk down the altar for a man.

At the same time, in the group of people.

Song Wei was suddenly full of anger, and his eyes gradually became sullen.

He was deeply hurt by the scene before his eyes.

That’s the school girl who has been thinking about it all day and night!

She was so intimacy with a new student in the crowd!

He is angry!

Since the last time I saw this amazingly beautiful school girl in a national competition.

Song Wei has never forgotten her.

This time I came to Mordu University of Finance and Economics.

In addition to academic exchanges, he also brought a love letter to Yan Shu.

This love letter contains 12 pages of a4 paper.

It is full of his appreciation and admiration for Yan Shuyi.

He originally thought that as long as he gave this love letter to Yan Shuyi, she would definitely agree to his confession.

Because he has always believed that only they are the perfect match in this world.

But what is going on in this scene?

That is a girl who is invincible on the financial battlefield, like a queen!

Why would she become a shy little girl in front of a new student wearing a military uniform?

Even her eyes were filled with joy and sweetness that could not be hidden.

And intentionally or unintentionally, he tilted his head slightly, as if to smell the smell of the new student.

He felt like he was about to explode.

Qian Wenguang also froze for a long time before reacting.

“Have Shuye fallen in love recently?”

“Then what about her competition?”

“Why didn’t anyone tell me this kind of thing?”

He looked at the several directors behind him in disbelief, his eyes full of questions.

In fact, the teachers are very clear about the rumors in the school.

They are neither deaf nor blind, how can they know nothing.

So Principal Qian knew that there were many people chasing Yan Shuyi in the school.

And Yan Shu has also been elected as the school flower of this university for three consecutive years.

But the pursuit belongs to the pursuit, and the liking belongs to the liking.

These teachers never worry that Yan Shuyi’s feelings will affect the game.

Because it’s obvious that she doesn’t look down on a single student.

This is normal.

Who can be worthy of a long, good, and talented girl like Yan Shuye?

Who can get her eyes?

But the situation is obviously different now!

The freshman who had just enrolled turned Yan Shu into a different person.

This is for the schools that are about to participate in international competitions and use Yan Shu as a seed player.

It is a crisis, but also a challenge.

Chen Yan was a little nervous: “I investigated last time, and they didn’t fall in love.”

“Then what’s going on?” Qian Wenguang was surprised, “Is this not a relationship?”

“Jiang Wen said they are just good classmates.”

“Who? Who is Jiang Wen?”

Chen Yan pointed to Jiang Wen: “This is the freshman.”

“You can believe what a student says? Old man, I was among thousands of flowers, and the leaves didn’t touch me!”

Qian Wenguang gave a cold snort and led everyone to the military training rest area.

This matter must be asked to understand, otherwise it will definitely have an impact on the competition.

How can students like Yan Shuyi be disturbed by their children’s personal relationships?

At this time, the daylight was just right and the breeze was gentle.

Jiang Wen leaned on the basketball hoop, slightly sleepy.

Yan Shu also closed his eyes as he watched him, and couldn’t help getting closer.

“School brother?”

Jiang Wen didn’t speak, as if he was asleep.

Yan Shu didn’t know what he thought of, suddenly two red clouds flew on his cheeks.

Isn’t it too much to steal a kiss?

If you miss an opportunity like this, you may have to wait another year!


Yan Shu also looked around, and found out whether there was a number of people staring at him.

Alas, forget it, Jiang Wen would be killed if he kissed him. *

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