Chapter 193: After seeing such a situation, the identification machine Lin Yi obviously understood that the other party seemed to have been caught in such a scheme.

So he immediately said aloud:

"How much is the price of this painting, boss?"

I only saw that when Master Gu heard this, his ears moved slightly.

Seems to be very curious about something like this.

Why would someone really buy something so fake that it can't be said any more? Could it be that the other party is a layman?

The value of an authentic work is completely incomprehensible.

Therefore, if it is really regarded as the genuine product, this stall owner may become rich overnight.

The ancient master really stopped his footsteps for such a problem.

Soon, he heard a street stall owner, making a laughing voice:

"Take ten million and take it."

Master Gu's expression suddenly changed, to be honest.

If this painting is genuine, even if it sells for 80 million, 100 million is not a problem.

But the crux of the problem is that the items sold by this guy are actually imitating Chinese paintings?

This matter itself violates the law, so it is also a very urgent issue that needs to be dealt with.

Not to mention, there are really 10 million people who bought it.

Master Gu really doesn't believe it.

Under normal circumstances, someone will invite a professional appraisal expert to appraise, and then consider whether to buy such an item.

Not to mention that selling it at such a low price is probably a liar in the usual sense.

Master Gu will never know, this is completely the situation set by the other party.

In the face of such a problem, Lin Yi didn't seem to feel the slightest concern, but nodded and said with a smile:

"The price is really not high for a genuine product."

"But as I just said, can you tell me where he appeared?"

"Or let's go to a professional appraisal point together, first identify the authenticity, and then make an exchange between purchases."

Lin Yi is very obvious for such a thing, such a big price.

If you pay casually to the other party, you will appear to be very mindless, which is obviously not conducive to this identity.

Then it is the most crucial decision to consider only through other directions.

Like the words that he said, if this big brother photographer broadcasted it live, it would completely allow the audience to distinguish on their own.

When Master Gu heard what the buyer said, he nodded in satisfaction.

At least, although he said that he can't interrupt too much, the other party's idea is also very feasible.

Otherwise, seeing someone being deceived at such a high price, his heart would be equally uneasy.

So, he also decided to leave here after.

I just reported to the Criminal Division that there was a stall imitating Chinese painting in this place.

"Looking at the current situation, these antique streets have really changed. Countless people want to follow suit and sell some famous paintings."

"But they never thought that such a thing had already spread outside."

"I don't know why they want to imitate the Hanjiang solo fishing picture, but it is very likely that there is only one picture, and it is easy to imitate it."

Although Master Gu said that he had never seen the real work, he did not try it.

But when he remembered that someone in his early twenties was able to create famous paintings beyond treasures.

The overall idea of ​​this painting is also greatly reduced.

I only saw the elder brother of the photographer next to these people swallowing his saliva, and seemed to think that such a question became more interesting.

According to the current situation.

Compared with the previous generation of these problems, there is no such problem that can drive the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

As if this uncle who returned from overseas is not so important whether it is Lin Yi or not.

At the location of this stall, this stall owner actually sold 10 million items?

And it doesn't look like the real thing, is it possible that this returnee is willing to pay the price to buy it?

I only saw that there are many big brothers in the live broadcast room, and they commented:

"To be honest, I think most of him won't buy it, and maybe he sees something wrong with it, and wants to go to the appraisal center to get an appraisal first."

I only saw a certain law popularization expert named Zhang San, and at this moment, he could not help but stand up and say:

"I said, brothers, you probably don't know. Let me explain the law first. Regarding the owner of this stall, this kind of fake Chinese painting needs to be sentenced."

"If someone knowingly buys it, they also need to bear the corresponding responsibility."

"So everyone must look at this matter from a fair and impartial perspective. It is very likely that our live broadcast room, or the photographer's brother, will need to provide transcripts."

I have to say that when this legal expert suddenly said these things.

Directly let all the people in the live broadcast room, like a shark smelling blood, constantly want to see the flaws in the other party.

"I think you probably found out about this person without your knowledge."

"He speaks a little bit sloppily and doesn't seem to know that much about the picture."

"Brother upstairs, I feel the same as you. After all, Hanjiang's solo fishing map has been in a lot of trouble on the Internet recently."

"As long as you are a little normal, you will understand the origin of this painting."

"Anyway, regarding such a situation, the big move is to be safe first, and it is not necessarily that this man in a suit deliberately disguised it. He may know the origin of this painting, but he is afraid of being discovered by others, so he said I want to disguise it on purpose."

"Haven't you guessed that he might want the owner of that stall to be brought to justice?"

I only saw a person from an identification agency say:

"I said brother upstairs, why are your thoughts so tight?"

"It may really be such a case. If it is handed over to the appraisal agency, it will be easy for the uncle in the suit to sue the other party."

The photographer brother saw these comments in the live broadcast room.

There are also some judgmental thoughts in my heart.

He really did not imagine that this painting would cause so much harm.

It seems that at this moment, at this moment, two criminals may be born, but not necessarily.

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