Chapter 156 Zhang Su's words seem to have opened the door to a new world for James.

He immediately set about doing it.

But neither James nor Zhang Su thought that for Lin Yi, they would make such a choice, in fact, it was already in his expectation.

Because in this case, unless the fish is dead and the net is broken, they have only this option to choose.

However, whether it is James or Zhang Su, these two people are full of a kind of air from high-ranking people.

This kind of posture makes it impossible for them to make such a choice... They can't choose to die.

So this kind of ending was something Lin Yi had already thought of.

What's more, this is also very beneficial to Zhang Su himself, because the name of Gao Yi is stinky, so Zhang Jiacai can do something to Lin Yi.

But Gao Yi also did such a thing, so such an ending naturally occurred.

Zhang Su never thought that all his actions were actually under Lin Yi's control.

He didn't even know that when the truth of all this was revealed in front of him, it would be a more tragic ending for him.

It was even more tragic than the one shot by Liu Yiyi.


That night.

The Bali Daily reported the incident.

Gao Yi's name spread all over the streets again.

"What!? The one who attacked the Louvre turned out to be a heroic captain!?"

"how can that be?"

"Didn't he just land in China? How?"

These Balinese people have limited understanding of Gao Yi, but at least they know the landing of the plane that shocked everyone.

That landing without a landing gear was nothing short of miraculous.

But why would such a person, such a hero, do such a thing?

After the Bali Daily announced the news that night, everyone's attention was on Gao Yi, but no one continued to focus on the theft of the Louvre itself.

Even when the director of the Louvre, James Curator, recorded in the talk show that night, the audience off the stage and those who were eagerly waiting in front of the TV did not show the slightest malice towards James.

"We restored what that man named Gao Yi did in the Louvre."

"First of all, he created a loophole in our network, used fake documents and fake identities, and successfully applied for the security staff of our Louvre."

"According to speculation, he should have entered the Louvre through a secure fire escape and changed his security clothes."

"That way we can avoid inspections at our entrance."

"You know, this inspection is the most rigorous inspection since the Louvre was built."

"In this case, he can think of such a leak, which we have never thought of."

Hearing his explanation, the exclamations of the crowd in the audience came out.

These people couldn't help but start analyzing.

Could it be that this Captain Gao Yi is not a captain at all? Could he be an agent of China?

Why is it possible to do such a thing!?

However, James' explanation is not fully finished.

"But these are just our speculations. We don't know how this man named Gao Yi got into our Louvre."

"Although there are some speculations, we have never found a video of him appearing on the camera."

"Our staff intercepted some situations where Gao Yi appeared at the work site."

"Please look at the situation over there."

Then, they switched to a surveillance video.

The situation at that time is marked by a red circle on the surveillance video.

"what is that?"

"My goodness!"

"He only leaked one corner of his clothes!"

"Didn't the person he used to hide his body find him!?"

"Is the person who helped him hide an accomplice!?"

But this suspicion was immediately dispelled by people.

Not a buddy!

Because that figure is constantly advancing, stopping, advancing, and stopping, his route choice is obviously random. If so many people are his accomplices, where is the Louvre's censorship?

What's more, those people's progress is obviously purposeful. In this case, it is easier to confirm that these people are not accomplices, but real exhibitors!

But this is even more shocking!

It was only at this time that they noticed why the figure could always remain out of the camera.

Why can you be sure to keep your back to the camera and not be found...

Because although he used the bodies of other tourists to hide his tracks, he actually always stood in the blind spot of those tourists' traveling vision!

"What kind of character is this!?"

"It should really be some kind of agent!"

"Isn't that "Hanjiang Fishing Alone" originally belonged to China?"

At this moment, the door of the live broadcast hall was suddenly opened.

A man rushed in.


"Why is our "Hanjiang Fishing Map" lost!?"

"Obviously brought out the Louvre! This is your problem!"

"Damn! Why does this happen!?"

Of course the person James knew, this is Mr. Sakamoto from the Neon National Museum.

His suit was now wrinkled, and he seemed to be in a hurry.

Under such circumstances, he could hardly make the matter very clear.

"Why does this happen?"

"Mr. Sakamoto, we have lost twenty-three items in the Louvre. I would also like to know your question."

Hearing this voice, Sakamoto roared angrily: "The solo fishing picture on display next to our exhibit is completely fake!"

"That must be a trap you set up to defraud insurance!"

"Otherwise, how could this happen!?"

"For the loss of those works of art, you will definitely be able to get a lot of money!"

Hearing this, James' face changed slightly.

He sternly stopped: "You have to be responsible for your own words!"

"Mr Version! You are slander!"

As James's voice rose, the interview turned into a debate.

Lin Yi was on the boat, holding his mobile phone, watching with great interest._

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