Chapter 16 After hearing Qin Yunuo's words, Liu Yiyi felt a little at ease.

Although the two of them can use their fake identities and some special channels to come and go freely, if they return to the country under such circumstances, they are likely to face a situation of arrest upon landing.

But since Qin Yunuo said it was fine, Liu Yiyi naturally didn't worry about anything.

She has absolute trust in Qin Yunuo, and she believes that her sister Qin is absolutely correct, no matter in terms of means or values.

"Hopefully everything goes well in the future."

She muttered to herself.

At this time, the faces of the other passengers on the plane were filled with happiness and the joy of being alive again.

Just when Liu Yiyi was praying in her heart that everything would go smoothly, she was suddenly patted on the shoulder by someone behind her.


"Are you with the captain boy?"

"What's his name?"

"We all want to thank him."

Hearing this, other thoughts in Liu Yiyi's heart were fleeting.

At this time, she felt a little proud in her heart. Although this pride was inexplicable, the feeling of being proud was not fake.

"His name is Gao Yi, and he's an antique appraiser."

Hearing the hint of pride in Liu Yiyi's tone, Qin Yunuo shook her head slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But after hearing Liu Yiyi's words, the woman who asked the question was taken aback.

"What!? It turned out to be an antique appraiser?"

"What does this identification of antiques have to do with flying a plane?"

"This boy is too good!"

"But no matter what, I also thank him for being able to save us all..."

"He's amazing!"

The old woman's voice attracted everyone on the plane.

The name "Gao Yi" was also spread all over the plane.

And when they knew that Lin Yi was not a professional flying plane at all, the feeling of amazement and admiration came out even more spontaneously.

It made the cabin warm again. For this savior, at least at this moment, no matter how many words of praise are not exaggerated.

However, Lin Yi himself did not hear these compliments.

Now their route has been confirmed, and the airspace towards Xilin City has also been cleared. Under special circumstances, the China Aviation Administration has made the most adequate preparations to ensure that the plane can land successfully!

At this time, Lin Yi is communicating with Xilin.

"Yes, we have a problem with the landing gear, but the situation is not certain."

"I didn't do the check in this case either..."

The staff at Xilin Tower were very polite to Lin Yi.

"We've vacated the airport now, and there won't be any nearby flights to interfere with your landing two hours before you're about to land."

"As for the landing gear, the ground really can't help. Generally speaking, even if the landing gear is damaged, the emergency mechanism will allow it to be forcibly opened..."

"The estimated flight time is six hours, and you will arrive in the airspace of Xilin Airport around three o'clock in the afternoon."

"You should know better than me in this regard, and I hope you all go well."

Lin Yi also probably understood his current situation.

Facing the other party's blessing, he opened his mouth and said, "Thank you."

However, the other party did not cut off contact at this time: "There is a reporter from a TV station here who wants to interview you. I wonder if you want to be interviewed?"

"Of course, you can choose to refuse."

This time Lin Yi didn't even think about it: "We may not be able to land safely. Even if we want to interview, we will talk about it when we all survive."

After saying this, Xilin Tower didn't say much, just raised the last question.

"Captain, we still don't know which airline you belong to?"

"We must communicate with your airline about your heroic deeds."

Hearing this question, Lin Yi said truthfully: "I'm not from any airline, and I'm not a serious captain, I'm just an appraiser who appraises antiques."

Hearing this, the tower fell into silence for a while.

At this time, in the liaison center of Xilin Airport Tower, the liaison officer was full of leaders from various departments of the airport, and even the highest-level leaders of many airlines here.

In addition to these leaders, many media outlets are specially allowed to stay here.

Although Lin Yi couldn't hear anything and was very quiet during the whole conversation, there were actually a lot of people standing in this room.

But after hearing Lin Yi's words, they were all stunned.

"Antique appraiser?"

"Is this a joke?"

"It's like a joke, but what's there to hide from the airline it is affiliated with?"

They looked at each other blankly, and both saw the shock and incomprehension in each other's eyes.

The heroic captain who saved nearly 200 lives turned out to be an amateur?

The words that Principal Sun Chengying said before...

They were waiting for this first-hand news, but they did not expect the first-hand news 1 to be like this!

In the expectations of these people, they didn't expect to hear any special situation, even if it was a trainee captain, it was within the scope of their understanding.

But at this time, the other party said that he was not related to any airline at all?

Is this a joke or what?

For a while, even the liaison didn't know what to say.

After a long silence, the liaison officer asked hesitantly, "Sir, are you kidding me?"

Lin Yi was a little tired and was not in the mood to listen to his nonsense.

"No kidding, I'll cut off contact if there's nothing to do."

Hearing this, the liaison officer immediately asked, "I don't know what your name is, sir?"

Lin Yi said smoothly, "Gao Yi."

"Okay, Mr. Gao, we will fully cooperate with your landing..."

Halfway through speaking, the liaison officer's voice stopped abruptly.

He turned around and glanced at the leader and said, "He cut off contact."

The person in charge of the airport was also full of shock, he was still unimaginable, but the fact that the other party took the initiative to cut off contact really highlighted the fact that he was not a serious pilot.

However, the silence in the entire hall did not last long.


This is big news!

It didn't take long for the relevant situation to spread on the Internet--

"Shocked! The hero captain is not a pilot!"_

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