Chapter 40 Me, Jiang Wen, the champion of the college entrance examination (seeking a vote for flowers!!!)

Why is it so noisy?

Jiang Wen opened half his eyes slightly.

The sun at noon is really dazzling, making people unable to look directly at it.

So he raised his hand to cover it, and then looked back.

A crowd of people stood in front of him, and everyone on the playground gathered around.

What’s the situation? Is someone having heat stroke?

How come there are so many irrelevant onlookers?

“Excuse me, what happened?”

Fang Daxiong suddenly squeezed in from the crowd: “Jiang Wen, your wife has been confessed?”

“What? Damn, I killed him!”

Jiang Wen rolled up his sleeves without saying a word, his eyes staring like bronze bells.

But soon he reacted, and his anger immediately turned into a daze.

“But I don’t seem to have a daughter-in-law…”

Then, he heard a scream.

Poor Fang Daxiong was pulled out by the school flower suitor and flicked the base machine.

Yan Shuyi turned his head when he heard the sound: “Wake up? You can fall asleep even if you chat with me.”

“These days are too busy, I always feel that I don’t get enough sleep.”

“Then I will cook you longan and lotus seed porridge tomorrow to calm the nerves and help you sleep.”

“Senior sister is too polite, but I don’t want to be a scumbag.”

“I’m not chasing you, this is my sister’s love for her younger brother.”

As soon as the voice fell, the people on the playground raised their heads.

Their eyes gradually gleamed, as if there was a voice in their hearts constantly shouting.

Senior sister, I am also a younger brother.

Please love me, sister!

We don’t need milk tea, no mung bean soup, mineral water is fine!

Jiang Wen yawned, looked at Principal Qian, and then at Song Wei.

He found that the two of them were looking at him with very cold eyes.

“Are you Jiang Wen?” Qian Wenguang looked at him, “Did you enter college just to fall in love?”

Jiang Wen touched his nose: “Excuse me, who are you?”


The playground became quiet again in an instant.

Jiang Wen’s answer to the vice principal’s answer was the same as Yan Shuyi’s answer to Song Wei.

This damn tacit understanding is not a couple? !

Qian Wenguang almost cocked his mouth: “I am the vice president of this university, you don’t even know me?”

Yan Shu also frowned: “Jiang Wen has only been in school for less than half a month, how can he know you?”


Qian Wenguang was almost choked to death by a word by Yan Dajun.

That’s right, the school is so big, there are a total of eight vice-principals.

This Jiang Wen has just entered school, and it is normal not to know himself.

But don’t know why, he just thinks Jiang Wen is not pleasing to the eye.

This is probably because Yan Shuyi was in front of everyone just now and prevented the delegation from coming to Taiwan.

And Wu Tong was the guest she invited over.

This is equivalent to being slapped in the face severely.

But it is impossible for him to be angry with Yan Shu.


Because Yan Shu is also a closed disciple of Professor Feng Guochang.

As long as Professor Feng speaks, even the principal has to run over to listen to the training without stopping.

That old man is a living fossil in today’s financial world.

Respected by countless financial tycoons, he has become a golden hand.

This is much more than Wu Tong’s title of God Operator.

In recent years, Feng’s physical condition has declined a bit, so he can do research at school with peace of mind.

Not many people have seen it every day.

He spent most of his life fighting in finance and was invincible, and he had never brought any students.

Now that I am old, I have begun to think about the inheritance of the mantle.

But the thousands of choices also accepted only one student, Yan Shuyi.

Before Yan Shu also won the national championship, countless media flocked to him.

Even the principal came forward, hoping that she could be interviewed.

But Yan Shu was also very disgusted with this kind of thing, and said nothing to agree.

The principal was also confused for a while and even threatened her to deduct tuition fees if she didn’t accept the interview.

The result was that day.

Feng Lao rushed directly into the principal’s room and almost knocked the principal down with his head turning.

It is said that Yan Shu is also the jewel of Modu University of Finance and Economics.

That’s because she is so talented and talented.

As long as she has participated in the competition, whether it is a judge or a contestant, she can only be seen to shine.

It is said that Yan Shu is also the princess of Modu University of Finance and Economics.

That’s because behind her stood an old man guarding a calf.

Huyouzi is also famous, and everyone has to be afraid of seeing anyone.

So Qian Wenguang didn’t have the guts to scold Yan Shuyi at all.

So this anger was passed on to Jiang Wen’s head.

“Which department are you in? How many scores did you score in the college entrance examination?!”

Jiang Wen fanned it with his hand: “I am from the Department of Finance, studying investment analysis, and I got 723 points in the college entrance examination.”

“Hehe, I’ve only taken this test, and I’m actually…”

Qian Wenguang didn’t finish what he said, and suddenly he was stunned: “How many scores did you get on the college entrance examination?”

“With a score of 723, I am the No. 1 in science in Province S.”

“Nonsense, our school’s highest admission score this year is only 706 points, where did you come from 723!”

Qian Wenguang was suddenly angry: “As a student, the first thing to learn is honesty!”

The voice fell, and people around started talking.

Isn’t this freshman stupid to lie about the score in front of the principal, and the report is so outrageous?

It’s shameless, isn’t this embarrassing in front of Didu Finance and Economics?

What do other schools think of the students of Magic Finance?

And what’s wrong with Major Yan, how can she be so good to a big-mouthed person.

Song Wei sneered: “It’s an eye-opener to tell lies, hehe.”

“Heh, your sister,” Jiang Wen said blankly, “Where is the spring onion in Xiongtai?”


“Enough,” Qian Wenguang shouted angrily, “I lied about my grades, afraid of being told?”

Jiang Wen sighed: “S province candidate Jiang Wen, candidate number 25*****21, total score 723, welcome to check.”

Qian Wenguang frowned: “I’m the vice principal, can I still know the highest score of the school?”

“My score is too high. The Education Bureau is afraid that some capitalists will use the champion’s title to hype, so it was encrypted the day before the announcement.”


Jiang Wen looked back: “Also, it was the principal and the director of the admissions office who came to my house to enroll students, so I may not be on the admissions list.”


“But I got the principal’s scholarship, this can be found in a single check.”


“Principal Qian is in charge of everything every day, and he is not in charge of recruiting students. It is normal if he doesn’t know.”*

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