Chapter 158 The two paintings on Lin Yi's body, one of which is naturally the "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River".

This painting was his first step to defeat the Zhang family, and it was a beginning.

Although Allure Real Estate has completely lost its competitiveness among real estate developers, the foundation of the Zhang family, Zhang's capital, remains unmoved.

It doesn't even count as a serious injury.

So with this picture, Lin Yi wants to gain a potential, a potential enough to compete with the Zhang family.

This painting is the key.

Another painting is the world-famous "Mona Lisa".

Both paintings belong to Lin Yi.

However, the price of this Mona Lisa is almost higher than the total of the other twenty-two collections.

As for why Qin Yunuo willingly presented this painting to Lin Yi, it was of course because Lin Yi had undertaken too many tasks during that operation.

So this is also a gift.

At this time, Lin Yi was sitting in the taxi, and he has now used the [Disguise Technique] to make a new face and re-entered the urban area of ​​Zhonghai City.

His goal is to bring the criminal justice, and now he wants to meet Tang Wen.

Before leaving Zhong Hai, he had a meeting with Tang Wen, and during that meeting, he cheated out some inexplicable secrets about Tang Wen.

After the Qin Yunuo incident, he was very worried about the safety of these girlfriends, so Tang Wen...

He still wants to meet.

Of course, he had other things to do by the way.

It is related to "Fish Fishing Alone in the Cold River".


Zhang Su was still in the Louvre at this time.

James was very satisfied with the method provided by Zhang Su, which completely took the Louvre out of the event.

Even the insurance company promised to pay for the claims.

But of course, if it wasn't for the method given by Zhang Su, I'm afraid this claim settlement would all fall through.

But obviously, if it is to compensate for these 23 things, it is only one of them, it is just the painting of Mona Lisa's smile, I am afraid that it will be enough for the insurance company to pay for bankruptcy.

However, even if James was satisfied, Zhang Su was very dissatisfied with the effect of this action.

The effect he wanted was people's slander of Gao Yi.

Instead of praise and wonder now!

This was completely unexpected for him.

But if you think about it carefully, when people who have not been exposed to such things in the real world see Lin Yi in action in the Louvre, such a situation will indeed happen. It will indeed make Lin Yi a lonely hero The same character, the kind of calm and calculating, just thinking about it is very exciting.

"Mr. Zhang, are you leaving?"

Zhang Su nodded and left the Louvre without looking back.

Discussions on this matter have just started in China, and the foundation of the Zhang family is in China. What he has to do now is to direct this outlet to his own advantage, so even if the mess in France has not been completely dealt with, It's time to go back home.

Zhang Angxiong's phone calls have already been made one after another. Of course, he knows that Gao Yi is Lin Yi's business, so of course he is very dissatisfied with people's appreciation of Gao Yi.

"Zhang Su, this is what you did well.

"Propaganda of this kind of thing makes Gao Yi a treasure-protecting hero?"

"Are you crazy?"

Zhang Su replied, "Don't worry."

1 "But now it seems that he is a treasure-protecting hero... But these things are always in our hands."

Hearing Zhang Su's words, Zhang Angxiong thought for a moment, and seemed to suddenly understand what Zhang Su meant.

"You mean?"

Zhang Su continued: "Yes, even if he is a hero now, but with the passage of time..."

"If that picture did not appear in China, what would be the result?"

Zhang Angxiong narrowed his eyes, and felt a little praise for Zhang Su's remarks.

Hearing such a voice, he suddenly felt in his heart that if the Zhang family was led by such a person in the future, it might become stronger.

He is very good at using people's hearts, and sitting in the position of the head of the family, you don't have to understand economics or science, but you must have the ability to control people's hearts.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to drive such a huge family.

"It's up to you to do this."

"The momentum has to be suppressed, understand?"

"I will make everyone cooperate with your actions."

"Before killing Lin Yi, the existence of the name Gao Yi must be turned into a piece of garbage!"

Hearing this, Zhang Su's eyes flashed a few cold lights.

Of course he understood what that meant, because it was a method he had devised long ago.

"very good......"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Su snorted coldly.

"It's getting closer and closer to my goal."


Zhang Su has not landed at Zhonghai Airport yet.

But his order had already been conveyed in Zhong Hai.

On the Internet, there have been voices smearing Gao Yi.

"Why did Gao Yi suddenly go to Bali in Xilin?"

"Why is the incident at the Neon Mount Fuji Airport no longer exposed? I remember that after landing, there were obviously a lot of reports about this incident, but it disappeared soon. Who is in charge?"

"It's really interesting. Although Hanjiang's solo fishing map is lost, he hasn't returned to China. What kind of treasure protection hero are you talking about?"

"Stop kidding, he's a liar!"

"I don't know if it was due to luck when flying a plane. Modern people are really easy to be influenced by others."

A lot of these comments, suddenly occupy the high point.

Lots and lots of people expressing different opinions under the comments.

"Even if it was sent back, would you report it if it was you?"

"Flying on a plane and getting lucky? Why don't you try to hit one?"

"Liar? What kind of liar can take things in the Louvre? I can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

However, such objections were instantly overwhelmed by the navy.

In the face of an organized and disciplined network of navy, no matter how powerful a person is, no matter how justified, he is still a person after all.

However, the vast majority of people are actually like what the navy said "following what others say"

Those who speak out against their opinions first will stand on the commanding heights to slander others, but whoever has the opposite point of view will be fatally attacked.

Under such a state, those who are the real majority, those who are silent are gradually being swayed by these network navy.

Their thinking is changing subtly.

Many people are reluctant to think.

But it was helped by some people with ulterior motives.

And the result of this thought...

It's hard to tell if it's right or wrong.

But people who believe in the results of this thinking, of course, have identified their own ideas...

Zhang Su didn't spend a lot of money.

But most people's thoughts on Gao Yi have been changed...

This is his goal._

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