Chapter 11 Zhang Duo looked at the situation in front of him, and his mood suddenly tightened.

"Rush out!"

"That plane... went down the cliff!"

At this time, in the live broadcast, in the blurred picture, people watched the plane rush out of the broken runway and held their breaths.

The last picture they could see was that the plane rushed towards the bottom of the cliff, and then quickly disappeared from the camera.


A palpitating silence passed.

Zhang Duo's silence made everyone feel extremely uneasy.

All that can be seen on the screen is the rushing lava...

Everything was swallowed up by the hot lava, and explosions came from where the lava left, and the entire airport seemed to be gradually collapsing...

This tragic scene is very shocking. The power from nature, even if it just looks, knows that it is hard to stop.

At this moment, Zhang Duo's voice also came out at the same time.

"terribly sorry......"

"We lost the perspective of that plane."


"We can only hope that there will be survivors who are lucky enough to survive this disaster."

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast felt that hopeless depression.

Just a little swap of identities, and you'll know that if you're in that plane... that must be a terrifying thing.


At the airport, the neon people who were denied boarding by Lin Yi were standing at the top of the airport.

By this time the lava had eroded the reinforced concrete standing under their feet, and the glass had even begun to soften under the absolute heat.

They looked grimly at the situation in front of them, and when they saw that the plane rushed down the cliff, they forced a smile on their terrified faces.

This smile is cruel and ferocious. Under the circumstance that they are known to die, their only expectation is to let the arrogant Chinese people die in the plane with those Chinese people!

Look forward to them turning into a spark, looking forward to them dying before you!

And seeing the plane rushing straight down, the dark expectations in their hearts were satisfied.

"You are dead!"


"Damn it's Chinese people! You suffered death before us! This is the punishment of the mountain!"

At this time, the ground under their feet was sinking, and the blazing high temperature was gradually causing the ground around them to spontaneously ignite.

Even though the temperature of the lava was not enough to make the reinforced concrete burn, the waterproof layer of the airport roof under their feet could no longer withstand such high temperature and began to ignite spontaneously.

At this time, the people crowded here have begun to panic.

But they don't have any means of putting out the fire at all. They can only take off their clothes and slap the ground, but this has no effect and can't reduce the temperature at all... There is no possibility of stopping the burning, but instead It's that the clothes on many people's hands have begun to burn...


The human body's ignition point...

Only about 200 degrees Celsius...

In this case, they couldn't stop the temperature from continuing to rise, and some people started to spontaneously ignite!

He turned into a ball of fire in an instant!

This scene is too terrifying! It's like a prison! The man's body is full of raging flames...

He screamed and tried to ask for help from others, but there was no such possibility at all...

As he approached, others began to burn, and some fell off the eaves in too much fear.

But in the mid-air of the fall, there was a roaring sound, and it turned into a fireball and fell into the lava!

"Do not!"

"Save me!"

The man whose chin was suffocated by Lin Yi's kick looked at the current situation, and his heart was full of horror. He gradually retreated towards the corner. At this time, the place where he was standing was the highest point, and there was no danger of spontaneous combustion. .....

But at this time, his lips were purple and his body was sweating profusely. He looked at the people in front of him, looking at their appearance, and his heart was full of fear.

"Do not......"

"It shouldn't be like this..."

"How could I die in such a place!"


He was a little angry, but at this moment, his palm suddenly burst into flames!

"Do not!"

He subconsciously wanted to cover the flame on his hand with his other hand, but under such action, the clothes on his body were immediately ignited, even if he was the last survivor, he would inevitably suffer such a fate!

His body also started to burn!

"damn it!"

"how so!"

"No... those Chinese will surely die before us!"


on the plane.

Lin Yi flew the plane down the cliff.

His face was extremely pale at this time, and the sweat on his forehead also showed how nervous this scene was!

[Brain Activity 1v2] After being unable to handle such high-intensity calculations, Lin Yi has no intention of giving up.

He had to make sure his brain was still doing calculations!

At this moment, his eyes were almost pitch black, and all he could see had become lines and planes.

At this moment, it felt as if he had not slept for seven or eight nights in a row, but he was trying to force himself to go home.

At this time, Lin Yi is forcing himself to keep his eyes open...

Although it is impossible to see anything, those light-sensing visual signals can eventually be transmitted to the brain.

Through body sensing, Lin Yi can know that the plane is diving...

He immediately flipped the flap button to increase the lift of the plane again.

With the help of [Derivation Ability], fluid mechanics combined with the data from [Thinking Hall], Lin Yi is betting on that last chance!

"Fly for me!!!!"

He had goosebumps all over his body.

His palm is pushing the power handle of the engine!

The beeping warning sound was constantly echoing in the cockpit.

trembling violently...

The violent shaking of the fuselage made Lin Yi wonder if the Boeing 737 was about to disintegrate in mid-air.

At this time, he had already gritted his teeth, not daring to relax at all.

"Three hundred meters..."

"Two hundred meters..."

"One hundred and fifty meters..."

At this time in the gliding, the speed of descent is weakening!

Lin Yi knows this is good news...but with such a size, the chances are still too slim!

"Get me up!!!"

"One hundred meters!"

"Seventy meters!"

The screeching beeps of aircraft altitude warnings are getting more intense...

"Fifty meters!"

"Forty meters!"

"Thirty meters!!"

At this moment, the warning sound suddenly stopped abruptly!

When the nose is only 30 meters above the ground...stop the glide!

Their speed and lift are at takeoff levels!

Lin Yi made it!!

This Boeing 737 crossed a hurricane on the face, and then climbed sharply!

Straight to the sky!_

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