Chapter 15 While people were eagerly waiting, Professor Sun Chengying's voice finally came again.

"It wasn't until the Boeing plane took off again that I really understood why it chose the most unlikely runway for takeoff."

"As we have said before, the three major elements of a plane's take-off are speed, lift, and propulsion."

"These three elements complement each other and are indispensable."

"Generally speaking, when the runway is not long enough, it is impossible for the aircraft to take off."

"But in that case, the captain used another method to allow the plane to take off."

"Since the speed is not enough and the lift is not enough, then create the speed and lift yourself!"

Professor Sun Chengying's tone became more excited.

In this case, people's emotions were also mobilized.

To create speed and lift yourself? What's the situation?

Principal Sun Chengying continued to explain: "Although the length of the runway is not enough, in that case, the other runways may not be stable, or there may be other deficiencies..."

"That's why he took the risk and created his own speed and lift..."

"It's because we've all forgotten one thing...the manufacture of airplanes has a strong aerodynamic foundation."

"In the process of gliding, that is also a runway!"

Hearing this, everyone's heart seemed to be suddenly shocked!

No wonder that plane rushed down the cliff without hesitation, it was because of this!

Although the runway is not long enough! But with the help of gliding time, further acceleration is performed to gain lift!

People were suddenly enlightened at this moment, and the praise for the captain in their hearts was indescribable!

Everyone's heart is very excited, to think of such a life-threatening approach even in a desperate situation, this captain is really amazing!

Sun Chengying continued to explain.

"In this case, the propulsion is owned by the aircraft engine itself, and under the action of the propulsion, the speed is continuously improved, and the lift is further increased!"

"In a gliding situation, they use the lift from the flaps to allow them to take off in that situation!"

"I have to say, this is a genius idea!"

"If he hadn't had a solid understanding of aerodynamics, if he hadn't had an almost instinctive judgment on flying, he would never have made such a choice!"

"I really want to know what kind of person this heroic captain is. If I am fortunate enough to make friends with him, it must be a blessing in my life!"

"The purpose of our study of theories is to be able to apply these theories in practice one day, but I didn't do it, but the captain did!"

"No matter who he is or where he is talking, he is a person worthy of respect!"

His tone was very enthusiastic.

When people listened to the tone of his speech, they were even more affected by the emotion in it.

That is an incomparably powerful. The hero who saved hundreds of lives, even his own life was included in the gamble!

At this time, the host of the news channel also clearly showed excitement.

Although he tried his best to suppress his emotions, he couldn't control his trembling voice.

"Thank you very much, Principal Sun, for his explanation."

"We can understand that the impact of this earthquake is huge, not only causing huge losses to Neon Shizuoka Prefecture, but also..."

Speaking of which, the host's voice suddenly stopped abruptly.

The change in her eyes can even be captured by the audience in front of the TV.

Immediately, people became more nervous.

In the end what happened?

A blush appeared on the host's face, looking even more excited.

She immediately changed the conversation and said, "Dear audience, we have received a contact from China's aviation management department..."

The host's voice became more and more trembling.

And when people heard what she was saying, their eyes widened, not wanting to miss every word she said.

"Transfer to China Aviation Administration via Neon Tokyo Airport..."

"This flight AU2132 is heading to Xilin Airport, and the 189 passengers on board, including the crew members, are all our compatriots!"

"This is a heroic plane that rescued nearly 200 compatriots in our country!"

"That's a heroic captain who saved 188 lives!"

For a time, everyone was shocked.

They thought that there might be Chinese compatriots on that plane, but they never imagined that all the Chinese people on that plane were actually from China!

Among the thousands of households, bursts of cheers erupted!

That is their compatriot, that is the hero of China!

"We haven't contacted the specific situation of the plane yet. Now, according to the description of the staff of China Airlines, they are planning and sorting out the route of flight AU213."

"If possible, I will share the good news with everyone as soon as possible."

"My Taiwan has already been in contact with the airline and will provide you with the first news as soon as possible."

"At the same time, I would like to thank Principal Sun again for the popular science and explanations brought to us..."

For a time, the whole China was a sensation!

To save so many lives is a worthy hero!

But people don't know at this time that the hero they are passing on by word of mouth created the extremely shocking Lin Yi for them twenty-four hours ago!

At this time, the whole network was shocked, the plane was rushing towards China.

In China, all relevant personnel have also begun intensive preparations.

They have been informed that there is a problem with the aircraft's landing gear, and they must make sure that the aircraft can land safely at this time no matter what!

This is a major event that all China is paying attention to!

Regardless of the cost, human life is the priority!


On the plane, Lin Yi also told everyone about this through the radio.

Their destination is the domestic Xilin.

In the cabin, there is also a boiling sound!

Liu Yiyi frowned and looked at Qin Yunuo, a little worried.

But Qin Yunuo said, "Don't worry."

"Even if it landed in the country..."

"It won't make any difference."

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