Lin Yi could soon see that some people in black clothes rushed down from the vans.

They move fast and execute very neatly.

Lin Yi can understand that this is mostly a team of well-trained killers.

[Derivation ability] After quickly opening.

He also got a lot of information.

The primary goal of these guys entering the store is most likely to be checked by everyone.

Lin Yi was surprised at the beginning, if the personnel sent by Zhang Su really wanted to arrest him.

So how did he find his trace, he used another face, and he did it perfectly.

But according to the current situation, it seems that they have already started to collect all the deeds he left in Zhong Hai before.

And he continued to analyze all the behavioral characteristics of himself.

According to the current situation.

Most of these guys also used the daughter of the Zhang family as a bait.

It turns out that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

"It seems that these guys really have thoroughly understood the attributes of a bit of a scumbag in me."

"Looking at it now, some things are really out of control, but it doesn't matter at all."

"These guys don't know at all. It's all about the fire. I was going to go to them, but I didn't expect it to be delivered to the door."

Lin Yi knew that the time was short, and it was too late to send Tang Wen a message.

Let him be late, or send in the police.

He believed that in this coffee shop, some customers would have already called the police.

At that time, Wan Qian, an old friend, said that he would not necessarily come in a hurry.

Although Lin Yi said he got a huge amount of information.

But it was impossible to find out the location of that daughter-in-law at the first time.

Because this can be regarded as the largest coffee shop in Zhong Hai.

There is a three-layered structure here.

Lin Yi was very quick, he got up and strode forward, and he should prove it with practical actions, who is the hunter!

All I could see was the crowd panicking and making loud noises.

But when he reached the position on the second floor.

But I found that this is a space with a glass door for blocking.

There was a girl sitting inside, and he was in the center of the 200-square-meter location.

Behind it is a high-rise building under construction, but there is an artificial lake not far away.

It seems that all these years are quiet, and people can't disturb them.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth.

Although the plan has changed, this young lady Tang Wen knew, there was no way to draw a line through their relationship.

But based on my own experience over the years, this is completely a silly and sweet existence.

As far as his ex-girlfriends are concerned, they are simply not at the same level of thinking mode.

Lin Yi can see in the mirror of the same height, the appearance of his uncle dressed up, completely in line with the Oppa in a certain country.

I only saw downstairs, there was a dense beating sound.

But when he pushed open the door and entered, everything was calm again.

Only the wind chime on the door shook slowly.

I only saw the woman in front of me and didn't seem to care, but continued to pay attention to the oil painting on the support in front of her.

As a master painter, Lin Yi can naturally draw many professional terms for this kind of scene.

Not to mention that after seeing this painting, he couldn't help but admire it in his heart.

The drawing ability of this young lady is really outstanding.

If it is cultivated, it may be possible to cooperate with him.

Of course, he was just thinking about it, and he believed that the other party would not be short of money for the imitation of famous paintings.

Lin Yi could hear the noise downstairs getting louder and louder, and even the glass door couldn't cover it.

But the young lady in front of me is still focusing on this oil painting.

After Lin Yi saw this scene, he was a little puzzled:

"Zhang Su, is it possible that this guy colluded with the entire family in advance? So, even this young lady also knows that she is a lure?"

"So I'm not curious about my arrival, so I won't kill him."

After Lin Yi thought of this, he could only continue to wait.

The purpose of his coming here is not to think so many complicated things are very simple.

It is to gain the trust of the members of the Zhang family in front of me.

After all, this time he returned to Zhonghai City again for his ex-girlfriend Tang Wen.

It is also time to unravel the secret of Tang Wen's heart.

For this core member of the Zhang family.

If you want to explore that one thing, it will become a little easier.

I saw downstairs, Zhang Su was obviously the one who took the lead in the charge.

Even though each of them was covered with colored combat uniforms, they were still able to act sharply.

I only saw him and the killers he had summoned, and after looking around, he didn't find the existence of that guy.

Immediately I felt suspicious.

"I noticed something wrong with this guy before, why Lin Yi can change into Gao Yi's appearance."

"That guy seems to be very skilled at make-up and can do a lot of different face changes."

"If I hadn't conducted research in advance and successfully grasped the logic of his behavior, it might have made this matter less simple."

"According to the current situation, I am afraid that he will have more strength that he has not shown."

Zhang Su is now the master of the Zhang family, and the whole aura has become extraordinary.

Although it is said that there are people in the group who do not obey him, but under his coercive temptation, they also obediently reached the same front.

"Lin Yi, if I want you to be born, you will live, and if you want to die, you will have to die!"

I saw that this was a man in black walking over and whispered in Zhang Su's ear:

"The family went through our investigation on the first floor, and there was no figure of that guy, and there were also a series of characteristics through the back, which were not discovered."

"What about the blood sensitive instrument?"

Zhang Su knew deeply that that guy was like a loach.

If you want to catch this super criminal guy, you have to use some high technology.

The reason why he chose to do it in this prosperous area.

Also know that it is not like there are many narrow streets in some places, it is completely controllable.

Zhang Su now has real admiration for this opponent.

He is a very good at hiding himself.

Lin Yi, is equally good at this.

Otherwise, according to his profile, there would not be so many ex-girlfriends.

It's really a talent... It's just a pity that we have to be the enemy of our Zhang family!

The reason why Zhang Su has summoned so many killers now is that he still chooses to come in person, so as not to control this dangerous factor to a minimum.

He was very concerned about another picture.

Because about that "Mona Lisa's Smile", it is more meaningful than "Fishing in the Cold River".

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Su's mouth.

If this guy Lin Yi had already sold it privately, then he would definitely cut him into pieces.

Even if the head of the Zhang family stood in front of him, he could end up losing everything.

There is no one who can hinder the happiness between him and Nana.

Although Zhang Su said that knowing is just wishful thinking.

But he has to do his best to win the heart of the other party.

The most important thing is that in half a month it will be Nana's birthday, and then a birthday party will be held on the ship.

The rich and famous in the whole Zhonghai City will come to congratulate.

He will also bring He Xi, the new head of the family.

When the time comes to get the authentic and famous painting of "Mona Lisa Smile", then all the problems can be solved easily.

He was finally able to get back on track.

Zhang Su looked at his hands that seemed to have blood flowing out.

Fix that guy.

It's time to wash your hands.

But for no reason, he suddenly thought that Lin Yi can have so many ex-girlfriends, maybe he has a lot of experience in dating.

Maybe at that time, if you can't kill it directly, you need to take it back... It's also a very good thing to be able to set up some teaching.

All I saw was the constant panic of the crowd.

But in their hearts, they also felt a strange curiosity.

Why did these men in black not rob or cause harm to anyone after they entered?

On the contrary, after searching for them, all of them are left to stay honest.

One of the white-collar workers who went to work nearby saw that the mobile phone was not confiscated, and immediately reported the case to the Criminal Division in secret.


Inside the Criminal Division, Wan Qian was admiring the case in a picture.

"Wonderful, it's simply wonderful! Why are there such detectives in our Dragon Kingdom?"

"The big gold robbery on that ship was done by four criminals with high IQ. They control every detail very well."

"But I never imagined that a student who suddenly graduated from the police academy would be able to jump into the ranks of detectives while performing tasks during the internship."

"It seems that among those criminals, there is a rising star like Lin Yi, and in our criminal department, there is also a genius of evildoer. It's a formidable future generation!"

After seeing this place, all the personnel in the Prison Division could only show a bitter smile.

The captain has been in a trance for a while.

It seems that after loading a case for the first time, it becomes so crazy.

There was clearly a lot of unwillingness in his heart.

Wan Qian quickly thought that maybe he could contact the detective by virtue of this case.

Let him come to Zhonghai City to deal with this time.

With Wan Qian's understanding of his old rival, most of them will return to his homeland.

He also knew the secrets of Tang Wen.

So all in all.

All need to bring Lin Yi, a highly intelligent fraudster, and his ex-girlfriends to justice.

At this moment, there was an exclamation in the entire office.

"My God! There is a picture about Hanjiang fishing alone, and it has returned to the museum again."

"How could such a thing happen? Didn't we just receive a pseudonym painting yesterday when we brought up the Criminal Division?"

"Is it possible, what kind of plans does that guy Gao Yi have?"

"I said, Pharaoh, haven't you paid attention to the speculation on the Internet? Gao Yi is most likely Lin Yi! Otherwise, why did that hero give us this famous painting?"

"Speaking of which, it seems that this is the case! Lin Yi is our old acquaintance! Only he can do such arrogant things!"

"It seems that we all underestimated the enemy at the beginning. Captain Wan's heart is obviously the worst."

"I said you guys don't say a few words, haven't you discovered the logic behind this matter?"


Wan Qian heard the discussion of those little bunnies, although he was a little angry, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Then there was a humming sound in his head.

He jumped up from his seat suddenly and exclaimed:

"What can the genuine work of the Hanjiang Solitary Fishing Map be shown in the museum to prove, and what can it represent?"

"That proves that there are other secrets behind this picture."

"Lin Yi, this cunning fellow, had a very hostile relationship with the Zhang family back then!"

"When Gao Yi was in the Louvre and Lin Yi, it was a cat-and-mouse relationship."

"I seem to understand. If we continue to dig deeper into the relationship between the two along this line, we may be able to find out what the Zhang group committed at the beginning, and also be able to release the secret in Tang Wen's heart. ."

"The most important thing is, Lin Yi, exchange these civet cats for the prince, the hand that moves flowers and trees."

"It's all about using the secrets contained in that famous painting to completely destroy the Zhang Group."

When Wan Qian said this, his pupils contracted violently.

"But there is one point, why did you send us a fake painting? It's not just to quell speeches on the Internet."

"And it's a complete proof, Lin Yi, this cunning fox has returned to his lair and is now in Zhonghai City!"

"He wants to divert our attention through the appearance of this fake painting, and enter our main direction these days. He will also divert it to this case and focus on the connection at the Louvre!"

After Wan Qian thought of this, the whole person began to dance.

Then, in the shock of everyone, the telephone of the landline rang.

"Hey, is this the Justice? This is the Starbucks on the high street... Now there's a shooting, and there's a lot of people in black... they're armed with hot weapons. "_

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