Chapter 194: Killer,

After thinking of such a situation, the photographer brother also stood up a little bit uncontrollably, coughed and said:

"Boss, don't tell me where you got this famous painting. I also want to buy this painting."

Only when the stall owner heard this, he just wanted to smile.

But he found that the dark camera head was pointed at him.

The face of the stall owner suddenly darkened, and he said impatiently:

"Such a famous painting is naturally a black market that has professional channels to get it. Have you heard of it? I am not welcome to take pictures here, and I ask you to leave."

The photographer brother didn't give up when he saw this, he looked at the uncle in a suit beside him.

It was also judged for a while that the famous brand clothes on him were not counterfeit goods.

Lin Yi smiled when he saw this guy staring at him.

But his heart was placed on Master Gu, and he found that this trick was really good.

And the two people he faced were obviously full of some sense of justice.

The most important thing is about oneself, the returnee status that is deliberately manifested.

It will completely make people, and they don't want him to be deceived and deceived, so as to prevent the misunderstanding of the Dragon Council at that time.

I only saw the sneer at the corner of the photographer's mouth:

"If you want me to tell you, boss, don't use your tricks to fool people. Fortunately, I met me today."

"Seeing that you are selling a fake product for such a high price, most likely the business was not good before."

"Most of the time is one day, not open and open for three years."

"About the recent period of time, the relevant departments just want to crack down on you guys who are making up mysteries?"

When I saw the owner of the stall, I didn't expect that there would be a guy who would stir up trouble. He immediately picked up the chicken feather blanket and slapped it in front of him and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about, if you don't buy anything, don't slander it. I'll tell you if you were invited from the nearby stalls."

"I've been operating here for so many years, but I won't be scared away by your words. This is my honest business."

When Master Gu heard this, he shook his head before anyone else.

There was no need for him to manage these matters.

But if there is someone who doesn't know about this, if he really buys this famous painting, he may be charged with some crimes.

Master Gu obviously has the ability to see people very accurately, a manifestation of the other person's temperament.

Most of them like these names very much, but they do not have the ability to distinguish the true from the false.

But when Master Gu put it on another painting, he found that the flowers on it were very beautiful.

This is a peony he has never seen before.

If I can be sure, I seem to have seen it once in the photos taken by my teacher before.

This is a Chinese painting that was all the rage decades ago!

It's completely beyond imagination.

"I can't believe this is the truth."

"If it can be dealt with in advance, it is very likely that it will not cause so many dangers."

"It seems that this booth is really true and false. I don't know how to distinguish it. There are real famous paintings that are casually displayed outside, and I don't even know it."

I only saw Master Gu, and was about to go forward to take out the famous painter who was randomly placed in the bucket, but found a pure white jade hand, and suddenly picked it up.

Lin Yi obviously understood his true purpose, only after seeing him casually glanced at the painting, he said:

"I said, boss, it's better to do this. If I buy this painting, it would be nice to give this one to me."

"I think there are some dead branches and leaves on it. Most of them are fake paintings that you randomly copy."

When Lin Yi said these words, it obviously attracted the attention of the photographer's brother.

I only saw him patted his head, why is this guy still a muscle.

Could it be that they didn't see that these enthusiastic citizens wanted to help him avoid extortion?

Therefore, on such a problem, the photographer brother could only helplessly look at everyone in the live broadcast room.

It was only found that there were many appraisal experts, all of whom expressed helpless expressions.

"As for this guy, there is nothing that can be saved, this painting can't be fake anymore."

"The "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River" has been transferred to the Department of Criminal Justice. Although I don't know whether it is genuine or not, it is absolutely impossible for the real thing to appear in this small stall."

"It seems that Zhang San, a law popularization expert who appeared earlier, is most likely paying close attention to this kind of thing."

"To be honest, why do you guys suddenly pay attention to this big photographer brother? Obviously, you think that the big brother in suit is that Gao Yi or Lin Yi?"

"I now feel that you can rule out this agreement. That guy is a master crime master."

"And he is very good at imitating famous paintings. There is no such problem at all, and there is absolutely no need to go to this antique street to buy famous paintings, right?"

"I said brothers, or maybe he sensed that he was being followed, and then deliberately wanted to buy paintings to secretly and other people... The famous paintings that he got in the hands of the trader?"

"All the people in the live broadcast room are talented, and they speak nicely. I like it very much."

"Anyway, I don't believe that there really is a fool who uses a 4 to buy a lesson in this world. Didn't you see what he said later?"

"I'm going, could it be that he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before, and when he reached this stage, did he really use his trump card?"


I only saw it under the shooting of the photographer's brother.

Lin Yi took out a resplendent bank card and asked if the stall owner had a pos machine.

Only when the stall owner saw this place, his eyes glowed with golden light!

Without any hesitation at all, he directly agreed to the request of the other party.

After seeing such a situation, Master Gu just shook his head helplessly, feeling a little regretful.

"To be honest, about such a thing, since someone bought it, and it was also in a situation that the other party didn't know about, it proves that this can't cure the boss's sins."

"After all, what is circulated in the antique street, buying and leaving hands, is indeed in line with the regulations on a kind of buying and selling."_

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