Chapter 157 The style of this live broadcast was originally high, but it turned into a farce because of Sakamoto's appearance.

However, it is precisely because of this farce that this live broadcast has spread widely throughout France.

After all, it's just a live broadcast, no matter how big its influence is, its popularity among the people is still limited.

But once the scope is expanded, once the masses begin to discuss this matter, it means that the influence of this matter is spreading to a more and more terrifying scope.

"The Cursed Battle Between the Director of the Louvre Museum and the Staff of the Neon Rijksmuseum" is getting more and more hits on the Internet.

When people first looked at the focus of this news, it was originally intended to focus on the "war of scolding".

But looking at it, their focus shifted to "Gao Yi".

Those people were amazed by the movement that was like an agent who came out of a movie, the unexpected moving route, and the superb level of intelligence and technique.

This can be answered clearly in Section 1 of this video.

"My God, there are such people in reality?"

"how can that be?"

"I thought it was fake in the movie, but this guy's performance is much better than in the movie!"

"I didn't think about it when I saw the director of the movie. Can such an exaggerated thing really happen?"

These high-likes and high-discussed comments impress everyone who has watched the video.

And this kind of discussion, almost all began based on this matter.

The identity of Gao Yi has become a topic of great interest to them.

On YouTube, this video has become the most trending video, and it has spread all the way from the server in France to other servers.

More and more people began to be interested in this Gao Yi.

Some people on Twitter also started to set up interest discussion groups for the name "Gao Yi".

But what everyone knows about Gao Yi, except for the incident at the Louvre, the rest is the take-off at the Neon Fuji Airport and the landing at the China Xilin Airport.

This person seemed to appear out of thin air, and suddenly exploded in popularity among the world's big media.

"Is this an alien? Came here to collect art from Earth?"

"Did you get your head upstairs? The alien is a fart, it's obviously a China agent!"

"Indeed, the aliens are too mysterious, the words of China's agents are understandable."

"You can fly a plane again, and you have such powerful anti-reconnaissance skills. It is very likely that he is a Chinese agent."

Not only in France, but also in the United States, many countries have started to discuss this man named Gao Yi on the Internet.

And although China has an invisible wall, these discussions and the video of "Curse War" eventually spread in China.

China's netizens are even hotter.

"Gao Yi is awesome. After flying off the plane, he went to the Louvre to steal paintings, but he didn't dare to write like that, right?"

"It seems that China is the most powerful. The Internet says that this Gao Yi is an agent we trained."

"Haha, it seems that these foreigners take the things of our ancestors as their own."

"But one thing to say, Gao Yi is really awesome."

In this case, under such a big environment, some voices have long been drowned out under the discussion.

Even for that rescue, that thrilling emergency landing, the discussion among netizens has been reduced a lot.

Not to mention what kind of scolding, people don't care what the two people are arguing about at all, they just look at the flashing jacket repeatedly, hoping to find some clues from the video.


At a time when the Internet is so hot.

At this time Lin Yi has returned to Zhong Hai.

Standing on the ground of Zhong Hai again, Lin Yi still felt a bit of solace in his heart.

The air in my hometown is still sweeter.

He smiled and got off the private jet.

At this time, seven days have passed since the theft of the Louvre.

The time has come to July 22nd.

However, the discussion of Gao Yi on the Internet still does not mean to stop at all.

And in these seven days, Lin Yi has sold 22 pieces of his collection.

Those rich people in Europa are really full of enthusiasm when facing this situation. No matter how high the price is, they are willing to take it, and even during this process, Qin Yunuo is still not low. Selling two more for the price.

Now they have money...even to buy ten such private jets.

But of course, that's not necessary for them at all.

Now money is no longer a problem for them. For Qin Yunuo, what she wants is an action that can truly produce "authentic products". This is a pursuit, especially for her now, In terms of artistic attainments, it is not even worse than everyone in any age.

But just like Van Gogh, before his death, the price of those paintings could not match his own strength and talent.

If Qin Yunuo really wants to create something that is handed down from time to time, then she needs not only strong artistic attainments, but also a lot of luck.

As for Lin Yi... Now what he wants is actually simpler and more straightforward.

He wants to bring down the Zhang family.

Even now he has such a huge wealth, but this money... is still a drop in the bucket for the size of the entire Zhang family.

That's a real behemoth.

If you want to fight against such a family, if you want to solve the problem with money, it is impossible.

"Where are you going?"

After getting off the plane, Qin Yunuo asked.

Lin Yi said, "I'm going to deal with the last two things."

Qin Yunuo was a little puzzled and asked, "What's the point of you wanting that painting?"

"Gao Yi, I really don't understand you."

Lin Yi smiled: "It's a little secret."

"But you'll find out sooner or later."

After speaking, he smoothed the straps on his shoulders and prepared to leave.


Liu Yiyi took a few steps and walked behind Lin Yi, and asked, "Will you come back?"

In the past seven days, Liu Yiyi still didn't have the courage to confess, but she made a plan. If she sees the uncle again next time, she will definitely speak her heart out.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "If you want."

"Of course I'll be back."

Liu Yiyi tilted her head, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence.

But at this time, Lin Yi had already left with two paintings on his back._

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