Chapter 192: Clues,

It was obvious that Lin Yi noticed the movement behind him, so he also had a general understanding of this kind of thing.

So after he watched it for a while, he was about to negotiate the price, and then he bought it.

But found a location not far from the southeast corner.

There is a middle-aged man with a black peaked cap, walking like a tiger, wearing a Tang suit, with a majestic aura.

Seeing such a situation, Lin Yi obviously understood that the big fish had finally taken the bait.

So it's really not that difficult to have such a problem.

"It seems that it is exactly what Cheng Yiyun said, about all the stalls in an antique street colluding, for some collectors."

"They will have some form of communication with some stall owners, if there are some valuable items in the nearby stalls."

"Notify him in advance, and there will be additional rewards for successful purchases."

"According to the current situation, this is indeed a very sudden thing, and it is by no means such a simple direction."

Lin Yi nodded slowly as if he knew about this chain of interests.

But then he continued to enter the mode of acting, only to see him constantly praise:

"As for this landscape painting, I should have seen this beautiful portrait. The brushwork on it is continuous, and it seems to have the spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers..."

"After all, in terms of the usual technique of that master, there is a similar situation for these paintings written by him."

For these famous paintings, Lin Yi really has the reward value given by this system.

He was able to talk freely without revealing his other thoughts.

Always in the face of such problems, it is not so simple in itself, and it has more value and significance.

In order to prevent this identity, if he will continue to show flaws like before, there is a foreshadowing in advance.

Every detail must be done to the extreme, so that people will not have the slightest doubt.

For example, he has to prevent everyone now, so that he is Lin Yi.

You have to lower your knowledge in a certain area.

Not to mention that at this moment, he also has the intention to get close to that antique master.

So at this stage, there will be more effects.

It just means that when Master Gu came to this booth, he felt a little surprised.

Isn't this a place that sells some fake goods on weekdays? Why would these stall owners suddenly contact him?

But on the surface, he stepped forward calmly.

Because there are still a lot of people gathered here, it can be seen that these three actors are among them.

But he didn't meddle in his own business, he just kept observing.

Master Gu naturally ignored everyone present and looked at the picture scroll held by the middle-aged man.

Seeing this is exactly "Cold River Alone, the feng shui scene above is completely natural, like the style of a master.

After seeing this place, Master Gu was astonished as one can imagine, he did not expect...

I only went to the Prison Division at the previous stage to help those officers conduct appraisals.

Only then did I come to a conclusion that the painting level of the "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River" that was sent was above the level of solicitation, and it may have come from the handwriting of a more powerful master.

At that time, after he came to such a conclusion, the entire staff in the Prison Division showed extremely shocked expressions.

At that stage, Master Gu was also very curious.

Why are there still replicas in this world, which are more perfect than the original?

The person who is concerned with painting is likely to survive in this world.

Because in terms of the brush and ink on that pattern, it was drawn temporarily in a recent period of time.

Since Master Gu is the only professional appraiser responsible for the appraisal of this pair of famous paintings, it is said that he also got some news.

The re-enactment of "Diaoyu Tu in the Cold River" is an item sent by a crime master, it seems that he wants to mobilize the speech manipulation on the Internet, all this situation.

And if you look at the fingerprints above.

The Criminal Division also came to the fact that this picture was probably drawn by the guy who sent it, Lin Yi!

After Master Gu learned about such a thing, he thought that the owner of this name would be an old senior who had already retired.

But when he knew that the other party was only in his early twenties, he could only show a bitter smile.

He has such a talent for drawing.

Even if you don't create your own items, you can reproduce all the works in all the famous art galleries.

Jiaben sells it to museums in various countries.

You can earn a fortune that will never be spent in a lifetime, so why should you be a master of crime?

Master Gu was indeed very surprised by this matter.

When he left, he could still hear Captain Wan in the punishment department constantly cursing, and seemed very angry...

Why does a master crime master have so many abilities and proficient in many industries?

It is precisely because of such an experience that Master Gu conducted an in-depth and concise understanding of it yesterday.

"That genius young man could be called a crime master, and the reason why he was suspicious was because his ex-girlfriends were criminals?"

After knowing the ins and outs, Master Gu was obviously in the perspective of a young man named Lin Yi.

Because he has a very great discovery about such a thing.

People like this are gentle and willing to spend a lot of time and study on drawing.

How can you focus your energy on something criminal?

The Court may have misunderstood him.

In other words, only through the clues of this young man, can many other major and vicious female criminals be found.

It was after recalling these things that Master Gu couldn't help but sigh.

This "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River" has witnessed the re-enactment.

It is true that there are some different views on the authenticity.

But if you understand the situation in front of you, it's obviously a fake portrait.

"It seems that the technique of the person who copied this painting is really very inferior. No one can become that young man, Lin Yi, who has a very high level of reproduction."

I only saw that Master Gu was a little lost and was about to leave._

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