the other side.

Lin Yi went to the Department of Criminal Justice, and handed over the Hanjiang Du fishing map with the ability of disguise.

But it is false.

However, he recorded the process and uploaded it to the Internet, and used [hacking technology] to make the video popular.

Later, although the Criminal Division knew that the painting was fake and made it public, but even so, people no longer believed that it was fake.

Although I don't believe it, I still understand what the Criminal Division said. Of course, I can't say it's true, otherwise there will be disputes.

Zhang Su was taken aback by this approach.

When the public learned that it was Lin Yi who had really returned the painting, they immediately reacted vigorously.

On the other hand, Zhang Su also understood what Lin Yi meant when he said in the basement of the Louvre that it is still useful to keep you.

At this time, Lin Yi began to fight back against Zhang's family, using Zhang Su's Weibo to carry out a counterattack.

Lin Yi's approach is indeed seamless.

But in any case, Zhang Su will definitely not give up.

It was a very cunning fox.

But the other party didn't know that he was the originator of the foxes.

Lin Yi went to the mobile business hall to re-issue a phone card with the appearance after the disguise, and planned to contact Tang Wen.

There are speeches on the Internet, you just need to develop in your own direction.

"From what it looks like now, as long as you keep those two real paintings on your body, it will be more useful."

"I'm still not used to the time when the snake comes out of the hole. We must properly contact Tang Wenxian to see how he has been doing recently."

"There are secrets about him that still make me very concerned."

"It's also time for Tang Wen's heart to end the matter of Qingcheng Real Estate."

The reason why Lin Yi formed a hatred with the Zhang family was also because of this real estate company.

Now that I have the opportunity to help my ex-girlfriend accomplish some things and see what they say, it's time to help them take care of future troubles.

"Hey, I'm at the Starbucks in Chenghua District Commerce Plaza."

"I have an hour now to communicate with you."

After Lin Yi said this, he immediately took out the card from the phone and threw it into the trash can beside him.

When he pushed in the door, a large number of people flowed.

A smell of coffee made him finally come back from the life and death escape some time ago.

It's really unimaginable.

This is probably the taste of Zhonghai City.

While waiting, Lin Yi was also connected to the WiFi at this location, and watched the comments on Weibo.

Regarding those two real paintings, Zhang Su may not even think about it, and its real use will begin to move flowers and trees.

After all, their Zhang clan is very large, and this fox plans to inherit the position of the head of the family.

No matter what, with their current financial resources, it is impossible to fight against it.

Lin Yi is a bit like some kind of uncle.

Moreover, he also wears a series of luxury brands, and is extremely sophisticated about leather shoes and watches.

Therefore, he naturally became the most dazzling existence in this coffee shop.

The reason why he did this was obviously because he knew that there was an eldest daughter in the Zhang Group.

She is the daughter of a senior member of the Zhang Group.

His high-end attire of hundreds of thousands of dollars is not only the high-level personnel who need to infiltrate the core of Zhang's group, but also the transactions between them.

And also rely on this to attract that daughter of the daughter.

The other party is very fond of boys who can draw.

And the other party will often come and go to this commercial street, come to this coffee shop, and buy a cup of unsweetened mocha on time.

Lin Yi believes that relying on his own level of master-level painter, it is naturally a matter of course.

Of course, there is also a reason why he chose to invite Tang Wen here...

"According to the current situation, the comments on Weibo are really interesting."

Lin Yi obviously saw it, and everyone was not interested in Gao Yi's identity at this time, because the popularity was only temporary.

What they care most about are those famous paintings that are priceless.

After all, "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River" was only one of the famous paintings lost by the Louvre in France at that time.

Soon in the Starbucks, all the guests enjoyed the silence, only to see the sound of gunshots coming from outside.

Lin Yi frowned deeply after seeing this, and immediately made a judgment.

According to the current situation, there is a main road around.

And these two alleys.

But without exception, those locations are likely to be complied with in advance.

If he wanted to evacuate here, he had to walk to the back door staff passage of this Starbucks.

Those guys don't dare to be arrogant in prosperous areas.

However, since this location is a newly developed business area, there are many shops and they have not yet opened their doors.

The traffic is just some afternoon people who want to order a cup of coffee and work here for an afternoon.

After Lin Yi understood in his heart.

There were very few people who could see the panicked people on the street escaping continuously.

Although he said he didn't know what happened, it was certain that he had something to do with the Zhang family.

"According to the current situation, it is impossible for this prosperous area to have shootings for no reason."

"So many things have been done to prove that Zhang Su has successfully inherited the position of the Zhang family, and has obtained the support of a huge force."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant, it seems that he really hates me to the core."

After Lin Yi understood that the plan had changed, he remained calm.

I only saw him and the customers in the entire store, which formed a sharp contrast scene.

Unfamiliar people hide their heads under the table.

Lin Yi calmly looked at his watch and glanced around the store._

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