Chapter 166: Power Plus Lin Yi Stays Here Stays here for some time.

But he still did not forget, and observed through the mirror at the intersection outside.

Regarding those guys, it seems that they don't want to make this matter bigger, so the target is only him.

When Lin Yi looked back, he looked at the time on the watch.

He had set himself three minutes.

It is very likely that the bullet will fly past his ear in the next second.

But for Tang Wen's secret to be unraveled.

As for this young lady, it is time to gain his trust.

Suddenly, a lark appeared in Lin Yi's hands.

These people are the magic hands given to him by the system.

All I saw was a crisp cry that sounded in the cafe on the second floor.

The sunset outside the window continued to shroud.

Suddenly, Nana saw a white bird, standing on his easel.

The picture was so good, they looked at each other.

Nana smiled for no reason.

But next second.

This bird that suddenly appeared, stepped directly on the oil painting that was not dry, and destroyed the entire painting.

According to the current situation.

It's really amazing to hear about something like this.

But Nana never thought, why such a lovely creature would look so loathsome?

I like it so much.

But it's not good, what should I do?

Lin Yi witnessed this scene, and after he found that the other party seemed to be attracted by this incident, he was able to move on to the next step.

He has given his identity and edited a disguise.

That's biologists, plus freelance painters.

Just the next second, the reversal that happened made him completely unresponsive.

I only saw this lark, which was transformed by magic, and was suddenly dying.

Nana let go of her hands and the bird fell from the easel.

Lin Yi's heart is simply indescribable shock!

According to the information collected by myself, isn't this a lady?

Moreover, his character is very weak, and he can't remember the slightest storm in the Zhang family, so he can be regarded as the most beloved member of the whole family.

Such a beautiful woman who looks so fragile and is naturally frail, would actually do such a cruel act.

Lin Yi suddenly remembered that he first started talking about dozens of ex-girlfriends who were murderers.

That level of shock is just like the present.

"According to the current situation, this matter is really not that simple."

"It's true that my previous conjecture is correct. Why does she have a familiar friendship with Tang Wen?"

"This has appeared in the information I have investigated. It seems that he deliberately approached Tang Wen and wanted to gain his favor. As for the specific reason, he had to come up with it himself."

Lin Yi thought about it secretly.

Then, after gaining the ability to deduce systematically, countless clues converge into the main thread.

"According to the current situation, it is very likely that this guy is trying to lower Tang Wen's vigilance, perhaps preventing him from investigating who fired the shot in the original case."

"That's why this young lady is deliberately approaching the other party to eliminate the possibility of some suspicion. After all, he is from the Zhang family."

"And this young lady can completely confuse and obscure Tang Wen with information and evidence."

In the face of such a problem, Lin Yi really only knew about such a thing, the situation is not so simple.

It seems that the evidence collected before is not complete, because there are too many personal characters hidden about this lady.

"I didn't expect that this Zhang family is really talented. Every guy's inner city is terrifying to the extreme."

"If I hadn't returned to Zhonghai this time and wanted to help Tang Wen resolve some of his concerns, I wouldn't have found such a big clue."

Although Lin Yi said that she can understand, the danger in the heart of this young lady is an extreme mental illness.

But he also had to get close to the other party in order to obtain some information by himself, or use him to defeat the Zhang family.

"After all, except for the detection capabilities that the system gave me."

"My greatest strength is the experience left by those ex-girlfriends."

"Being able to walk into each other's side quickly."

Although Lin Yi said that he was behind the other party, he saw a scene of cruelty to himself.

But his face was still extremely calm, and there was a smile like a spring breeze on the corner of his mouth.

All he could see was a suit jacket in his hand.

Of course, he draped it directly on the other's shoulders.

Lin Yi could clearly feel that this lady's shoulders trembled.

But he also secretly said in his heart:

"According to the current situation, his reaction is very abnormal. It seems that he knew his mission in advance, in order to lead the snake out of the hole and attract me to the destination."

"With Zhang Su's character, most of the time he won't tell the truth to his members, so this eldest lady doesn't know why I approached his purpose."

Lin Yi completely showed the trump cards he had.

Only to see him speak ahead of the other party and say:

"Why do you wear so little, my princess."

After Lin Yi finished saying this, he gently pressed the Bluetooth earphone beside his ear and walked forward slowly.

All I could hear was the sound of gunshots coming from behind.

Obviously, most of them were joined by another force, preventing those men in black from appearing.

Lin Yi can obviously guess, most of which is his ex-girlfriend who is secretly helping.

I only saw his gaze, panning to a construction site outside the window, only to find the second-story balcony built on the opposite side.

A woman in a red dress is standing.

Jiang Biluo......

The other party put the telescope in his hand, but a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yi shivered for no reason.

How could this guy be in this place?

Could it be that after threatening some big bosses, he figured out his whereabouts?

Anyway, now is not the right time to get in touch with each other.

Lin Yi knows how to approach other girls in front of his ex-girlfriend.

In itself, it's a thing that doesn't deserve any explanation.

Because these ex-girlfriends won't listen to him at all!

He knows that he has lost a lot of time, so he must make a quick decision now._

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