Chapter 17 Lin Yi turned on auto-cruise mode immediately after cutting off contact.

The overload of his brain made him unable to lift his eyelids at this moment.

Fortunately, there is still a period of time before the seaside city of Xilin, otherwise Lin Yi will really have to face such a chaotic brain and land with a problem with the landing gear.

In this case, no matter how powerful Lin Yi is, the possibility of a situation will be so great that it will be outrageous, not to mention that at this time Lin Yi has resisted all the pressure alone?

"I'll take a break, four hours."

"Be sure to wake me up."

After he left such a sentence, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Song Qingsong didn't say much, just cheered up.

He knew very well how tired Lin Yi was. When the plane took off successfully, the Lin Yi he saw in his eyes was almost bloodless.

In this case, Lin Yi would hurry up and rest, which is of course excusable.

What's more, the airspace has been cleared by the Neon Aviation Administration on this route, and there will be no dangerous situation.

Unless a meteorite hits the sky at this time.


However, when Lin Yi closed his eyes and rested, it was already boiling within China!

An article titled "Captain Hero Is Not A Pilot" quickly topped the list of major traffic platforms!

Gao Yi's name spread to thousands of households in an instant, reprinted in countless circles of friends, and recompiled countless public accounts and media accounts, so that the meaning contained in this article can be expanded and expanded!

"Gao Yi, an antique appraiser, turned out to be the heroic captain who saved two hundred Chinese compatriots!?"

"How on earth did he fly a plane!?"

"Is this kind of thing really possible for ordinary people to do?"

"What ordinary people can do? Can you really fly a plane as a person?"

"This Gao Yi is definitely a genius, and he already had a certain understanding of flying a civil airliner before that..."

"If it weren't for that, it would never have been possible to discover anything else, and we should know what exactly happened in this case."

"Gao Yi is awesome! I don't know what kind of person he is!"

Wan Qian had just put down his pen at the time when he was in the Criminal Division of Zhonghai.

He had written all night's report, plus this morning.

The matter of Lin Yi was still haunting his mind, and the more he wrote the facts he learned on the file, the more shocked he felt.

This Lin Yi is really amazing. He has calculated everything, and even planned all the things that can be calculated to the extreme.

But at this moment, Wan Qian's heart has a trace of doubt.

The Qin Bureau asked him to investigate Tang Wen's affairs... What did he want him to investigate?

Tang Wen suddenly disappeared in Qingcheng Building, where did she go during the period of her disappearance?

And the sniper rifle bullet that killed Dong Wei... Who is that? Later, someone from the appraisal department said that in the construction site of the second phase of Qingcheng Real Estate, an obvious reaction of gunpowder smoke was found. That is to say, someone is indeed prepared to be there to support Lin Yi...

Tang Wen disappeared during that time period, so is it possible that Tang Wen fired the shot?

Doubts filled his mind.

Moreover, the enhanced security at the airport and the station did not find any trace of Lin Yi, not even any trace of Lin Yi, as if he disappeared from the world in an instant after that!

The Zhang family also suddenly started to move this morning...

If the strength of the Zhang family adds to the chaos under this circumstance, then the task of bringing up the Criminal Division will be much more important.

And as Zhang Yu said, Qingcheng Real Estate does have a certain influence on the legal department of Xiqing District.

If such situations are all linked together, it may be prone to more problems...

Countless questions reverberated in Wan Qian's mind for a while, especially after writing the document, his already dizzy mind became even more convoluted, like a mess.


Wan Qian let out a long sigh, wanting to let those complicated emotions express through this tone.

But not only did he not express it, but instead he saw the group of dejected guys in the office.

Wan Qian only felt a little embarrassed in his heart now.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to divert his attention. But as soon as he turned on his mobile phone, he saw the "Captain Hero" incident that was popular all over the Internet.


"Gao Yi?"

"An antique appraiser can fly a plane? It's amazing..."

"This year has been really calamitous."

He thought so, and then browsed the discussion on the Internet at will, but he found that there was no news or discussion related to Lin Yi on the Internet at this time.

When thinking of this, Wan Qian was stunned for a moment, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The efficiency in this kind of thing is still really outrageous."

Wan Qian thought that someone had the power to suppress this matter, and used this new news to regain the popularity, so that people would forget about Lin Yi as soon as possible.

Wan Qian thought it was right, but what he didn't know was that Lin Yi was actually behind the news that was used by those people to cover up the Qingcheng real estate incident.

It's a funny thing...

But when it comes to light, it will become even more sensational.


Time passed quickly, and it was only the last hour before flight AU2132 landed at Xilin Airport.

Dusk is falling silently, and the color of the sky has gradually become warmer.

However, at this time, the country does not know how many media rushed to Xilin Airport.

"Hello, friends from the audience, this is a reporter from Xilin TV Station. We are waiting for the plane to land at the scene..."

"This is the CCTV news channel, we are in Xilin..."

"CNN International News will be on the scene for you."

Clearly, there is a big hand behind it.

If not, how could the airport possibly let in so much media?

The Zhang family wanted to use this incident to minimize the impact of Lin Yi.

Under Zhang Su's suggestion, Zhang Angxiong quickly began to use the ability of Zhang's capital to expand the title of "Hero Captain" as much as possible.

However, they don't know that this approach is actually helping Lin Yi...

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